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Everything posted by cofaxest

  1. It feels like Priests will be able to summon ES as well as Incarnations. I'm curious what KO will get to do the same. Spell in the bottle come to mind...
  2. The best option would be releasing it as normal model, not exclusive one. Just a normal Grombrindal with his own unique set of rules and option to use him as center model for united duardin army.
  3. Saddest day in my AoS life for sure. This means that we will not get Grombrindal for AoS and also we will not see united duardins in any shape or form...
  4. Heavy magic + summon with Slann Shooting and movement with Skinks Holding objectives and counterattack with Saurus Melee hard hitting with Monster mash
  5. It feels like GW decide to split all aspects of BS between IJ and CB. IJ get pigs and maniacs CB get monster hunting and wierd magic Prob this is the right move but I hope that we will see more Orruk faction in future.
  6. Am I wrong or BoC shamans will be part of StD?
  7. Soup CoS Skaven Gitz Ogors Orruks Lumineth Potential soups StD+Chaos duardins+Beasts KO+FS Dok+Umbraneth(+Idoneth?) Sylvaneth+Kurnothi Potential split inside one book(more distinct subfaction) Nighthaunt Soulblight(Flesh eater can be part of the book prob 50/50) OBR Gargants SCE
  8. "Who is this white-bearded wanderer? From whence does he come, that all duardin peoples recognise and know him? And where does he go when his act of charity is done...?" "Masters of stone and metal and makers of intricate machines they are..." "Under the stewardship of their ancestors will they prosper..." "He will remind them of the old ways..." "... and he will guide them towards the new." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeJdSFpcipM
  9. It's not how AoS works. Faction can't be described as Grungni duardins if he doesn't have some level of aythority over it. So right now the best candidate to be called as Grungni's faction are Gholemkind because he literally gave them life. But you are right KO are the one who he truly proud of and we already have so called "Rogue Admirals" who refuse to follow the Code and helping other Duardins all over the Mortal realms.
  10. It's true, but Gazul can't guard Duardin underworlds right now. IF Valaya right now is located in one of the underworlds it's logic for GW to make her as one of the Order Panteon god for Realm of death coz she have some grudge against Nagash. I also think that it would be cool to see Valykraz and Gazuls Shard as units for her faction.
  11. Valaya never was a pro-active god. Last time she comunicate with dawi was in End Times, after that we only knows that some portion of her powers was absorbed by Nagash and that her cults still exist in AgeofSigmar and folowers of that cult known as healers in dispossessed clans. Also there is some hints that Grombrindal right now reopening Duardin underworlds in attempt to find her in one of them. I feel like she will be Order god for Realm of death as Duardin underworlds guardian and opposition for Nagash.
  12. I think they will end up being full faction by themselfs. We know for sure that they have purely gholemkind clockwork cities. I think they will be allies with KO and other duardins and could be magic heavy duardin-like faction.
  13. Grungni - Gholemkind Grimnir - Fyreslayers Valaya - Ancestors (Spirits of dead Duardin returned from the Halls of Ancestors) All - Dispossessed/Khazalid Empire-United Duardins None - Kharadron overlords
  14. IMO main problem is that there is alot of things was happend and happening right now in the lore for Duardins, but sadly we don't see it in the game.
  15. I think that right now we have pretty good set-up for Chamon/Aqshy duo progression with focus on Duardin of the mortal realms. This can include new wave for KO,FS and CoS duardins plus Gholemkind release and moving towards Chaos duardins reveal and the begining of Hysh/Ulgu focus edition. Just as example: Skaven starts their invasion in Chamon and Aqshy. Duardins suffer heavy loses but Gholemkind apears and saves the day. Duardins start to speak about reunification more openly. KO, FS and GK split. Vostarg, Thryng and some GK will lead new Khazalid Empire, where Lofnir, Nar and other GK will stay as it's own. Together united Duardin force with Grombrindal and SCE will defeat Skavens but at the moment of their triumph Chaos Duardins will show up and attacks. Then Grombrindal will fight Chaos Duardin leader and will be almost killed but Ulgu Aelves will show up and Malekith himself to save his old friend.(this will lead us to Ulgu/Hysh edition) So we could get new wave for KO (New ship with New Brock centerpeace model where old model will became just generic Lord-Magnate), new wave for FS (Bael-Grimnir centerpeace model with 2 boxes of new models) and Grombrindal as new centerpeace model for united Duardin force(maybe with some hint for new Valaya base faction of duardins)
