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Everything posted by JackStreicher

  1. Weird, I haven’t seen Bloodborn, the Vargskyr , Kosargi, Terrorgheist or ZDs overall too heavy handed and one sided. The rewrite to spiritgale makes it a non pick. If the 9+ version would deal 2 MWs to 3 units it‘d be fine, yet it doesn’t. The less picked units should receive a point decrease in return, instead they only raised the points by ~15-20% for pretty mich every unit in use because reasons. Guess we have to min max lists even more now, thx for nothing. luckily I didn’t waste money on the Battletome.
  2. I went up by ~ 200 pts but I don’t play a single list I usually try mixed arms and Subfactions (Vyrkos, LoN mostly). usually 2x20 Skellies, 2x 10 Wolves, 1-2x 20 Zombies / 20 Grave Guard and some Blood Knights. To round it off a power pair of Black Knights + Wight on Steed, a Vengo or a ZD and 1-2 Vamp lords. Depending on left over points a Necromancer + Corpse cart or some Fell Bats. I intentionally tried to stay as far away from tournament list cheese as possible. Since most of my games were really tight wins or loses I know how these games will play out now. These bs changes FORCE me to build freaking Tournament Lists to not be wiped off the table.
  3. So due to one Nagash combo and someone who spikes Spirit Gale everything had to be kicked into the dust. I hate it. The VloZD was questionable at his first point value, only LoB abused it a lot. Awesome he‘s now even worse fir every other faction. the same goes for zombies - simply prohibit two reinforcements. It‘s such a big pile of bs, every single change. I don’t care about too tables or netlisters I care due to this nonsense making my fun games way less enjoyable.
  4. Wow, just wow. They changed the most fun spell in the game to be utter rubbish. (Spiritgale) I hate such no sensical updates. How about they stop making the army worse for everyone so some too tables can level the win rate, and instead change the Subfactions Abilities which are problematic. This update really ruined my evening, it’s absurd.
  5. As I've mentioned: Mine are on 32mm and that's too big (go a few pages back to see the images). One can also canclude that Fusiliers have the same base size as the Marshals envoy which has a 28.5mm base.
  6. Sure, by that shrinkage they‘d need to be waaaay further away than they actually are - that’s what I meant by photoshop fail
  7. the one in the back seemed like a different (smaller) model due to an photoshop fail ^^
  8. Waaaaaait I‘ve just realized it’s 2 new pigs in different sizes? I thought it was just one with different build options? edit nvm, the latest image was just confusing
  9. The DoK is also rather flat-drawn, there’s almost no dimension to her body - looks more like a ä photoshop accident
  10. The cool thing is that it‘s 4 in one weapon: Trident, Spear, Axe (and sharp) Shovel
  11. I am seeing a pattern here (which I like) next battle box will be called >300 degree<
  12. Seems likely. Mine are currently on 32mm and the base is too big
  13. New Pig + Beast Sorcerer = Amazing Sorcerer of Gryphon proxy? (might be cooler with the Vulture though)
  14. I honestly hate the Model: The riders are smaller than regular elfs, the Dragon is absurdly out of proportion (giant head, tiny body, even smaller wings) The overall Pose is great, but the Model is just a hard pass 😕 I‘ve been working on a conversion for years now. It’s going to be a floaty dragon without wings. I put it on hold however since I‘d have to hand-sculpt a lot
  15. To me it seems like GW could toss poo at people in any of their main systems and people would throw money back at them.
  16. The Soulblight changes seem weird. That’s why I call it fake.
  17. I'll keep that in mind thx! Well I won't be playing this friday. My GF has COVID and I am not intending on possibly spreading nurgles favours in our club (meh, I need glory points to advance my army!) On the plus side: I can propably play the next game with my new humans!
  18. I'd be interested to run a list like: 20x Corsairs Sorceress 20 Fusiliers Warforger Marshal + Some Infantry or Chariots in a 1k - 1.25k game
  19. Still waiting on my box to arrive ;-| So, has anyone had any games with the new cities so far? I'd like to exchange soem experiences. (my next game is on friday) One thing I think I haven't mentioned yet is that orders are one-dimensional in 1k point games. Usually one has to few heroes to make the most out of the orders, this would be different with Hammerhal Aqsha though.
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