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Everything posted by Veterannoob

  1. Perhaps, but there are no new models with the TL and Imp Ag codex release. But in 2017 (so far away, I know! )...well... we'll see.
  2. The Tzeentch release for 40K starts Saturday so I expect some of those kits going AoS & 40K.
  3. @hobgoblinclub there are stupid cheap similar models from Black Tree design you can get, always sales, if you like the look as I (the dwarf collector) does. They have UK and US stores. http://eoeorbis.com/ @daedalus81 lemme just say this, I went to snatch up eBay stores selling the 6 ST tzaangors cheap and when the pics came out so did everyone else so the price shot way the hell up. I'm glad I dropped it there because, while there will of course be AoS/40K releases units from STower, the ST 6 would not work well for 40K unless you only want hand weapons and/or were cool with doing more conversions, though the number per unit doesn't line up with the ST box of 6. Though it wouldn't be terrible to start picking up extra pink, blue or brimstone horrors if those rumors are true...
  4. Been away for a while, trying to catch up on so many threads and forums and perhaps this is just in jest (I assume yes ) but I have a review copy of the Wrath of Magnus release I can't talk about until Friday night but I can tell you that is not in fact what happens in Warzone Fenris 2
  5. 3D printing? Interns working overtime? Witchcraft?
  6. I'm sure it's all done and they've likely repositioned releases all through the year. I mean, rumors with salt, but they've mostly come true eventually and especially the ones reinforced multiple times by reliable sources.
  7. I'm usually not so bad at forum acronyms but what's GSC?
  8. Oh damn, sweet! I like his rules. I'm gonna be using some Grombindal with my Fyreslayers and Duardin.
  9. The Grombindal = unforged repack is up but description says i's just a special packaging for limited time. The cover of WD says the slaughterpriest model.
  10. I...I'm surprised. I have a painted Grombindal in storage to collect in 5 weeks. I'll...I...just have to use that model.
  11. No, no way Settra is over and done with. He'll come up in a future AoS campaign in some form, even though the final ET novel concluded with the TK/undead. He's coming, I can feel it in my bones (pun intended).
  12. awww, for a sec I read that as new grot orderly releases:( Guess I'll keep my old ones for now:)
  13. Paint those Fyreslayers @Nico the Lodges welcome you.
  14. PLease, by Sigmar's auric balls, let that book come soon!
  15. HEY hey hey there, now, nothing wrong with Fyreslayers. You come join the Lodges with us and we'll cure what ails ya.
  16. No helmet is a cool idea. Curious to see how different paint schemes rock that dude. i stick to Atia since they all sorta blur together and refer to one another but I like that best.
  17. I can see the box being another mini game of AoS w/a few models for good deal.
  18. Suddenly that warchanter is looking a lot better to me
  19. gah, Ironjaws! So...much...perils...of...wallet...
  20. same, we are lucky to have AoS releases where they come in the box. Gotta have the iPad handy for 3 heroes. But for my regular duardin and Seraphon gotta go ol' fashion.
  21. Awesome! thanks guys, this is real helpful. Glad I wasn't (more) crazy
  22. That's my understanding as well, that soon after the GHB release we'll get allegiance traits for all the many specific ways the GHB cuts up armies.
  23. mmm, I'm not so sure, actually. Maybe I totally missed this with the GW store guy but aren't non-Sylvaneth factions supposed to be getting a list (or even one) allegiance battle trait so it's GA or bonus for staying themed or sub-factioned? Obviously we've been using just GA for our GHB games so far, since nothing else is out yet. Maybe anyone with complete book in hand and knowledge of future Magic 8-ball scrying could correct? "results unclear" "don't bet on it"
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