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Posts posted by Shankelton

  1. 1 hour ago, novakai said:

    Honestly the Gutbuster range is pretty solid for the most part it just need rules and a plastic hero

    In a perfect world, Guts would get a Daughters sized release with endless spells and Maw terrain.

    Though, honestly, I wouldn't mind the spells being prayers instead.  Worship seems to fit them a bit better then magic.

    The troops range is just so solid. A great foundation just like Daughters had.

    Edit: Oh, and retire the Gorger and Butcher w/o cauldron. Hate those sculpts xD

  2. 11 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    Maybe Khorne artefacts work the same way? Cause you know a Order wizard pulling a Khorne prayer back to you does not make much sense...

    True, though Khorne cares not from where the blood flows. xD

    If that's the case, I wouldn't mind it having the ability to damage your troops. Might be an interesting bit of kit since Khorne generally likes things to be dying.
    WHo knows, will be cool to see what, if any, innovation the book brings! Hopefully no more bloodsecrator reliance haha.

  3. 1 minute ago, Minis by Night said:

    Man, those Khorne Endless Spells Prayers are hot! Can you hear that chainsaw sound from Doom? Rip n' Tear!
    For those wondering "Why Khorne, and why now?" is probably just to cash in on the recent release of Wrath and Rapture, or it could even just be that these book and spells are ready, and others are not quite ready yet. But if they rewrote that book, it's pretty much a confirmation that we'll see a new version of all the AoS 1 books before the end of the year.

    As for everything else, a lot of teasers and not much meat around the bone, so rather... unsatisfying. Some very cool new CSM though!

    Agreed! Plus the fact they aren't spells does also herald them expanding into the non-magic armies like BCR. Which, also given the affirment that even more battletomes are coming, means a good chance BCR or Gutbusters will get an update!

    That skull looks like the most fragile model imaginable though! xD

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, novakai said:

    I mean indicate that it be Gutbuster, soulblight, Stormcast, and Fyreslayer release this year

    Wouldn't put too much stock in the images. Those are the pictures that have represented the grand alliances for some time.

    Though, it does confirm lots of tomes. Plus the fact we ALREADY are getting another one in Blades of Khorne. I'd be hype!

    Awesome show. Way more then I expected. Interested to see where it's going.
    Continued soulwars, with mention of chambers opening. Possible meddling in unstable power by sigmar to try and right the balance Nagash upset.


  5. Just now, Kramer said:

    Yeah not sure either. Might just be indicators of all grand alliances. Ogors have been that in the artwork more often.  Notice the squids in the background. 

    That's the generic icons I think. Its on the community site so I wouldn't assume that means those specific factions are coming for sure.

    Though... Gutbuster battletome confirmed. I've got the fatties on the desk right now after getting a load of them for free. Time to give them some TLC.


    • Like 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Rumour over on dakka is that we will get a big stormcast fortress scenery kit. Ray Dranfield has said several times that he wants to do a modular scenery kit for AoS in the style of the recent 40k kits. If this is it, I am all in. 

    Finally, stormcast I can get behind! :P

    Super down for proper city terrain!

    • Like 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Is there any rumour about disposessed gettinmg the 1 week release treatment? (that'd be great, then I could fight those gobbos at my doorstep with renewed vigour!)

    Currently none that I know of! Only rumors I know are the community crafted ones regarding the Duardin ruins baked into the troggoth and dankhold kits.


    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    they‘re a 2 Billion GBP Company which uses cheap „tricks“ you would expect from a shady Chinese business. 

    Personally I can't say I view it that way. Using methods to produce, at least for me, good, flavorful models in a more efficient manner is really only a good thing. If that justifies more models, and more importantly more battletomes updated to the AoS.2 standard, then that's only a positive for the game.

    Of course I understand the sourness. Like @novakai said, we all want that sweet, sweet Gloomspite treatment. Flesheater courts could certainly go for more models, as I always found them a little samey. Then again, their flavor never really spoke to me anyways so I doubt I would have ever collected them anyways!

    Beasts of chaos only really got a new terrain piece, and a handful of endless spells.... that took them from a faction I thought would just fade away to winning major events, and being the subject of a lot of positive hobby discussion.

    • Like 8
  9. 5 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    What do you think they will show for aos at LVO? I was expecting the tomes for these factions to be part of that. 

    Agreed, I feel it will have a 40k focus for sure. 

