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Everything posted by Ironbreaker

  1. You will have to go GA: Order to use them as Dwarfs are not a Dispossessed ally.
  2. My second favorite item is Piledriver Gauntlets if I am playing a more defensive game. -1 to hit can be pretty good against some armies. Park the Warden King, or maybe even Runelord since he wants to be out of combat if he can help it, behind your front lines and pound the earth behind them.
  3. No Dispossessed so I don't care. I honestly don't care about any Sigmar release besides Dispossessed. Every release besides Dispossessed is just another grudge into my very large book of GW grudges. Warcry is just another release spot that should be a Dispossessed release, there is no debating this.
  4. I like Dispossessed because I like the idea of stubborn angry duardin who have basically lost everything but are too stubborn and angry to just die off, join the Grimnir cult, or go into the sky. They sit stewing in their collective anger and have to put up with Aelves and Men for centuries living together in a single city. Finally Sigmar opens the gate and the entire Dispossessed people gather in throngs ready to finally get their revenge against Chaos. They have been waiting for this day their entire lives. Marching from Azyr is an army of pissed off duardin with nothing left to lose. They show Chaos no mercy and tear down anything with the taint of Chaos. From the ashes of the obliteration Chaos bastions come the start of new settlements and strongholds of Order. The Dispossessed are not super warriors with god powers, they are not magical beings who sling spells at their enemies, they are not technologically advanced sky kings. The Dispossessed are a broken people hellbent to reclaim what was theirs. They survive on hate and grudges. I think Dispossessed best exemplify the people of Order reclaiming the Mortal Realms. All cities start with them and their building of them. I hope Dispossessed get a battletome soon, they would be very interesting to see fleshed out.
  5. I bought an old Battle of Skull Pass box from my local game store owner. I was pleasantly surprised that most of the models were already primed. I ended up painting the Dwarf Thane tonight.
  6. Yep, my 1000 point list is now 980 with no way to fill the gap. I love AoS list building! /s
  7. I think the point decrease in the heroes should balance out the warrior point increase in my 1000 point build at least.
  8. I wish Warriors could finally block shooting with their shields.
  9. This point change is really going to ****** up my 1000 point list. I really hate how I will get left with large bits of points left with no way to fill it or get CP.
  10. I'm looking forward to adding a gargant to my Dispossessed army. I want to make him "dwarfy" and try to give him a helmet.
  11. I agree, it would be a bit weird to drop this new fluff seed and roll Dispossessed in with Humans. I could see this new faction as being sort of a crusading force led by Grungni. Rallying all the Dispossessed clans and possibly some of the other Duardin to reclaim their former Khazalid Empire from the enemy. The Dispossessed trying to repossess their homes. Like you said, new stuff like golems could be brought in and other new stuff. Grungni is finally getting out of his depression and helping his people. I just had a new idea for a chaff unit. Duardin Pilgrims, devote Duardin from across the realms rallying to Grungni. They could be modeled with bits of Fyreslayer and KO aesthetic nods to depict a far wide rallying. Just an idea I just had.
  12. @Rurik This is interesting news if true. I’d like a reason to pick my dawi up again out of the closet. I haven’t touched them since I experienced the couple hundred attacks skeletons in a game against an LoN player. It made me disgusted with the game.
  13. It would be neat if he was allowed to be taken in any Duardin army. Maybe give some buff to keyword Duardin.
  14. I don't think we are getting squatted just yet. Dispossessed are listed as conditional allies in the new Sylvaneth battletome.
  15. The Dispossessed discussion was mostly just a recap of what we already know. One person in the comments asked about the Six Smiths and the response was, "Are they?" and was left there as if GW doesn't really have a fleshed out idea for them.
  16. So, what's Grungni working on in Chamon? Dispossessed battletome?
  17. What did you guys think of the Duardin lore feature on Warhammer TV? I was a little disappointed that there wasn't too much new insight into Dispossessed, but it was at least nice to be mentioned. Did anyone else notice how he didn't seem to enthusiastic about Dispossessed as he was talking about Fyreslayers or Kharadron Overlords? When he described the Fyreslayer and KO reaction to Dispossessed as being "Come on dude, move on from the old ways", part of my felt a little personally attacked. I guess it's my insecurity about playing a non-battletome army. I got the feeling he was talking to Dispossessed players rather than the Dispossessed. Pretty good segment even if I missed the first 10 minutes.
  18. I found it interesting they referred to Dispossessed by name. Perhaps our update will see us renamed as we would be no longer dispossessed thanks to the work of Grungni? Dispossessed would then refer to the Duardin before they were reformed by Grungni.
  19. Interesting, I was wondering what possible mentions of Dispossessed there would be in the new Battletome. Hopefully we are getting set up for something good.
  20. I think I remember them being grouped together last survey.
  21. @JackStreicher I don’t think they ever said.
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