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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. To a non-Warclan Player he looks like a brute, I hope the Models don't end up looking too much alike X_x
  2. Building: Rule of cool. in my experience things are going downhill if he has to fight. So pistols make the most sense.
  3. they‘re fine. I mostly dislike their helmets, a lot. XD
  4. I had a 1.2k PtG Game at Friday VS Skaven. Normal hero limits don’t apply to our PtG games. My List: Warforger Marshal & Envoy (+1 to hit and wound CT, 4+ no flee brazier) Hurricanum with battle mage Sorceress Black Ark Fleetmaster 20 (19 left) Fusiliers 20 Corsairs 10 Dreadspears He played: 3 Stormfiends Super Warlock with rocket A Drill to deepstrike the Fiends A Plague Furnace with hero 2x20 Clan Rats 3 Jezzails Doomwheel I won on points but almost got wiped. Fusiliers: Went into position (fully buffed with MWs) and unloaded a volley into the Plague Thing, not killing it at all (8 MWs and 12 more wounds of which he took 8 total…) They returned fire on deepstriking Stormfiends which wiffed their shooting and killed 2 of 3. They unleashed hell at the 42“ movement Doonwhell which attacked the Hurricanum and killed it. Then the Fusiliers were wiped by MW spamming prayers snd 20 Clan Rats. Corsairs: Meh, were heavily decimated by shooting, I couldn’t get the No Armour Spell off and they didn’t even kill clan rats. They‘ll be screens from now on. Heroes: Lost my Sorceress and my Marshal to the troglodyte 2+ D3+4 MW attack profile nonsense (got double turned) Hurricanum: Really good. We rolled just for fun in the last turn if his furnace would be oneshot (he won priority and retreated) and I rolled 11 MWs (5xD3) and would’ve killed it. Over the course if the game it supported well enough (no big damage spikes, mostly finishing off unit remnants) Commands: I need to plan more ahead, there‘s tech there as well as pressuring you opponent by not revealing a possibly useless command to make them sweat. rant start I didn’t play very well and brought too few screens, I also assumed I might kill the Furnace, which is almost impossible. That said I hate playing against Skaven and I just want fights with them to be over, so I just resign while rolling my eyes (quit the game for 6 months after playing against Skaven a while back)- to me they are the Incarnation of not having fun. Everything feels overtuned and the mortal wound spam makes me want to flip the table, they’re just the worst to me (they also shot me off the table twice in turn one, FUN). Luckily their PtG rules are utterly broken (clan rats getting -3 rend and D3 damage on 6s to hit as a veteran ability. They get a territory to deepstrike within 7“… I might just quit this campaign at this point) rant end
  5. Idk issues go even deeper though. on the surface our eels have been nerfed too much (too many points, less survivability) we don’t have the tools to stay in the game for long enough Our choice of units is too small, we lack units fir certain jobs (that don’t fall apart if you look at them funny) that‘s just to name a few Concerning AoS 4: The rules should‘ve already been finished by now and the printing process might in progress.
  6. About time GW hit the big red reset button next year to make things bland and chaotic again
  7. Good day everyone, after about 2 ish years of absence from PtG our group has startet a new campaign. The fundamental idea and the fundamental rules are good. However we‘ve quickly encountered issues as listed below: Scenarios: Most are bad, they give one player an incredible advantage which results in crippling the enemy army in turn one. The objectives are very crude as well. Hero Advancements: While units can receive veteran abilities, heroes can not. Some armies possess upgrade tables for mounts, however, micro-factions like Idoneth don’t, since their small model range does not offer foot versions of mounted lords and heroes. Territories: Quite one-dimensional, some even broken (Skaven deepstriking within 7“) My intention is to have a constructive discussion, loaded with ideas, which hopefully will result in custom rules (like the awesome siege rules) pdfs for all of us.
  8. 20 Blissbarbs are already painful 🥲 Same, I dislike Death Stars. Instead I prefer multiple independent combos (feels more like an army). However comp. Players show that Death Stars are sadly a thing. Even in most friendly games I will face netlists which is abnoxious.
