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Posts posted by Sleboda

  1. 16 hours ago, Sonnenspeer said:

    Wow, nice! First time I see this unit. Probably discontinued?

    Holy schmokes, do I feel old!

    "Tell us, oh wise one, what are these ... what were they called ... CDs..." (Meanwhile my music collection is 80% CDs, 15% tapes, and 5% records.)

    Yeah, wardancers were a thing, and the ones in the image are actually not even the original versions.

    The old wood elves were an AoS army in a Warhammer world. The army operated in skirmish formation when all other armies were in blocks. Wardancers would go around the side of the enemy's blocks, engage, use an ability to auto-win the combat, and then repeat with another unit of them next turn.

    It was a completely negative play experience for everyone except the wood elf players.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    I wonder if we're now done for releases for the year with the death guard being delayed. 


    It could mean that some investors panic-drop GW stock, lowering its price. I reeeeeally need to scoop up some more before Covid lockdowns generate strong 1H hobby sales.

    • Like 1
  3. On 12/5/2020 at 3:54 PM, Grim Beasties said:

    I can understand that, but that doesn't answer my question, how do the few new Gotrek stories affect the 60 something other books and 100 short stories? How are people 'rubes' for enjoying a character?

    I don't want to further derail things, so I'll reply to this and then move on.  Feel free to PM if you want to chat more.


    I did answer the question, I thought. Resources are finite. Time, people, printing facilities, etc.  Every commitment to a Gotrek rehash means another new and original story goes untold.


    As to rubes, I need to clarify -

    I don't think they are rubes.

    I don't think GW thinks they are rubes.

    I was trying try show how it could appear that way or that some less scrupulous companies, in this or other lines of work, might treat customers that way. Mainly an illustration of how things could go bad or how they could be perceived.


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Grim Beasties said:

    Well I'm sorry but it's here I have a bit of a problem, what about the authors who want to write about Gotrek in the Mortal Realms? Or those that want to read about how Gotrek interacts with the new setting and characters? We still have the majority of books focused on AoS unique characters, so how does Gotrek's adventure stop you from enjoying those books? 

    Just because an author wants to write a Gotrek story doesn't mean GW has to expend resources (their own, plus the author's time) on it. If I worked in an office (like I used to) and wanted to spend my time developing a sales dashboard in Sharepoint, it would not be my choice. Even if the sales team would like a new dashboard (though they already have had six versions), my boss would be wise to direct my skills toward new tools that could expand our capabilities instead of just rehashing what we already have.

  5. 1 hour ago, Grim Beasties said:

    I get what you're saying, but there are like 60 AoS original Novels compared to the 5 new Gotrek stories. It's not like it's your only option

    I get ya, but man, it just seems like it's lazy and it takes advantage of "rubes."



    A "I've got this story I'm writing. It's about a brooding warrior named Turk who has made mistakes and now travels the world seeking atonement. What do you think?"

    B "I think that's been done a thousand times. Sorry, nobody wants to read that again."

    A "Yeah, I guess. Darn."

    B "Hey! Wait just one minute. Would you be agreeable to changing the warrior's name?"

    A "Sure, I guess, but what would that matter? The story is still the same."

    B "Don't worry. We'll call him Gotrek and the fans will eat it up, buy it, and cheer just like when bands call out the name of whatever city the are in when the have a concert. It doesn't matter that the show is the same every time or that the band doesn't really care about Livonia NY more than they do about Oslo Norway. All the fans care about is familiarity ... rubes."

    I'm not saying that GW is intentionally being lazy or trying to fleece suckers. I'm just saying that there is so much more original, creative, and ultimately rewarding storytelling out there that dipping into the Gotrek well ... one ... more ... time feels cheap, unoriginal, and disappointing. An author *could* be expanding the AoS universe, but instead he/she is spending their finite time on a retread.


    I was just sharing my thoughts with @TwiceIfILikeIt. She had an excellent insight.

    Gotrek stories are the Mad Libs of the Warhammer world. Pick an enemy, a region, and two references to old stories. Ta da! New Gotrek story!


    Note: This is not to say the authors are hacks. No. They are just not being used well. It would be like getting the head coach of a professional football team to train peewee league players. Sure, they can do it with their eyes closed, but what a colossal waste of talent.


    Edit edit:

    It's not like GW themselves don't know this. Check out this tweet from Community. The comments in parentheses are mine.

