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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. Imo if you play Grustlegore you should have at least 3 behemoths.

    you should however max-out on Ghoul Kings on Terrorgheist and give them the Gaping Maw Mount Trait (you‘ll need a Battallion to grant it twice). This way you max out on Damage. Apart from that if you‘ll (or I usually) end up having one or two Behemoths as Battleline and the Rest as heroes on Terrorgheist. From there I squeeze in a battallion and fill the rest with whatever the Battalion requires. 

    That‘s how I experience Gristlegore and it played pretty well so far.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, JPjr said:

    Can't believe we're at 4 pages now discussing a little picture of some coins and a pot. Incroyable... No wonder most editorial websites that cater to this hobby are so ****** awful & borderline illiterate, to quote Roger Mellie "Why bother feeding the pigs cherries when they are happy with ******?"

    Anyway on further reflection it's clearly the base for a new centrepiece model Halfling warlord who will lead the revamped Ogor Bretonnian army when they get a Battletome.

    Fixed that for you 😉

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  3. 1 hour ago, Fluttershy said:

    Idoneth High Tide ability states they "fight before any other units in the combat phase" and they can't fight before units that fight at the start of the combat phase?

    That doesn't make any sense if the start of the combat phase belongs to the combat phase?

    So you have that with every phase now?

    start of the phase — The Phase — End of the Phase


    otherwise there would not be a logic to the system.

  4. Just now, Fluttershy said:

    can't find any reference

    i can cast balewind vortex as long as i have "unbalewinded" casters & balewind vortex models, and thats an endles spell too

    It‘s stated somewhere in the malign sorcery rules that you can only have one if each on the table.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Fluttershy said:

    is it possible to cast the same endless spell every turn?


    If you unbind it first in your hero phase

    iirc each spell can be only once on the board per player.

    so you cast the purple sun. Next turn you want to cast it again but before that you have to unbind it (which costs you one Spell to do). After successfully unbending it you can try to cast it again if you have another wizard or your wizard can cast more than one spell

  6. 21 hours ago, Akhelian-Snail said:

    Lets be honest not a lot we have is going to be very competitive against a whole dragon list. Especially if they take royal menagerie battalion. They out move, out save, and out punch almost everything we have. So my goal is to mainly de-buff and frustrate my opponent. Then buy him a beer after his dragons chomp through everything I've got.

    10/10 Sportsmanship ^_^

    I‘m having a hard time evaluating how strong a monstermash list of the FeC is. My first thought was that it would be weak... 

  7. The first testprints were a major success! 😃
    The scale is perfect. I temporarily glued the armor pieces via green miliput, so don't wonder what that yellow dot is 😃

    From here on I can build up on the armor parts and I might release more intricate armor (soon)-ish, if the community is interested





    • Like 3
  8. 4 minutes ago, Akhelian-Snail said:

    Thats my hope! My one hang up is enclave. Do i go with Morphann so i can get a solid 6 namart plus 2 d3 with my 2 soul renders. Or go for reroll all failed hit rolls when charged? 

    Hit rolls.

    though you actually should not need anything extra.

    10 Namarti with Icon bearer should do 19,444 wounds against a Zombie Dragon on average ^_^ (which is kind of mean when you compare the price of Namarti to the price of a ZD xD)

  9. 59 minutes ago, Akhelian-Snail said:

    Yea its going to be rough. One guy in my local group runs FEC so my answer to avoid his gristlegore is an Eidolon heavy list. Possibly Nautilar so i can stay turtled up on my objectives. And try sword of Judgement on the storm shoal. The other idea is Morphann and just throw boddies at his dragons to hold em up until the eidolons can handle em.

    Namarti should shredd any puny dragon in one go ^_^

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, RocketMan said:

    I’m not the store manager, so I can’t change anything event though I asked (with other people on my side) to change or review it .... 

    i bought carrion empire and a start collecting because I really like the model, it’s a shame that I can’t play them at full power but at least I would give em a try... if they doesn’t work at all I will stop buying other miniatures and going back to play stormcast 

    Stop playing there and instead play at your home or at your friends home(s).

    if it‘s a official GW send in a complaint.

    srsly, I can understand banning certain models or spams but banning an entire core-function of an army is absurd

    “oh yeah, your Space Marines aren‘t allowed to shoot anymore“

    Just play them as they‘re supposed to and call „summoning“ your „reserves“ which can deepstrike once the king calls upon them.

    if there are still issues you should explain to the owner why it‘s an integral part of the army and that he should, perhaps inform himself before banning anything. If he is still stubborn let him know that you  will never buy anything from him again, since he ruins the game for you

    -> that‘s not pu-sying that‘s making a stand for your opinion and a statement to an overreaching shop-imperor 


  11. 19 minutes ago, Lightbox said:

    Anyone got any tips for converting a ghoul king into an archregent so I can have an 'archregent on terrorgheist' for my general as dislike the idea of a king being general if archregent is around.


    Also need to look at a way to royal up my terrorgheists a bit more. @JackStreicher any pics of those armour plates on terrorgheists?

    They are being printed. Might take a week or more (depending on whether they ship it from the USA or Europe to Germany)

    I could send you renders if you‘d like to get a first impression

    • Thanks 2
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