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Everything posted by MitGas

  1. Already pre-bought it after seeing the Tzeentch trailer… what more do they want from me?
  2. Now you're just being hurtful, you monster. 😄
  3. Whoops, my bad then! 😅 I see pretty much any negative opinion as unpopular around here.
  4. Agreed 100%. So far AoS 3 has been a gigantic leap in the wrong direction. They really need to hire people that are actually good at game-design if they wanna keep up with the competition. Right now, they got great models and an amazing legacy but that's it. The rules bloat make it tedious for anyone that doesn't know them by heart. it's difficult for new players now.
  5. I certainly hope that Tzeentch warriors will actually look more akin to a mix out of Stormcast (as in pristine armor with proper leg armor, not old boots with holes, that is beneath a proper follower of Tzeentch) and classic Chaos warriors as opposed to the Chaos warriors put onto discs in the game. Oh and slight avian design cues in the armor! I'm currently painting some views of my old rpg character's armor that i wanna 3d print... I started modelling him with procreate but I fear I'll suck too hard for the rest of the headgear...)
  6. Ouch, that hurts. And talking about those snobbish Aelves... how come the Space Elfs don't get some proper update? I know they're supposed to be ancient but the kits don't have to be. We got so many aelves in AoS but Eldar get pretty much nothing. What were the last releases? Banshees and the Phantom Guard? And they better start going all out for Skaven, Seraphon, BoC, Cities (Crusade, whatever) too...
  7. That's just dyslexia with extra steps! Aelf Schmaelf. As for how this could turn into bashing those arrogant fools... I live to serve. 😎
  8. It's good that you realize what you are, you arrogant elf! 😏 As for us, we're of course totally noble and inherently good creatures!* * Except the Nurglites. And a smattering of others.
  9. YES-YES. But I like nothing more than the kind of players that stick to their favorites. Hope Skaven will get a TON of new stuff soon! 🥰
  10. Just admit it, you'd think the Skaven way would be best even if they used really long descriptions for the other races
  11. Just saw the terrain thread and I got another thing i wanna rant about: the terrain rules in AoS are mostly utter shite. Also, as much as I like the way some of those models look, many of them are highly impractical
  12. Fix Chaos Warriors for Eff‘s sake already… 🙄 Seriously, GW should‘ve redone some warscrolls like 2 years ago. No idea what they are thinking in some cases. Some are neither fluffy nor competitive and nothing changes despite having to keep up with multiple things. They also need to really look at the overall rules of the game if they want AoS to continue thriving like it should…
  13. Cute little fella, what‘s the problem? 🥰
  14. Whatever it is, it instantly reminds me of a mantis…
  15. Apparently that warband is our kryptonite then! 😄
  16. Well, you probably just didn't register it cause I worded it like a clown (of course I forgot what they were called, the name should've stuck with me after having played the witcher 3 tho). 😅
  17. Well, the warcry figures are a bit too "diverse" (I don't mean mixed genders but mixed figures, where some are clearly stronger special figures (e.g. the ogor)) to make great marauders that should be a unit of "equals". But yes, one could easily make great marauders out of the new figures. I'm pretty sure you could mix the new warband, the Tyrants and Untamed Beasts for a decent marauder unit, then throw in the underworlds faction. Would be very expensive but it could work. Just think it would've been better to simply turn the latest darkoath warband into full-ledged marauders...
  18. Yeah's, he's perfect. Pretty much Conan (not the Arnold version but the original one). Hmmm, maybe I need to buy the warband one day just for him.
  19. The red-haired female barb seems quite gigantic for real. Would've preferred her a bit less muscular as she looks like my wardrobe (and a more direct homage to Red Sonja would've fit into that group too) but it might just be the picture. Very good models all in all. Spiderdudes are nice as well but due to their getup they certainly seem less individualistic.
  20. When almost everything borders on over-designed and over the top, some basic "less is more" units can shine even brighter! ;)
  21. New Marauders in the style of the new Darkoath minis would've made waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more sense, agreed. I like Warcry as a Chaos fan but I totally get your point and think adding missing units to the Chaos armies (Skaven, BoC mainly) would've made MUCH more sense.
  22. If GW were smart, they'd make sure to release Tzeentch mortals beginning 2022 to coincide with TW: Warhammer... The Tzeentch video is awesome.
  23. Tarantulo is on a Roberto for a robot level of ingenuity for sure. 😎 Edit: I love the one guy who's modeled on the Heroquest barb/Conan too.
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