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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. night sky GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY | Fledermäuse, Flughund, Unheimlich
    Some Midnight Legion of Night list-brewing with Mannfred von Carstein:



    Wighty might with his mighty Wight Blade

    °Mannfred - 380
    °Wight King on Skeletonsteed - 130
       -Unholy Impetuous (+1 A w whithin 18" if he kills a model)
       - The claw that grants +2 to casting

    °2x20 Grave Guard with Great Weapons - 560
    °1x Dire Wolves - 135

    °2x5 Blood Knights - 390
    °20x Deathrattle Skeletons - 170
    °Corpse Cart with Balefire (-1 to wound bubble)
    1970 points
    The enemy has to manage Grave Guards and Blood Knights who are all portentially buffed up by the Wight Kings Artefact, while Mannfred can buff as well and the Corpse Cart makes sure one or two units of the Grave Guards are harder to kill

    More to come! (Vargheist and Terrorgheist builds, Deathrattle Build, Wolf Build)


    Changing topics:

    I just realized that Lauka Vai looks so much more coherent without her hip armor!

    (image taken from here)sfsdfsa.PNG.01894a9c55a825307d2b032b67c9b50e.PNG
    I am grrowing to like the model I guess 

    • Like 8
  2. @Neil Arthur Hotep Yes, that’s annoying :/

    My gaming group decided to use these point values for the CC gang (I worked them out yesterday)


    Vargskyr : Varghulf Points (same stats) 160

    Torgilius:  almost Necromancer points 125

    Gorslav: almost Wight king Points 115

    Radukar: Vampire Lord +20, pts 160

    Vyrkos Bloodborn: 115 points seems plausible 

    Korsagi Night Guard: cost as much as 2 Ogor Gluttons, 80 points

    Halgrim: Wight King 115 points

    Combined: 755 (+ 115) points


    does anybody have any input on the point values? :)



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  3. 3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Would it really have been so bad to make these abilities not locked to Vampires only?

    That would have required some effort.

    I was also disappointed, that the Lords with a faction keyword won‘t benefit from a different legion (it was to be expected though)

  4. 16 minutes ago, Boar said:

    I actually could sorta see Black knights in Vyrkos. Deathrattle gets +1 to wound near Vyrkos heroes, so this plus MW on charge may be usefull - not really powerfull but acceptable perhaps?

    For 80/90 points, perhaps.

    @Neil Arthur Hotep the Vyrkos +1 to wound can only be granted by Vampires. Wight Kings simply have no role 🤣 if they were dirt cheap, then maybe

  5. 4 hours ago, Saturmorn Carvilli said:

    perennial product

    They claimed two things: „Cursed City, like any other Warhammer Quest will be around for a while“


    “Cursed City will be a Perfect start for a Soulblight Gravelords Army“


    both claims have later been edited out of their WarCom posts, a practice they really like to use to make things seem like there was never anything wrong claimed.

    • Like 3
  6. For anyone wanting to play the CC Models as seperate units:

    Vargskyr : Varghulf Points (same stats) 160

    Torgilius:  almost Necromancer points 125

    Gorslav: almost Wight king Points 115

    Radukar: Vampire Lord +20, pts 160

    Vyrkos Bloodborn: 115 points seems plausible 

    Korsagi Night Guard: cost as much as 2 Ogor Gluttons, 80 points

    Combined: 755 points


    Edit: Oops, I forgot halgrim xD

    Halgrim: Wight King 115 points

    • Like 2
  7. One big question remains though:

    Who‘s been killing all these wolves for all those millennia? (WHF up until now)?

    it must be some Dark Entety REALLY hating wolves. Cat-God-Monster confirmed? :D

    Or were all these wolves once ridden by Goblins (who obviously die, because that’s what Goblins do xD)?

