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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. You know, it‘s tremendously practical that your face is already at the perfect „height“ (or should I say altitude as height is such an elusive thing to you) to kiss my feathery posterior! 🫦
  2. He might not be minor, but perhaps a bit short! 🤭 Do those vertically-challenged Chaos midgets also write into their diary if someone was mean to them?
  3. Well, if a god got his own daemons, then he‘s too eldritch to appear on his own imo. But well, it‘s down to personal taste anyways. I just like that they are not directly represented. They are too far removed from let‘s say Greek gods to feel portrayable in that manner.
  4. Yes! For the love of all that is unholy, NEVER release any Chaos god model. NEVER EVER! 🙏 If they want to show them outside of art, make a statue/terrain or whatever but no actual mini of any Chaos god. It just cheapens them and brings them down to a demigod level. I‘m very opinionated on this issue. Chaos gods have no definite form and shape and they are unlike the mortal-turned-god gods in action, ability and behavior! (Not saying they are necessarily better here, just different). Kinda like the God-Emperor feels much different to say Sigmar. One you think you could go for a pint with, the other isn‘t really that close to a human.
  5. Try tall helmets like those pesky aelfs, perhaps then you won't be overlooked, you hobbit! 👺
  6. Good old Gotthard, IIRC. Funny fact: In Liber Chaotica: Tzeentch, they revealed that this particular knight became Aekold Helbrass!
  7. That‘s just dinobots with fewer steps. AT-AT Grimlock has the secret power of being fined for copyright infringement!🥴
  8. to make it even more lame: He died of old age. 🤙
  9. Asking something there falls under futile. They never give you any worthwhile answer.
  10. As a non-native speaker, "Dominion" sounds just like a cool word to me; without any negative connotation as I've basically associate it with "cool" stuff and not historical events. The worst assocation I have is that it's the name of an old RTS (video) game that was hyped and then never delivered. 😂 I think it's difficult for any AoS starter set as SM will always sell but thankfully no faction dominates the sales in AoS like they do. So if you don't plan to play with either faction of the box, it makes little sense to buy it, even if the price is good. In our group, the more complex rules of AoS 3.0 didn't go down well but I figure that's just my friends and not a general thing.
  11. I have no idea what hidden detail I might've missed but the sculpts and the paintjob are both impeccable... not every mini gets such a nice paintjob from GW. If the other skaven sculpts are as nice as these, then they will definitely be amongst the best-looking armies. I figure the new starter with upgraded SC and Skaven will sell pretty well.
  12. I can‘t imagine iconic units like plague monks won‘t return with a new kit. I mean, I can technically imagine it and they might think it‘s too close to Nurgle but it would be a real shame! I‘m too lazy to play bingo but I‘m keeping my fingers crossed for all Skaven fans. The new edition will have to do right by them and a couple of other forces.
  13. I dunno, it's hard to decide between these guys with comically huge weapons and models where one gal dances on top of a dude for me. But they certainly overshoot what updated Devastators should've been.
  14. Looking at those new sculpts, I'd go full cuck. it's understandable at that point.
  15. I‘ve got more feathers but that‘s pretty accurate! 😆👌🏻
  16. I‘m disappointed, I worked very hard on being the most toxic thing in here and this darn emoticon sweeps in and takes the crown! 🙄 I‘m pretty sure those Lumineth are behind it!
  17. I‘d like them to go to that place you‘ve painted such a nice picture of and add some more abominations to them. BoC could be so cool if done right. While I find their basic kits quite good for their age, we all know that BoC could truly shine with a bit of love.
  18. Yeah, I'd also like them to be their own thing. More mutated, more variety. Give the semi-vanilla ones to the 4 Gods but make the true children of Chaos scary as FEC (😇)!
  19. They're all hypocritical alcoholics, sweet rat.
  20. I nominate myself cause I've clearly contributed a lot...of Lumineth hate! The best kind of hate!
  21. To use our King Brodd's subtlety; I WANT IT!!!!!!!!! Why the FEC (Flesh-Eater Courts obviously, I'm not trying to be creative around the censoring) is this not a normal release?!
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