  16. My bet that gholemkind under Grungni will be first.
  17. I can see him as 18 wound 4+ save model with 4+ ward and monster keyword.
  18. Looking at Ushoran I'm thinking about new models for Naferata(as Kastelai+Legion of blood), Manfred(as Avengorii+legion of Night) and Arkhan the black(with new wave for OBR)
  19. I would add KO warcry band but yea, mostly agree
  20. The only thing that he is missing is that he is not worship Grimnir. With all honesty I think that Gotrek is more fyreslayer then actual fyreslayers because right now (and it was addressed in soulslayer) fyreslayers focused too much on worshipping their god instead of following his path. Grimnir was never about live and gold, he was about battle and walking on the edge. And I think that Gotrek is an avatar of Grimnir also by his wandering nature being looking for worth opponent. So as for the new arc in fyreslayers lore he is perfect candidate to lead them in battle as itself and also as part of united duardin force. Plus he was paired with Grombrindal multiple times with great success. I also think that he might find small magmadroth for himself at some point as a pet and then as a mount.
  21. Also cool idea Anvil of doom(ultimate priest diorama type of unit) Firequeen(Runemother) Smaller drothcav Youngflames(1w slayers) Flamecannon Magmamortar
  22. Possible ideas Kindledroth pack(10 models min unit) 2w/8mv/6br/4+save Spit 1 attack 3+/3+/-1/1 Claws 2 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1 Can't get any commands After death roll 2 dice, on 4+ deal 1 mw to enemy unit Tamer 6w/4mv/7br/4+save 4+ rally on Kindledroth Kindledroths ignore battleshock if wholly within 12 from tamer All Kindledroths wholly within 12 from him get +1 tohit Can Empower Kindledroths
  23. Monsters Magmadroth 12w/12mv/7br/3+save Spit 10 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1 Maw 3 attacks 3+/2+/-2/3 Claws 7 attacks 3+/3+/-1/2 Spit can get rend -3 if not moving At the end of combat phase roll a dice for enemy unit within 3, if you roll less then number of models in that unit - deal d3 mw For each suffered wound deal mw on 4+ in return Magmadroth with hero 16w/12mv/8br/3+save
  24. Heroes Flamekeeper 6w/4mv/7br/4+save Priest Each model that dies gives him a stack for his rune When charged at the start of combat phase can give strike first/charge/6 inches pile-in Runefather 7w/4mv/8br/4+save 4 attacks 3+/3+/-2/3 Empower himself and his retinue +1 attack to friendly units within 12 if he charges or being charged Runeson 6w/4mv/7br/4+save Jevelin - shooting 1 attack 3+/3+/-1/d6(6 if monster) Jevelin - melee 4 attacks 3+/3+/-1/d3(3 if monster) Axe 5 attacks 3+/3+/-1/2 6s tohit deal mw on monsters Chain activation with other runesons on the field Runesmith 6w/4mv/8br/4+save Priest +1cp if he is within 6 from general Knows all chants Can chant 2 times His chant - choose objective and roll 1 dice for each enemy unit within 6 from it's center, on 3+ deal d3 mw and half the move if any wound was unsaved. Runesmiter 6w/4mv/7br/4+save Priest 1 chant His chant - +1 towound Magmic tunneling can take up to 2 units with him (magmadroth count as 2 units) With his key once per battle he can chant 2 times Iron gives reroll his chant Battlesmith 6w/4mv/7br/4+save 6+ ward wholly within 12 5+ ward ones per battle 4+ rally If he dies you can rally 1 unit wholly within 12 from him without cp spend (Have icon for ignoring spells on 4+ or Icon to do rally on units that are within 3 from enemy) Doomseekers - unit of 3 models 5w/4mv/8br/4+save +1 dmg for each killed model (+2 max) 5 attacks 3+/3+/-1/2 Can use Empower Grimwrath 7w/4mv/8br/4+save 5 attacks/3+/3+/-2/3 Grimwrath oath - his attacks ignore ward rolls - charge after run - can be retinue Always empowered Always fight at the end of combat phase Exile 7w/4mv/8br/4+save 6 attacks 3+/3+/-2/2 4+ ward if within 3 from unit with 3 or more models Once per battle roll 6 dices+number of wounds suffered by this model for each unit within 6 inches for each roll of 4+ deal 1 mw if targeted unit have wound char 10 or more deal d3 mw on 4+. Once per battle give run+charge to all units within 6 inches
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