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Posts posted by Rachmani

  1. Skinchangers are an interesting idea. First glance I really like that.


    P.S. Has anyone here recently felt the heavy absence of a good, old Orcs & Goblins army. You know, some night gobbos next to a unit of "simple" orcs, dunno 5 wolf riders and a bunch of other stuff. You know, the stuff that looked like a small raiding party. I *so* miss that.

    • Like 1
  2. Try the Killaboss on the doggo, too.

    His damage is still solid and with shaman +1 to saves and another +1 to saves bonus he tanks like a champ. He‘s not as fast as the vulture, but still reasonably fast & super self reliant.


  3. I played Scarlet Doom for a bit and my main takeaways are:

    1. BGR die too quickly in 10s, are way too bulky in 30s but seem to do really well in 20s, my personal sweet spot. I‘d try out 15s though.

    2. No single hero seems to be a must have, almost all of them are good. I really love that part. What what a wide variety!

    3. Why are Hexwraiths so good in Scarlet Doom?? To me they‘re the perfect addition to BGRs yet they look *so* dated! What a waste.


  4. 8 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    I love it, seems like a oil wash without the hassle of oil paints and white spirits. 

    If people like the old wash and it is great there are plenty of other ranges that do similar. 

    That was my first though & that would be amazing. As someone who regularity uses oil washes for some contrast and general „pop“ on miniatures I‘d be delighted to get the same with less hassle.

    • Like 1
  5. There is a lot of stuff that needs updates more... but alas, my own Top three directly fits in with what I like to play.

    1. Ardboys, make the Iron Jaws mini range complete.

    2. Grave Guard, same reasoning. One step more towards completion.

    3. Hexwraiths! Only unit missing from a complete range again. 

    Now, if we're talking factions... Skaven, Mawtribes & Seraphon.

    • Like 1
  6. I have two basic complaints that are NPE for me.

    1. Auto success or failure. If you don't throw any dice it's usually bad. I'm not talking about command abilities, but auto dispels or auto casts, or other things that flat out deny game plans. 

    2. Disruptive rules. Rerolls are a prominent example. They're ok for charge rolls, but in anything combat related they just slow down the game so much... it's tedious. Other stuff, too. Whenever you have to keep track of multiple things and mark a whole bunch of stuff it easily disrupts the flow of a game. Now, getting rid of every nuance doesn't make the game better ofc. But limits keep the game flowing and a nice flow is probably the most important basis for interesting games.

    • Like 1
  7. The third unit of Gutrippaz gone is really a big deal. Especially as grinning' blades played hobgrots before so there is no change on that front, you just got 180 more to do stuff with. Especially as 2 units of gutrippaz are enough anyway, even if/as you want to field them.

  8. Sons need the change of playstyle, though. They’ll be very vulnerable to the new „each model counts as 3“ battalion and the special rule, where only Galletian veterans can contest one specific objective. 
    Some of that could be fixed through the FaQ, though!

  9. To me, personally the NPE of Lumineth does not come by strength, but by the huge amount of core-rule-elusion.

    Games have a certain flow, and any disruption to that flow has to be justified. In that sense I'm also not sure how much NPE there is in the new Nighthaunt. But at least they mostly keep their strange interactions to their turn.

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Because GW only reacts to such widespread outcry with nerfs. Then it takes them years of trivial buffs to make the faction playable again, then the edition resets.

    This exactly what happened in 2nd. 6 months of gardus and Evocators then the whole faction went in the bin until 3rd.

    IDD that there were issues. They needed to change, but they were also the two pillars holding the book up. Not only did GW strip them out, they didn’t lower the points of those units, or adjust any other truly awful warscrolls. 

    Any granularity got lost in the sheer outcry. Well here we are.


    So criticise GW for overreacting or something, but don’t tell folks to not raise their concerns. That’s my whole point.

    I agree that the SCE book (and to some degree the warclans) falls short of the quality the rest of the third edition books have brought. Many units are redundant & kind of a dead weight. There should be a conversation evolving around that! A path forward.
    Just, aim it at the right people & don’t vent at people that have had no say in the solutions.

    • Like 1
  11. As someone who has dabbled in Grinnin' Blades quite a lot in the last few months, I'm pretty certain that those two changes will do a lot for us. 

    There is a list that dealt with shooting armies pretty well and that just got better. A lot better, especially as magic is also affected by the special rule. I'm hopeful!

  12. 13 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    Hope you’re all happy. They nerfed SCE so hard that battletome is gutted now. Everything good is overcosted, everything else is bad, and all the holy orders are garbage to go with all the garbage command traits.

    50+ bad warscrolls you don’t see and gw didn’t lift a finger to do anything about them.

    So everyone raising concerns on the performance of some SCE units is guilty of a possible overnerf by GW? I don‘t think so.
    Pointing out mistakes and being happy about overnerfs are two totally different things. 
    Collective guilt is rarely the right answer.

    • Like 7
  13. I think correcting mistakes (like the NPE of the Lumineth) benefits everyone and should be considered just as much as releasing new tomes for underserved armies. It sounds strange at first. But personally, I'd profit much more from a better designed Lumineth book, than from blades of Khorne or Gits. There just seem to be more Lumineth players around.

    This line of thinking however changes drastically when it comes to proper releases aka tons of new miniatures. Here the LRL just like some other factions have had it pretty good in the near past and should make room for Ogors and the like who've so far gotten very little since AoS was first released.

    • Like 2
  14. Now imagine that instead of Kragnos we got Kurnoth als the destructive aspect of nature (and life) along with the Kurnothi as a wild but not brutish Destruction faction. Like... destruction-wild-elves with satyrs and the like.

    How would *that* edition would have played out. I would have everything. Storytelling, a new destruction faction, some actual sense, an unhealthy focus on aelves! Best edition ever. Instead, we got a goat that screams every time it gets hurt.


    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
    • LOVE IT! 2
  15. I agree. The lists I really love to play are a bit "Jack-of-all-trades"ish. A good mix of everything so you can use the full toolbox. And it really kinda feels like Kruleboys were designed for that. Sadly the boys are a tad too weak in... basically everything then. Is really fun though against lists with a similar approach. 

    I do however think that a points drop could really benefit those types of lists. (But would probably benefit a more specialized one more).

  16. I'm honestly not sure either, @Ganigumo. But in the current state it's not so much "which army works best" for me, but rather "how do Kruleboys work best." 

    I like the models and how they play too much (and I've frankly put too much time into them) to just not play them.

    And so far they've worked better like this than boltboys-spam does.

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