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Everything posted by Shankelton

  1. Big rumors atm are that KO, Syl, and Fireslayers are on the docket for updated battletomes. Of course, Flesheater Courts, and skaven were an un-predicted release, same with Khorne. It's really anyones guess whats coming... but considering Chaos got two battletomes so far, and Death is now up to date, Order is definitely on the menu. As is destruction, as the faction in general has been languishing lately.
  2. Feel we need to see the next battletome teasers if they are keeping up to the schedule. Probably some kind of sisters update for 40k. Though I imagine it'd be 40k light after Shadowspear. My personal guess for battletomes, prob KO and Sylv. As much as I'd love Ogors, I really doubt it's in the cards lol
  3. Any of you got some of them juicy Adepticon rumors? I need my fix!
  4. This is like... my dream kit xD. Awesome little find, if it's not real then it freaking should be! Particularly fond of the beast. Super sweet!
  5. Don't know what I managed to do to spawn 4 posts, but ok then lol. Agreed. Nothing i've found or read supports the idea will be getting more factions. Community has even reaffirmed multiple times that this will being delving into chaos in new and interesting ways. Everything else is just wishlisting at this point. Can't say im interested at all in Warcry anymore. I'm sick of the boxed games, and this just turned into another one. it seems.
  6. Fair. I'm sure there will be some very creative sculpts, and takes on the forces of chaos that will only flesh out the world more. But there's just no getting around the Chaos only thing for me. One of the biggest problems I have with AoS is that, still, everything feels so laser focused on Chaos and Stormcast. Of course, that is warhammer... no issue with it being a huge focus, but im still waiting for my factions to even get a mention in story content. Now this thing I was looking forward to comes around, and the parts of the world I want to see fleshed out arn't even invited to the table. lol. Sure it'll be great, but for the moment all I feel over this release is sour. Can't get over the design choice lol.
  7. Where did they say this? All I saw were non-answers, or quoting that the article stated they were focusing on delving into Chaos. No mention of additional factions or grand alliances, and those allegiance icons were all chaos related.
  8. Chaos only... Never did I remotely expect to be sandbagged by Warcry, but here we are. It sounds great, I guess? It is, at its core, what I was hoping for. AoS Killteam. Narrative elements, mordhiem-esc progression. The sculpts look great, interesting and diverse. But seriously, Chaos only? Reading through the facebook comments it is just the starter, but all the talk is about it delving deeper into Chaos. Likely with representation from all four of the gods in new and interesting ways. All I wanted was a skirmish game to collect bits and pieces of different factions. Maybe make an Ogre team, pick up a little chaos, perhaps even some order factions... I just don't get it. Basically just turned it into a boxed game by restricting it to only one grand alliance. I might just be tired, but I don't think I've been this disappointed in a reveal since... forever. Congrats for people only interested in Chaos I guess. Hope they eventually open it up to more factions, but now looking at the premise and comments, I really doubt it.
  9. Yeah, this is a bit of a flop haha. Really don't need a teaser on top of a teaser... Though, this definitely reeks of Egyptian themes. Azyr and an Oasis city, The skull Iconography, the dogs/cats guarding the entrance to the vault... TOMB KINGS CONFIRMED... OR MORE LIKELY, TOMB KINGS BUT NEW AND AOS-FLASHY!!! A god, Nagash, Regretting what he has done, inadvertently wake up Settra. ... that, or GW just really twisting that knife
  10. Agreed. Never underestimate how plans might change over time. What GW planned a few years ago might, and likely isn't, what they are doing now. Ogres I feel might be a bit more safe then Greenkinz were, but any old fantasy range that has yet to receive an update isn't safe. I would be especially reserved about buying elves in general. Who knows, maybe GW decides that Ogor's are better suited to only the BCR flavor. Squat the Gutbusters and focus their energy on updating BCR.
  11. Right there with you. But I'm not remotely holding my breath I'll be happy with even a teaser for an, any army
  12. I disagree! I think that infringes far too much on Ogors, and Darkoath. Ogors are that bridge for humans to destruction, and should really be developed as such. I think if you want barbarian's Darkoath will be your go too, playing off the spiritual side of barbarian tribes, where they are feral and uncorrupt in nature... only embracing the primordial forces of chaos in their base forms. For example, they don't worship Khorne like the bloodbound. They worship the IDEA of Khorne. What it can do for them, not so much what they can do for Khorne. The gods are simply an entity, a thing to garner favor for their own ends. At their core, they are still "uncorrupted". They are, after all... Slaves. 😆
  13. That's a pretty long shot rumor imo xD. Still, thanks for sharing it! No way they squat the plastic Ogre range. Unless there is some unforeseen disaster and the molds crack/ are in poor shape, those kits still stand up to scrutiny. My two cents, just from a business perspective, if Gutbusters are getting an update (which they SHOULD ) they fit the release style that GW used with DoK. Ogre's are not a popular enough faction, or in dire enough need, to get a huge release like Gloomspite gitz. They have solid troops, and they're in plastic, and good supporting piece in the scrap launcher. What they lack is a defined HQ kit, and some additional toys. If anything will get squated it will be the resin characters. They have a ton of character, but GW is trying to shift to plastic. Some might stick around, but not all. It's more likely that the entire range would just be squatted, then being squatted and replaced by the same thing but "bigger, and fatter". I could, however, see a new butcher/tyrant HQ kit BEING bigger then other ogres. Just to make them pop on the table more! I do agree that if we see an update, it will certainly have some fire/food theme though. Works too well with the beastclaw, and the firebelly will surely influence the design team.
