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Everything posted by DocKeule

  1. With stormfiends your money is in the shooting. Equipping one with grinders would mean one less wit ratling cannons. The doomflayer fists do OK but the output is not overwhelming. Rat ogres aren't bad as well but they have about the same output as two namarti thralls (I play Idoneth also) at twice the pointcost. Plague monks still can generate a lot of attacks but they lost a lot of their mortal wounds potencial and the chance to have rend with the new warscroll, I really wish they would turn that back. The Vigordust Injector only gives you one extra inch on the charge, not the normal move. I have not used my doomwheel yet though. I will try and incorporate that later this year.
  2. I don't see Moulder getting nixed. Rat ogers and the abomination are iconic models and I am pretty sure they will be around in some form. But for example packmaster and master moulder, warlock engineer, warlock bombardier and arch warlock...there are some redundancies that could be approached in different ways or corse. We could get some named characters for the great clans again. I think that would provide much more colour to the current lore. As far as a wishlist goes...I think skaven need a close combat hammer. In shooting they are doing OK with stormfiends (usually my MVPs), ratling guns, warpfire thrower, warplightning cannon and plagueclaw. But in melee we are mostly limted to shielding our missile weapons and mages until our meatshield crumble. I think we need some units that really do some damage in close combat even against newer or recently updated armies. I have played a real fun online tournament game this week against ogors. The scenario was "Places of arcane power" so only heroes could score while they were within 3" of the objetive. My list was pretty weak but I had four heroes and my opponent only had two. So I knew pretty much my only chance would be to snipe his heroes and try to score as early as possible until he had a chance to kill my characters. Cheeses it worked. I killed both his heroes turn two before he could score and I won the game but he still managed to kill over three quarters of my army without much I could do about that. I made some mistakes and could have kept my stormfiends alive a little longer but if I hadn't killed his characters I wouldn't have had a chance in war war of attrition because I took much more damage than I was able to dish out. Any way I have decided not to buy anything new until a new book is released. My army is pretty complete for what I like from the current roster any way and I would not like to fill gaps now and then find the units have been kicked to the curb few month later. And I would really apprecuhiate some new stuff.
  3. I think that's a little exaggerated. Apart from the older metal- and resin-models maybe the clanrats could use a facelift to fit the beefier AoS design. Most of the other stuff is 7th edition and still looks pretty up to date. Some of the weapon-teams are also not that old but the metal warpfire thrower, jezzail, engineer, assasin and ratling-gun and so on are 6th edition and it shows (unless they re-do the blood island models where available). They already cut the poisoned-wind mortar with the last book and I am kind of expecting them to kick some more out. Apart from the stormcasts we probably have the biggest roster of any single factions (not counting chaos undivided and death as a meta-faction).Most new armies don't have half as much units (yet at least). And I don't see a problem with some units being discontinued if there was new stuff coming. 🤷‍♂️
  4. Depends on if you want to build more pestilens or not. A well buffed block of 40 monks has a better output that four smaller units even with the bringer words (plus they don't break as fast in battleshock). If you have no plans to go in that direction two units of ten are probably better that one unit of twenty.
  5. The one in the app is the current one. The one in the GW shop is the updated one as well.
  6. 1. Yes that is with all armies and units. The banners and stuff are an additional bonus. The weapon profiles still apply. 2. The plague monks warscolls has been simplyfied. Now the one in the app is the legal one and they only have one type of banner and one other function (I think it is the gong). 2a. Masterclan has only three models: grey seer, grey seer on screaming bell and Thanquol. So you can't really field an all-masterclan-army. 3. With the skaventide allegiance clanrats and stormvermin are always battleline. The other clans have some units that can assume that role but only if the whole armie (appart from the general that can be masterclan) belongs to that clan. So if you wanted to use plague monks as battleline every unit (apart from a possible masterclan general) has to be from clan pestilens. Other than that you can mix the clans however you like once you fulfilled your battleline obligations. Then you only have to watch the caps on heroes, artillery and behemoth.
