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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. 12 hours ago, Kadeton said:

    Perhaps, as a demonstration, you could prove the inverse?

    One example of a game with IGYG that did not invent double turns to fix their problems with the system: Chess, or any game apart from AoS really. It might be worth to think about that.

    In a IGYG game you can actually plan ahead without the whole game being predictable. The ability to reliably plan ahead makes the tactical decisions meaningful. Making even this pivotal aspect random makes the whole game a gamble, nothing more (the outcome isn’t necessarily a gamble though).

    • Thanks 3
  2. 27 minutes ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    I neeeeed to find out what the Idoneth have done with the elven souls of old gifted to them by Morathi 🤓 (hopefully ‘something’…)

    They tend to use souls in one of two ways — restoring ailing Idoneth whose own souls are weak/nonexistent, or preserving them in the chorrileum (sp) where they are safe from Slaanesh and can be called upon to piece together the Eidolons — right?

    Since the Soul of (SPOILER) Aenarion was in there there might as well have been soul-shards of gods? That might initiate the revival of Mathlann, maybe? (just hoping) ^^

    • Like 3
  3. 9 minutes ago, Sonnenspeer said:

    The supernatural might of the Eidolons is not power drawn from a deity, (as Mathlan is dead) but rather energies from the Idoneth’s past. What ever that is 🤣

    But still they had Teclis as a god...

    It is a physicalized mish-mash of IDK Souls.

    I'd like if the IDK would revive Mathlann - Would really be cool to have a mysterious Deep-Sea God!

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Wordy9th said:

    Two questions:

    1) I was thinking, there's a command trait with LoB that allows wounds I think to do their damage as mortals on 6s. I'm just thinking how much this could spike on a LoB Vlozd, am I missing anything or is this really good?

    2) Halgrim's CA, does it count as a run (eg I can't charge) or not? It  does say make a 'Move' of 4 inches instead of making a run roll so I'm not sure. If it doesn't then this definitely has play.

    There's a load of variables with this list, particularly because A) I haven't faced the list you're facing yet and B) I've not ran a SBG list with so many infantry. Posistioning will of course be hugely key. I think you will do enough damage if you get a crimson feast or two off on 20 GG for sure.

    The only hard recommendation I might make would be to make both VLs have Arcane expertise. Especially if you're worried about spells, having +2 to unbind twice is a really good shout. Maybe go with Decrepify and Overwhelming dread on the Necro to really drop the debuffs on Archaon and co.


    i sadly can’t edit the list because those are set for 5 weeks for all league games x_X


    I‘m actually in the „chilled game“ league, though everyone seems to bring netlists

  5. I need advice.

    Soon I'll be facing a Slavesto Darkness list which will be pretty hard to win against as far as I can tell.
    He'll play Despoilers:
    - Khorne Deamon Prince, Move 5" inches for D3 units at the start of the game Command ability
    - Archaon, Khorne, - Call to Glory
    - Chaos Lord, Khorne,
    - Chaos Lord on Manticore, Khorne
    - Chaos Sorcerer on Manticore - Hand of Darkness
    - 3x 10 Marauders

    I'll have to play

    Legion of Blood
    2x20 GG
    3x10 GG
    1x10 Dire Wolves
    60 Zombies
    2x Vampire Lords (One Arcane - Soulwind, Amarathine Orb, One Martial - Flaming Weapons, Soulpike)
    1x Necromancer, Fading Vigour, spectral Grasp
    1x Wight King, General, Obliette Arcana, Sanguine Blurr 

    The way I see it his sorcerer will melt all Zombies with one spell. It will be pretty hard to counter that. I need good positioning and luck with the unbinds/obliette. So I'll maybe do a Zombiebomb with +3" additional pile in (to counteract the Deamon Prince Command Ability that halfes my charges and runs). That means if I'll charge anything at all - seems like objective sitting is the best I could do.
    I'll have to play the objective game and kill his marauders so I can hold more Objectives.
    Apart from that I can't realy kill any of his heroes, the armour will be too good. I might get lucky and kill the Manticore Lords but that's it, Archaon is pretty much untouchable.
    Concerning Battle Tactics there won't be much I can do apart from killing a battleline.