  14. It might get a mention at GAMA, but considering that all factions get this little build up prior to their release on WH-Com I'd imagine this is referring to the site, not the event. They don't really do rules discussion at the tradeshows. They're there to show off models and such, the community site is where you get the deep dives and precursors.
  15. Good point Since this is the last confirmed release getting a tentative date, means we might actually be getting the next army reveal afterall! Or at least the next breadcrumb trailer. Calling it now, it'll be Slaneesh narrative focused with updated Slaves to Darkness (darkoath) trailing soon behind. Since Archaon will likely be stepping back into the narrative with a consolidated chaos at his back. Also, I wouldn't at all be surprised if Tzeentch had a tome in the works too. If Khorne is getting one, I can see GW wanting to bring ALL chaos into 2.0. Even if Tzeentch's book isn't bad in the least.
  16. Khorne stuff looks good. Should keep them tided over for quite some time considering the goodies they've already received. Terrain piece is ok, kinda eh. For me anyways. Happy for the boys in red. Hope the Battletome fixes some of the problems, cause I really don't want to see another one for a while xD.
  17. Mentions the "previewing the future of multiple Warhammer games." Doesn't sound like something army related, or at the very least the prose is weird if their referring to AoS and 40k as Warhammer games. I'd imagine its more board games. Absolute best case scenario, in my opinion, would be Warcry. That's the only big teased release that I know fits the description. Hot on the heels of Vigilis reveals I can't imagine there'd be even more 40k. Whatever it is, I'd imagine it'll have a AoS focus! Underworld killteams are also a great possibility But hey, maybe it is more codex. We can dream haha
  18. I love it honestly. Very much reminds me of colonial trade. Can just imagine Karahdron ships laden with all manner of exotic goods, great caravans transporting things beyond the more mundane idea of gold. Well we still have said currency, in realm-stone, that acts the universal standard. Quality article, and great narrative fuel! Also, anyone got any sweet, sweet ogor rumors? Just finished painting the flesh on my ebay rescue and I need tome motivation
  19. Very true! I suppose the name of the game is accessibility, and anything that gets more people painting minis is a net positive for GW. Must just be my circles, as I've never met anyone who buys set for the game, but rather just to get access to the models haha. They rotate out quickly enough as well I suppose, as the next thing is always on the horizon to replace the limited runs! Same reason I'm so excited for Killteam after all. A tight, fun system to justify picking up armies and ranges peacemeal!
  20. Agreed. Zero interest in it myself, but I like crushing stormcast over collecting them xD. Really puts a wash on the forbidden power speculation, though I'm sure the Stormvaults are more then just this random boxed game. As someone doing more hobby with an eye towards gaming and eventual AoS Killteam, all these boxed board-games just don't grab me at all. GW has so many, the market must be getting saturated by now right?
  21. Seen Crypt Horrors used as decent Yeti conversions with some greenstuff fur. Not a fan of the model personally, but they're prob the better conversion/stand in i've seen. I've looked all over for 3rd party models as stand ins, but I've yet to find anything that I like. Turns out Yeti's are a bit of a niche sculpt, so we might be stuck with the ugly resin ones for the rest of time. Sucks too, cause in the fluff they're actually a really cool unit.
  22. Bones has some great sculpts. Have quite a few of their models floating around, but I really only use them for D&D games. Not a huge fan of the material Reaper uses. The tradeoff being that they make great, simple miniatures for D&D haha.
  23. That's the one sculpt i can't see myself ever getting. I love the rolling pin and stuff, its funny, but I just can't imagine it leading my army xD. Agreed on the butchers. The cauldron model isn't too bad, but the butcher w/o is one of the ugliest models we have (minus Gorger).
  24. Absolutely, would be a shame to see those unique sculpts go. Though I wouldn't mind a plastic butcher kit, something versatile with tons of customization options. Maybe even a kit that you can make a tyrant or butcher out of if they really wanted to go crazy.
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