  9. The sword looks a lot like an Aeldari Power Swird
  10. Is this a piece of new Art? I guess it’s supposed to depict a sorceress
  11. WTB Black Ark Fleetmaster EU (Germany) nothing more to say about it Unbuild and unpainted preferred. Kind regards Jack
  12. I assumed as much. If GW stops Fusiliers from being reinforced twice imo the Warforger doesn't need a point adjustment. Damage unbuffed Fusiliers: 22 Shots, VS 3+ Armour: 2,75 4+ Armour: 3,66 5+ Armour: 4,58 Cannon unbuffed damage: Cannonball 3+ Armour: 0.55 4+ Armour: 2,43 5+ Armour: 2,91 Armour Piercing Shell: 3+ Armour: 2.5 4+ Armour: 2.5 5+ Armour: 2.5 Jup, the cannon is the worst XD Maybe CoS heralds the new edition in which shooting will support armies, not carry them. Which would be awesome. In turn one Skaven shot me off the table yesterday with their Stormfiends and jezzails -> Nice "drawbacks" for dealiong 40+ wounds of Damage in one shooting phase. Let's face it: Shooting in AoS is broken (too good) so I'd welcome that change
  13. Another issue I see will be the price for an army. imo playing 10 fusiliers is useless, you need at least one reinforcement. Which means 2x50€ (2x60$) for one functional unit, ouch.
  14. You‘d invest a lot if points to make an already expensive unit perform like it should without any buffs. Idk too many eggs in one basket if you‘d ask me. If Fusiliers couldn’t be reinforced I‘d argue they‘re a 100-120 pts unit. One could also say that Fusiliers are how shooting should be, the rest of AoS‘s shooting is simply, utterly out of whack. Edit: Concerning our buying choices this means that playing 10 on their own is senseless, one‘d need at least 20 per unit I‘d wager (judging by GW’s pricing policy that‘s 100€/unit - that’s rough, 120$ )
  15. Copied from another thread concerning Fusiliers: I had another two games today. One with 2x10 Fusiliers, one with only 10. I didn’t have a MW Mage yet. My general has the +1 to wound CT. They do VERY little. They are fast with a long range but their output has plainly been bad in all of the 4 games I‘ve played with them. 20 dealt 12 wounds across 5x shooting (one unit shot 3x) against 4+ armour saves (skaven) that usually used all out defense. For 300 points + 90 ots for a hero and + 50 pts for needing a CP that’s bad. They‘re completely useless without all out attack, they do nothing with unleash hell and firing back at someone who shot them does NOTHING again. Their reroll is irrelevant since it’s locked to turn 3 (the game‘s often over at that point). In my experience the unit is overcosted and overhyped . It might be an issue if you put the MortalWoundForger Spell on a unit of 20+, but that’s it. The Base 4+, 4+ really kills the unit.
  16. I had another two games today. One with 2x10 Fusiliers, one with only 10. I didn’t have a MW Mage yet. My general has the +1 to wound CT. They do VERY little. They are fast with a long range but their output has plainly been bad in all of the 4 games I‘ve played with them. 20 dealt 12 wounds across 5x shooting (one unit shot 3x) against 4+ armour saves (skaven) that usually used all out defense. For 300 points + 90 ots for a hero and + 50 pts for needing a CP that’s bad. They‘re completely useless without all out attack, they do nothing with unleash hell and firing back at someone who shot them does NOTHING again. Their reroll is irrelevant since it’s locked to turn 3 (the game‘s often over at that point). In my experience the unit is overcosted and overhyped . It might be an issue if you put the MortalWoundForger Spell on a unit of 20+, but that’s it. The Base 4+, 4+ really kills the unit.
  17. Pontifex: Reminds me of Comet‘s Call it was called? D6 units suffer D3 MWs, anywhere on the battlefield. I agree, the Ability is too much. Make it D3 Heroes and it’s fine.
  18. I simply use an ikea display cabinet. It’s cheap, big enough for 3-5 Armies and does its job well
  19. Whoever leaked this: build them already and show pictures!
  20. I had a little time to write down some crude ideas. WIP: The terminology is currently off and inconsistent Soulblight and CoS are pretty much done content-wise (click to tabs at the bottom to see the entries) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vvyu1EEhIutbWJM0paYd_XmLNNsuhJNJrt7z4WiG9fg/edit?usp=sharing
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