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Everything posted by JPjr

  1. were there skiing Gnomes? damn! I'd love to have got some of them, there was that skiing Dwarf ranger that was a great model, especially with the Yodel of Doom. I reckon one of my main reasons I want to write for Black Library is just to sneak gnomes and the like into my stories
  2. Help toast the fall of Vigilus with the new Black Legion beer bottle opener.
  3. Well, looks like I'm going to have to totally revaluate everything I thought I knew about WWI & II now.
  4. A lot/some of this sounds kind of feasible. Death would be a bit limited without magic user heroes though, anyway just have to wait and see.
  5. @Chikout ah I'd just done exactly the same as you and was reading those rules. interesting that I think some of the factions involved have changed in the final edition to what was in the initial announcement and guesses we were all making here. looks interesting anyway, pretty sure I'll be grabbing a copy. edit: actually it looks like the factions are still the same. edit 2: 1 thing of note, all the unit cards shown in the rulebook appear to be for existing units, all except one, the Fyreslayers have a unit called Doomslayers. Now obviously it would be wrong to leap to wild conclusions due to something as trivial as this, but then that's what we do best... edit 3: my bad, sorry not my day, it's Doomseekers not Doomslayers, so the name of an old WHFB Dwarf unit wasn't it?
  6. If they promote related, 3rd party, things then there's that upcoming 'Rise and Fall of Anvalor' board game.
  7. Thing is, we don't actually have any idea what it is at all. It very well could not be the AoS Kill Team lots of people are jonesing for. For all we know it could be a standalone game like 'Speed Freaks' that came out around the Orc Codex. Imagine a game that had, for example, Darkoath chariot racers battling it out or Darkoath champions fighting for Archaon's favour that comes out just before a major StD Battletome is released. Gets some big key pieces in to people's armies ahead of a full release and tempts a few people who might just fancy a chariot racing game (or whatever) to get involved.
  8. More I think about Warcry I could def see them releasing a game where you get a truck load of Darkoath/StD models, and then a few months later the BT comes out and everyone that bought Warcry is like, ****** it, I already have the basis for an army might as well go all in now. See my awful growing realisation that thanks to KT and BSF i’m getting dangerously close to buying a load of the new GSCults now and Black Legion when they come out.
  9. @calcysimon I thought that was from the new (& frankly amazing) black legion sorcerer, but now I look it’s slightly different. Still I think it’s possibly for something else in that range. Though of course it could just as easily be for the gerbils of doom.
  10. Fair play i just absolutely lost it at ‘Wall of Horse’, honest to god that would be the best spell name ever. ‘WALL OF HORSE!’ bang! Stitch that. Have a face full of ****** hoof for your troubles. 😂
  11. Honestly I dont think you have any worries there. There's absolutely no need to add a new BT for new models, terrain or endless spells. The books that will get updated are the 1.0 ones that were released before several big('ish) changes were made, summoning, various abilities etc. From my limited understanding Maggotkin, IDK, DoK, LoN, etc were all written, explicitly, with 2.0 in mind and so don't need updating at all.
  12. dry your eyes, by all accounts it's not another chamber being opened
  13. @Kirjava13 So what you're saying is in their munificence Games Workshop has provided something for everyone then! truly we are living in a golden age of the hobby, all hail GW!
  14. Also I'm not sure how long you'd survive working in a marketing dept if you started announcing "tune in at 2am for some huge reveals, well when we say huge we mean some big reveals, ok let's just go for reveals. I mean look this is all nonsense and the world is going to hell in a handcart around us, none of this really matters in the grand scheme of things, get an early night you'll feel better for it in the morning, the models will still be there in a few months."
  15. I did think that, though that's also a bit limiting as to what you can use if it's strictly just for specific realms. Though if (and of course this is a huge ****** if as I'm just riffing on a random thought I had) they were it could be that they are loosely realm themed in the way a lot of the endless spells have obvious ties to specific realms but work anywhere (maybe just more effective in their home realm).
  16. I think the keyword with 'Forbidden Power' is that it's described as an 'Age of Sigmar Expansion' in the same way 'Malign Sorcery' was. So my guess is boxset with chunky models for everyone and new rules of some kind. I had originally thought it would just be more faction agnostic Endless Spells but oddly less sure of that now, it's still the most likely option but could be something similar. One possibility is it could be a box of weird and wonderful non-faction-specific 'magic' terrain, that would hit the check boxes of making the game more visual, gets more terrain out there onto tables and since all the faction specific terrain is points free it allows armies without those releases yet to take something and not be left out. You know, 'with magic unleashed across the realms thanks to Nagash's Necroquake the very land itself has become saturated with arcane energy, yadda yadda yadda' Not sure how they'd get an extra rulebook out of that but guess it could just be an update of the MS one with the realm rules, spells, artefacts etc in again with some additional new nonsense for people to get up in arms about.
  17. Plus Khorne made half the original starter set didn't it. So pretty good chance most new players that got into the game in the first year or so of it being launched have a fair few Khorne models lying around somewhere, along with the release of W&R that should make it an easy (easier at least) sell I'd have thought.
  18. Plus it could be set in the All-Points in the way the original Skirmish book was 'set in Shadespire', that is they use the setting for a campaign or some fluff in the rulebook but after that you can then do what you want with the rules and set your games anywhere. Maybe it's a boardgame, maybe it's a hybrid skirmish/card game, maybe it's a Chaos karaoke game, who knows seeing as we have absolutely nothing to go on yet apart from who was involved in designing it and the name.
  19. I’ll be honest I went to bed a bit nervous about what the reactions to all the over-night reveals would be but have to say I’m not disappointed. Grasping at imaginary clues, taking other people’s guesses as set in stone facts and then taking personal offence at them, unmerited anger, grotesque entitlement, passive aggressive despair, Dead Sea level saltiness. It’s been a classic of the genre. 🤪🔨 Anyway Sylvaneth warband look good, lots of battletomes sounds good, possible totally new things sounds good, a campaign would be nice and I think the KT & WH:U team have done a good enough job that Warcry is an insta-buy whether it’s set in the AllPoints or an Azyr McDonald’s franchise. Also thanks to Black Fortress & that ace Harkan models, those ****** have got me building a Black Legion army now and I don’t even play 40K, so 💯 WANT that goat sorcerer model.
  20. I'm picturing a Skaven vs. Skaven game now with the tabletop absolutely riddled with holes like a big Swiss cheese, units popping in and out of them all over the place in a big endless game of rat & mouse.
  21. @Kirjava13 ah my bad, I missed it amongst all this hot dwarf chat.
  22. Skaven spell rules up... https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/02/07/chaos-battletome-skaven-endless-spells/ Some suitably self destructive elements in there.
  23. I'd love to take a sabbatical from work, pour all my energy in AoS *cue Rocky style training montage of me lying on the sofa reading BTs & eating Doritos, straining to lift centre piece models etc etc* and then spend a year touring the world, playing in all the big tournaments and wiping the floor with a totally different nonsense fluff turned up to 11 list each time.
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