    Given the pace, I would expect some kind of teaser that will build over the next month, for whatever the next big release is. I think it will be AoS related, as I think the vigils countdown hasn't expired yet.

    Money's on Darkoath or slaneesh, linking them to the soul wars story building. Bias says Slaneesh first, as it makes sense to finish the four (five including skaven tome now) chaos gods, and then culminate in a massive everchosen/slaves rework/recombine.  With darkoath, of course, being the new hotness... maybe with some varanguard esc. style sculpts for chosen command.

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, lord_blackfang said:

    Well, that was the final nail in NDA's shitpost coffin, wasn't it?


    As a FEC player, sad for no plastic Varghulf, but what we're gettign is already beyond my wildest dreams.

    Yeah, what a shot in the arm for both Skaven and FeC! I'm pumped for everyone who's planning to collect them. Can't wait to see them pop up more in the meta

    • Like 2
  11. 41 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    All we really know is that those of us who applied for the GW game designer job had to work up alligiance abilities for gutbusters as the assessment exercise.

    Curious, do you know if anyone posted their submissions/ talked about their vision regarding those allegiance abilities? Seems like a fun read if they have!

  12. 1 minute ago, novakai said:

    I mean Skaven, FEC, Slaanesh, and Darkoath is already a lot of tomes to begin with (if rumors are true), granted I do expect the Chaos release to be somewhat spaced from one and another. and there always a chance that there a stormcast Battletome this year.

    True, the current rumors already fill up a good chunk of the year's releases! Not to mention Fyreslayers was also a tome rumor that was churning around.

  13. 1 minute ago, HollowHills said:

    Codex Black Legion will come in March, but a lot of the new units will have <legion> keyword so will work for the other guys too. 

    Expect Ynnari to get a model release with their own range, so they aren't just using a mix of dark eldar and craftworlds. Will that be this year? Don't know.

    Sisters of Battle are obviously coming. I also expect more primaris at somepoint. 

    To be honest 2019 will be fairly light on aos I think, I think we will get a campaign book like malign portents and more boxes in the style of carrion empire. 

    Maybe a soul wars related campaign in Chamon? 

    I'd be fine with a light model year,  but i'd hope we see a good deal of tome releases if that's the case. Those have a much faster turn around, and an injection of rules for fairly fleshed out armies would do wonders for the health of the game. If someone told me BoC were going to win a major event a year ago, i'd have laughed at them. xD

    Not that AoS is at all in an unhealthy state mind you! xD 

  14. Just now, TheR00zle said:

    Do we have any more news on gutbusters? I’m sorry I just have about 30 of them and want to know when I should begin rebasing.

    Nothing that I know of. Been some minor rumblings that they *might* get a battletome in the next 12 months, but nothing I would consider remotely concrete.

  15. Yeah, totally understand where the site is coming from. 

    It's unfortunate, but as a consumer I do appreciate the rumors! Will just have to wait if there was validity to them. If most of them do prove to be true in the coming months, then that certainly was a huge breach of an NDA if we got even a vague idea of the schedule for the next year+.

    I'll still undoubtedly get sucked into GW's teaser hype though. Those voiced shorts and teasers are my crack. xD

  16. 1 hour ago, amysrevenge said:

    True, and can you imagine a modern 2019 plastic Slaan, with all the latest tools and tricks at their disposal?  So many different directions they could go with such a kit...

    Would look pretty sick! I'm just excited to see what people will do with some kind of constellation endless spell. 

    Honestly, I'm just as excited about that Gutbuster rumor. The ogres have aged real well, but I'm pumped what additions could look like with the tools today! Here's hoping the DoK style update rumor is true!


  17. I'd give you another reaction @Ndabreaker, but I'm out for the day! haha

    Thanks for the compiled list. Real interesting that Gutbusters might be getting a few new models! Certainly more then I expected, but hype if true!

    Also will be great if Dispossessed rumor is spot on. Knew we wouldn't get a book for sometime, but allowing us to take artillery without wasting ally points is a great way to toss us a bone well we wait! 

  18. Thanks again @Ndabreaker for all the rumors! Been an interesting read, and fun speculation!

    Seen a screen shot floating around as well confirming Greenskinz are history, so might not see them roll into Ironjawz, or at least only choice units.

    Have seen people ask about death, with no info. To be a tad more specific, has your source heard anything regarding soulblight or vampires? I suspect no, but has been a range within LoN who could use it!

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