  7. Yes, but the Soulrender's ability only applies in "your battleshock phase".
  8. Welcome to the rat pack 🐭 1. You will need two battleline units for 1000 point games and three for 2000 points. Your online unit type that counts as battleline are the clanrats (stormvermin also work in mixed lists) everything else can only take that role in mono-clan-armies. So I would build both banners and musicians to run them as two blocks of 20 for the beginning. (And even in a 40-rat-unit a second banner or musician can come in handy when you have to pull casualties). 2. Again for running them as two units I would build them both as claw leaders (any unit can only have one though) and paint them a little different so you can chose one when you run them as a big unit later. 3. Yes, they attack as if they have the same weapons as the rest of the unit,
  9. On the other hand there is a chance we might lose more units than will be added. All weapon teams, the acolytes, arch warlock, master moulder, gutter runners, plague censer bearers and warlock engineer that are sold new are still metal models. Then there are the solo plague priest, doom flayer and deathmaster that are finecast resin models. I wonder what will happen to those units once the remainders are sold. Thanquol und the hellpit abomination are already sold out in the online shop. We have probably the largest roster in the game right now but I don't really see them doing plastic reprints of all these models.
  10. If they stick to the three-year-rhythm we will get a new battletome next year. But from what I have read GW is already behind the schedule due to corona so it might take a little longer.
  11. If you both decide on him using the old plague monk warscroll from the book it might be a little more even. They used to hit like trucks and could have an almost obscene number of attacks when buffed to the max plus would generate some mortal wounds. That way they could pose a threat to the IDK.
  12. I played my Skaven against IDK yesterday. I think that might be about the perfect anti-army for the rats. The Skaven can slow the Idoneth down putting a lot of small throw away units in their way but their punch lies in their shooting. They don't have much in their arsenal to cut the IDK down in melee especially when they are in the Leviadon bubble.
  13. What models does he use? I see why skaven would struggle against IDK. Playing skaven myself my first instinct would be to go for the Idoneth' vulnerability for mortal wounds and field warplightning cannons. But then again you cannot really deceide which unit you want to shoot at. So I would try to to use many cheap bodies (clanrats, plaguemonks, acolytes) for board control and denying movement, magic for mortal wounds and tunneling (gnawholes, warp-grinder teams or stormfiends with grinder fist) plus magic (skitter leap) to get missile units und supporting heroes in position to shoot what they need to shoot.
  14. I think not being able to retreat and charge again turn four is still a big disadvantage. Even if you don't rely on the charge as much with Allopexes that witha Morrsarr-List it still decreases your mobility and chances to choose the fights you want.
  15. I wasn't happy with the first draft but this isn't looking too bad. It is just a little joke for my tournament lists any way.
  16. Six Jezzails have to little output. Teclis hast 16 wounds and will ignore on average a third of the damage you do to him. Six Jezzails will on average have 1,5 wounding hits. Lets say 2. Even if both go through and they got buffed with a warpstone spark that its 6 damage. Even without his ignoring on 5+ it would take half the game to take him out. Even with six stormfiends and a warlock bombardier it is a gamble very much depending how I role for the rattling cannons. Again assuming average results and using a warpstone token: - two fiends with rattling cannons would to 18 shots, 9 would hit and 6 would wound. At rend -1 Teclis should save 2, with the warpstone we have 8 damage - two fiends with windlaunchers to 6 attacks, 3 hit and 1,5 wound (say again 2), with rend -3 he can't save so it ist 2 W3 + 2 damage, again 8. - the bombardier will use his rocket and (of course) overcharge it. Chances of a wounding hit are 1:3 and Teclis has a 1:3 chance to get the save. On average we could inflict 7wounds then. With 23 wounds caused he ignores a third we are at 15,3 damage that he takes. So we would have to roll above average or hope for a 9" charge (when we used our tunneling) to get rid of him in one turn. If we don't and not have a double-turn we can be pretty certain what all his archers are going to aim at in his next shooting phase.
