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Posts posted by Future

  1. 7 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    You have chosen a poor way to accomplish that goal. I chose not to insult you, but it seems your ego did not allow the same courtesy.

    If your tournament meta is stuck in 2016 where turn 1 deep strike charges are a viable tactic, then Gavriel seems to be a great choice. Good luck!

    Sounds like you should fly out to BOBO next year. Will be an easy win for you and a great trophy for the shelf.

  2. With engine of the gods I would summon in the skinks you have instead of starting them on the field.


    If you are going to run a firelance I would also take the Dracothion's Tail. Since you don't have a slann I would just drop firelance. You can still take the knights and run them as fast objective grabbers.


    I would run the units as bigger clumps for knights 1x10, 1x5. Warriors 1x20. The logic I have here is that with a carno to buff them you want to ensure enough of them survive to be buffed effectively. Seraphon don't have any bad units and you can have loads of fun with that list.


    If you enjoy it my next add ons would be a slann + astrolith in that order. From there you can look at other styles of play or bolster a melee focused style. Since you are looking at battalions this is a really good guide, http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/a-guide-to-seraphon-battalions-ghb2017.20208/

    • Like 1
  3. I've tried to make firelance work a lot. It just isn't worth the points. Here is the thing I don't run a summoning army at all and it still wrecks but I do have summoning. A slann and astrolith bearer are just so strong no matter what kind of list you run that summoning is icing on the cake. Nothing like stopping someone from dropping on you by filling the 9 inch gaps with more skinks.


    Cogs are great, both options are amazing for us. Terradons are great. Engine of the gods... people LOVE it. I don't but its a great unit. 


    Carnosaur is amazing for 240 points I don't know why we don't see more of them, seriously. I've deleted units of witch elves between the attacks, battleshock tests, and roar. If you are going to run saurus to buff the scarvet is good otherwise the old blood is better in my opinion.


    Trog is in a bad spot but I almost always take one in a fun game, I love that model.


    Over all it should be a fun casual list. I think the biggest problem you will see is damage. You don't really need knights, warriors, and skinks on the same board. Skinks can hold objectives and chaff (best chaff in the game). Warriors and knights really need some focused saurus synergy. 


    My opinion on knights and warriors:

    I've tried really hard to make saurus lists work but I just haven't had luck. The best bet I've had a is a 40 block of warriors, 30 block, 10 skinks. From here you run a carno (scarvet) and make them pick which threat to deal with. The problem is is there better damage hordes AND more survivable hordes so you really won't win out with a list like this. 

    • Like 1
  4. For sure it’s an AoS problem. What I meant by dinosaurs were cool is that to someone who’s never seen the game and doesn’t know what a skaven is they would find a dinosaur to be immediately familiar. 


    I got got into the game just through painting things and my things to paint were just mounted models and I mostly used them for dnd. So I can attest quite a few mounted things are janky as well, not just the cold one.

  5. On 11/6/2018 at 11:17 AM, sorokyl said:

    All of the rules exist, you are just asking for them to be printed in one place.  Does it really makes sense? How many people would buy a Seraphon army today, but aren't buying it just because the rules are spread in a few places (Battletome, GHB, FAQ, etc)    I would think not many.  GHB is kind of required anyway, and FAQ is required for every army.     A new battletome for Seraphon is "nice to have" , just like most of the other existing battletomes, I think they may wait until they have additional content (models) for these armies, beyond just a piece of terrain

    Turns out this is a valid problem and bigger than you would think. I think what happens is dinosaurs are very popular and so new players will see those models and say, HELL YES. After that they just get lost in the sauce with the disjoint rules. With such a big and popular range I would argue getting a unified rule set might be more important than it is with other factions. Otherwise these types of customers who aren't willing to post online might likely give up and just play a different system.


    Just saw this post on reddit today -



    • Like 1
  6. From a business stand point giving seraphon a new battle tone makes a lot of sense. We have a ton of models, release a new battletome and they will sell a bunch of dinos. It would take very little work because we have rules (in ghb 2017, 2018). It’s definitely low hanging fruit for gw.

