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Posts posted by Hankster

  1. 6 hours ago, Unter said:

    Besides, once your Ishlaen are in combat, they aren't getting another charge any time soon and their cover will dissapear on t2, also you don't get cover when you charge right? Leaving them on a 4+ rerollable, kicking wounds on a 6+. Not sure if this is "220pts good", compared to the output of Morsarr.

    Don't forget you get a shock blast with the Morsarr! I forgot about it in my first game, but man is it handy if you have a large unit of eels and need to take down a specific unit to free you up for another charge or to take the sting out of an attack if you get charged. Now that I remember to use that ability, I think it puts them over the Ishlaens every time.

    If you are worried about surviveability take Nautlar and use your  tidecaster to give your Morsarr's the electric shield for a -1 to enemy rend. It casts on a 4 so you should get it off. With that they are nearly at tough as the Ishlaens and you get way better attacks when you get your charges in. 

    If you're curious about Morsarrs, the Honest Wargamer did a episode on them. They think they are one of most effective offensive units in game.  https://soundcloud.com/the-honest-wargamer/aos-rundown-morsarr-guard



  2. 47 minutes ago, S__ said:

    I bet Slaves to Darkness and Everchosen will therefore get a Battletome together, the same for all aelven factions of the World-that-was.

    I donno about an aelven bundle. With all the hints about the interactions of light and shadow and animosity between the new aelvens and Slaanesh I think we're going to get new Slaanesh and at least one or two new aelf factions that all play off each other. 

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks for your thoughts guys. I think I'll add a couple more units of Morsarrs and try lists with a Liviadon and E of the storm and see what I like better.

    So far the speed and hitting power has been great fun to use. It's been a great place to start with AoS.

  4. 2 hours ago, Overread said:

     if Stormcast are already there then it wouldn't be a shock if other Order factions were well aware of the goings on and are coming to have their own attempt to steal some magical relics - why should Sigmar's forces get them all! 

    I donno, that sounds more like a justification for DoK. I can really see Morathi challenging the temples to bring the powerful relics for the glory of Khaine. ...and to sneakily put on over on Sigmar and the other gods. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Drofnum said:

    Soulrender + thralls/reavers.  Possibly a Tidecaster if they want them to have a wizard.

    Could be there looking for a replenishable supply of souls.  Fits pretty easily imo.

    Maybe. You're right about the souls link. I pretty much only play with Akhelians, so I often forget about the other units. 

    DoK are much better known though, so I'd say they are more likely. I'll take any Aelves in can get though. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Drofnum said:

    Ever think about playing undead?  Some solid Necro skills here! ;)

    Not really. I've always thought Nagash was a giant ****** and I don't like vampires, so I'm a little biased against death.

    I do like the ethereal nature of the Nighthaunts though and the broader alliance does have some very cool mechanics. 


  7. Any rumors about more Dark elf successor factions? Or High elf successors for that matter?

    I'm really intrigued by what sort of army Malerion might run. We know so little about him and Ulgu despite him being one of the major gods. 

    ...plus I want new elves to ally my Deepkin with. :) 

  8. That's fair. It is a lot of points to hold objectives or sit in combat. Maybe I need to focus even more on mobility if I'm going to have a Akhaleian focused army.

    I take it you guys think the aspect of the storm is a better use of 440pts than the leviadon? 

    I assume you are using the heartrenders to sit on objectives when you need to. 

  9. 15 hours ago, Unter said:

    9 Morsarr

    So you use only Morsarr eels? You don't find the Ishlaens useful for holding objectives? Their ignore rend seems pretty awesome to me. 

    Have you tried a Laviadon? In my mind Ishleans supported by a Laviadon seems like it should be insanely tough. And the perfect anvil to hold up enemies on or sit on objectives. But maybe it would be too vulnerable to mortal wounds...

  10. On 9/15/2018 at 4:54 PM, DocKeule said:

    I played another tournament today and ran the following:

    2 Soulscryer
    Eidalon Sea

    30 Thralls
    20 Reavers
    6 Ishlaen Guar
    3 Ishlaen Guard

    2 Wrecks

    I have yet to take my Deepkin into a tournament. But I find the eels really strong.
    A 6 model unit of Morrsars can do 10-15 wounds if you get their charge off. Add a few more if you use your bioshock blast and more again you get your charge on the high tide and have a king close by. 

    For objective games the Ishlean's are even better. If you can get their charges in or support them you can sit and tank a lot of damage. In one game I managed to hold up nearly 1k of beast claw raiders with my Ishleans and then charge down the line repeatedly with my Morrsars over a couple of turns to pretty much delete the army. 

    I'm planning to try adding a Leviadon to the army and basically run a hammer squad and a anvil squad.  Since you have such good movement and can often run and charge or retreat and charge you can avoid combat with your Morrsars and King and either hold the key objective or pin the enemy's main force with Ishleans and the Leviadon. 

    I'll let you know if my theory crafting actually works on the board. If it does, it'll be as satisfying as smashing armies with dragon princes used to be.  

    How do your find your Reavers? Everyone I talk to about them seems down on them.

  11. 1 hour ago, Yoshiya said:


    A kharibdyss, eh? That is a cool idea. Personally, i hope the Deepkin get a Kraken unit or even a Kraken spell model at some point. That would be uber cool. 

    For now I think I'll seen how what I have plays, but it'll be hard not to get a leviadon and try to make it work since the model is so cool. 

    What is the meta you usually play against?

  12. On 9/11/2018 at 6:45 AM, Unter said:

    Hello! First things first, IDK are very strong, and while eels are mandatory if you want to be competitive, you don’t have to go mono-eel.