  17. Allegiance: Skaventide LEADERS Plague Priest (80) - General - Command Trait: Architect of Death Warlock Bombardier (120) - Artefact: Esoteric Warp Resonator - Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: Warp Lightning Shield Warlock Bombardier (120) - Artefact: Warpstone Armour - Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power! UNITS 20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Spear 20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Spear 20 x Clanrats (120) - Rusty Spear 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warp-Grinder (80) 1 x Warp-Grinder (80) 1 x Warp-Grinder (80) ARTILLERY Plagueclaw (150) Plagueclaw (150) Plagueclaw (150) BATTALIONS Foulrain Congregation (110) TOTAL: 1970/2000 WOUNDS: 123 Second approach: Same basic idea but with some twists. The Foulrain Congregation will hide somewhere in the back behind some terrain. On units with 10 or more models this would give us three shots 2+ (re-rolling ones) 2+ rend 2 and 2W6 damage. Clanrats take objectives, shield the weaponteams and and the catapults and warpfire-teams threaten the elves. Two of them and an engineer go underground.
  18. I hear you... Now what about this? I took @Skreech Verminkings idea and tried to take it one step further. Again: This is a TTS game so I don't need to really own the models. Allegiance: Skaventide LEADERS Warlock Bombardier (120) - General - Command Trait: Masterful Scavenger - Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power! Warlock Bombardier (120) - Artefact: Esoteric Warp Resonator - Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: Warp Lightning Shield Warlock Bombardier (120) - Lore of Warpvolt Galvanism: More-more-more Warp Power! UNITS 5 x Skryre Acolytes (60) 5 x Skryre Acolytes (60) 5 x Skryre Acolytes (60) 5 x Skryre Acolytes (60) 5 x Skryre Acolytes (60) 5 x Skryre Acolytes (60) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 1 x Warpfire Thrower (70) 6 x Stormfiends (520) 1 x Warp-Grinder (80) 1 x Warp-Grinder (80) 1 x Warp-Grinder (80) 1 x Warp-Grinder (80) TOTAL: 1980/2000 WOUNDS: 111 Plan: Command trait and artefact are designed to generate as many warpstone tokens as possible to buff the missile units without having to rely on magic. Have the acolytes run arround, grab objectives and shield the warpfire teams. Have the unit of stormfiends go underground with a grinder-team to hopefully go character sniping. Also two warpfire throwers will tunnel as will one of the warlock engineers to support either the fiends or warpfire teams (whatever seems more advantageous). The other four warfire teams are there to pose e threat against his units (hopefully avoiding melee for a while) and give him something to think about.
  19. Not sure. His spell can cost you a lot of your output with the 5+ ignoring wounds bubble. I get your point though that too many players maybe concentrate too much on him.
  20. Problem with the warpfire throwers is: You have to stay 9" away from any enemy model and you cannot move after turned up from the ground. Yet they only have 8" reach so you won't be able to fire the turn you come up. With a double turn that might work out but if the opponent gets the next turn you are done. Warplighting Cannons won't be able to shoot a Teclis unless he moves up really aggressively.
  21. I am going to play Lumineth Realmlords with Teclis on Friday via TTS. What do you think would give me a chance to make the game at least competitive? Since I won't be limited to the models I really own I am thinking about a full Skyre list and hope to shoot Teclis out of the game turn one or two. My idea is to have two units of six stormfiends going underground with additional warp grinders (so not losing a rattling cannon) and have them pop up and hope to kill Teclis in one swoop. (Maybe also adding an engineer to buff them). I was also considering the battalion but I don't seem to finde a good built under 2000 points. The other idea is to go all Pestilenz since Teclis is going to deny me most magic any way. Problem here: Their archers have about the same reach as the catapults. Could be interesting if the mat allow for a foulrain congregation to hide. Most melee units would probably hardly make it into close combat still.
