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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. Bretonnia rules Question:

    It appears that it’s allowed now to join a Grail Vow Hero to a Questing Vow and or a Knight’s Vow unit - A Questing Vow hero to a Knight‘s Vow unit as well

    in short: Higher Vows can join lower Vow units. This is very cool! (iirc this didn’t work back in the old Bretonnia Army Book)

  2. 2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

    While watching the Royal Rumble I put some more Druchii together. 

    5 shades, 5 harpies and a sorceress. 

    Also got my first night goblin unit painted, will get some pics soon. 





    Great idea using them as shades! I will steal that xD

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Sception said:

    earlier discussions about Frenzy, the recent FAQ's notes about being allowed to attempt yo reform after wiping out & overrunning

    Good to know! I didn’t know that and spent a turn getting into position after overrunning the crumbling undead!


    I‘ll post some unit close-ups later :)

  4. Images.

    Victory for the Dark Elves. He rolled really badly for the first half.

    Very funny game: The Assassin threw both poisoned knifes at the Cursed Khemri Shrine finishing it off - causing a powerful explosion which almost killed one Tomb Scorpion but blew up 2 Witches. While the Assassin and the Supreme Sorceress behind him weren’t affected.

    Turn 3 or 4: The Darkshards saw an opening and fired at the Hierophant (hitting on 5s), 18 shots, 8 hits, 3 wounds with 6 and two regular wounds - killing him once and for all.

    Turn 5 my Dreadlord (all Black Guard fell, doing very little in a prolonged combat) charged and killed the giant. TIMBER! The giant fell onto him causing 6 hits and 5 wounds - I saved all but one (He was in trouble right there xD)

    The Dreadspears held a rear charge of his main block and an charging Tomb scorpion, fell back in good order. Continued the next Combat phase with a draw, fled twice, yet my champ survived!


    The Witches were utterly brutal. 3 attacks per witch + the rend -1 banner made them slice and dice even ushabti.

    If I can find some time I might write up a highlights-bsttle-report 















































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  5. So I decided to field the Dark Elf Army. I‘ll bring along a Bloodwrack Viper to put onto the 5“ template if I manage to cast it. I am pretty much fielding all my painted Dark Elves (only the Sorceress lacks color xD)

    btw: YEAH I did not realize I had painted up that many models :D


    and thx for the feedback so far!

    I‘ll put the Assassin into the Witches? 🤔

    should I split the Witches? (They have the rend 1 banner)

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Ganigumo said:

    At this point it wouldn't shock me if they had put unreleased units into the battlescroll and would rather wait than remove them.

    100% the case imo

    or there’s some kind of big event soon which they don’t want to shake up

  7. 21 minutes ago, Jator said:

    So how does everyone interpret this? Can I have two WLC and two Doomwheels at 2000 points or just one of each? You can guess my preference is the former, so I want to be sure my bias aren't tricking me.


    Sin título.jpg

    It’s either or imo. Otherwise. They woukd have listed voth with a separate 0-1

    • Like 1
  8. 24 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    I think it's partially that but also all the older players remembering the filth they used to bring. I'm expecting mostly all goblin armies to do well if they spam characters and fanatics but that is based on me skim reading the rules for 5 minutes. Can also see Chaos armies with Ogres doing okay as well. 

    But again depends on who is playing :D 

    I remember fighting Goblin units with 4+ great weapon Gobbo heroes… the cheese is still smelling up to this day.

  9. 4 hours ago, Jamopower said:

    I have a feeling that concerning dragons, they are so good no matter what save and ward they have that in a competitive environment you have to have some strategy to deal with them and in a casual group playing always with a dragon will get you a reputation :)

    Bretonnian exile‘s bombards and virtues of heroism go boom! :D

    About Martial Prowess: It replaces the use of spears (it’s spears, but better) Black Guards fighting to the sides and back won‘t matter imo (at this point I‘d have messed up anyways)

    I first assumed it would make you fight from three ranks using spears, which would’ve been bonkers! :)


    I am not saying the army is bad, yet there are rules we pay points gor that barely do anything.

