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Reuben Parker

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Everything posted by Reuben Parker

  1. McSkittles pants coming along. Not sure if I can maintain full patchwork for all 6 mancrushers. May go for easier main colour and odd alternate patch on others.
  2. True, I guess best in stompers with d3 command point trait for the summon and cover the lost CP.
  3. How do you mean? SoB can’t take allies and other armies can only take one MG. The only way for two and other units is to play mixed destruction which was briefly mentioned a few pages back. You lose the holding rules but a cheap Skal battalion for chaff two MG with items and then whatever other destruction holding stuff you wanted to add could make for an interesting list. something like this perhaps? I would probably still just play pure SoB but it maybe a fun switch up kind of a nod back to old mixed destruction.
  4. I don’t think your playing wrongly. I love going to events so always make all comer lists even if I know my opponent ahead of time. My analysis is similar. Stomper has the most potential power but the 1 big 9 small loses a lot on hero missions and against certain lists has zero buffs beyond the CAs. Breaker which seemed the least popular on preview always gives buffs and is the best at killing heroes. Taker increasing holding amount in actuality will often have little impact apart from single mancrushers holding vs 10+ models.
  5. Not in the same category of quality as above but my rocks and sand bases are taking shape. Super easy to do as well
  6. always a good channel. Yes some mistakes on rules and maybe on tactics but still nice to see the giants really putting out the damage. on the hobby side just working on my bases. One of my favourite parts of big models is using real stones in the basing. Will post pics once done just gluing the stones and sand currently. also I’m going to adorn my Gargants with pieces of my old Tomb Kings army I guess the real reason they got wiped out was really the rise of the Gargants.
  7. You have at least 10 factions placing well (cutoff could be lower and include more). That’s a pretty healthy meta. It also covers all the major play styles. with so many factions and the nature of slow turn around in a tabletop game that’s actually really impressive. games like SC have 3 factions thousands of ladder games played every day and still have to be constantly patched. true balance is impossible to achieve even a game like chess with equal pieces and rules favours white due to starting with tempo.
  8. They build quickly 2 mega and 6 normal in about 4 hours build time. Including the most feared weapon in all the realms.... the cow flail.
  9. With what you have and what you like STD Ravagers sub faction would be your best bet. As noted battle line are needed. it would allow you a lot of warlord traits and summon warcry war bands
  10. I just sent one in as forgot to mention earlier. Gate breaker / breaker tribe breaking terrain does it remove all faction specific terrain rules and abilities. I believe it should but the wording could be read to only remove the rules like commanding, arcane etc.
  11. If you have a second mega gargant within 6” they can CA the general. I don’t think the 1 stomper 9 gargant build is a good build anyway as it loses too much on hero missions. It does force you to run your 2 Megas close to each other though. Also if your going for a build that buys a CP and not using the d3 command points trait you can go 3d6 charge trait which helps offset the General not ordering himself.
  12. My order came in built the two megas super quickly. As I’m going to be playing either double gatebreaker breaker tribe or war stomper gatebreaker stomper tribe I made one dual use. Did the stomper body but put both club and flail on then will just exchange heads. I know you can magnetize all three Sets of hands but I’m a limited hobbyist and this solution was super simple. Also looking at the gargants why as 12 wound monsters are they on such comically small bases. Was planning to do a rocks basing theme but there’s really limited room. Plus side for most game mechanics a smaller base is preferable.
  13. Also longshanks in regards to walking over endless spells. (RAW they can’t)
  14. The save rolls of 1 -4 doesn’t work vs heroes and monsters so the only cross over would be a non hero wizard with a 4+ or better. Lumineth jumps to mind but not much else.
  15. And in a breaker tribe your probably going +1 to hit vs heroes & wizards making that flail even more lethal. If you add the +2 attack trait vs a character/ wizard he averages 16 at -3 from the flail never mind other attacks / impacts / ranged. it’s very tasty
  16. I think he can bring quite a bit to my chaos dwarves as well. Who have great no rend damage output in fireborn but pretty poor melee rend attacks (bull centaurs should not cost more than spear eels).
  17. I’m in Canada and the same No shipping email to date. Support is also 10 day delay on email answering. My friend did another pre order to store last week and it never came in. I guess they’re having some logistics issues. I know it’s first world problems but I want my big guys
  18. My first thought was you could. However after you highlighted the β€œcharacteristic” part of the rule A couple of days back RAW clearly they can’t. My hope is RAI they can and FAQ will confirm that. However until an FAQ comes out I don’t believe giants should be walking over endless spells.
  19. Just contact them and explain your short a box of Mancrushers and they will send you a new one. Up to you whether you tell them and return the extra Mega. I’ve spoken to their support before (When I received stuff I didn’t order) and they care more about making sure people get what they should have rather than getting back stuff sent by accident. Especially as I do think in general the 2 mega 3x1 1x3 is the best setup (If you don’t know mission) if nothing else gives some objectives taggers with the solo crushers and 50 % hero 50 % battleline so balanced for missions that require one or the other.
  20. Agree the ABC is important. I do think though your downplaying megas slightly equating them to a 35 wound unit. A stomper takes 34 wounds it can still get 10 attacks with its club and have full damage output. A breaker with +2 attacks trait takes 34 wounds it’s still swinging 7 flail attacks. Also they obviously keep their impact hits till death. They have very little loss of damage output all the way to death so if your opponent can’t one shot them it spells trouble and 35 wounds on 4+ possibly with buffs isn’t super easy to one shot (obviously yes there are a number of insane damage output units that can but not universally).
  21. With 2 mega 3 and 3x1 Mancrusher you end up 1980 - 2000 and even in some other configurations with a larger spare amount a CP or playing under for a triumph is probably better. A single caster with no plus isn’t really worth taking an endless spell with most of the time. If the lantern allows you to dispel endless spells that would be its best niche really (and potentially quite helpful).
  22. Yeah indeed take some with a pinch of salt. Main takeaways was it won games vs maybe not the best lists out their but solid second tier like BW, FEC and OBR even after being alpha struck and down a mega. The other big take away was from his description of the games they were deleting what they hit between the blows, special attacks and impact hits. I have been trying to argue for their damage output being fine (kraken without sandals withstanding) and it seemed to validate that from those games being still a small sample size.
  23. Nice to see some discussion with actual games played. Hopefully stem a bit of the salt. Not the list I would run personally but they did go breaker tribe.
  24. I’m just hoping they arrive in time for me to build them for the following Sunday for a couple of games. Will be bare plastic by necessity but I really want to get them on the tabletop.
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