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Posts posted by Rachmani

  1. Thinking about it, I‘m not sure whether I‘d like some stuff to become battleline period. I would like to avoid an eels situation.

    What I WOULD like, though is options in the sense of „for every Admiral you can take one unit of Skywardens as Battleline“ (same with other characters & units). That would bring choice but not unconditionally

    • Like 1
  2. Given the treatment other armies got when they were revamped, I don‘t expect that many new models (actually at most 1 unit + the new hero), although I do wish for one.

    But ruleswise I think the changes will be substantial. 
    What I want to see is threefold.

    Revamped ships, really made bread & butter of our army. More dmg, definitely more survivability. 
    A screening unit of some sort (I think this is where the birds come in). And finally... 

    lots of tweaking. Skywardens with 3+
    hit in melee, thunderers with less clutter in their shooting phase, skyports more defined, made up ones better, maybe different battlelines depending on who is your general. The usual stuff.

    As a bonus I expect but don‘t necessarily need out equivalent to endless spells. Which won‘t be magic but rather predictions of aetherwind and the like. Yadayada.

    • Like 1
  3. It‘s stated below the pics that both factions get new battle tomes, and i quote, „bringing them roaring into the Soul Wars with a host of competitive and thematic new options and ways to customise your force.“

    So some new units or ways to field your old ones better seem like a given.

  4. I'm rather impressed with the overall amount of stuff teasered.
    Even though some things could have been expanded, it's still just a lot of stuff.

    To be more precise:
    - Fyreslayers could have used one new unit, maybe it'll come. It would give the refresh more meaning. Same goes for the other "to be updated" Battletomes. Still I think the rules update itself is the most important stuff. KO really need it for example. Others, too.
    - Forbidden Power is like... part of their "living story" approach and I like it for that. Doesn't have to be super exciting, some update, some story progression and a little bit of new stuff  is good enough for me. The real excitement comes from new or expanded factions (Malign Portents would have been pretty boring if it were not for the Night Haunt tbh).
    - The Slaanesh stuff looks great. I hope they take their time with the whole story around Slaanesh & "it" breaking free. Rushing it will make it worse. But it looks like they've got good pacing. I'm excited for that.
    - The new KO war band I like a lot. Doesn't include something "new", like a new unit type, but I'm fine with that. The KO range has a pretty stunning range (held in check by its rules) & the war band expands on these visuals and does so beautifully. 
    - Warcry excites me the most of all the new stuff. Looks like it could really evolve into something more Kill Team and lest Shadespire. 
    AoS Necromunda? AoS Mordheim? At least it heads in that direction. Call me intrigued. What they said about showing new sides of Chaos is particularly interesting & something we were lacking so far.

    P.S. I'm SO gonna win that Sisters army ;)


    • Like 2
  5. No, they'll be gone and Brexit is to bla- ok, ok... I'm with you. I don't see the Slaves of Darkness suddenly disappearing.

    I'd rather NOT see them merge with Darkoath, though. Darkoath has the potential (in my opinion anyway) to become one of the most interesting Chaos factions ever. To be more precise: A "Conan the barbarian"-type faction with Frank Franzetta styled barbarians that haggle and argue with their gods, that are proud and fierce (and even caring for their own) - but who have also accepted the Dark Gods as reality. And a reality they worship non the less - but not in the way of those pitiful cultists who cry for blessings and spend more time on their knees than standing. No they worship them, they might swear loyalty but they don't bow easily and they certainly won't bend like some spineless coward.

    So to me the Slaves of Darkness are kind of an opposite to the Darkoath. I think that would make for an interesting story.

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  6. That has to be one of the best previews of the last months. Very complete  and just all around very good. 

    I'm pretty hyped for Blackstone Fortress, would love Killteam AOS, the Darkoath are just how I want them to be - slightly over the top Frank Frazetta barbarians - Moonclan & with revisited Ironjaws shows some much needed love for Destruction. What else... I really like the Delaque look & am super happy about Necromunda rules being put together into 2 books instead of what, like 4? 

    Oh, and Wrath & Rapture looks promising, too. 

    • Like 2
  7. 10 hours ago, BrownDog said:

    The 'RealmSlayer' Audio series is on preorder, even though I can't play them, that disk art is tempting me to buy it.60680281014_GotrekRealmslayerCD03.jpg

    That Disc Art is so good. You you know if it's all Johan Grenier who painted them? I love the one in the bottom left, the guy in the middle & the one the top right.

  8. On 10/17/2018 at 4:00 PM, Double Misfire said:

    Return? He never had a model (and never had rules in WFB, only ever 2nd ed 40k) ;) 

    I was actually thinking of fluff & of bringing such an iconic character into AoS. I knew he never had rules in WFB, but he was "famous" non the less.

  9. If I were to choose how the Darkoath should become, they'd build upon the Norse foundation.

    They'd be barbarians not bereft of positive feelings and such, but wild, hard folk growing up in a culture that came to be under the rule of no false gods but the great Gods of Chaos. To them, dealing with these would be normal. To them, not dealing with these would be foolish.

