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Posts posted by JPjr

  1. I've thought from the start that what the Warcry war bands need is a hero that directly interacts with the CULTISTS keyword and can buff them in some fun and thematic way

    a chaos priest or something along those lines, it would make loads of sense and tbh I was fully expecting them to bring one out when they did the StD battle tome last year but... well the new models were fantastic but it was hardly an overwhelmingly huge range was it.

    especially as around the same time in 40K CSM got the brilliant little Dark Apostle/Dark Disciple models

    • Like 7
  2. for what little it's worth the chain on that is exactly the same kind of chain as on the Oct 6 RE. 

    like a total saddo I've just looked through the obvious factions to see if any of them already have similar chain links, but all the current death models have more rounded chains, Orruks have square chains, Ogors more blunt chains, grotz more spikes chains.

    Edit... ahhh beaten to it by @Inferno




  3. one thing to consider re things like Warcry, if GW didn't produce new rules for the game whether in White Dwarf or in totally new books or whatever how quickly would the cry go up that "oh this system is dead, GW have abandoned it" etc etc.

    Anyway Catacombs is up next week and some new starter sets fro different factions...





    Screenshot 2020-10-18 at 19.17.06.png

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  4. 12 minutes ago, novakai said:

    i think its interesting is that some of the Khainite shadowstalkers  have made pacts with shadow daemon  (what kind of daemon they are is up in the air)

    I suspect though obviously have nothing to base this on that we're going to increasingly see a diversion between AoS and 40K in terms of what a 'daemon' is. 

    and whilst the trad chaos daemons will still be DAEMONS as we know it we could see, in lore if not models, a lot more magical creatures that are more like elemental spirits of the realms.

    I mean we do already have a few examples of this in model form, in some ways Sylvaneth as a whole could be looked on like that but then it's even more leaned into with things like their Gladewyrm, like wise the Fyreslayers Molten Infernoth and of course the big Lumineth's big mountain cow (and all the in lore talk of light spirits).

    I just assume Shadow Daemons will be Ulgu's version of elemental spirits but because their edgy goths - Daemons, despite its prior chaotic connotations, sounds better.


  5. 31 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    I vote against religious discrimination.

    I'm afraid in a universe where actual gods wander around the place hitting stuff they don't like with hammers they get the casting vote and you're overruled. now pipe down & get back to hoovering the clouds.

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  6. Assuming the Broken Realms books do work their way through all the factions there's a chance at least 1 or 2 might get some extra units instead of just a new hero,  if you look at the Psychic Awakening releases they tied at least 2 into slightly bigger releases, plus with Underworlds and Warcry there's slightly more options for AoS to get related releases (or at least releases around the same time as the books come out).

    we know for sure that over the next 6 weeks DoK is getting 1 new hero and 1 Warcry unit, Slaanesh a new hero and a WHU unit (with hero) and Lumineth a WHU unit (with hero), whilst some of these might not be explicitly tied to the Morathi book they are coming out around its release.


    Phoenix Rising

    Jain Zar (H)
    Howling Banshees (U)

    Drazhar (H)
    Icubi (U)

    Faith & Fury

    Chaos Space Marines
    CSM Sorcerer (H)

    Blood of Baal

    Blood Angels
    Primaris Mephiston (H)

    Ritual of the Damned

    Darks Angels
    Master Lazarus (H)

    The Greater Good

    Commander Shadowsun (H)

    Saga of the Beast

    Ghazghkull (H)

    Space Wolves
    Ragnar Blackmane (H)

    Engine War

    Ad Mech
    Serberys Raiders/Sulphurhounds (U)
    Pteraxii (U)
    Arcaeopter (U)

    War of the Spider

    Emperor's Children (sort of)
    Fabius Bile (H)


    Sisters of Battle
    Ephrael Stern & Kyganil (H)

    Inquisitor Draxus (H)

    Illuminor Szaeras (H)

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  7. at least in terms of model reveals the article literally spells out what we're getting

    "We have another Warhammer Preview Online coming this weekend. No-one will want to miss any of the big reveals at Gridiron and Glory, and if you’re a fan of Blood Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, and Warcry, we’ll have something extra special for you. We’ll be showing off new models and expansions – it’s going to be a-maz-ing!"

    In terms of the main game I guess there'll probably be some more info about Broken Realms, and maybe some kind of teaser video for something but I'm guessing no actual models that aren't from the other games.

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  8. Just echoing what everyone's saying it's almost definitely blood bowl and WHU

    one other thing I would not be surprised if we don't get too many previews of things more than a month or two away for the foreseeable future. Nottingham's almost certainly heading back into some kind of lockdown along with much of the UK, and this is going to be an on & off (with more on than off sadly) situation for the next 6-12 months (hopefully just that but you never know)

    there's been lots of discussion about whether GW should provide long term release schedules rather than the  intense few weeks of the "check out this new thing, get hyped, NOW BUY!" model but I suspect there's a good chance that seeing how the long wait between the reveals of Lumineth & Behemat and them going on sale seemed to dampen enthusiasm a bit that might be a non-starter now

    give us long enough to actually think about these things and with every extra week FOMO wanes and that box of plastic that will then sit unbuilt and unpainted on a shelf for another 6-12 months seems less like an essential purchase

  9. I think one thing is to look at AoS as a Science-Fantasy setting (and conversely 40K a Fantasy-Science setting), so you're really free to go wherever your imagination takes you.

