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Blog Entries posted by FullMetalRPG

  1. FullMetalRPG
    I colored outside the lines a little bit with my commitment to buy only one model per paycheck.
    What can I say? I found a great deal on eBay and "saved" a few bucks?
    Anyway, no one cares about that. A Maggoth Lord is a big investment and I really only have theories about how each one plays. I put together a survey so you can weigh in which Lord is the best. Two categories, one filth, one hobby.
    Let me know what you think.
  2. FullMetalRPG
    I was able to get a nice weeknight game in with my buddy @Sunchaser yesterday at Odyssey Games in Scottsdale, AZ.
    I still am holding at about 1000 points, having failed to assemble my Chaos Warshrine this week while editing my tablerop RPG podcast, Full Metal RPG.
    There were an odd number of players so @Sunchaser (Sylvaneth) got funneled into another 3 player battle royale with me (MoN Chaos) and Sam, (Duardin). We were battling for control of an artefact in the center of the board and both me and Sam elected to deploy a ways away from the Sylvaneth Hunters with their mighty bows to prevent casualties early on. This meant that I was starting with a bunch of Fyreslayers right in my backyard, uncomfortably close, with Sylvanth bearing down.
    Taking a look at the board early on I did not see what I would call a clear path to victory, sandwiched between the two powerful and fighty Order forces. At this point the crummy make-up of my Nurgle list is beginning to bum me out and I'm not going to lie, I'm just not very good at the game. "But who is good after having played four times?" I ask myself.
    Anyway. Sam and Rian are both really great guys and super fun to play with and we managed to keep things friendly and exciting through-out. As predicted the Fyreslayers and the Forces of Rot could only keep away from each other for so long. We managed a truce until the artefact was out of Sylvaneth hands and then it was game on in earnest!
    The Fyreslayers made pretty short work of my force which I attribute to me making some pretty ****** tactical choices. My dice didn't help out, leaving my spell casters unable to hit the much needed 5s and 6s much less the equally untenable 7s necessary to make Nurgle magic pop. My list building skills ain't grand either which adds up to a trifecta.
    Additionally, I'm still at the early stages in my AoS where I'm forgetting the details of my warscrolls more or less constantly and not making the best use of my army. Later I hid a sorcerer behind a tree (for the cover save) and then forgot that he was there. for at least one hero phase. Maybe even two.
    Needless to say I was eliminated pretty early on and the game came down to Sam and Rian duking it out. A friendly and helpful neckbeard managed to find the time to stop by the table and narrate everything that we were doing wrong with the game which was grand, but even his best efforts could not reduce our good cheer. Despite the neckbeard's dire prognostications, the game was very close and I had to leave before the final tally revealed the victor.
    @Sunchaser! Tell me in the comments! Who won??!!
    Pictures, From Top:
    1.) Below you can see the Chaos line spread precariously thin as I rushed forward in an attempt to secure the artefact from the hands of the grabby duardin. Sam of Odyssey games considers his next move. All of them good.
    2.) Scabby's back.
    3.) The lone wizard, sole survivor of the warband, cowers in the trees waiting to thrust his arcane bolt at the last remaining general on the table, thus denying major victory to all. Wen his chance came, rolled a 3. Nice.
    4.) Their tenuous alliance almost at it's end, the Path of Rot and Fyreslayers brace for the inevitable charge.
    5.) New dice I bought for the game, seeing as how my putrid green Nurgle dice have been betraying me for weeks. Still can't roll for ******. Money wasted.

  3. FullMetalRPG
    Here are some pics of the Nurgle Rotbringers army in it's earliest days. These were taken 072616.
    As of right now my Army consists of:
    - Lord of Plagues
    - Chaos Sorcerer Lord
    - Great Unclean One
    - 12 Chaos Warriors w/ MoN
    - 17 Plaguebearers
    - 1 Chaos Chariot
    - 5 Chaos Knights w/ MoN
    My goal is to have a 2000 point army, 100% converted and fully painted by this time next year. I was hoping to have the first 1000 points done by January of '17 but because of Arizona's extreme heat I don't think I'll be able to do any serious priming until September at the earliest. (In September there should be a decrease in the temperature in the very early mornings. I work in a warehouse, and if I get here at like, 4 in the morning, I may be able to do some priming. We shall see.)
    In the meantime I'm working on making sure that every single model has some conversion work done on it. This can be as little as greenstuffing a Nurgle mark or kitbashing a head from a different warscroll. I've already put some of the more basic Chaos Warrior heads onto Chaos Knights because I think that the basic Chaos Knight sculpt is a bit overwrought and not particularly "Nurgle-y". My plan is to green-stuff some fat bellies, decaying armor and, of course, Nurgle marks on all the Warriors and Knights.
    I got started with some of the Plaguebearers last night, more pics to follow. I'm a big fan of the old metal sculpts, as you can see, but the remaining Plaguebearers that I get for the warband will be plastic, probably from a Start Collecting Daemons of Nurgle box in the future. I already started painting a few of the metal Plaguebearers before I set the goal of 100% customization so I guess those foolios are going to have to settle for some particularly scenic bases. Plus I do love those old sculpts so maybe it would be okay to let a couple of them be.
    I've committed myself to the restrained of buying no more that two new models a month. Personally I'd like to see that be less, so that I can catch up with getting this army table worthy. I do plan on picking up a Harbinger of Decay this pay period however, as my Lord of Plagues is just not kicking out the jams in the way I'd like him to be.
    This last weekend I was at an event at on of my FLGSs called Gamer's Garage Sale and I picked up the Ophidian Archway and two Realmgates (NIB!) for $20! That's $20 total! What a steal! I'm looking forward to the Dominions of Chaos book coming out this week and seeing if the Warscrolls for those terrain pieces in the book are different from the ones that came packed in the boxes. Over the next year I'd like to get a cool set of terrain to go with my Rotbringers and painted as well as converted to theme. I think t he next terrain purchase will be a Dias or whatever.
    Well, that's it for now. I'm going to post more pics when I have more conversions and paint to show off.  I also have a pretty aggressive schedule of battle for Thurs, Fri and Sunday this week, I'm going to try and get up pictures from each.