    But they'd be no pawns. They'd haggle, bargain and struggle with the gods and their hardships, sometimes oppose them, sometimes worship them but never defy their absolute power.

    And the gods, pleased by mortal pride and struggle, would watch them, ever intrigued, ever curious.

    Woe upon those that bore them.

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  10. Destruction “just” needs a solid base. Such iconic stuff, so much potential, so little things done. Ironjawz, as much as i like them are a joke in terms of model range & grots & trolls got nothing so far.

    same goes for Sklaven - who at least had a kinda strong end times release. But even then it was mainly skyre.

  11. Death is actually a pretty unique faction in the sense that every new  release also strengthens old ones. 

    Nagash be praised. 

    No other faction brings the same rigid leadership with it. 

    So while Order will work together, there is no Legions of Nagash to bring together all the different sub factions. 

    Chaos is close, but nowhere near Deaths “crisp” design. Death is structured, different in style and overall very neat.

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  12. @Aspirant Snaeper 

    Would definitely have to be done well. But I'm actually not thinking so much about splitting Chaos into the same old "demons" "mortals" "stuffs" of Chaos God X. That's what I like about the prospect of the Nighthaunt and the LoN. It's the idea that GW could bring together different interesting factions under one roof. They're not there yet, but if you think Kharadon Overlords, Nighthaunt or Idoneth Deepkin (in the sense of how "non-generic" they are) and apply that to Chaos or Skaven etc. I think the Idea could be pretty good - and give them lots of opportunities for new miniatures. The "classic" range like Bloodletters/Horrors etc. could just stay within "generic Khorne/Tzeentch & co." and become allies of the new sub factions.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    I like the combined approach as well.  Legions of Nagash is a fantastic book and seems like an improved successor to Grand Alliance books.  I would like to see individual Allegiance armies & books remain about the size of Daughters of Khaine, Sylvaneth, and Idoneth Deepkin and then broader alliance books like Legions of Nagash function to spread the net for forces that combine a couple of allegiances in very specific and controlled ways.  I don't want to see Age of Sigmar get into the 40k situation where over half the game sits in one bucket like Imperials do.

    I have come around to Stormcast Eternals over time, but honestly I think their new book is too broad.  It is fine for the time being, but I think they are going to run into issues over time if they want to keep adding to that faction - it is already huge and it will just get bigger.  They already have the issue of units superseding other units in the same role.  I appreciate what they did with the book by splitting the Hosts up into something like Space Marine chapters, but I think eventually they may want to look into restructuring the Stormcast again.  Personally, I think in the future they should consider splitting them up into distinct allegiances via something like the Chambers.  That would give them the ability to add more units themed to each chamber to fill in various roles.  Each of them could have their own specific allegiance and allies list.  Then they could make a Legions of Nagash style book that would handle the armies that are comprised of mixed chambers.  That would give GW breathing room to keep expanding the Stormcast for quite a while without simply bloating the army to a point that is problematic.  They could do the same thing for other big allegiances also - such as Nurgle, Khorne, etc.

    I like both 40k and Fantasy, but ever since 2nd edition 40k I have felt that Warhammer Fantasy has had the better rules for army structuring.  In 40k 2nd edition both 40k and Fantasy used roughly the same system.  When 3rd ed 40k came out they moved to the Force Org Chart (basically the current detachments) and I have always felt that a large part of the balance issues in each edition of 40k can be traced back to the basic army construction rules for the game - and the Force Org Chart system.  Fantasy has always had a more elegant and balanced method for constructing armies.  Age of Sigmar has basically just kept the Warhammer Fantasy system with only some slight modifications and again I feel it works much much better than the system in 40k.  The 8th edition 40k detachment system is simply a colossal mess.  I hope that as GW continues with Age of Sigmar that they don't make the same mistakes as they have with 40k in regards to faction bloating and the army construction mess.

    I would like to see them continue to make relatively small allegiances, keep the game-size unit organization restrictions, maintain allegiance-based ally lists, and then use the Legions of Nagash template to handle combining allegiances into a bigger one.  That seems like it is a good strategy that will allow them to continually add unique and interesting things to the game without overly bloating it.

    Completely agree. Especially on the matter of the Stormcast Eternals.

    Now, I have to say I like them better than ever before, now, that they got those female Stormcasts (it's not a ****** thing, it's a "wait a minute, only men are chosen and reforged by Sigmar, why?" thing) and in general better models (with like, actual faces).
    But I, too, think that in the not so distant future they should maybe get the LoN treatment, becoming the "general allegiance", with the different chambers becoming the "Nighthaunts". Each chamber gets a bunch of special rules if you only field that chamber, while the "Stormcast Eternals" retain the broad, general ruleset they now have. 
    Same goes for each of the 4 Chaos gods, Orks & Goblins Orruks & Grots & off course the Skaven once they get to them. There's a lot of potential once you tap into it.

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