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Everything posted by Sleboda

  1. I'm thinking the reference to a new game is Epic.
  2. Aha! This is the inroad! 40K and AoS merge as the shattered Eldar leave the stars and settle in the Mortal Realms, led by T,T, & M. Maybe?
  3. Just discovered this thread. Today's stuff.
  4. Maybe, but boy, it surely would be nice if GW would maintain a "currently valid" list somewhere, wouldn't it? It's getting more and more fractured and difficult to follow all the time.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited as heck for this. I'm just feeling Brad's pain. He bought an army, a whole army, because of its rules. He felt safe in the purchase, I would guess, since the army and its rules were very, very new. Plus, GW had shown a change in philosophy in many ways lately, including not invalidating purchases. Yes, he can still use his new models, just as people could still use the Btetonnians for several editions after they got left behind, but (and only he can answer this), would he have bought that collection is he knew its rules were going away in a few weeks?
  6. 2. Isn't kind of a fundamental concept of the game that you need to get to a 6 after modifications for lots (and lots and lots) or effects in the game to kick in? And would it not stand to reason that a lot of balance/rules design/point gets based on this idea? Wouldn't tossing this rule on top of it have faaaaar reaching, unforeseen consequences? No sir, I don't like it! 6. Why? How would you adjust the point values of all missile troops to account for this loss of an ability that was clearly part of the design of the game and thus these units?
  7. I want to see the current issue of my subscription that has yet to arrive ... again.
  8. I was one of the authors of the Tome of Excess for FFG. We had a writing brief that made a big point of this. We were told that sexytime was only a slice of the whole, and that we should include much, much more than just that when describing Slaanesh and his/her predalictions. Since FFG was taking their direction from GW, it's safe to say that whatever GW had in mind for this will go far beyond just T&A.
  9. The hatch to access the inner workings of the Steamhead Ancestral Titan
  10. I will buy the warscroll cards for this and all armies. Fantastic game aid!
  11. Even if they add options, you still can just play with what you want or even use the Death GA book.
  12. I do too. It's just easier to make the blends over a smaller area.
  13. Interestingly, I find the opposite to be true for me. Large flat areas require much more careful blending than areas broken up into sections, like scales. Give me a saurus to paint over a marine any day! ☺
  14. Sold! I can totally do Jade Griffon army now. These, the empire griffon, demigrypgs, gryph hounds... yowza!
  15. For whatever reason, I never had any problems building, say, a Tomb Kings army or Empire army, but I just have this weight in my mind over building armies for AoS. Factions, sub-factions, units from multiple battletomes, campain books, boxed sets, GH, old warscrolls, replaced warscrolls, new warscrolls, formations, battalions ... decide if the exact same group of models gets one set of powers or another, add in an item to a certain number of guys... It all just seems really, really convoluted. When AoS hit, it was simple. Put the models you like on the table and play with them. There are just too many sources and options now. Don't get me wrong. I like to options. I like the ways to do things and the flexibility. I'm just saying that I have this 'fear' that I'll do it wrong and be told I've broken some sort of rule I didn't even know existed. Edit: Just an anecdotal reference, look at spells. You get the two in the rules. Oh, and the one on your scroll. Oh yeah, also one from a book you may or may not own. Plus, there are all the ones that are on Warscrolls you don't even know you can have (the "all wizards know summon X in addition to their other spells" ones.
  16. I feel the same. I'm already confused about how to build an army. Bloated + scattered rules. Yikes.
  17. Yup. Mine from .. sheesh ... 20? years ago? Tons more models in that army. I'll try to get more pix up if you like.
  18. The Most Righteous and Sacred Order of the Knights of the Jade Griffon may just once again ride and blast in the name of Sigmar!
  19. AoS Second Edition: The Blending. The long-chased holy grail of 40K vs. Fantasy on the same table, finally realized. One system. Warhammer.
  20. Say whuuuu? A free thing that most folks would gladly pay for?
  21. This sounds neat, but by continually using World That Was stuff (inexplicably survived characters, the stump of the SuperTree, and now a 'fragment' of the world), they make me feel likev I'm watching Lost - a story with lots of flash and hooks, but no sense or explanation.
  22. It's strapped to the side of a giant griffhound. Griffon?
  23. As a long time vet, I'm starting to find AoS going that same direction. Maybe I'm getting old, but compared to AoS at its beginning, I'm finding it confusing to make a force now.
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