    • Like 1
  7. @Tropical Ghost General Playing 500 point night haunt game tonight. Wife is going to learn the game with the dinos and we are doing a 2v2.

    Was talking to my buddy about nighthaunt and he is of the impression that mostly whats holding the nighthaunt down are the 2018 scenarios. How do you feel about that. I know you do a really deep analysis of lists and units about once per page and a lot of what you say is deeper than just the objectives suck, but do you think it compounds the problem?

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    Agree, but it's about new books vs old with most of the really bad factions. As the inevitable power creep happens as well, it's not great to have a new book that isn't the hot stuff out the gate.  

    100% agreed.


    I use nighthaunt for narrative games. I only have a few painted up after I realized they were fun to paint (thanks underworlds). However, having a new battletome should definitely put you in the top tier if for no other reason but because writers should be learning what works and what doesn't and iterating on that.

    • Like 3
  9. We already have enough endless spells called units ?. I could see a new Battletome before I saw a new start collecting. Don’t see why they would bother swapping the S.C. 


     Could see rapid Battletome releases similar to 40k for the core armies that don’t need any kind of model over haul in 2019.

  10. Where is the seraphon announcement? I’ll whale out on an excuse to paint more  dinos 


    found it, looks great, not sure if I really need it now that I see it but jeez that’s a terrific deal. That + start collecting will get any new players into the army range. — not talking about for tournaments but just from a collectors stand point. 

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Well, Azyros has a bubble of 10' rather than 20' of rerolling 1s. I can show some calculation here:

    Two ballista with Ordinator: 2*4*1/2*3.5*2/3=9.333  Two ballista with Azyros: 2*4*(1/3+1/6*1/3)*3.5*2/3=7.259

    Three ballista with Ordinator: 3*4*1/2*3.5*2/3=14 Three ballista with Azyros: 3*4*(1/3+1/6*1/3)*3.5*2/3=10.888

    Hence, if we only consider buffing the ballista, ordinator is better. It's hard to consider the other aspects in maths for me to show your guys. 

    Two ballista with Ordinator: 0.02745 per point, Two ballista with Azyros: 0.0241966 per point

    Three ballista with Ordinator: 0.03181 per point, Three ballista with Azyros: 0.02722 per point


    I don't normally math hammer but what is 3.5*2/3 in this case? I'm guessing 2/3 is just to wound (3+) but what is 3.5? Is this some kind of constant for rend?

  12. ****** I'm gonna buy the ****** out of Stormcast. I didn't realize how much of the mental war you won just dropping those dudes on the table. 


    Also I really hope Nighthaunt and stormcast get battle boxes even though they are new this year. I didn't think I'd like painting the ghosts but the warband was heaps of fun.

    • Haha 2
    • LOVE IT! 3
  13. I personally think they are just for different purposes. Longstrike for hero sniping, no contest. Rapids at the moment I am having trouble justifying over ballista -- which just seems purely better. However I haven't run ballista and longstrike in the same list yet but maybe finding a way to do it would solve the realmscape issues?

  14. I tend to not summon much. I like to start with what I need on the board, otherwise a smart and quick opponent can capitalize on the investment you made in a summoning engine. I do love eotg as it seems to eat the bulk of local opponents attention early on and can hold its own especially with thunderquake.


    I've been messing around with a saurus only list myself -- mostly around firelance, with no real luck.

  15. @Requizen great write up! I love that list as I have been experimenting with shooty bits and skinks.

    Do you think the nagash fight would have gone differently with different realm scape features? I've thought a lot about this and don't see a clear road to 5 wins with realmscape features and a heavy investment in longstrike raptors. I think there are so many lists that it handle well, including death. Just not sure if it affords the points for a 'plan b' as it would just weaken your plan a.

  16. On 10/16/2018 at 11:50 AM, Lenwe Seregon said:

    hi all

    question on "gather the storm"

    does the "this effect persists" mean the card remains in play indefinitely or is it discarded after the first spell?

    I've seen it used both ways.



    No its discarded after the spell. This is how persist works -- persist until triggered.


    The wording on the card is congruent with that -

    Innate (Channel) for the next spell your warband attempts to cast. This effect persists

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