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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. Oh boy this threat is fuming with disappointment xD

    I haven‘t seen Alarielle‘s Scroll, her 740 points might be justified?

    I also think that Kragnos is worth 760 tbh. You‘ve got to build around him so he can go on a rampage. If his points were lower he‘d be a no brainer.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  2. 40 minutes ago, Kaizennus said:

    So I'm still very new, only a handful of games under my belt and none of them as SBG or even LoN. But I'm putting together my first few lists and trying to work with what I have access to at the moment. Any thoughts on these lists from people with actual experience?

    List #1: Legion of Blood

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    Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords

    - Lineage: Legion of Blood


    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435)

    - General

    - Deathlance

    - Command Trait: Aura of Dark Majesty

    - Artefact: Soulbound Garments

    - Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions

    Vengorian Lord (280)

    - Lore of the Vampires: Soulpike

    Necromancer (125)

    - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread

    Necromancer (125)

    - Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread


    20 x Deathrattle Skeletons (170)

    20 x Deathrattle Skeletons (170)

    20 x Deadwalker Zombies (115)

    10 x Dire Wolves (135)


    20 x Grave Guard (280)

    - Wight Blades & Crypt Shields

    6 x Fell Bats (150)

    Total: 1985 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 0

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 152

    This list tries to make the VLoZD tanky by giving him a 2+ save and a -1 to hit debuff. The Vengorian adds to this with his -1 to rend aura and the necromancer spell that also gives a -1 to hit rolls.

    You then have 60 models worth of battleline chaff that can be buffed by the necromancers and (the deathrattle) potentially be immune to negative modifers (but there's not a lot of vampires in the army). Grave guard are your big hitters, Dire Wolves act as screens, and the Fell Bats can harass or grab objectives.

    List #2: Vyrkos List

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    Allegiance: Soulblight Gravelords

    - Lineage: Vyrkos Dynasty



    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon (435)

    - General

    - Deathlance

    - Command Trait: Hunter's Snare

    - Artefact: Vilnas' Fang

    - Lore of the Vampires: Soulpike

    Vengorian Lord (280)

    - Lore of the Vampires: Amethystine Pinions

    Vampire Lord (140)

    - Lore of the Vampires: Spirit Gale

    Vampire Lord (140)

    - Lore of the Vampires: Soulpike



    20 x Deadwalker Zombies (115)

    20 x Deathrattle Skeletons (170)

    20 x Deathrattle Skeletons (170)

    10 x Dire Wolves (135)

    10 x Dire Wolves (135)



    20 x Grave Guard (280)

    - Great Wight Blades


    Total: 2000 / 2000

    Extra Command Points: 0

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 154

    This list is a bit more offensive. The Skeletons and Zombies will get a +1 to wound buff from the allegiance ability and should always be in range due to stacking vampires in this list. The vampires can re-roll their casts, and while their spells aren't the greatest I think you should be able to get the buffs off fairly consistently against most armies. The VLoZD has the trait that lets him count as 14 models for objectives, which gives you a bit more objective play, especially if you can keep him alive for later turns. His artefact will likely give him a +3 charge once per game, which isn't particularly notable but at least it plays into the vampire stacking. Once again, you have 60 models of chaff and now two full units of dire wolves which can either be used to screen or grab objectives.

    Anyway, that's my thought process as a total noob to the game and faction. I imagine there's a lot of stuff that I'm overlooking and/or misunderstanding. I'm also guessing that there are some better units I could swap out. Hoping to pick up some blood knights, the mortarchs, and either a corpse cart or coven sometime in the future.

    Thoughts and advice would be appreciated.

    I like lost no. 1.

    I believe there‘s an issue with list no. 2.: Once the 20 GG and the Zombie Dragon are gone you lose the ability to kill key targets and the army will crumble. Maybe try to squeeze in 5 Blood Knights or another 20 GG? :)


    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Nos said:

    Been saying all year that GW have been cribbing off Disney with the MCU.

    Especially with how quickly 3D printing is making ground now too, it was shaky to start with but the quality and availability of printers and sculpts is growing exponentially. GW are still very much at the top of the mountain but charging loads of money for stuff people will find easier and easier to get will become an unstable foundation in quite a short space of time I think. 

    The GW universe will become less model bound and much more a case of if you want to be involved read the comics buy the supplements watch the shows *then* play the games. It will be designed to be all in. 


    I disagree. I teach 3D Sculpting and I have a resin printer: It‘s really nice for bits and one or two custom models. Yet creating an entire unit takes way too much time to be considered being better than simply buying from GW.

