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Nighthaunt Noob

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Everything posted by Nighthaunt Noob

  1. How does the champion's extra attack work with the flail?
  2. Are they cheap as a start collecting? No. Are they cheap compared to what a box of 10 warriors, a box of 5 mounted models, and a unique hero box would cost? Absolutely. Probably somewhere between a 35 to 50% discount on what 3 boxes like that would cost separately, and other start collectings can't boast brand new, fantastic sculpts.
  3. I think people could be reading a bit too much into the wording. Is a multi-part kit coming out next month? Almost certainly not. However, I don't think this language is meant to be interpreted that one isn't coming out at all next year. If there truly aren't any more new kits coming out for the next few years, that would certainly be disappointing, but at the same time there are so many things that could still use new models, I'd prefer if they did 3 new kits for 10 armies instead of 10 new kits for 3 armies and slowly improve the quality of each army range.
  4. While it is extremely unlikely your buddy has any legit info, I'll bite. What are these supposed "big models" coming out?
  5. Having a problem with overly tailored/marketed models is one thing, but suggesting that the hobby in general should continue to be haven for men and doesn't need more diversity is ridiculous.
  6. Am I the only one that looks at these and thinks, damn this army would be so much cooler if they didn't wear armor? The guys manning the catapult also inspire this thought in me.
  7. I saw this picture on facebook which include the Mortisian Boneshaper. Does anyone know when we got a glimpse of this model? It is barely visible in the image.
  8. I doubt it. There were other ogres in the reveal video that looked like the right amount of models for 1 half of a dual box.
  9. Anyone else think that the hooded infantry with some sort of pole weapons that appeared in the teaser art still have associated models to be shown off?
  10. Idk, considering the most recent new models (not counting single heroes and terrain/endless spells) before this were for Slannesh, and we've got Warcry going on now, plus 40k got a bunch of Chaos and Chaos Knights, I think getting StD next would be a little bit overkill and demoralize non-Chaos fans of the game. It is better to mix stuff in-between IMO.
  11. Because it is someone that Nagash just broke out of a stormvault so it wouldn't be someone that was already being fielded in armies.
  12. Is Legions of Nagash the missing 9th non-Chaos faction from before? That seems...odd that they didn't include it with the others initially. I wonder if it was a timing of release issue.
  13. No one is making any assumptions. GW has explicitly told us that the models in Looncurse will be made available individually. I can't recall but they probably said the same about Carrion Empire as well.
  14. Agreed I haven't finished assembling Looncurse yet cuz I'm waffling on spite vs tree revenants.
  15. There was a rumor engine recently that could conceivably be seraphon wasn't there?
  16. Then if you're planning on splitting work out something fair. No reason you have to split right down the middle.
  17. Very cool, although I am surprised the pose isn't very dynamic based on the art reveal yesterday. I think I might have to try to pick this guy up despite not collecting Sylvaneth. Any guesses what the giant skull is?
  18. My guess is it is related to the artifacts we're going to see with Forbidden Power.
  19. It would be cool if Forbidden Power included a release similar to the harbingers of Malign Portents so that we'd have an individual model to imagine a full army coming down the road off of.
  20. Probably not the fairest measure since it is heavily influenced by the strength support of different armies.
  21. Does this forum have polling functionality? Would be interesting if someone took a poll of what everyone's primary army is.
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