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Posts posted by JackStreicher

  1. 10 hours ago, Sir Grimm said:

    Guys do you think we might get some previews for next week's Pre-Orders tomorrow on the WarCom article? Also, do you think we would get the second wave of made to order or the rest of the models lines for both factions?

    I want those foot knights! They’re the only chance I might be able to kitbash half-way-good-looking Bretonnian Knights

  2. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I don't get this one. I don't understand why that is good.

    Lore reasons (she has a group of vampire attendants, since AoS refuses to implement a distinction it’s all Vampire LORDS) or The Designers think Vampires are beatsticks 🤣

    However it’s an nice excuse to play my 9 different VL Miniatures all at once (and see them being killed almost immediately xD)

    even if a VloZD would be battleline: who cares?

  3. 7 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    That's why I didn't really like it that much from the start. The damage output is obviously insane, but for melee units you always need to have either a delivery mechanism for them (high mobility, deep strike, teleport) or be able to take a hit and counter-punch. Corsairs have neither, and as an extra mark against them, their damage output falls apart if they don't get their spell.


    imo 20 BG, 1 Sorceress and 20 Corsairs is a good investment and whichever unit survives (the BG ofc) gets the spell :D

  4. On 2/1/2024 at 12:41 AM, Doko said:

    i tried the corsairs with tenebrae and fleetmaster,but was useless also. they were deleted by the new ranged shooting of brod battalion and even when they get to melle they get roared and then their damage is cut down.


    Indeed. The combo sounds good on paper but corsairs drop like flies, usually they’re killed before they get to strike.

  5. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Just because I have a hunch that tournament play will look pretty unrecognizable to casual players

    I used to be quite active in the tournament scene back in 8ths. The rules lawyering and exploitation of loopholes ruined the game, that and factions that could spam cheap redirectors in contigents to control the game from the start.

    I‘ve had my share and it was bad enough xD

  6. 27 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Exactly. Why are they so scared of having the same faction in both settings?


    Sales. Each studio tracks their own sales - TOW can‘t track if AoS Models are bought for their System and vise versa

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  7. 4 hours ago, Tokiqtx said:


    this is great @JackStreicher

    There are some sizes missing though and they are unfortunately the ones I need :D

    Single 60mm x 35mm oval to square 
    Single 105mm x 70mm oval to square
    Single 120mm x 92mm oval to square

    These sizes are the ovals, not sure what the square size should be.

    I have saved the link just incase it gets updated.


    The squares are simply width * height :)

    I‘ll add them later this week and update the thread! :)

    for the 60x35 oval: just scale the 25mm adapter to be 60x35mm = the resulting oval shape works perfectly. This might work for the other two as well (haven’t tested it yet)

  8. 2 hours ago, Sception said:


    forgive the blurry low res picture, snagged this from a corner of a page shown in the white dwarf preview.  I just wanted to say that I didn't realize until now how much I missed battle reports with pictures that looked like this - they're just so much more legible than top-down pictures of loose models or clusters of circles.

    The old white dwarf batreps were ace.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Ogregut said:


    The Carstein Model are super cool. I hope we will see new versions of them for AoS!



    Completely random: That reminds me of a conversation we had in our club with an american mate recently:

    If one wants to pronaunce Carstein so it sounds german: Pronounce the S like shh (hush)and  the ei like the ai of ain't


  10. On 1/22/2024 at 10:37 AM, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    No Fusiliers (which I agree with after playing with them, they are a build around unit that is not splashable

    As I've said: The unit is vastly overrated ^^

    The List you posted is interesting, yet that's not what I'd call an army at all, it's a ragtag gang of heroes and some redshirts. Idk, it's not what the game is about for me.

    Yet congratz to the winner!


    Edit: Oops I did some Post-Necromancy right there XD

  11. 59 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

    I'm in two minds as to how to run my witch elves. 

    The rules suggest a big unit as they have the horde rule which means they need at least 20 (4 ranks of 5) to benefit from the +3 rank bonus but seeing as they have no armour, 30+ 7 wide would be better. 

    However I think they would be better in smaller units say 12 - 14 strong 6 or 7 wide in 2 ranks. Set them up in the front of the army and slam into the enemy knowing they will all die but doing as much damage as possible. 


    Plausible. Would make for more threats the enemy has to deal with.

    A big block works good against shooty enemies (because some will get on target xD)

    Witches are great against heavy hitters: rend -2? Who cares? I don’t have armour


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  12. 2 hours ago, Sabush said:

    3+ units 7 models wide takes up a lot of space on the board and could be very cumbersome.

    Exactly. I struggled with maneuvering and I had:
    2x 5 wide
    1x 8 wide (+ chariot)
    2x 8 wide (croissbows) 
    1x 6 wide
    1x chariot (Hydra)



    I've compilated all 3D files in this thread:


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  13. Hello!


    I don't really know where to put this so I put it here (Mods please move this thread if neccessary!) :)

    Clicking this link you will find all Conversion-Tray-Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pfNDvxIiwgzT4TvI9zuvQrFe6hGMm11D
    including, but not limited to:
    - Several Round to Square adapters.
    - Lots of Round to Square Trays
    - 20mm square to 25mm square Adapters


    Please share the link with your friends, family and your club so people don't have to pay money for 5 minutes of work.

    Also please test the link and tell me if there's a tray/adapter missing that you'd need.


    It goes without saying that you are not permitted to sell any of this (neither the files, derivates of it or prints and derivates of it) - Monetizing the work of others is a prerogative of companies. 😛




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  14. 10 hours ago, Sabush said:

    What are people thinking regarding formations?

    I like the look and compact size of 5x4 for infantry. But I’ve read some comments about people going 6 wide, and 3-5 deep.

    I’m gonna start by using my old dark elves collection. And right now looking at Spearmen 6x5, xbows 6x2, blackguards 5x4, corsairs 5x3.

    We figured this out after our last game. The best size for a unit is ~7 wide (between 6-8)

    8 is too unwieldy, 6 not different enough from 5

    5 lacks output, yet is very maneuverable

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