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Everything posted by alghero81

  1. I’m extremely excited by Lumineth and the rumours about Sons because they look extremely fascinating, I see lots of people getting hyped and I have zero interest in both. This finally gives me time to reduce my backlog that was severely impacted by last year amazing releases. Will make some popcorns and wait to see what’s the next direction AoS will take and enjoy some relax time while looking at pointy aelves and improbable giants.
  2. hi all, looking at the errors on the cards, seems quite obvious the Grandstave and the Blade/Stave profile on the Primes need to be swapped, but I suppose also the Castigator-Prime is missing the Leader runemark, is he not?
  3. Isn’t March a bit early to announce season 4 of Warhammer underworlds? Last year season 3 was teased at Warhammer fest in May and first properly introduced at GenCon in August. Next steps for Warcry is totally possible as the Tome of Champions should be a late year thing and after Scions there’s nothing much else left teased and unreleased.
  4. I second that, especially if they have a Tyrion model hidden somewhere...
  5. @Overread Inferno Volume 4 has 4 Age of Sigmar short stories: The Sorcerer's Tale (Brazen Claw series) The Serpent's Bargain The Fourfold Wound The Manse of Mirrors
  6. Just out of curiosity, the acronyms we use in this forum are specific to this forum or quite widely understood? I saw once a BoK never saw before (blades of khorne) but maybe that was the ”official” title. @CDM what you suggest is interesting but I think if it will ever happen would be in a game like Warhammer Underworlds. Speaking of which, do the recent war bands scream Ghur to you guys? Apart the first two to me the others look all like could be from anywhere...
  7. Adepticon is going to be big does not mean it’s going to be big for AoS specifically. True that Lumineth and Sons are probably expected for that time, but a big chunk will be taken by Warhammer media or however it’s called: tv series, cartoons and whatever. They mentioned black library so we may see more about the Crime series? Or maybe a new series announced? Warcry would be a hint of next season as this summer they may publish a new starter set. Warhammer Underworld I guess it’s too early for season 4, so it can only be DoK. And then there’s all other specialist games including Blackstone Fortress, etc. There’s plenty to discuss so while I hope differently I think Lumineth and Sons cover the AoS part really well.
  8. Or a seaweed? 100% confirmed IDK endless spells!!🦀😂😂
  9. Well Skaven is a popular one but also pretty big. I reckon any update would be focussing on a specific clan rather than updating the main book. I think that was their idea from the beginning but then AoS 2.0 came and they did not have time to do all clans and they merged them together. For the same criteria I believe some clans will not get any update in the near future. Cities too I think it’s a soup and any other human faction will exist parallel maybe with some intersection. LoN has his days counted as it makes every day less sense as many units cannot be used and was always hard to balance, will see if it gets transformed or simply fades away like Tamurkhan Horde, technically still playable but most of the range not sold anymore. Gloomspite it’s an interesting one as basically has a brand new core but seems a bit of a mash of different things that don’t really work together so will see how and if it will be expanded. Then there’s the borderline category where certain armies may not get any new model for some time especially because extremely tied with a potential Old World release, at least until they figure that part out. Those would be the Sylvaneth and the Seraphon for example.
  10. The fact that next rumours/news after Seraphon are brand new armies gives a lot to think. In my opinion, not supported by any fact, there will be armies supported long term and some just updated to new versions of the game. I would bet on a new wave for Idoneth or Kharadron way higher than any new model for Beasts of Chaos outside of the specialist games. Hopefully between now and Adepticon they will tell us a bit more because personally I reached saturation of new armies. It’s not just buying them, it’s also assembling, painting them and finding storage room... But I’m happy for new people coming in the hobby and finding what suits them best, more players better games.
  11. Yeah I agree on the release schedule. I have a monthly and year budget so a release schedule would help me understand what to spend on. Surprises end up only ruining my plans and me losing something may have interested me. Regarding the Seraphon book didn’t we see it was shipped long ago? I don’t think that is risking anything but the future is grim with not only few factories closed but many delivery centres. If that was going to affect GW the consequences could be felt in 6 months I reckon.
  12. Yep Tyrion confirmed together with Teclas. Waiting to see the model now!
  13. In every version certain Battletomes fair better than others and there are few “1.9” like Nurgle and LoN that suffer a bit. But since the upgrade from 1.0 to 2.0 was not that massive we could potentially see a much greater change in the next version once they understood which rules need to be modified. Either way chances are any change may require new updated tomes and while the last 2 years accustomed us with a great throughout of paper, we should not get used to it as WHFB was much slower in comparison. Adepticon could give us the first hint of what comes next, so far we only know about the Lumineth, a name with no other context like the Sons of Behemath and not much more... so anything can happen!!
  14. The thing is: can they keep just adding new factions? I think after a while it would be too inflated to be balance-able. This cycle took them 25 months to update all armies, either they start dropping/skipping some or every new version will take longer. In that case let’s hope changes between versions are not too big...
  15. Well from what it seems the trend, FW is slowing retiring from AoS and moving most likely towards the Old World range, so it’s not unlikely that Azgorh appears in AoS considering a retirement of the resin kits. Long shot but possible. Tamurkhan is also gone, many monsters that never fit are gone but also few that could have been used. One can keep hoping...
  16. Well we have precedents. When they announced cities and orruks they have shown only books and only books they got. The Ogor butcher was announced long in advance but the mawpot was a last minute thing. Tzeentch and KO were last minute announcements. Not impossible but usually when they preview something closer to release they show everything especially if it’s new models.
  17. Yeah Adepticon is end of March however sooooo long away. My bet is on first reveal of Sons of Behemath as we should know if not already have the Lumineth by then
  18. Yeah had the same experience, played tabletop games earlier but when Total War came out I just felt the urge to go in a Games Workshop and buy something about Wood Elves. When I went inside I could not recognise any army so I asked and they told me about the rebrand and now wood elves are split and blah blah. Came out confused and took me another year before starting the hobby properly!! Now I live and breathe AoS but wouldn’t mind a crossover of miniatures in the Old World like Horus Heresy and 40k.
  19. But from the map we saw, can we get a hint of potential reuse of miniatures across the two games? I know it’s just speculation but since we are speculating about video games 😜😂 I’ve seen mostly empires banners so not much compatible so far
  20. That would be evil!!! Forced to buy 11/15 miniatures at a discounted price to get only one 😂😂
  21. By the same criteria is full of duardin statues so a Dispossessed release should have been out if not only to settle the grudge of all improper use of their mobilia...
  22. Yes they did 17 cards and 2 token sheets to be fair, I would struggle to see that amount from one or two kits... FEC is also 5 kits including the Varghulf Courtier. Also how can a 2 units faction have endless spells? All wizards? The King is a wizard and the spells can be used only by him? I doubt If they sell cards it means there’s a decent amount available cause otherwise you can just use the Battletome open to that page...
  23. The thing that leaves me surprised is that with this campaign book they did not release any new model like in 40K so the question of what’s their plan for 2020, still stands and now Adepticon looks even more enticing. Surely they can’t come out with only specialist games and new armies now that Seraphon is in the immediate pipeline and was the last one?
  24. 1h right? Time for bed for me but I’ll wake up early to check it. In one of the podcasts dedicated to Warcry they mentioned that humans dedicated to chaos in a fashion or another outnumber the “order” ones in the order of millions. In saying that I don’t see why a new human faction should contain only humans, it could really well be a cities force or represent a specific empire or culture multiracial. My bet would be that this is something they may explore with an expansion of Warcry or Warhammer Underworld.
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