    • Haha 3
  8. 46 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'm half-tempted to email the GW FAQ adress and ask them whether they forgot to replace the joke warscrolls for Wight Kings and Black Knights with proper versions before release. They are just completely unusable right now. It's not even a case of being slightly outclassed pet choices or something, they legitimately have no role in the army.

    I wrote to the AoSFaQ and asked if the Wight Kings and the Black Knights will get a rework because the Warscrolls look unfinished. Also if we can expect the units of Ulfencarn to get seperate points. All put into flowery language to not act like a whiner.

    It‘s 2021, we shouldn’t be afraid that with every new Battletome some warscrolls might end up as trash. We‘re customers, not victims of random Warscroll quality 🥲

    • Like 6
  9. 11 minutes ago, Nightseer2012 said:

    Start collecting Deathrattle, where the only thing you really “want” right now is the Grave Guard?  I love the mounted Wight King model, but man Wight Kings and Black Knights got hit sooo hard.

    I only want the Wight king...

    I am curious why they throw that many grave guard at us?

  10. 35 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    The lack of a Vargskyrs and Vyrkos, nevermind the Grave Guard not being updated, scream releases that will be out in the near future.

    In my opinion it would be a shame not to add more undead Ogors, Vampire Infantry like the Bloodborn and Vargskyrs to the army. Those models were so well received by the community that not making them would be stupid :)

    • Like 8
  11. 5 minutes ago, baiardo said:

    I saw Nagash at 975points, there are some changes in that direction even for archaon or other big named heroes?

    Of course not! Self consistency, what is that!? How dare you even to think about these words!? 🧐😬

    • Haha 3
  12. 2 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    It would be really weird for them to hide new grave guard in an image from a month ago for a release down the line after a battletome release with a sizeable amount of new plastic kits.

    Clearing stock. Especially since GG are the only real hammer unit in SBGL (they‘re good now!)

  13. 40 minutes ago, AlphaKennyThing said:

    My 15 Black Knights are sad. I hope they're priced accordingly points wise so I can still get some use out of them.

    In my opinion they should be basically mounted Grave Guard, I was hoping they'd get a little buff.

    120 pts per 5

    They‘re not worth the plastic they‘re made of. Sorry mate 🥺
    I‘ve got 20 of them + 5 pre-AoS conversions which I am going to sell I think. Needles to say that I am angry.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 8 hours ago, Aren73 said:

    I want my games to tell the tales of battles of my unique vampire lord, not those of some character I didn't make, didn't come up with lore for and I feel no connection to.

    Well, you are spoiled for choice with 3/9 Vampires being unnamed characters without any options 🥲

    • Sad 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Aren73 said:

    The rend degrading bubble is pretty good though especially if you're running them alongside Blood Knights. 

    Especially if those knights have a 2+ save...


    As for vampire lords:

    Easy fix: Give them 5 attacks and reroll 1s to hit as standard - they really do need it otherwise they hit worse than a wight king. A WIGHT KING. Let that sink in 

    Then, give them a choice of 1 of 6 (12 if we're really hopeful) Vampire Powers. Your standard stuff like +1 to cast, 12" fly, -2 Bravery around them etc. 

    And then make them like 170 points ish. 

    Done, flavourful but not broken Vampire Lord, if anything a bit on the weak side. 

    Make it simpler:

    Keep their current stats. Add All Vyrkos Bloodborn special rules and a table of special rules depending on their dynasty.5C06F5EC-17CA-4F61-8CF3-27D07D7EEE45.jpeg.fec87afa2bb49830a4b9c59cb93aadc1.jpeg

    They didn‘t even bother to make the Warscroll feel like a vampire:

    supernatural Speed? Nope

    supernatural Resilience? Nope

    incredible strength? Nope

    Ancient Cunning? nope

    Can turn into Mist/fog/bats/vermin? Kind of, yet veeeery slow.

    Powerful Necromancer? Nope

    Generic AoS hero profile? Hell yes!

    They already had written all the rules they needed, they simply didn’t bother to put them on the right warscroll(s) 


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