  22. I have played my first game on the TTS yesterday. The handling is a little wobbly at first but I am getting there. We were playing 1000 points battle for the pass as ist was my first TTS game and my opponents first AoS game (a long time 40k player though). I was running Screaming Bell (General) Clawlord Warlock Engineer 3 x 20 Clanrats (full command) with spears as battleline Warplightning Cannon My opponent was running: Bloodthirster Skullmaster 2 x 10 Bloodletters 20 Bloodletters 2 x 5 Fleshhounds 1. Round He had fewer drops and was giving me first turn. I got one unit of Clanrats though the gnawhole behind his lines and got the charge on a unit of Bloodletters killing four and having three rats killed. My cannon was out of reach so I got no shooting. I one of my other units of Clanrats to one of the objectives in the middle and left the bell and the third unit of Clanrats to grab the objective in my zone. The cannon and the engineer moved uo a little bit but stayed close to each other and the gnawhole because I was still considering sending the cannon though. I scored three point: 3:0 My opponent moved most of his stuff up and sent a block of Fleshhounds back to help out his Bloodlettes. His heroes got the charge on my clanrats that were on the middle objective, killed some but he did not capture it yet. He scored one point. 3:1. 2. Round He won the role of and that was probably already the decision on that match. He charged his big unit of Bloodletters in my rats on the objective and they and his heroes took most of them out. (Luckyly I did not have to take battleshocks because I was still within 13" of the bell). His sencond Fleshhound unit took the other middle-objective but my rats still held theirs. He was scoring 3 points: 3;4 In my second turn I moved up my bell and last unit of clanrats as well as the cannon and engineer. I got some spells off doing a little damage to his Bloodthirster. When it was time to shoot I rolled the strength of the cannon...which was six 🙄..and oovercharged it. I did not roll a single six but enough ones to kill the cannon instantly. At least the bell and the last clanrats got the charge and did a bit of damage to his Bloodthirster. Also I killed enough Blootletters in his deploiment zine to take over his objective. I scored seven points: 10:4 3. Round He won the roll off and sandwiched my clanrats in his territory (still not doing enough damage to take the objective back). In the midde he took the secons objective and he halfed my wounds on the bell in addition to killing most clanrats. He scored 5 points: 10:9 I did not have too much left. I would ha wanted to pull the Screming Bell out of combat but the Bloodthirster hat some way to prevent that. I ran my clanrats in his baclyard out of combat though still holding the objective and I charges my Clawlord into his Bloodthirster and my engineer (with nothing left to do) into his bloodletters. I did some damage to the Bloodthirster and scored 5 points for 15:9 4. Round Double turn for me but too little to late. I killed the Bloodthirster with magic and shooting so I was able to pull back the bell. (Still kind of hoping for a 12 to summon a Verminlord in round 5). My Clawlord killed the Skullmaster but I lost the engineer to the Bloodletters. I scorrred 5 points for 20:9. In his turn he killed my Clanrats in his back and my Clawlord so all I had left was the bell in my deploiment zone on my objective. Je scored 5 points for 20:13. 5. Round My only hope was to winn the roll of and summon a Verminlord. I had 3 wounds left and could not move and he had 5 Fleshhounds and a dozen Blodletters ready to charge. I lost the roll off and conceded and that point. He would have scored nine points for 20:22 and tabled me. It was a fung game and it was good to play again after moth witchout a single game due to corona. I will definitely have more games on TTS.
  23. Apart from Nurgle and DoK (who are up next) the IDK have the third oldest book of all factions. That is why I think we are not too far from a new battletome. I don't think Morrsarr will be nerved. I do not even find them that good to be honest. On the charge they are fine otherwise they are mediocre. I had a few spectacular moments with nine Morrsarr taking out a Great Unclean One in one turn but all in all Ishlaen have done more for me winning me games or at least keeping games competitive to the end. With the current profiles I would not increase any points frankly. But I hope that they bring the IDK up to speed. The newer factions have a lot more and a lot more different buffs and abilities. (I would rather have them stop the power creep but that is not going to happen). And then the points could be up for debate,
  24. Since Daughters of Kaine are next in line for a new battletome I expect IDK to follow not too far after them. In 2018 DoK came in March, IDK in April and the new edition in June. Personally I would rather have a new book after the edition change but at least this time I will not barely have my army built and painted before the edge is taken off of them.
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