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Posts posted by MitGas

  1. 20 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    Of course they will show Ellaina and Ellathor, its what everybody whats to see right?

    Is that the girl in pyjamas dancing on her brother? Ooooh, I got a ton of love for that mini! Has to be the best pose for a mini ever, right after Syll‘Eske or however you spell em! 🙄 






  2. 1 hour ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    No big changes to DOK there, as expected. 

    @MitGas's favourite faction is next. ;)

    Why is there no hateful and angry reaction on this forum when it‘s reaaaally needed? 🥹 

    I‘ll probably need therapy tomorrow*, when the article will show totally overpowered units, talk about how Teclis is the god of magic and will be full of rules solely focused against Tzeentch! 

    *actually, much earlier than tomorrow

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Vasshpit said:

    Did I miss something with Kragnos?...

    Read that short twice even. 


    @Baron Klatz Care to elaborate on you GA destro gping through changes comment?

    also, end of 5th going into 6th!!?? 

    So destro fans are supposed to wait another 6 years for another edition where they do absolutely next to nothing.... again. 


    Like honestly what was the point of third? I'm still trying to figure this out. 

    Yeah, didn‘t read anything regarding Kragnos either?! 🤔

  4. 2 hours ago, Ragest said:

    Wow, what a bunch of amazing stories to end 3rd edition.

    And Kragnos returning to his planet, what a complete waste of time was him and the era of the beast.

    And he‘s ugly too! *Bloodhound Gang‘s „Why is everyone always picking on me?“ playing*

  5. 57 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    The armor isn’t just white- The shade in the recesses combined with a white edge highlight is what gives the armor its distinctive look. Just doing it white loses the effect and I’m speaking as someone that painted an entire Gothizzar Harvester, 4 Morghasts, and Tithe-Nexus in this scheme. It seems simple but to actually pull it off it can be a royal pain, particularly if done by hand. 

    I love their look but holy hell is it not beginner friendly. 

    That‘s why I wrote oil wash (enamel wash would also work). :) You‘d just take a dark brown to recess shade the bone and the white (it looks like they got a brown wash, pic is pretty small) in one go. Admittedly airbrush and oils are not beginner-friendly but IMO it actually is quite an easy scheme if you have the tools. If you just do it with GW paints (or just acrylics in general), then yeah, good luck, it‘s gonna be time-consuming for sure. The whole basecoat/wash/reapply basecoat of normal acrylics coupled with bone and white is boring indeed. Not to mention the blade, blending them all by hand is boring as well - but I doubt they did that without an airbrush either. 👍 

    If you love the scheme, find someone with an airbrush and force them to be your friend! Finally a useful friend!

  6. 1 hour ago, Kempak said:

    There's a paragraph in the new story.


    "Seated on her throne beneath the Oak of Ages Past, it had been an age since Alarielle had felt fear. She was weakened from her part in caging the Earthquake God and curtailing his destructive reign"

    Has kragnos been recaged I've been away for A week or two don't think I missed any stories like this so trying to place it. Is it in Dawnbringers:6?


    Also notice a line of beastmen scattered... I did wonder if the way they deal with boc and BS squat would be similar to the original squats being eaten by tyranids, something like well skaven wiped them out/ate thenn all.

    Beastmen are not totally gone, I figure Khorne and Nurgle will get their own variants for AoS and if GW mentions BoC in the lore, it will likely be along the lines of Beastmen going full mono-god mode in their beliefs to explain said change away. 🤔 Hell, they might throw in Undivided Beastmen as well for Slaves. Should‘ve made Minotaurs instead of Ogroids, that way they would‘ve had it already. 😂

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    That’s the Ivory Host’s scheme and they probably don’t use it because it’s a bit of a PITA to paint. 

    Hmmm, with an airbrush for the blades it seems quite easy actually. 

