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Everything posted by DocKeule

  1. Stormfiends have the Moulder keyword any way so you can use them in an all-Moulder list.
  2. It is a little hero-heavy. In my personal opinion running both Volturnos and a generic king does not make too much sense since only the general can use his command ability. Running the Eidolon of the Sea and a tidecaster is not as redundant but magic is not the strong point of the IDK. I would run one or the other. Split the eels in two units of three, use Volturnos as your general and with the Thralls you meet the battleline requirements. Then you would be at 1910 points. If you buy a command point for 50 you are good to go for a 2000 points game.
  3. Personally I like to mix different clans. Since we got the new book taking the best of each clan for me is the fun an strength of the skaven. A mono-clan-list is possible though. To go full Moulder is rare and they are probably the weakest clan right now with a very limited choice of models. Going full Skryre on the other hand can be pretty strong and you have a couple of options. Only problem is that some of the older tin models are getting increasingly hard to find and some are expecting GW to fade them out. If you start with six stormfiends you are at 520 points and have your battleline. Two warlock engineers or bombardiers as heroes and a doomwheel you would be at 880. You could add 20 clanrats or a greyseer. Or get a weapon.
  4. You cannot field the Whyrlblade Threshik enginecoven by itself. You need to field a Warpcog Convocation battalion wthat contains of two or more enginecovens of your choice. If you switch one Doomwheel for a Warplighning Cannon you could field an Arkhspark Voltik (Cannon plus Warlock Bombardier) as your second enginecoven and you could use the battalion. But you have to pay the points for the battalion and both enginecovens.
  5. The Broken Realms updates are in. They are faster that the GW app 😉
  6. It is not the nicest set-up visually but aosreminders.com is kind of good to learn an army step by step.
  7. If you have three models in the unit you can't but it you have six models you can have one grinder and one rattling cannon. One third can be be armed with one or the other not only one option for the whole third.
  8. I think the "one of the following options" should express that one model cannot have more that one weapon option. When AoS first started the wording was not clear in that aspect and did also not limit the combinations you could use. Some people started building Stormfiends with a rattling gun and a warpfire projector on the same model (and usually one with one grinderfist in each unit). That thinking was kind of logocal since Thanquol still works similarly but it was ridiculously OP.
  9. I disagree. In a unit with six fiends you can have one grinder and one rattling gun. Then one third is armed with either or the other. (Two grinders in one unit would not make any sense any way)
  10. I think I would go with Dhom Hain because missing out on being able to retreat and charge in turn four is too much of a downside. As for a defensive list...that would be possible but I would only use it in narrative play with a fitting story. Otherwise it would be missing out on the main ability of the IDK.
  11. It is nice having the choice. With less drops you could also dictate the order and have your opponent go first if that suits you. It is not a necessity most of the time but the one re-roll per phase and the extra artifact can come in handy when the strategy relies on certain dicerolls. Something completely different: Has anyone tried to have the reversing of the tide and Volturnos'/the king's command ability in the same game? It would be doable if the Tidecaster died before the IDKs second turn and Volturnos or the generic king was made the new General to pop his ability in the hero phase.
  12. It can be nice to dictate who starts the first round and have a small statistical advantage in the next roll off but on the other hand having more drops lets you counter your opponent's deployment to chose the engagements you want.
  13. Some of those are pretty obvious carbon copies of GW models.
  14. Beastmen and maybe goblins could field a comparable mass of models if they wanted to. On the other hand you can go full Skryre and have a one drop list with only about 20 models or so at 2000 points.
  15. In my neck of the woods (and GW shops in particular but also independent tournaments) a conversion is usually accepted if it is a model/kit of equal value. Convert a cheap unit into something much stronger or pricier is usually frowned upon.
  16. A lot of the chances I get to play are at tournaments and they usually don't like proxies there. Depends on what you prefer I would say. For me Skaven should be a horde army (most of the time). Ich have 120 clanrats, 20 stormvermin an 80 monks and I like it when a wave of rats rolls across the table. With Skryre you could have a much more elite build. A couple of stormfiend-units and then weapon-teams and machines.
  17. Main problem with there Skryre lists ist that the acolytes make them very expensive. They cost more than some other armies cost at all. Other than that I would give one stormfiend the warp-grinder to be able to have them pop up (btw: you have six stormfiends in your list but eight weapon options).
  18. GW have clarified that this effect was intentional in the designer's comments two years ago.
  19. In my experience the main aspect for the ships is board control. Because many opponents avoid them they are pretty good to dictate your opponent's path across the table, build bottlenecks etc. especially in combination with neutral scenery pieces.
  20. I think the wording is pretty clear and always has been. The two halves are a chance for players to deploy to scenery-models without buying two ships not the other way around. And I don't know what would be unfair about it. The effects are pretty mild compared to other scenery and we have to watch our positioning very carefully to even have an effect at all. Some opponents avoid the like they are radioactive but that's on them. Like the high tide the expectation is often bigger than the event.
  21. GW is kind of lazy with stuff like that.
  22. IDK are recycling souls any way so they could "implant" those rescued souls into new bodies to give them whatever powers that GW would want to attribute to them.
  23. Since ist is still pretty obvious that there are rider on a mount. Plus the old warscrolls differentiated between the rider and the eel or shark but the word "mount" was not used either. It is still kind of clear that the crew won't bite nor do they have "lashing tails".
  24. It is possible either with the new book and/or if Idoneth are included in a starter set (I would expect a generic hero in the second case). What I would welcome moste were some command abilities that could be used without bein the general. (IDK see to be about the only army that has that?). I think at least Volturnos' ability should be free to use regardless. Other than that a cavalry hero that below the king would be nice maybe even a mounted caster.
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