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Posts posted by Rachmani

  1. Can‘t go wrong with that list. It‘s along the lines of what I would get, too, were I to purchase them again. Gives you a nice range of models to paint & play with and get a feel for them. 
    Baloonboy also gives you free reign over your prefered skyport, which is super cool.

    The Khemist could probably be something else, but that‘s about it.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Edritch said:

    Grand Armada lets you use the footnote twice.

    Iron Sky Command lets you ignore battleshock when the units from the battalion are wholly with 18" of the ironclad.

    Iron Sky Attack Squadron lets the arkanaut company disembark from the Frigates after moving, and they can charge 3d6 that turn.

    Grundstok Escort Wing lets you pick one enemy unit for the entire battatlion to re-roll 1s to hit.


    Did any of the requirements change?

    I remember that the Escort Wing can now include an Ironclad, but the rest I can‘t remember.

  3. Oh, that I must have overread. 

    That makes things worse. Or, more precisely amplifies the need to get a reroll from somewhere else - or simply put some more guns to aim at high profile targets.

    Btw. Have we come to a verdict on special weapons vs. rifles on thunderers? If range is NOT that important I‘d expect 1 mortar, 2 of the others each to be roughly equal when boarded and simply better on the ground.

    But 6 inches are 6 inches, and they could matter.


  4. Of the top of my head I‘m getting around 12 wounds for 10 thunderers with rifles (22 shots) and the D6+4 2 damage shots from the frigate against a 4+ save (modified to 5+ due to rend). 
    No hit reroll, both reroll wound via aethergold.

  5. So far I‘m leaning towards Urbaz and something along the lines of an ironclad, 2 gunhaulers, a frigate, some arkanauts, some thunderers, an admiral & the new rigger guy. A few ballon boys & that‘s it. Navigator maybe. Some dispell attempt might be worth it.

    Probably won‘t match pointwise, but I like the composition.

  6. Khemist will surely get something in return. 
    I don‘t doubt that at all.

    Now let‘s hope „the new guy“ doesn‘t have to be the general to make Riggers Battleline or we will have a hard time fielding 20 arkanauts & an admiral for all that glorious aethergold combat. 
    I also hope that Ironclad & Frigatte will go up in loading capacity slightly, now that we have an incentive to field bigger units.

    Edit: or rather don‘t lose movement when fully loaded.

  7. 4 hours ago, Tittliewinks22 said:

    It's not really doubling, it's +1a. Almost every army in the game has buffs to give units +1 attack to melee weapons. I think the shooty heavy army should have a comparable buff.

    Except it is doubling, at least in most cases. 
    I‘m not even saying a +1A shouldn‘t exist as a buff (many a command ability does that).

    I‘m specifically saying that a more or less permanent buff that, in most relevant cases doubles the firing rate of the weapons it buffs will automatically lead to a point tax that is unhealthy for the the army that has it. It limits options (because it ups in value every low attack, high damage weapon) per se & becomes mandatory. To the point where you don‘t field certain units without the buff.

  8. 5 hours ago, Phasteon said:

    To be fair, most units need buff heroes to be the most effective, thats kind of how the game works. Would be cooler though if we had more ways of doing that.

    That‘s totally fine. Khemist buff is just too extreme. A buff should never double a units output.

  9. I don‘t really get all that pessimism just because of some missing Endless Spells (thank god) & I do think, that the KO still have one of the, if not THE best model range out of all the AoS factions.

    But, to share some different perspective, I do get that those of us that mainly paint and rarely play are far less excited about new rules, than about new models to spend their time on.

    And for those people this release (like quite a few before it) seems like a let down. Sure, you can paint another Ironclad, but maybe you‘d rather paint something different within the same aesthetic that you love so much.

    We should not forget our hobbyists brethren that get the most joy out of assembling and painting miniatures.

    As for the rest, I‘m kinda glad that nothing changed and every release of every faction (especially Duardin factions who have the best grudgebearers among them) spills doom and and destruction. At least on the internet.

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  10. I agree, it‘s mainly tweaks that are needed to boost KOs performance.

    But I REALLY, REALLY do hope they address some of the issues with the playstyle. Dr Ben & Entombet made some good points.

    If that, that being a „better“ playstyle, is achieved, KO will be great!

    • Like 1
  11. 58 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    As long á the Warcry/skirmish version so get the different weapons I’m okay with it. But I agree a shame but still an improvement. 

    personally I thought they might go the: ‘choose a shot type before shooting’ way. Representing the cannon stepping forward to kill the monster or the decksweeper to deal with hordes. 

    Edit: which would also open up an easier to balance khemist. Allow multiple choices as he grants more aether power to the units. 

    That sounds reasonable. Switching would be a good bandaid fix the different weapons displayed.

    ofc. You could just rename them to something like „Aether-Arsenal“ and give them one - or two weapon profiles.

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