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Nighthaunt Noob

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Everything posted by Nighthaunt Noob

  1. I am not that bothered by the meaningless article. It is the reference to hearing more 2 weeks from now that is more concerning. Surely we'll be hearing more at 1 or both of the Saturday reveals that happen before then, and this is just reference to an article that gets into rules after we've seen the whole range.
  2. *she...I suspect this is part of why the paint job is so bad, but the bulky helmet doesn't help
  3. The hammer head is directly above is hand (his hand top left hand is touching it. Idk why people keep thinking something a little higher up is the head.
  4. CSM hadn't had new models in eons. It was 100% new models on both sides. I don't think there is a big difference between new army and 100% new models/old army.
  5. Just throwing this out there, but as time goes on I'm starting to suspect more and more that the Lumineth are going to be released in a dual box with Sons of Behemat. 1. Rumors for both started at the same time. 2. Both battletomes have already shipped. 3. It is more unusual for two new armies to release one right after the other than it is to release at the same time. 4. It fits into the timeslot of last year's Shadowspear release. The Lumineth seem to be getting a lot of the same treatmeant as CSM did last year.
  6. Just throwing this out there, but as time goes on I'm starting to suspect more and more that the Lumineth are going to be released in a dual box with Sons of Behemat. 1. Rumors for both started at the same time. 2. Both battletomes have already shipped. 3. It is more unusual for two new armies to release one right after the other than it is to release at the same time. 4. It fits into the timeslot of last year's Shadowspear release. The Lumineth seem to be getting a lot of the same treatmeant as CSM did last year.
  7. That's too bad. They really failed with that model compared to the art. On a related note, does anyone else feel like the quality of underworlds warbands often lags the main line of models?
  8. Yikes I sure hope not! It isn't even close. It doesn't even have the horns which are the most distinctive part of the art, the mask is totally different, the jaw is totally different. Usually the art is pretty close.
  9. What about this guy? Is there going to be a separate bonesplitterz warband? I'm really hoping for a model that does this art some justice.
  10. Very possible. A ton of Chinese factories are shut down right now.
  11. Definitely hoping the bendy spears are just an issue with how they took the picture.
  12. Should we make anything of all of the 2019 dual box heroes being released at the same time? Perhaps KO and Tzeentch will have to wait until next year for their unique heroes (along with any other battlebox exclusives that come out this year)?
  13. Seeing the new Lumineth models shown so far, I can't help but resurface something I noticed with OBR: Good rules sell models, so much so that people even change their tune about the models. With OBR, they were highly controversial when first released. Much of the criticism on their look faded after their release. In fact, Katakros was one of the highest voted models for "best model of the year", despite a fairly lukewarm reception initially. Now with Lumineth, out of the gate the response to the Spirit of Eltharion is almost universally positive, while probably around 80-90% of the reaction to Teclis is unfavorable. It is highly likely that Teclis is going to be a highly powerful model, which will drive sales for him. If it plays out like this, how do we as people that want good looking miniatures but also want a good game influence Games Workshop to produce the kinds of models we want to see? If, for the sake of argument, Teclis outsells the Spirit of Eltharion, how does GW get the message that the vast majority of people actually preferred the SoE? Does anyone else see the role that rules play on miniature sales problematic?
  14. I'm reading a lot into the Slaves to Darkness Start Collecting, but I think that is likely to start a trend of monopose models in boxed sets so that people are less likely to want more than one box (preferring instead to buy multipose boxes of the same models).
  15. GW has impressed me with a number of models being significantly more sturdy than they appear at first. I'm not concerned.
  16. On top of that, GW seems to be attempting to discourage multiple purchases of start collecting kits so they aren't giving away whole armies at a discount anymore.
  17. Anyone else getting a hunch that the Light of Eltharion, 10 spearmen, and 5 cavalry troops that were previewed are going to come in either a start collecting box or a dual box? It is the same type of composition as the StD Start Collecting that just came out, and the spearmen do look a bit more static than a multipart kit might be. Just seems interesting that this is the first wave of Lumineth they chose to show and it happens to fit a reasonable box archetype. On the flip side, there is almost zero chance that that Eltharion model is push fit!
  18. Can I suggest some Daler-Rowney FW white ink? Works great as an edge highlight or mixing into other white paints to improve coverage and consistency.
  19. Anyone else getting a hunch that the Light of Eltharion, 10 spearmen, and 5 cavalry troops that were previewed are going to come in either a start collecting box or a dual box? It is the same type of composition as the StD Start Collecting that just came out, and the spearmen do look a bit more static than a multipart kit might be. Just seems interesting that this is the first wave of Lumineth they chose to show and it happens to fit a reasonable box archetype. On the flip side, there is almost zero chance that that Eltharion model is push fit!
  20. Is it just me or did they seriously leave a massive mold line running down the side of Teclis in their studio shots?
  21. I am a fan of the Middle Earth Strategy Battle LoS rules that requires an "in the way" role for any models that can only partially see another model, but I admit that it would slow down and add complexity to games which seems to not be in vogue.
  22. I gotta agree that those tassels look identical too me. This seems like a very plausible theory.
  23. Imagine how much better this model would look if it was remade today though!
  24. Agreed they are one of the bigger exceptions. They have so many actually it almost begs the question why so many other armies don't get similar treatment. Nighthaunt as well is a newer army that came with a healthy number of normal sized heroes. I first got into the hobby around 15 years ago with LoTR so that is probably the root of my preferences. I loved the gameplay of that format as well.
  25. It seems as miniature designs have improved, its enabled GW to make centerpiece models less, well, "miniature". Am I the only one that misses the days when many of your greatest heroes would be slogging it on foot with your infantry, or at least riding on a normal sized horse? Thinking of, for example, the amazing picture of Archaon below, I find it disappointing that there will likely never be a model that renders him in all his glory fighting on foot. Battles just don't feel quite as gritty to me when you've got your leader on some massive beast instead of in the thick of battle. What does the community think of this trend, and do you think we'll ever see the pendulum swing back?
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