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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Oh! I completely missed that! I thought it was a spell 😍
  2. My issue with spells is: 3 enemy armies won’t let you cast a spell. (Sera, LRL, Tzeentch). So I do not value spells at all (in this edition).
  3. That’s a bit self-righteous isn‘t it? To summarize the good and the bad - All of this is just my opinion and no fact! If you loved your black knights for example (I have 20 of them), then the book is a wet towel slap to the face. If you have a hell lot of converted generic foot vampires: Slap in the face If you‘d actually loved to play Nagash: Third slap in the face All the Chariots and Palanquins remained boring and overcosted: Slap Magic Lore: Slap Actually Creative new rules, since this book is new, no longer a gap filler: Massive slap Magic Items, about 40-50% are one use only with a chance to do nothing: Slap Bat Swarms: Slap Mortarch Stats: Slap Neferata actually using her spy network in the rules: Slap Most Battle Traits and abilities have a too small wholly within range: Slap Almost no synergies (why should a Wught King grant a Bonus to deathrattle as their Leader, that‘d been absurd!): Slap Gravesites: Slap Fell Bats: ??? If you expected well adjusted points: Massive Slap That‘s the negatives. ——————- On the Good side: Blood Knight became better Some Battle Traits are actually cool and thematic (Kastelie), Vyrkos, Legion of Night (partly), Vyrkos (this faction might be the best) Zombies + Corpse Carts are good The Vamptaures are good (yet not everybody likes them) that‘s it imo. —— A little background: I‘ve been playing Vampires since 2012. I loved LoN, though it had its weaknesses. Yet it was fun to play. When I compare these two books I feel that the fun has been replaced by blandness and unnecessary rules changes (no more lance charge for Black Knights, yet they cost a bunch of points) overall: Yes I am angry. I don‘t feel like I overreacted, yet this book is truly one big slap in the face. The rules seem outdated. I‘d wished for a reimagining of the warscrolls with actually cool new abilities that make the army and its units viable and fun. Especially the Coven Throne and the Palanquin would have needed a complete overhaul imo. The way things stand now they made unity no body played before worse or insignificantly better, which avails to nothing. 😕 I love that at least some people like it, all the best to you guys and girls. Yet I am feeling unexpectedly disappointed especially since this book will be around for another 2-5 years before anything will change.
  4. Vyrkos‘ allegiance battle traits are crazy good. Yet looking at other Bloodlines... well
  5. A This thing isn‘t designed to cut but to smash, because that‘s what a mace does. Otherwise the edges of her armour are also blades.
  6. It‘s a mace by definition. I guess she was intended to wield two swords. Nagash‘s Warscroll is a copy paste as well, but spoiler: HE Doesn‘t have his books anymore, teclis destroyed them.
  7. The old book was bad already. It was good, not broken when it was fresh. This new one is bland, the synergies are gone and the command traits and abilities were trashed as well. no one played vamp lords, and they just copy and pasted the Warscroll while removing all options. Also the models wears a club while her weapon profile is called „Soulbound blades“. This Battletome must have been written ages ago, before they even had the models, in a time in which LoN was super good. Slapping us those trash rules with frankly stupid, unnecessary nerfs into the face is outrageous.
  8. What the hell is this? Black Knights lost their Lance ability? Wight Kings Are the Pinnacle of uselessness? Most units Are a copy and Paste while making them worst? Giant bats are utter trash, WHY do they cost 40€ per 3? Vampire Lords Are trash Did they randomly determine point costs? The whole if cursed city was already too expensive at 650, yeah add another 12%! they made the new models good to okay with minor exceptions (fell bats, wtf) while putting a gazillion special rules on the avengori Vamptaurs. I won‘t buy this BT. I am out.
  9. You can‘t however do this at the end of the movement phase (normal rules). This rule however allows it
  10. Add the head of Mannfred‘s Mount to the main body and maybe make a Vampirtaurus out of the upper half and a Blood Knight Nightmare
  11. Malerion in a story? Can‘t believe it! he‘s described like is Total War incarnation yet in a little more extreme ^^
  12. The new story https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/j0eiD2VbfpsksyC2.pdf?utm_source=CUSTOMERS&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=GW_12th_May_GER_&utm_content=&utm_term=&m_i=tQdvrB9axJHVNj6FchA18AnF3cxmGz4l3cDhl9HEiOBCS7aIU_G_PFyDGqDS8sVy5pF1qwqIEdRAsG7sNkSZCPg2xpWlxS6ttR
  13. He is/was a loremaster of Death and the Vampires Lore
  14. Some fun magic shenanigans would be awesome. Mannfred should be a REALLY good caster. Yet he‘s just like any other wizard ^^
  15. *rather mediocre melee char that dies most the time ^^ I move the model and the more. Yet the rules made the mortarchs WAY too squishy for some of most powerful entities of Undeath. Sth. Tells me that his statline will remain the same ...
  16. This single word sums up Mannfred’s personality 🤣
  17. C'mon I hoped Mannfred would allow to include 1 in 4 Freeguilf infantry units -.- Let's hope Neferata will get access to some living units. Overall Mannfred sounds good (used to be my fav along with Nagash in LoN), yet, sadly, it's mostly reprints . I hoped for a reinvention ^^ (cool new mechanics like blood or night tokens, winds of death etc.)
  18. For anyone who hasn‘t seen it yet: that‘s a really nice hue for the armour 🤔
  19. Glutos Orscollion Storrmcasts? Srsly: It's Dracothion
  20. Good reasoning. Yet Stormcast never ever had feathered Arrows (and the new rumour engine also has no feathered arrows). Also take a look at the arrow fletching of orc arrows in general: they are very similar to However maybe this ist just the way arrows are fletched in the mortal realms and thi could be more Witchhunters or even new Freeguild huntsmen?
  21. I guess we have to wait until saturday. Low rend was a issue in the old book as well ^^ apparently no longer part of SBGL I wished this was the case. Yet I only expect warscroll reprints with slightly changed special rules... ;/
  22. Imo fielding units of 5s will be the way to go: You can abuse the Mortal Wound mechanic more and you get +1 attack in each unit for the Castellant. Also the 1" Range screams "Please take me only in minumum size!" (it's frustrating to have a big, choppy Block of Knights of which 3 Models can actually strike....). The range issue combined with the big base is what makes Chaos Knights lackluster for example (even with lances imo) The Weird part about the new Blood Knights however is that they received new Weapons (maces) which aren't even mentioned (It's neither a lance, nor a blade). So the rules were (possibly) written before the Models were finished?
  23. The knights are okay as a unit. It seems like they tried to make them interesting but really shied away from giving them that little notch of more hitting power they deserve. It sucks that the increase in power by killing anemies is locked to a subfaction -.- .... I imagined them to be 2 damage base or at least rend 2, or impact hits... idk, this is a very small step in the right direction but it feels like we'd needed a big step. I love the trample rule though! (riding across 4 support heroes will hurt XD)
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