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Everything posted by ManlyMuppet88

  1. They changed the size in 2nd Edition so maybe they’re just going to be updated. Christmas seems a good time to do it.
  2. I’d say Destruction over Chaos, it’s got that rough craftsmanship vibe that Destruction armies almost always have. Although, to be fair, Chaos does use that a lot too.
  3. I think it’s pretty unlikely that Idoneth would get new models so soon. I’m calling Moonclan.
  4. That’s fine. I actually love the Shadespire warband previews, I feel like it gives us some great insight into the direction GW may take with and further army releases.
  5. Some really awesome stuff here. I wasn’t going to do any Hexwraiths in my Nighthaunt because of the old, out of place models but I’m keen to give some of these conversions a go instead.
  6. I feel like the return of Slaanesh is too big of an event to just drop on us this soon after the Necroquake. It feels like a new edition or global campaign level event. That being said, I want him/her to stay imprisoned forever. I love that narrative.
  7. So has anyone been able to tick off a few of the rumour engine images with the recent Shadespire releases? I think there are a few Grotish looking ones but they’re not quite lining up with the new releases. Good sign that more is on the way, I hope.
  8. Yes. Yes, I would be okay with that. ? Edit: actually, I’m torn on Sigvald himself. It’d be cool if he returned but I’d also like to see something completely new. Fingers crossed for both! ?
  9. I’m really hoping we get a Slaaneshi mortals release around/after the Daemons, that would be far more exciting and interesting to me.
  10. Hopefully this means GW will do a proper preview in the next couple of days. While I’m not really interested in collecting Slaanesh (at the moment), I’m really glad to see him/her getting some attention and am really excited to see if there is any plot development.
  11. I’m loving the Shadespire stuff. I might just have to get on board this season.
  12. That’s actually exactly what I’d like. The Night Goblin design has always been crazy and needs very little work to fit into the AoS aesthetic, just more dynamism. Besides, it’s a Shadespire warband not a full army release. If they do get the full army treatment then it could be a bigger departure.
  13. Probably the alternate Guardian of Souls they’ve shown off. They said it was for birthdays.
  14. I’m guessing Darkoath but it does look a bit Fireslayers too. Only leaning towards Darkoath because of the rumours, and I’d be a little surprised to see a second wave of anything (apart from Stormcast) when there are so many other factions needing attention. Something completely new feels more likely to me.
  15. Can we post links to leaked images? A google search of Zarbag’s Gitz only got me a grainy black and white picture of potential box art on reddit. Everything about that sentence says “fake” to me. Hopefully not though.
  16. What I’d really like to see is four Tzaangor and two Acolytes to fill out the units from Silver Tower........ that’s probably a bit much to ask for isn’t it!? Whatever the contents, I’m buying.
  17. Hoping for Grots but could be Bonesplitterz too I guess. Grots does seem more likely though.
  18. The Battletome looks really exciting but unfortunately there are too many models in the range that need replacing before I dive into Beasts. I’ll probably pick up a herdstone though. Just because it’s cool.
  19. And floors! I was kinda hoping for an AoS version of Sector Imperialis but these seem a little simpler. Oh well, we’ll see.... it’s only one photo after all.
  20. I’m not actually a Shadespire player but me too! So far all the Shadespire warbands have been fantastic and I feel like they are great snapshots at what a particular factions vibe is. Anyway, we’ve obviously got Nighthaunt, Stormcast and what appears to be Moonclan on the way. Rumours of Tzeentch have me really excited too.
  21. I think they’re due out Christmas. It was a White Dwarf leak if I remember right. Usual out-of-focus photos so there is always a chance it was fake.
  22. Problem is it’d hard to determine what this means anymore. Maybe they saw Shadespire models and it isn’t an army release... Here’s hoping we do though, I want to see so many of the “Old World”armies get some attention but Skaven would be one of my top picks.
  23. I think it’s really unlikely that it’s a KO release. I don’t see GW revisiting a faction that was released only 18 months ago. Unless they’re Stormcast or Space Marines.
  24. The little Destruction similarities are starting to pile up. Fingers crossed we’re not waiting too long.
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