    Zenithal-prime with a bone color and bone+white, do the blades with a dark orange and light orange, paint armor white, paint metallics (very few in there), oil wash whole mini (except for the blades) and remove it (way faster than regular washes if you batch paint), varnish unless you wanna wait a few days, contrast paint for black if you wanna be fast, paint orange details, varnish again, redo edges of metallics…

    With advanced techniques it‘s a pretty simple scheme! ☝️🤓

  8. 1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    Don't break my illusions, the cleavage idea was cool....


    I understand that you find a cleavage cool but this is not the place for this. I think I need to create a General Filth Thread for the likes of you! 🤔

    ...and myself WEEEEEEEEEEEE 🥴

    • Haha 3
  9. 35 minutes ago, Acrozatarim said:

    I kinda wish Ossiarchs had more Geiger-esque faces, really taking the biomechanical look to the max with the shaped bone.

    Be careful what you wish for! 



    Most of Giger‘s faces kinda make me think of what I‘d liken to most to Daemonettes but that might be down to him usually painting chicks. 

    I‘m not a huge fan of OBR despite loving Yoshimitsu but I think the line really shines when GW explores the more unique figures like those multi-faced ones or the Executioner from Underworlds(?) that reminds me of the Judas Breed from Mimic. Hope they will explore that direction more than just „buff“ skeletons on foot or horses. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Imo, the toughness of the blightking was better represented with health than armour save. Thus health 4 instead of 3 and armour save 5+ instead of 3+. The ward 5+ is there to represent the shrugging of wounds.

    Bloated bulk could instead of adding to the control score be ignore 1 rend. But that is how I see Blightkings and its models.

    Also fine I guess (forgive me for skipping the maths behind it but I take it it would be fair) - anyways, they should be tough in one way or another, even if they follow the Fyreslayer dress code. 

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Satyrical Sophist said:

    Nurgle is my most played army. At this point I'm pretty curious about the changes. We just haven't played enough of 4th to know how things shake out. Stuff like counter charge is huge for nurgle. You can auto run onto points, then counter charge if your opponent approaches. If they don't you are holding the points. There are just many effects where we need to play it out to see how it goes. 

    I'm hoping there are more ways to get disease going, but its an interesting mechanic for sure. I really like the old disease points one, but it was very 6 based. Rolling a lot of dice, then hoping for 6s then 4s.


    Blight kings going to 3 Wounds, 3+ from 4 wounds, 4+, I get it. Its probably mostly a nerf. That said, 50 points a blight king was STEEP. That was only a touch less than a troll, and pretty close profile wise to trolls.  I think the armour change makes sense. Most of the unit is actually in full plate. 3 of the 5 are in full armour, and the other two are doing the whole, bloated and holes running right through them. 

    I really don‘t get why people argue for one second about BKs having high saves even if some of them wear little armor - there‘s no toughness in AoS, a stat Nurgle always excelled at. Nurglites are said time and time again to shrug off wounds that kill others. Obviously the decent armor save reflects the lore.

    …unlike giving the Curseling a 4+/4+ for to hit and to wound(that‘s especially weird, the Curseling if standing upright would be larger than a Chaos Warrior!) for his sword and staff. That seems less fitting to me when even a Gaunt Summoner(!) has it. Guess the tretchlet is incompetent at fighting and pulls the human side down or something.

  12. 57 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Between the green and the sewers wouldn't surprise me if they get turtles in the Eshin clan that master assassins will train.


    Some say it's a genius marketing move, others shake their heads but there will be a new box featuring Skaven and their four turtle minions vs Idoneth! 


  13. 47 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Summoning B gone makes sense for balance. It was always a pain on that matter (and very easy to abuse in all previous editions).

    I just hope that the point costs will reflect this change (I kinda expect it though). It feels like summoning costs got baked into other units, especially heroes, for Tzeentch. Frankly, I‘m really glad to lose free summoning if it means it‘s easier to fit in everything else into my lists. Makes planning easier!

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