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Everything posted by Sleboda

  1. The teaser image looks like a Soul Engine to me.
  2. This is why I find Narrative Play to be superior. All units have a place. All. If something is weak, it doesn't matter because you are not taking it at the expense of something else. I'm not sure, after 30+ years of trying, that there is a way for GW to appropriately cost all units for Matched Play.
  3. Randomly - I hate terms like "captasus" and other "I am far too cool and lazy to use the right words" shortcuts. Add in the almost universally applied and understood insult that comes with Sigmarine and the like and, well, yeah. Let's be better than that.
  4. Different strokes, I suppose, but I don't see that as a negative testing of boundaries at all! i much prefer monopose models since assembly and cleanup are my two most hated parts of the hobby. If GW can make awesome models I don't need to waste hours assembling, that's a huuuge step forward (or, in a positive way, backward) for me.
  5. Doesn't look like a head to me. more like a circle nut/gasket/widget with grip lines in a + arrangement.
  6. The day they sell painted armies is the day the hobby dies.
  7. Looks like you are in for a lot of fun! Which mat is that? Are you happy with it?
  8. If you are correct, that'd be cool. I did buy the app and would still buy the cards. In old fashioned and like physical goods. Also, glad that Quest is not being forgotten like Renegade seems to have been.
  9. I would love to see more for Renegade, but at least Quest made the cut.
  10. Sleboda

    Dumpy Boy Back

    I have always been a "start dark, blend up" painter. This is my very first attempt at relying heavily on Lahmian Medium to create transitions from medium tones. It's always good to learn new things.
  11. Sleboda

    Dumpy Boy Front

    I have always been a "start dark, blend up" painter. This is my very first attempt at relying heavily on Lahmian Medium to create transitions from medium tones. It's always good to learn new things.
  12. Aww, I'm just goofin. I'm a majorhugebig TK fan, and even I have accepted that they are toast. I figured orhers would not seriously think TK were ever coming back and world see the humor in my post. Apologies to those who still hold out hope for the TK and didn't know it was a joke. Btw. Kharn bit not a joke. Local GW manager told me he has seen the issue.
  13. From my butt. MOD EDIT: TRY AND PLAY NICE GUYS
  14. White Dwarf model is Kahrn. New Tomb Kings will be called The Eternal Legions.
  15. Wait. What? Warseer is dead? HELL YEAH! Take that Portent and your ****** child. F yeah. So happy.
  16. On the subscription price - Subscribe and get 3 issues for free. Not bad considering the old GW norm.
  17. Nurgle has been featured prominently over the last few years, in fluff and models (Glottkin book and model just for a start). Tzeentch got his own game that even crosses over into mainstream AoS. It's not all Khorne.
  18. I know, but I suppose I would just like a nice, pretty, handy book with them. I'm old school - I still like books and buy CDs.
  19. Crossing fingers it includes Garden of Mor, Witchfate, Dreadstone,etc.
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