    Even if you simply get models from a Patreon, those models might be nice, yet GW‘s designs are somewhat unique and their IP and worlds are strong. I am following 3 Patreons and I get a ton of awesome models each month for about 30 €/month. Yet I consider those to be cool DnD models and nothing more. They don‘t scratch the same itch GW does.



    speaking of 3D printing: I am considering to design Terrain that would go well with Radukar the Beast‘s base: An old mossy dark wood with lots of broken and dead trees 🤔, rocky plateaus etc. I only have to make those useful in an AoS game

    • Like 2
  4. 17 hours ago, Aren73 said:

    I gave my Vengorian Lord a hair transplant from Lauka Vai. I hate bald vampires and now I hate GW for making me put in so many hours and shred my thumb on the scalpel. Still...it seems to have worked. Thoughts? 

    May be an image of 1 person

    Looks so much better

  5. 7 minutes ago, Aren73 said:

    I find it odd that we have no other ways of interacting with this rule (or Endless Legions for that matter). I would have thought a Wight King could have a CA that "you pick a unit of skellies, they roll 4+ for all their dead models to reanimate" or something like that. Would have fit nicely and basically makes them a Necron Overlord with a resurrection orb. 

    That would make them worth taking over  Vampires.

    Or simply improve the Reanimation Roll  of skellies by 1 as aura.

    the mounted one could simply add +1 damage to black knights in the same manner as a Warchanter works for orruks.


    41 minutes ago, Bluesummers said:


    3ed Launch Box name: Dominion
    New Faction Name: Krul Boyz

    Name of one unit: Hobgobs
    Hobgobs are crafters of Metal stuff. They trade with chaos dwarves.

    Leader: Big Boss-esque dude riding a messed up Squiq-Pig-Wolf-Thing
    Also: Some kind of Gnorblar stirring a pot

  7. 5 minutes ago, Lucank said:

    It was a disaster tbh.

    I playes Fyreslayer and had basically Vordrai, mannfred and 5 blood knights charge a unit of 20 HG and had the mannfred CA turned on. Still failed to kill enough and in return he did to much damage. I eventually won the fight but I had over 1000p stuck in 400p HG

    Sure, not the best test since Fyreslayer are hard for this list but still. Low model count is always a big problem

    In my experience you will need at least one block of Zombies or Skeletons to soak up the damage and hold the enemy in place. Then you can make your more elite units shine.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Ratling said:

    What do you guys think about using a soulscream bridge in the army? 

    Most of the chaff units are pretty slow to move, could the spell make it not that bad perhaps? Getting +1 from corpsecart and +2 for a legion of night artefact grants us a pretty reliable cast chance.

    It‘s a valid tactic and I like it

  9. 51 minutes ago, Tizianolol said:

    About that manfred list i think you can put into some vargheist insted of dire wolfs and 20 grave guard. With manfred vargheist deep strike is very interesting, opponent have to say something to them, until BK can move around dealing some damage. 

    Yes! I'll add another list based on Vargheists as well :)

    • Like 1
  10. night sky GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY | Fledermäuse, Flughund, Unheimlich
    Some Midnight Legion of Night list-brewing with Mannfred von Carstein:



    Wighty might with his mighty Wight Blade

    °Mannfred - 380
    °Wight King on Skeletonsteed - 130
       -Unholy Impetuous (+1 A w whithin 18" if he kills a model)
       - The claw that grants +2 to casting

    °2x20 Grave Guard with Great Weapons - 560
    °1x Dire Wolves - 135

    °2x5 Blood Knights - 390
    °20x Deathrattle Skeletons - 170
    °Corpse Cart with Balefire (-1 to wound bubble)
    1970 points
    The enemy has to manage Grave Guards and Blood Knights who are all portentially buffed up by the Wight Kings Artefact, while Mannfred can buff as well and the Corpse Cart makes sure one or two units of the Grave Guards are harder to kill

    More to come! (Vargheist and Terrorgheist builds, Deathrattle Build, Wolf Build)


    Changing topics:

    I just realized that Lauka Vai looks so much more coherent without her hip armor!

    (image taken from here)sfsdfsa.PNG.01894a9c55a825307d2b032b67c9b50e.PNG
    I am grrowing to like the model I guess 

    • Like 8
  11. @Neil Arthur Hotep Yes, that’s annoying :/

    My gaming group decided to use these point values for the CC gang (I worked them out yesterday)


    Vargskyr : Varghulf Points (same stats) 160

    Torgilius:  almost Necromancer points 125

    Gorslav: almost Wight king Points 115

    Radukar: Vampire Lord +20, pts 160

    Vyrkos Bloodborn: 115 points seems plausible 

    Korsagi Night Guard: cost as much as 2 Ogor Gluttons, 80 points

    Halgrim: Wight King 115 points

    Combined: 755 (+ 115) points


    does anybody have any input on the point values? :)



    • Like 1
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  12. 3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Would it really have been so bad to make these abilities not locked to Vampires only?

    That would have required some effort.

    I was also disappointed, that the Lords with a faction keyword won‘t benefit from a different legion (it was to be expected though)

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