  4. FullMetalRPG
    On Sunday I got together with my gaming buddies @Sunchaser and @Malicth at Odyssey Games in Scottsdale, AZ and we got in some games. Sunchaser was tired of beating up my Rotbringers so he split off and faced this dude George who was there and had some Stormcast Eternals. George hadn't played for a few months but was looking to get back in and had a very cool looking army that was coming right along in terms of painting.
    I faced off against Casey, David (who wrecked my face previously with his Skaven) and Malicth. Casey and David both brought Undead lists and Malicth brought his Ironjaws. Casey and David and I were setting up a three player battle with the Fields of Blood Battleplan from The General's Handbook when Malicth arrived and we decided to make it a four player, all against all brawl. Casey felt like we should reduce the number of territories available on the board to four from 6 which I though deprived the game of some of it's tactical tooth, but no one else seemed to mind and it's all for the fun anyway so we deployed, essentially in a circle 12" from the center of the board.
    I won't go through the nitty gritty of each pump and thrust but it was an amazing and super fun game! It seems like almost every time I get to play Age of Sigmar I have a better time than the last. I really didn't know that a fantasy game could be this fun. In all truth, I have yet to win a game, but I mostly play multiplayer games and there can only be one winner. I just feel happy to have discovered AoS while the game is in a period of optimistic growth and found a bunch of really cool guys to play it with!
    Here are the highlights:
    1.) Dave uses the initiative of round 1, turn 1 to charge Neferata into Malicth's Megaboss, who I should note was surrounded by almost 100 points of gibbering Ironjawz looking for a fight. Neferata destroys the Megaboss swiftly and Malicth's jaw just about hits the table. You can tell no one has done this to him ever before. The Ironjawz pile in and remove half of Neferata's wounds in retribution. As subsequent combat rounds unfold, Malicth is given initiative over Dave and the Ironjaws remove Neferata from the board. Can't tell if Dave was genuinely surprised by that or if he really was just going for the gonzo badassery of charging all those Orruks.
    2.) The GA:D players fall into one another and attempt to wipe one another from the board. I strike an alliance of non aggression with the Ironjaws to allow us to position ourselves to engage the Death forces.
    3.) Decided to leave my Great Unclean One at home this week and rolled those points into a Chaos Warshrine. MUCH better.
    4.) My NoN Chaos Knights (Now being backed up by the benefits of a Chaos Warshrine AND me remembering to give them their re-rolls for Daemonic Power) begin to slowly chew through the forces of Death on their flank. By the time they collide with the Terrorgeist with Ghoul King it is almost out of wounds and they eat it's lunch. When Chaos Knights have their proper support, they are a lot better than their stat line with nothing.
    5.) Feeling froggy because of how well my Chaos Knights are doing, I crash my Warshrine into the Vampire Lord generated by Neferata killing the Megaboss. The vampire only has two wounds left. I think to myself "Hey, this thing has a stat line, let's see what it can do!" Nothing as it turns out. I inflict no more wounds on the vampire which then chugs some blood or something, regrows 3 wounds and in two combat rounds shatters the Warshine in impotent rage, the only model from Dave's army left on the board.
    6.) Orruks sweep in from behind, our alliance at an end. The Ironjaws make contact with the severely depleted forces of Chaos and Death, almost completely fresh. In the ensuring combat rounds, mow down Nurgle, Vampires and Ghouls alike as though they were a wheat thresher of men.
    7.) Due to the large number of melees concentrated in the center of the board, The Lord of Plagues and his lame Nurgle's Rot ability ACTUALLY MANAGE to deal out some mortal wounds before succumbing to Orruk blades. The Lord of Plagues remains ******.
    At that point the writing was on the wall and we were all super hungry. So we scooped up out models, congratulated Malicth and go the ****** out of there.
    My next game is Thursday when I am going back up to Odyssey to support Casey's club. And then Friday I have a game scheduled with my old buddy Matt who I used to play 40k with a lifetime ago. Also at Odyssey. He plays Ironjaws so now I'll get to test my mettle against them one on one which I'm really looking forward to.
    In hobby news: I'm trying to get my hands on a Harbinger of Decay to step up my Nurgle Mortals Save Game but they are temporarily out of stock on the GW page. So, I went ahead and picked up a Maggoth Lord on eBay for a screaming deal. We'll see if he get's here in time for Friday's game. He shipped today, so I doubt it, but it's not impossible! Pics below!
    1.) The Path of Rot prepares to surge forward and despoil the Realm of Death with their withering claws.
    2.) The Ironjawz Megaboss is undaunted by the presence of the infamous vampire lord Neferata on the field and strides out to meet her at the head of his warband.
    3.) Neferata's Morghasts and zombies prepare to seize the field as Neferata licks her lips at the thought of putting the Megaboss under her boot as an undead vassal.
    4.) From behind the walls of a ruined cathedral the Path of Rot cries out wretched prayers to Father Nurgle and prepares to take the Undead flank.
    5.) Descending from the pitch black clouds that roil overhead, Neferata descends on the Megaboss and slays him before the he has the chance to retort.
    6.) Despite having their numbers weakened by the Crypt Horrors before them, the Chaos Knights, invigorated by the power of a deamon flowing through their sword arms, claim many victories for Nurgle in the name of the Path of Rot.
    7.) My WIP Chaos Warshrine made from a Skaven Plague Furnace with bitz taken from an actual Warshrine. More about that project another time, hopefully with better pictures.