    The Scenario is also a wild card.

    Any advice?


  6. 40K: I Love the new Aeldari. The Shining spears look a little boring - nothing going on there. The Avatar us ace! A real missed chance to give DoK a centerpiece model apart from Morathi or the Crone-Wheelchair


    AoS: The DoK hero is fine - I would‘ve preferred an entire unit with her style.

    The NH are amazing! I love how the X-Bows look and maybe they’ll be done great smiles for my Vampires

    The box I am not interested in. Too many models I already own.


    HH: Who cares, it’s resin

    Nercromunda: I personally don’t care. I loved the animations though.


    General opinion on this preview: I expected as much. Whenever they call sth. A great reveal it‘s 6-12 new Models across 4 systems as Usual.

    I missed some at least vague information about which factions will receive a BT.


    To set your expectations next time:

    Big Reveal - actually tiny

    Avalance of reveals - 8 to 12 Models across 3 to 4 systems

    The mother of reveals - 13 models across 2 systems

    • Like 6
  7. 3 minutes ago, Ghoooouls said:

    What's your opinion on dire wolves in place of skeletons

    plainly better. You get a fast unit with a lot of wounds and a 5+ save that can be revived. Their footprint can allow you to cover more space as well.
    I love my doggos!

  8. I assume that they'll just casually drop the new battletomes. (or at least I hope)...

    Edit: Ka'bangha is nice, but he is made of (inferior) forgeworld resin which means three things: He'll be warped beyond believe, hsi own weigth might make him collapse and he'll be exorbitantly expensive (even for Warhammer standards)

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Lucentia said:

    I've still got my fingers crossed for some accompanying DoK rules, but given all the eldar runes I'm not exactly holding my breath!

    Nice sculpt though, I might pick one up regardless. 

    Same. The Greek one would almost fit right I to AoS!

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, BadDice0809 said:

    This leak isn't potato cam. It looks pretty good.

    Frankly I wish AoS got the leak treatment 40k gets. 40k leaks let them have an idea of what's coming down the pipeline for the next year. Meanwhile, AoS gets what? Long silence only broken when the self appointed arbiters of AoS leaks deigns to post some "cryptic" pic (could literally just say what's next but no... where's the fun in that? ;) ).

    If potato cam leaks force their hand I'm all for them.


    Vengorian Lord right there :D

  11. 5 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    I hope i am wrong, but the Aelf is giving me a bit of a lumineth vibe, hope they decide the expand on one of the other pointy eared factions instead that need it more.

    Nah, the head-crest is way too small for LRL xD

    however, the bird confuses me: It reminds me a lot of the Nomad Prince. So I am guessing it is for a new Warband.

  12. 4 hours ago, Svalack said:

    I'm excited about what rules it would bring, but how exactly will it work form a lore perspective? I know in broken realms they were setting up the return of grungni to unite the dwarves but that never got concluded afaik, is he not just making armour for stormcast and showed up to help save a city?

    Aren't fyreslayers still just mercenary's with no responsibility other than getting ur-gold, are KO going to employ them full-time? 

    SPOILER: Gotrek put a reunification in process with the help of one Kharadron faction.

  13. 2 hours ago, Siorra said:

    Yeah, how 2 sharks are only 10 points less than 2 Stormdrake Guard is a mystery to me. Doesn't stop me from wanting some in my lists though, that net is one of my favourite tools for keeping my units alive.

    I read a rumour on Reddit (from a guy who predicted the Fury of the Deep and Nurgle tomes, so maybe it has some legs) that the new tome was going to be joined by 3 new units. Even if the Thrallmaster is one of them, that could mean some exciting news on Friday, right?

    StOp TeAsInG mE XD I want them now, no matter what they are. NOW, DO YOU HERE ME!? ;D


    @DocKeule classic GW App handling 😛

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