    "Gotrek vs grots – it's a classic (repeated) match-up, and let's be honest, it's not gonna go well for the greenskins (predictable outcome). Not that he needs a reason (the plot details are irrelevant), but find out why Gotrek's slaying Gloomspite Gitz in our look at all of the Black Library preview reveals."


    One more edit:

    Don't get me wrong. Writing GW fiction is fun and can be creative. I've done it for several FFG GW RPG books, and some of it has been rehashing existing stuff (such as the descriptions of the realm of the chaos gods and their demons in the Tome Of X series).  It's highly enjoyable. It's just not usually groundbreaking, original, universe-expanding sort of work in many cases.


    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Overread said:

    First AoS story - GITZSLAYER! Gotrek against the Gitz! 

    I can't tell you how much I wish Gotrek would achieve his glorious end.

    It's starting to be like Mountain Dew. The original was nice. Diet was predictable and has a place. Code Red was a fun variation.

    Do we really need chocolate jalapeno mountain dew? Is that even really still mountain dew? Can't there be a *new* soda that isn't tossed out there in a lazy fashion by slapping the MD brand name on it to avoid the effort of having to make it succeed on its own merits?

    How many versions of the original do we need? When does it cease being the same thing at all? 


    Get off my lawn.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Popisdead said:

    it seemed so click-bait-y of a title so I skipped it.  Is it good?  

    His channel pumps out a lot of content, most of it 40K related (though he's recently been adding more AoS), and some of it you can tell is semi-filler (as in "boy, I need to keep things going with something) but still enjoyable, but he's not ad heavy or aggressive, so he's one of the few I return to with regularity. Definitely worth checking out. Oh, and he's one of the very, very few YouTubers who understand that their intro titles don't need to be 20 seconds long. Brief is better and he nails it.

    Side note -

    @TwiceIfILikeIt and I enjoy that channel for providing one of our favorite drinking games. Every time he says "to be honest" or "if I'm being honest" or the like, it's time for a shot. Sometimes a 7 minute video is enough to empty a bottle of Jack. 😉

    • Like 2
  8. 9 hours ago, Tibus367 said:

    What every happened to the first set of models that you ever painted?

    I still have them, complete with their original paint. Never, never, never strip your own paint jobs. Keep them around so you can remind yourself that you've improved over time.

    Don't feel shame about new-shiney chasing. As long as you have unpainted models, you can never die. I have roughly 20,000 painted models. I've sold another 5,000 or so painted models. I have roughly 80,000 models in boxes, on shelves, in bins, etc. all unpainted. I am immortal! :)

    • Like 3
  9. On 11/22/2020 at 12:13 PM, novakai said:

    Also up is a highly encouraging development. They are showing new faction dice that you can read! That have a symbol only on the 6!


    Fingers crossed this means they've figured out that dice are gaming tools, not decorative items for a shelf.


    I look forward to future dice following suite.



    • Like 3
  10. 3 hours ago, BaylorCorvette said:

    Fortunately they said both the twinsouls and painbringers is a dual kit box. So you might be able to put the helmets on both models.

    Thank you for using the correct spelling of dual.


    As for the new Fabulous One, I'm stoked to *finally* be able to make a truly perfect sexually transmitted disease army.

    There will be two competing/cooperating generals, one him and one Nurgle, exhorting their troops to spread the love each in their own way. Two great tastes that taste great and gross together!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  11. 6 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

    As far as tomb kings vs ossiarchs... Yeah the ossiarchs are clearly the spiritual successor faction and we can really hope for anything more. That said they don't really do much to scratch the actual Tomb King fan's itch. There are no mummies, no chariots, no actual skeletons, the aesthetic is watered down and confused. What appealed to me so much with TK is entirely lacking in ossiarchs.

    they are a perfectly fine faction, and stand on their own merits but they aren't a good replacement od expansion like other recent reboots have been!

    Agree 1000%. I really like the Bonereapers, and agree that they are the spiritual successor, but yeah, they are in no way - zero at all - "new Tomb Kings." Lore, aesthetic, style of play ... none of it. TK were and are my favorite thing in the history of GW, and I miss them terribly. As cool as Bonereapers are, they are not doing anything at all to ease the loss of TK.

    • Like 2
  12. 10 hours ago, EccentricCircle said:

    My favourite though has to be the darkling sorceress. She was the first of the more scantily clad models which was actually attractive, nit not just half naked

    That particular model marked a huge evolution in GW plastic capabilities (if it's the one I'm thinking of).

    The way it was designed to make the hair work was an evolutionary leap.