    Hey @Unter what sort of list do you run? I'm still building my army, and right now I'm focused on Akhelians. I'd be intersested to hear everyone's thoughts.

    Currently I have:

    Voltrunos / Akhelian king (not sure if I should build Voltrunos or the King - Thoughts?)



    6 - Morrsarr 

    6 - Ishlaen

    2 - Allopexes

    I'm planning on adding more eels and either an Eidlon (probably storm) or a leviadon. 

    I plan to get an Akhelian focused army up and running as it's easier and the eels and sharks are cool models. Plus I like the idea of having a very fast army to grab objectives and get charges in. Down the line I may make a second Namarti focused army. 

    Would it make sense to get the Leviadon so I can take the Akhelian battalion? Does it really make that much of a difference to have a two drop army? I'm really tempted by the Eidlon since it looks so cool and the Leviadon seems a to have really high point cost in AoS2. 

    Any thoughts on if Voltrunos or the King is a better choice? The anti-magic shield sounds pretty cool, but I don't really like the eye patch. 

    Last question, any thoughts on fighting Beastclaw, other than stay away and focus on objectives? 

  13. 22 hours ago, DocKeule said:

    I would really like to not get too eel heavy. I know they are what most people seem to concentrate on but I don't enjoy that model that much (especially the building and painting) and I would like to variety on the table. Consensus seems to be that the Leviadon and the Eidalon are not really worth their points so I might take only one or none of them in competetive situations although they are the two most spectacular models.

    Hey @DocKeule I don't have any advice as I've just started my IDK army. But second your question.

    I do like the eels, but it seems a shame not to include the Leviadon or the Eidalon in lists since they are such beautiful models. It would be disappointing if the really cool models only worked in narrative play. 

  14. Oh wise old treemen and branchywychs!

    I'm new to wargaming and the Age of Sigmar. I've been playing a bit with 1k Ironjawz army and I think I'd like to try the Sylvaneth. The combination of magic and behemoths with area denial/support from wyldwoods looks very interesting tactically. Plus the look damn cool!

    Can anyone suggest a good approach for a novice and where to start with the faction (besides the start collecting box)? 


  15. @Brakkus

    Thanks for the update. The regeneration of the Trolls looks great. I'm hoping that GW will eventually come out with a book that includes them so they can get allegiance benefits and battalions.

    ...but since the Grots don't even have a book yet that is probably going to be a while. Ahhhh well. As cool as the Ironjawz are, I kinda miss the old Greenskin armies with their mix of orks, goblins and trolls. 



  16. On 8/24/2018 at 8:52 PM, Brakkus said:

    I have a game lined up with a guy from my local club on Sunday and I'm looking at trying the following:

    Cabbage: general

    Hag: ally

    Brutes x5

    Brutes x5

    Brutes x5

    Gruntas x3

    Gruntas x3





    Wanted to try bloodtoofs for the bonus to bravery, charging and reducing the number of drops. Hag is for some magical support and another durable body. Cogs helps with the slow movement and can potentially make the hag a bit more durable. Plus, the hag is a damn fine model and I don't put it on the table enough as I'd like. 



    How did the battle go? I'm really curious how the Hag preformed. How many points is it? I don't remember seeing it in the GHB18. 

    I'm just starting out with the Ironjawz and the idea of a really durable spell caster sounds quite interesting. The Wierdnob isn't exactly lighting the world on fire for his points cost. 

  17. Interesting. I do like the idea of a giant unit of Ardboys or two. That's 60 wounds with a 4+ save. Pretty hard to move.  It would synergize well with the Weirdnob. But I would be worried about getting WAAAGH! off with so few units. 


    On a different note, from my reading of Bloodtooths the other Brawls you have to have at least one other battalion to take them. I'm I reading that correctly?  

  18. 1 minute ago, broche said:

    Brutes are more killy, but ardboys are more resistant (read really cheap per effective life), and more models. Ardboys are great objective holder, and will win combat against most non-elite units. Personnaly I like playing a mix of Brutes, Ardboys and Gruntas as they fill different role (brutes for killing stuff, ardboys for board coverage and gruntas for speed).

    That sounds reasonable. Since I have a start collecting box I'll likely do the same. 

    It just seems that the tournament armies are all brutes and maga bosses. 

    ...also did the general destruction 2D6 buff to speed get taken away? I'm a little unclear on what GHB18 did to the Ironjawz. I've been reading through the chain, but I haven't seen a summary of what changes actually happened. 

  19. Hey All, 

    I'm just getting into AoS and I've decided to start with an Ironjawz army. Da Boyz has got the looks and 'Krumpin is fun! 

    Everyone seems to be taking Brutes almost exclusively over 'Ardboyz. Are they that much better on a per unit basis or is it because the goal is to have more units so the extra WAAGH! attacks are triggered more often? 

    Like I said, I'm new to AoS so any advice about 'ow to bash 'dem other gits to bits is welcome.

  20. On 8/17/2018 at 3:03 PM, Rock Lobster said:

    Capital city bloodbath this weekend. The boyz are ready, we shall see how we get on - 6 games coming up.


    My list

    • Allegiance Ironjawz (Hysh)
    • Bork Ballsmasha on Mawkrusha (Ironclad, Mirrored Cuirass)
    • Megaboss (The Destroyer)
    • Warchanter (Aetherquartz Brooch)
    • Fungoid cave shaman
    • 5 units of 5 brutes
    • Bloodtoofs and Ironfist
    • Cogs

    @Rock Lobster Nice list!
    I'm just staring with AoS and taking the Ironjawz as I've always loved greenskins as they seem pretty straight forward to learn the game with.
    Do you play in the area or did you come in for the CCBB? I also happen to live in the national capital region, so I'm looking for places to play in the area. 

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