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Everything posted by cofaxest

  1. 3+ save with ignore rend-1 on turn 1 plus 6+ ignore w and mw not so bad. plus 6" move turn 1 can help too. But mostly i just think that this army will look cool on board that's it ) For more competitive tournament i will more likely take my KO (in the end i have more then 7k points Grand Armada).
  2. Rush forward - kill everything with fire - take a hit - finish off. 120 shots (90 if we take first turn and move) with irondrakes with 3+(reroll 1s)/2+/-2/1 not something you can ignore...
  3. Allegiance: Tempest's EyeLeadersWarden King (120)Unforged (100)Runelord (100)Runelord (100)Battleline30 x Longbeards (270)- Great Axes & Shields10 x Longbeards (100)- Great Axes & Shields10 x Longbeards (100)- Great Axes & Shields10 x Longbeards (100)- Great Axes & ShieldsUnits10 x Ironbreakers (140)10 x Ironbreakers (140)30 x Irondrakes (540)BattalionsGrudgebound War Throng (170)Total: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 130 This is how i would built my dwarfs if i try them.
  4. You still need 3 boxes of arcanauts just for make them fully equiped with special weapons.
  5. 3 Bl starts at 2000 pts. For 1000 pts SC is useless) Just take 2 squads of arcanauts (240), alchemist (160), ironclad (420), 5 grundstock thunderers and navigator. Or you can take 2 squads of arcanauts (240), alchemist (160), frigate (240) and 9 endrinriggers.
  6. I think it will be better to try 1500 pts list. 10 arcanauts (3 skyhooks) - 120 10 arcanauts (3 volleyguns) - 120 Chemist - 160 Endrinmaster - 120 Gunhawler - 160 Frigate - 240 5 grundstock thunderers (5 rifles) - 100 12 riggers/ two squads of 6 riggers/one squad of 6 riggers and two squads of 3 riggers. Total - 1500 pts. Play as barak-urbaz will give you 1 more use of alchemist ability and 1 more artefact. For 2000 pts game take 1 more frigate, 1 squad of arcanaut, take 1 more alchemist instead of gunhawler and iron sky squadron battalion.
  7. Why not? I clearly can see logic behind this. An if we speak about logic i think that KO should ignore to hit modifiers like NH ignore save roll modifiers. (arcanaut ability in that case will give reroll 1s against heroes and monsters instead of +1 to hit) And if we speak about protection... Navigator can create different aetherstorms: 1 - give -2" to run and charge for enemy units; 2 - give friendly units cover; 3 - enemy wizards roll 1 more dice when they cast and substract 1 with highest result. He even can be KO "totem" hero who place his aetherstuff and can't move. Aethermancer could be our "priest" type of hero (use on 3+) with aethermancy school.
  8. KO aetherpowered backpacks connected with weapon, not armour. From what i understand it will be better to have rule like "aether-proof armour" with some kind of bonus.
  9. So you think that this will be balanced? Alchemist - 160 Alchemist - 160 Alchemist - 160 Frigate - 240 Frigate - 240 30 Arcanauts with 9 skyhooks - 300 30 Arcanauts with 9 skyhooks - 300 30 Arcanauts with 9 skyhooks - 300 Ironsky squadron battalion - 130 Total 1990 pts. Under Urbaz this will be 72 skyhook shots turn 1 and 54 skyhook shot + 189 shots with pistols... I think this is abit too much.
  10. IMHO Better make them cheap and give them bombing run ability.
  11. 1 From my local meta perspective best skyports for 1000 pts game are barak urbaz, barak thryng, barak mhornar, for 1500-2000 pts game are barak urbaz, barak mhornar, barak zilfin. 2 Barak Urbaz and Barak Mhornar my favourite, Barak Thryng - very interesting lorewise. 3 Image will be changing depending of your local meta and size of the game you play. 4 You can use any colours to paint your guys and declare any skyport.
  12. I can see how fyreslayer would create big Grimnir statue and activate it with runes (like Avatar of Kheine)
  13. I totally agree. Aethermancers perfectly fit. They can use come sort of aether magic, dispell Endless spells and debuff enemy casters.
  14. Guys, did Valahia die during EoT, when Nagash drain her powers?
  15. Plus i truly think that alchemists should give +1 full round of attack instead of just +1 to attack characteristic, it will buff our pikes, volleyguns and even heroes. 2 alchemists with 6d6 attacks...
  16. Nice work! And this is my way of balance) Endrinmaster - 120pts +one ship can equip 2 artefacts Admiral - 100pts Aethekhemist - target unit can attack twice with the buffed weapon Navigator - 100 pts +2 to unbind if within 18". Company - 140 pts +MW on 6 to hit for volleygun +3+ to wound on skypikes and -2 rend after charge +2 attacks with cutters Skywardens - 120 + volleyguns hit on 5+ on 6+ deal mw + skypikes 4+/4+/-1/d3, 4+/3+/-2/d3 if chared + 12" range on pistol and -2 rend Endrinriggers - 120 + Volleyguns (look skywards) + aethersaw - 2 attacks 4+/2+/-2/d3 Grundstock thunderers - 100 (battleline if admiral - general) + 5 shots with a sweeper + 18" d3 shots (with reroll if deal wound with a sweeper)4+/3+/-1/1 with mortar Grundstock gunhauler - 120 pts + unit of 1-3 models Frigate - 180-200 pts Embarking rule - each unit can embark and disembark ones per turn. The unit can embark/disembark at the END of ANY phase.
  17. Aether drones? Shooting drones, drones protectors(give cover and take wound/MW on 5+) and attack drones with melee profile that explodes when they die and deal MW on 4+?
  18. Irongrots? Ironjaws artillery? Ironjaws engineer as irongrot/warmachine support character hero?
  19. 1) KO on the ships should be immune to battleshock 2) If skyvessel destroyed roll a dice for each unit within x" - on x+ unit suffers d3 mw.
  20. + KO ships should have option to do bombing run.(4+ with reroll if 10 or more models d3 mw and/or -1 to hit) + option to throw bombs in combat phase (4+ with reroll if 10 or more models D3 mw and/or -1 to hit)
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