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Everything posted by cyrus

  1. As pointed out from @novakaithe short story describes the "awakening" of a bonesplitter : a normal/simple orc became a bonesplitter only after Gorkamorka'ss call as for "new" lore. It is probably a hint tha orruks/gordrakk/gorkamorka will be part of broken realms royal rumble
  2. Adeptus Mechanicus received three new kits along PA: Engine War for sure New hedonites slaanesh mortal models are likely along with Broken realms : slaanesh ( or whatever it will be named)
  3. This is how Malerion looks now or at least from first and last apperance in aos book from 2015
  4. As all the blogger receives material directly from GW somedays before preorder She probably read the whole book already
  5. I am sure Alarielle as aelven deity will have her own book.
  6. Maybe " just" a necromantic horror blood bowl star player
  7. Yes,it looks Gorkamorka itself is coming and empowering all the orruks. The clobbering /fight seems to be between an armoured ironjawz Borkrogg and a naked bonesplitterz Grakka. Last short story from " forbidden power" was about orruks ( Gordrakk and godhammer) First short strory from " Broken realms" is about orruks !
  8. I think we will hear something on mid november : holiday season/xmas are too juicy period for such sales (they will probably more expensive by the way) It could be a new ogor shooting weapon
  9. Does it say when they will start ? Thanks ! I liked very much both malign portents and forbidden power short stories
  10. I fear that "shadow&pain" box will be 25% more expensive than "Feast of bones" box : around 140 pounds/180 €
  11. Codex and space marines were given as this week preorder. BR: Morathi and Shadow &Pain box going on preorder 7th November seems a safe bet.
  12. I don't think broken realms will consist in 9 books but maybe 4/5 is more likely . Shadow & pain box is not really tied to Morathi book but as for Warcom article : Shadow & pain lore introduces to Morathi book/Broken realms lore I am expecting new rules/twicked warscrolls for DoK and Idoneth along with Morathi book an Alarielle/nurgle book is a safe bet together with a Tyrion/malerion/slaanesh book slaanesh mortal miniatures together with slaangors could fit very well the dark prince breaking free book (probably the last book of saga)
  13. I believe Morathi book will come along with new rules/ tweaked warscrolls for DoK and Idoneth. I don't wait any miniature/endless spells for idoneth.
  14. is any rumors/news on warhammer studio preview connected to the upcoming Blood & Glory event in october ?
  15. Square bases are part of the game and warhammer fantasy imaginary . And no the game does not need to be compatible with Age of Sigmar. It was already mentioned that AoS studio will not be involved at all . As we know it will be treated in the same manner of specialist games (aka Blood bowl and Necromunda) Rank and file battle games are still a thing out there
  16. Definitely Kislev and Empire from the first posts. It can be even different empire factions from each province shown on "new" old world map. Just a personal thought , I would wait for Greenskins,Dwarfs,Vampire Counts,Bretonnia and Norsca ( as for Total War warhammer 1)
  17. If I recall well @RuneBrush was lucky enough to sit at specialist seminar at the new year's open day at warhammer world. Andy Hoare said that square bases are 100% confirmed .
  18. It could be even a roaming monster for Warcry season 2 such as the fomoroid crusher yes, the smaller shield is from ironbreakers And someone already pointed out that it looks like the stonehorn shoulder pad
  19. I speculate that if SoB are successful , GW will release another " sub faction " army. Sons of behemat are basically a spin off from Gloomspite/destruction bt: existing aleguzzler gargants kit join the brand new mega gargants kit , that's all ! I wish to see a spiderfangs battletome with existing kits and by adding a brand new forest grots infantry 😉
  20. Very nice as usual ! It deserves a brighter picture
  21. I would not call Maggotkin battletome 1.0 but basically 1.9 Malign portents campaign and short stories bring alone a new lore,new grim darker logo and new Battletome: Maggotkin is the first one. Maggotkin, Lon,DOK and Idoneth come technically before Soul wars and 2nd edition but they are made with 2end edition in mind indeed. So I won't expect update for above battletomes.
  22. Again this is amazing and very inspired: congratulations! Both Models are great and well done!
  23. WOW ! well done ! It is really inspired ! Guldan (from weirdnon shaman miniature) is awesome I like very much also Dal Rend (from warchanter miniature) . can I ask you how did you convert it ? WaaaghCraft !
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