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Everything posted by cyrus

  1. In the latest video youtuber rumors monger Valrak says the old world launch box Bretonnia vs Tomb kings is coming at the end of year ( November/December) Early 2024 they will start to release army books/index
  2. My bet is : July : GH2023 + Dawnbringers book 1 + 4 harbingers/boxes August: Cities of Sigmar armyset September: Cities full release Orruktober : Dawnbringers book 2 + mawgruntas + ??? November : Dawnbgringers book 3 + kurnothi/fyreslayers/idoneth ?? January : Fec refresh February : Dawnbringers book 4 + death releases ??
  3. Have you heard anything about which clan/models will be redone ?
  4. The green guy is the same from eight lamentations novel which is quite old.
  5. I don't think so . I think this time the starter will be Stormcast vs order and considering we are probably moving to Ulgu then it 's Malerion time ! Whitefang confirmed that new liberators/warrior chamber is coming in thunderstrike armour : so I am sure they show up in next starter.
  6. Warcry boxes are quarterly so Nightmarequest is due in May.
  7. I think new rules/fluff/miniatures through next narrative campaign is the most likely. New Wurrgog/Wardokk models will be more than welcome as a rework of big waagh rules and some underwhelming warscrolls.
  8. I think Whitefang hinted something more for Orruk warclans before the end of the edition : isn't? Maybe something that will come along with next narrative campaign "broken Realms style".
  9. Which video/stream was that ? which date ? Hope he does a new old world stream soon.
  10. I think Dispossessed are safe. This is the rumored " squatting list" which seemed to be some kind confirmed
  11. What if " Nightmare quest" is Stormcast (Dragon) vs Kruleboyz (Grozzik) ?
  12. Are you sure ? There is no slaaneshi icon on the map. Orruks are there indeed. Nightmare quest sounds more Undead to me
  13. I am not sure if it is a good news . It could mean that upcoming battletomes (Kharadron,Khorne,Slaanesh, Fec, Ossiarch) will receive only a single model/hero. With only the Seraphon getting a proper release.
  14. I don't think Seraphon need new big dino : Carnosaur,Troglodon,Bastilladon are still solid kits ,Stegadon is older but still decent, I believe most of resin kits will go : Kroxigors,Salamander,Razordon, all saurus foot heroes. Hope for new plastic kits for Saurus knights and Saurus guard. @Whitefang: what about upcoming Kharadron release : will be more than one hero ? Thanks.
  15. For Underworlds rumors @Norrayis the specialist.
  16. Whitefang hinted a while ago that it should be a new incarnate if I remember right.
  17. There is no slaanesh symbol on the map by the way ... Chaos undivided got chaos legionaires too "Quest" could be something human related like Campe fortune or Strongpoint Tolemar The great stinkhorn is where Underworlds 's Grinkrak looncourt warband comes from : " A denizen of the Gnarlwood, Grinkrak holds court around the ‘Great Stinkhorn’ – a particularly colossal mushroom" (from Warscroll)
  18. The spring order book is clearly the first one according to road map . So std in January, gitz and boc in February, Seraphon in March, Khorne &Slaanesh in April, fec & obr in May and Cities in June.
  19. Seraphon are due to March , Arena of shades which was revealed last year then it was released end of march.
  20. Aos : I am expecting Seraphon reveal . I think there is nothing more for gitz and boc at this point.
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