    Fantastic model.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    Seems like nonsense to me. What kind of store owner thinks in terms of discounted percentage of retail, and not in terms of profit margin per unit?

    I won't try to convince you (not sure what I could offer, or that there is even a need to, really), but it's not nonsense. You'd be surprised (clearly! 😁) how many bad, bad, bad business owners there are in the hobby/game/comic store industry, and how many of them really are that uneducated on these things.

    It was soooooo frustrating in my old job. My goal, my honest, genuine goal, was to make these retailers dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking rich. I got no extra money if they succeeded, but:

    1. My job got much easier.  I could focus on same store growth rather than replacement and re-education. Turning over new rocks (looking at trade publications, cold calling, etc.) stinks and is much harder than keeping existing stores going in the right direction.

    2. As a gamer, I wanted (still want) the hobby to grow so I have opponents, places to play, and heathy manufacturers making me new toys.


    It was maddening how much I had to drag store owners kicking and screaming to success. Those who fell back on discounts instead of service, loyalty programs, positive attitudes, and a great atmosphere in which to congregate and play, well, those who took the quick and easy path failed at a much higher rate, making my job harder.


    Edit: @RuneBrush Just saw your note after posting. I'll stop now.


    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, PlasticCraic said:

    For example, one potential cultural difference is that the FLGS is more of a community hub in the USA (in line with your "full service" comment), whereas in Australia people play more in their gaming clubs or friendship groups, and retail is highly commoditized and mostly online. 

    Definitely some truth there!

    When I used to work with stores, we tried to give them all sorts of tools to promote customer loyalty and in-store participation from customers. The smartest stores would ask me if we could please open a GW store near them. They knew that GW stores are basically recruitment centers, generating new gamers, but were also not as "in touch" with the locals as the indy stores could be. The indy stores could capitalize on the recruitment work of the GW stores by providing a more connected, intimate, personal experience than the GW stores. The indy became the community center, in effect.

    • Like 2
  15. 23 minutes ago, Overread said:

    GW store has more stock on shelf. Like it or not people like to walk away from shops with products in hand not orders to come back next week. A GW store stocking only GW merchandise is going to likely have more on the shelf than most 3rd parties. So might be you want a specific model and your 3rd party hasn't got it, so you go to the GW to get it today rather than wait a week or two. 

    The core idea there is so true! I'll piggyback on that to say that I'll pay full retail at a store with on-hand stock and great service.

    In mean, my god, I've been on a quest to find an honest, highly-communicative, reliable mail order supplier for years. Literally years and multiple stores. The lies. The delays. The silence. The lack of stock. No discount is worth it if you can't get what you want, when you want it.

  16. 2 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    Bit of a sweeping statement there.

    Emerald (Australia) and Element (UK) seem to do very well for themselves, amongst others. 

    I'm not aware of any full-price, 3rd-party retailer here in Australia that is thriving, whereas Emerald have just moved into new (much larger) premises and are moving literally pallets upon pallets of stock every week.


    I can really only relate my experiences as a sales guy who worked with hundreds and hundreds of stores across the entirety of the US. Of course nothing is 100% or absolute, but the overwhelming, vast, huge evidence from years and years of experience shows that (at the risk of offending any retailers here) store owners who discount, especially at higher rates, go under and it's usually because they have no idea what their actual operating costs are. They discount, see increased volume, and assume they're succeeding when in actuality they are hemorrhaging the profits they need to stay in business long term.

    To super simplify:

    The retailer sells one game at full retail.

    He discounts 15% and sells two.

    "Oh my!" he thinks, "What if I sell at 90% off?"

    He discounts 90% and sells 500 ...

    ... and that's the end of his store.


    Like I said, simplified, but it illustrates the point.


  17. Stores selling at a discount are foolish. Time and time and time again as a GW trade salesman I saw discounters go under while full service, full price stores that maybe offered some sort of loyalty program stuck around.


    Sure, as customers we like getting our stuff for less, but from a retail perspective, discounting is pretty much suicide.

    • Like 1
  18. 29 minutes ago, stratigo said:

    Check how many books they forced on psychic awakening. Some people only had a book for like 3 months before it was entirely invalidated.

    Same thing happened with End Times. Same thing will happen with Realms. 

    Blood Bowl is about to go through it as well since literally all previously published materials (books, magazines, cards), including ones released only two months ago, are becoming obsolete by having no Passing stay on them.

    It's the nature of this beast. It's not be new. We can take it or leave it ... by choice.

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