    From traditional fantasy architecture or whatever (your standard Azyrite Ruins and tbh most of the existing kits) to gleaming twisted metal towers powered by science and sorcery to dome cities beneath the seas, or buildings made from giant trees shaped by magic to scrapyard cities built from junk and sat upon the backs of giant beasts.

    Funnily enough now I think about it the absolute high camp classic Flash Gordon could provide loads of inspiration for various AoS cities. Damn, I might need to watch it again in fact.




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  10. I think I've lost it but I've been howling with laughter at this picture for about 5 minutes now

    I might have to model a load of bases with little stunty fellas actually embedded sideways in them so they look like they've been stood on and they're pancake flat


    • Haha 4
  11. The more I think about it the more I'd love to see them really go to town with secondary objectives.

    I think (it was several pages ago so who knows) I mentioned I'd like to see them build upon the new 'actions' business in 40K, allowing units to do specific things rather than just kill or be killed whilst hanging around an objective like a nonce outside a school.

    But what I'd really love is for them to turbocharge secondary/auxiliary objectives. As of the GHB2020 you pick 2 and if at the end of the game it's a draw the person with the most gets a minor victory. You then look at them and there's a few that are hero specific and a couple that are like destroy all battleline, but all in all they're all pretty generic. 

    woop-di-doo, be still my beating heart.

    so relatively easy change, we have around 10-15 universal secondary objectives and each army also gets a specific set of 10-15 secondary objectives in their battletome that specifically relate to their units and reinforce/reward doing what that unit is supposed to do.

    you're allowed to pick 5 to start with and every time you complete one you score the points on that card immediately and then get to draw a new one at random.

    the secondary objectives aren't all worth the same amount either as that allows you to make certain units more attractive choices and allows them to fulfil their destiny, a big behemoth isn't designed to camp out on an objective, it should be doing big monstrous things and should be rewarded for doing those big monstrous things

    likewise small elite units, or units that you'd think of as scouting or vanguard units or cavalry units could score points for doing the kind of things they should be doing.

    meanwhile you can let 40 strong blobs of whatever hold objectives and score points that way but make it so the others have their own niches.

    plus you could dictate in the battleplan how many secondary objectives you're allowed to score, or up the points of primary objectives if you want to modify their influence on the result.

    I mean it works in Underworlds and that's a specifically competitively designed game. And the cards can be reviewed every year so if certain units aren't getting much table time you can give them better scoring objectives that suit with how they should be played.

    we get a more tactical game and a reason to field models that might have been gathering dust,  whilst Games Workshop get to sell everyone a pack of cards (or several) for £15 a pop.


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  12. I get the point (of the original 12 volume essay) but it does seem to go against one of the main, though already pretty strained, concepts behind AoS of making it more streamlined.

    I guess  if the issue is making behemoth type models more survivable but without totally wrecking the balance, I'd just give most of them one of those 'only x number of wounds can be allocated to this model in 1 turn' abilities, that a few models like Morathi have.

    Just set x to a half, a third or a quarter of their total wounds depending on how long you'd like that model to be able to stay around. at the very least it would stop big models just being deleted before you get a chance to do anything with them.


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  13. 8 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

    I am just waiting for the people to encase the lower half in watery resin and have this dude walking through the water alongside either some IDK or a fleet of KO.

    totally going to happen, I suggested a while ago that if you had forgiving mates and some modelling talent you could get 3 mega garments out of this kit.

    1 as per normal, 1 with its head starting to appear out of an ocean resin base as an IDK ally and 1 climbing out of the ground, it's head bursting through a bit of a sigmarite mausoleum for death. Not quite sure they'd be tournament legal but would look cool.

    anyway another new art drop. SUMO SUMO SUMO



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  14. obviously it's a new version of these bad birb boys for Adeptus Titanicus 

    but *puts on serious toy soldier hat*

    19 minutes ago, Kramer said:

    Thought that too. But that little spike it sits on, looks too tiny/delicate for Ogors to me. 

    My initial thought was that spike bit looked quite Stormcast'y and it's a vulture perched on the corpse of a SCE, part of the basing for a bigger centre piece model, which would open it up to being from an Ogor Over Tyrant or Death or I don't know one of those legendary magical deep sea vulture spells we all know IDK have coming.


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  15. oooooooooooooooooooh no, I've got it. ****** anything like worrying about if it's good or not if we're going for pure theme I'd have him vomit up ghosts.


    Big Drogg Fort Kicka has roamed the Shyish hinterlands for so long, absorbing vast amounts of necromantic energy, that his prodigious stomach has become a literal fear factory. The Mega-Gargant's gut now bubbles with amethyst bile that can strip the souls from any unfortunate stuffed down his gaping maw before their enraged spirit is expelled in a stream of ethereal vomit.

    something, something at the end of each round roll a something for each model killed and on X place a new chainrasp model within 3" or whatever. roll a double 6 and his latest dinner disagrees with him so much nighthaunts start shooting out both ends.



    EDIT: one for what I'd like to see in 3rd Edition - all unit abilities must be able to be described in emojis. it's the lingua franca of the 21st century

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  16. @Nezzhil the ability or the model/character?

    the ability is, I guess, ok, could be a nice horde clearer but the actual big lad doesn't really give you a death feel though

    still kinda understandable I guess, you could make him look zombified or whatever but they wouldn't want to use a kitbashed/converted model as advert n official 'character', or paint him to look like the ghost of a gargant but then you get into well does he have ethereal and can fly and we're in a whole different world then.

    really looking forward to seeing people convert these models though for their own armies, I think that's going to be my favourite thing about them. there's going to be some amazing ones done to fit each and every different faction out there.




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