  5. FullMetalRPG
    This weekend @Sunchaser and I met up with our new gaming buddy Dave at Desert Sky Games in Phoenix AZ. There were three of us and we wanted to get in a game so we played a multiplayer mission from the new General's Handbook. I have to say, it was the finest 3+ player experience I have ever had. The mission was really well thought out and super fun to play. @Sunchaserbrought his Sylvaneth and Dave brought his filthy Skaven horde. The battle was on for control of the battlefield and while the first turn was marked by a truce between the forces of Chaos, we knew in our pitch-black hearts that there could be but one winner. 
    While I would like to be posting pictures of fully painted models, both @Sunchaser and I are new to the AoS hobby and, (fun fact!) the Arizona heat prevents you from priming models because it is so hot outside that the paint literally dries in midair and will undercoat your models with this rough texture that looks kind of ****** when you paint over it. We're going to have to wait until morning temperatures get down into the 80's which probably won't be until October.
    Here are some pics from our battle. The Sylvaneth look so good on the board, those models are beautiful beyond words and if you've only seen pictures of them, the pics just don't do them justice. Some of the best models I've ever seen.

  6. FullMetalRPG
    This weekend I got in my weekly game with @Sunchaser at Desert Sky Games in Phoenix, AZ. I showed up with the same mixed Nurgle list I played last time. We had agreed that we wanted to try a Battleplan from the SCGT 2016 Tournament Pack and we set that game up. I can't remember what the Battleplan was called, but it's the first one in there and it's like, you have to control altars in order to move a storm.
    Anyway, to control an altar requires a Hero or Monster and so @Sunchaser (who plays Sylvaneth) made a quick change to his list to include another hero. I asked him about how many points the models he took out were worth and he indicated it was about 180 points. So, like an idiot, I had this idea in my head that a Chaos Chariot was worth about 200, and I was already coming in at 960, so I said, "Hey, just leave that unit in there! I'll throw in this ****** chariot, since I've been wanting to try it anyway!"
    So we played the game and while the end result was technically a draw, if he had played really hard and @Sunchaser could probably have tabled me. He's a really great opponent and very chill and relaxed which kept the game competitive and interesting when it could have been super one-sided.
    The turn that really stands out in my memory was right in round one.
    I advanced my Chaos Knights next to a Chaos Chariot and then proceeded to charge them into two units if Kurnoth Hunters, one with bow and arrow, one withscythes. My Chariot did nothing. I mean, literally nothing. I think after all was said and done, I came up with one wound that he shrugged off. Or hell, I dunno, maybe that squad carried it around with them the rest of the game. Either way, the Chariot didn't really do anything.
    It was a far cry from the days of 5th E when Chariots were supah-bomb anyway.
    On their retort, the scythed Hunters brutally executed the Chariot.
    It was only later that I realized that I could have afforded two chariots for the cost of the models he put on the board. Not to mention the deficit I was already running. I might have been able to run THREE Chariots with those points. Not that I will. I was really underwhelmed with how one performed and I just can't see spending the money on a model that is going to be that lackluster. I think I'll probably play with this one while the rest of the army is coming together and then it will just sit in a box until we do some kind of battle royale with every model on the the table kind of thing.
    Sorry there were no pics this week! I'll make sure and get some at my next battle on Thursday!
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