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Everything posted by Ashes

  1. I also think of more and more allies options and already purchased the Start Collecting Malignants, Skeletons and Flesh Eaters. Beside the Coven Throne, I think Arkhan, all forms of Vampire Lords as well as Vargheists seem to be good options. So far I tried a Vampire on foot and will give Arkhan followed by the Coven Throne a try. I would love to field a Terrorgheist but am I correct that I would lose all Allegiance Abilities of Nighthaunts and could just use the Death Abilities from the Core Book? I feel my Nighthaunts pull me more and more into Legions of Nagash (already purchased that army book, too). So many options ?
  2. Same here. It seems that instead the bigger ruin two sprues of the older Azyrite Ruins are in my set.
  3. As I’m still quite inexperienced with AoS and my Nighthaunts I would be very happy to receive some advice regarding the Cogs strategy. If I understand well after I cast it my opponent also gets the advantage of move and charge bonus? So even if I manage to get the first charge with the Cogs due to the alternate combat sequence my opponent can attack me next if I do more than one charge. Then in his turn he also gets all the bonuses of the Cogs and can also charge me. So where is my advantage? Would be really thankful if someone can give me some advice on this strategy. Thanks.
  4. Regarding the underperformance of Nighthaunts some of you mentioned is this purely something that happened at tournament play? Because so far in my games (casual) everything felt quite balanced (ok against my DoK buddy it’s hard, but due to me better focusing on objectives it often worked out for my ghosts). I also get this feeling from most of the current battlereports on YouTube.
  5. Agree but didn’t GW state that even if you can’t get one in store they can order it for you at anytime?
  6. In Gernany the Garkorr miniature is released tomorrow. So is the info that it’s not a Hero or someone with a special ability already confirmed? My local store told me it will come with it’s own warscroll.
  7. Ah, very good point. I somehow was the opinion I could chose from that table, too, without losing allegiance. Guess the point that warscroll builder lists it as an option even when Nighthaunt allegiance is selected confused me.
  8. Does someone have experience with the Blade of Dark Summons artifact from the core book? Once per battle, in your hero phase, you can set up a SUMMONABLE DEATH unit wholly within 12" of the bearer and more than 3" from any enemy models, and add it to your army. The models in the unit must have a combined Wounds characteristic of no more than a 2D6 roll. Even if it’s luck dependent I really want to give this a try. As the unit can charge directly after been summoned this could make up for a nice surprise for my opponent.
  9. Just to be 100% sure as my gaming buddy will definitely challenge this: Those abilities do stack, right?
  10. Thanks, good analysis. Good I just bought and painted a Vampire Lord.
  11. Really like the performance of the e KoSoeS in general and especially his Lord of Gheist Command Ability (I usually find myself hoard CMD Points). I think about getting a second one to field two of them. That way I can spread the CMD ability across the battlefield to keep me as flexible as possible. In most lists I´ve looked at I haven´t seen two KoSoeS and just want to make sure I play correct: As he´s not a named character it´s ok to have two in the same army? Any reason that speaks against two of them? Thanks
  12. Hello all, new to AoS and just started a Nighthaunt army. So far I´ve at least one unit of every NH unit available, including the Black Coach and all Heroes. So, a lot of options and I´m doing pretty well so far. My main gaming buddy runs the Daughters of Khaine and I´ve real trouble to succeed against them. They also have deep strike units and some very efficient shooting units that snipe my heroes a bit too effectively for my taste. And now my buddy got himself Morathi for our upcoming battle. I had a look at Morathi´s warscroll and it really gives me a headache as it looks like a nasty powerful unit that will basically stay for 4 rounds (it can take up to 3 wounds max per round, every wound beyond that gets negated!). For the 480pts it feels a bit OP. Anyone fought against the DoK and especially Morathi and hast some advice for me? thanks!
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