    • Like 1
  10. 39 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    Only thing I'll be tempted to do is split the Witch elves in 2 units and use them more as annoyance units then a big block. They are a glass hammer so use them as such, throw into the enemy and if they die, they die, khaine will be pleased either way lol. 

    True! now I am confused however: The Hag Queen is a loner - so she can’t join the Witches, but she can take a Witchbrew which benefits her joined unit?

    looked it up, Fight in extra rank does not stack. Bummer.
    I might switch to Vampires for the game. On a closer look there a too many contradictory/ counter-intuitive rules:

    Martial Prowess: 2 Entries in the entire Book: City Watch and Black Guard. The rule doesn’t do anything for black guards, yet it makes spears obsolete.

    On top of the (unusable) Murderous rule? 

    Something went wrong with this book (hastily written, maybe? We need an FAQ it feels like most entries of murderous should be replaced by Martial Prowess)



    • Thanks 1
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  11. At Friday I plan on having a 2K game with Dark Elves vs Tom Kings. Let’s see if the army feels fun (which is what matters)

    And yes, I am using 24 Witches which I don’t know what they‘ll be good for, but whatever :D

    Question: If I get fight in extra rank twice, does it enable to fight in 3 ranks?

    (the List is at the bottom of this post)


    What Doko is trying to point out that DE VS HE would turn into a frustrating game because HE are the better versions of DE at the same point costs. This might be true, we‘ll see (haven’t checked it yet)


    I am also playing with a 8-10 Blood Knights list atm.



    ++ Characters [746 pts] ++
    Dark Elf Dreadlord [238 pts]
    (Hand weapon, Full plate armour, Shield, Pendant Of Khaeleth, Sword of Battle)

    Supreme Sorceress [190 pts]
    (Hand weapon, Level 4 Wizard, On foot, Focus Familiar, Battle Magic)

    Khainite Assassin [98 pts]
    (Additional hand weapon, On foot, Dark Venom)

    Death Hag [220 pts]
    (Two hand weapons, Cauldron of Blood)

    ++ Core Units [680 pts] ++
    10 Repeater Crossbowmen [80 pts]
    (Hand weapons and repeater crossbows, Light armour, Shields)

    19 Dark Elf Warriors [186 pts]
    (Thrusting spears, Light armour, Shield, Lordling (Champion), Standard Bearer, Musician)

    24 Witch Elves [334 pts]
    (Two hand weapons, Hag (champion), Standard bearer, Banner Of Har Ganeth, Musician)

    10 Repeater Crossbowmen [80 pts]
    (Hand weapons and repeater crossbows, Light armour, Shields)

    ++ Special Units [373 pts] ++
    22 Black Guard of Naggarond [373 pts]
    (Hand weapons and dread halberds, Full plate armour, Drilled, Tower Master (champion), Standard bearer, Musician)

    ++ Rare Units [200 pts] ++
    1 War Hydra [200 pts]
    (Wicked claws, serrated maws, fiery breath, hand weapons and whips, 5+)

    Created with "Old World Builder"




    • Like 4
  12. 2 hours ago, The Red King said:

    Armor of blood or a shield on the dreadlord + the full plate armor of a dragons scales? So not even a magic item.

    I am not sure it works line that. The way I remember it the dragon‘s save would only matter if the rider’s complete armour was worse - so no combining if the dragon‘s armour + the rider’s shield.

  13. 2 hours ago, alyra said:

    And the stance on breath atacks. what is his use???? sure it sound really powerfull and good, a  flametrower on a big block of units !

    Currently you could use the breath weapon after failing a charge xD (couldn’t find anything contradicting it)

  14. 11 minutes ago, Jamopower said:

    I'd say that the flayed hauberk (and in general the option for taking armor, and possibility to not be a wizard, for your vampire) is the "blood dragon bloodline".



    Once that vamp carries a shield it can't cast once again. - It seems oddly intentional, yet not quite?

    A minor whining: Please gibe Blood Knights S5 back. It's not that relevant but bade them feel special!

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