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Reuben Parker

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Everything posted by Reuben Parker

  1. Yeah for a large blob like the 40+ ghouls the 5+ ignore is just amazing. Also if you have the bravery debuff garland your shrieks are going to tear his brutes apart. I play IJ as well and bravery 6 is so bad on brutes.
  2. Agree with a lot that’s been said here in terms of battalions, artifacts etc. One point I would make for reavers (although not my fav unit) they are better than eels for zoning out space and most missions objectives are held by number of models in 6”. These are passive benefits that offensive and defensive stats can’t take into account. Still I came back to Mor’Phann (had inspiration for a list while waiting to go to sleep last night) after my first attempt at all Namarti lead to a crushing defeat. I’m thinking more combined arms and stall a bit then win turn 3 (this means battalion and reavers dropped). volturnos 3 render last lament 1 scryer 30/30/10 thrall 3 shield eel 6 spear eel I think with this list a lot of the time I wouldn’t actually outflank have the scyer just boosting charge and ritual. Slow opponent down with eels early then try to setup a big high tide hit.
  3. Yes you can be death allegiance but you can’t be death and FEC at the same time. Rule book as far as I read it says if you can have multiple allegiance due to keywords you have to pick Just one. So I don’t think you can cherry pick some things from death some from FEC. Obviously if that’s the case FEC is best as gives us delusions and better trait plus the 6+ fight again hunger.
  4. Yep that’s a pretty nice list. Only downside is you need probably over 100 ghouls to ensure you have models for summoned units and Patrol. One thing I found when running big units of ghouls and summoning was always keep a CP spare for when you need to auto pass morale.
  5. Is it limited to once per game? I have been double summoning varghulf and then 2GK via the extra command ability. Have to check if I’ve been cheating. Saw other replies ignore post seems I have been doing it right
  6. Ok this list idea is more of a spitball one and maybe terrible. Just trying to maximize the royal family add model wording and really this list wants to play defensive for first 2 hero turns throwing some chump blockers forward to buy time (as could add 6 horrors by then) luckily we will have loads of ghoul units. GKoZD magestic horror 2GK 2horror courtier 3*10 ghoul 6 horror 3 horror royal family 70 points probably cogs or a couple of offensive spells which can also work as speed bumps (pendulum and gravetide) also not sure on items but CP farm I think really helps FEC but as someone pointed out my other goto the lens is now nerfed
  7. Well it’s summoned by your General with double summoning so you get two. Plus they are more than capable of back field tying up or harassing small units. Then later ghoul units are gravy. Glaurung has pointed out also the add wording for the additional plus one. So they’re then unit size trciks to go above. Plus when I ran it I had the pendulum and casting that from a summoned GK was amazing. I am a big fan of royal family hut as always horses for courses battalions for players. Looks to me like Royal Family and Ghoul Patrol are the two best and can even be run together (units start on the small side though$
  8. I’m not sure we can infer from Ghoul Patrol that royal family works (and as shown I love royal family). Battalion is worded that you add an additional to an eligible unit. But are units eligible if they are already at max strength. I would like to see a clarification from GW before playing it as such. Still a lot to love for FEC on changes especially as most armies got toned down FEC got improved again. Also so someone asked about double battalion it’s plausible I think GKoZD majesty, lens of refraction 2 GK, brooch of CP farm Crypt Ghast 20/20/10 ghouls 6 horrors ghoul patrol royal family 50 extra points (CP or spells) 3 rd relic to taste can see arguments for lots but crypt ghost with pennant could be nice with all the table edge stuff in the list.
  9. Indeed very true on player skill and people not really being able to self evaluate. Saying that I believe having seen how the full horde list works on the table it’s not a good choice. Im not saying thralls are bad (I still think they can be very good)but Probably more used as a tool in a combined arms army rather than main battle line. As you yourself go on to point out endless spells and Morrsarr help. With that in mind I would probably drop the battalion and just run a couple of big blobs and renders. Which then still leaves 1080 for supporting cast. The issue then becomes is it still worth running Mor’Phannand if you run a different enclave then the renders become pretty weak.
  10. Terribly, I got smashed. Really glad I proxied the army as there’s no way I am doing it now. On paper I thought it looked good but so many 32mm bases it’s hard to get good contacts. Plus if units charge it can be hard to keep the 30 man blob wholly within 12 of renders for healing. I think the list would still be good vs shooting / magic lists but it’s a big flop vs melee lists. 30 5+ wounds a lot of good melee units can do in one swing.
  11. It’s very hard to tell though as there’s no keyword MOUNT nor is the word mount even mentioned on the warscrolls in description for the king or eels. Also why would key word MONSTER matter lots of models have mounts and MONSTER keyword all beast claw raider , big guys, dragons etc etc Personally I would play they all receive it until there’s an FAQ that clarifies. The fuethan description even talks about them taming more savage allopexs.
  12. The knights were the worst as my reaping blows don’t trigger on them (3 wounds). Then when they charged with character buffs with three attacks each 2+2+ -1 2 damage then mount attacks as well. I was testing full horde Tidecaster 2 scryer 3 render Battalion 2* 30 thrall 2 * 10 thrall 2 * 10 reaver
  13. Jugger Lord Lord on Daemonic Mount Bloodsecrator Aspiring Deathbringer (prenerf that dropped today) 3*5 chaos warrior 2*10 chaos knights 2*6 Juggers As I said its a good list (175 4+ or better wounds, can cover the board and is quick) but still was lacking the gore pilgrim skull reaper / bloodletters mortal wound combos. Yet it could zone out the soulscryers and had easily enough power to go through the Thrall horde like it was wet tissue paper. I am thinking of proxying more of a defensive eel list that gets to turn 3 then stacks attacks and wins next, see how that works. Volturnos Soulscryer, Lens of refraction Aspect of the Storm, Could of midnight Akhelian Corps Leviadon Allopex 6 * Morrsarr 3 * Ishlaen 10 Thrall Low wound count and I know it has a couple of what would be seen as marginal choices in the Aspect of Storm and Leviadon. I think both though may work in what is a defensive counter punch list. Also interestingly due to the buffs built into the units some of the more popular enclaves (Dhom-Hain & Fuethan) may not be such a benefit. I was thinking of maybe even running Nautilar to assist in the first couple of rounds of defensive play.
  14. Well I proxied the Mor’Phann Namarti horde today and I’m glad I did. Played against a good but not great Khorne list and got absolutely smashed. They are too flimsy to face off against a dedicated melee army. Also against armies where most models are 2&3 wounds their damage output is not enough as their special rule doesn’t trigger In regards the where to start a Deepkin army question I would advise sticking more to the eels side. Maybe a few small thrall or reaver units for objectives, screens and precision strikes. As a main line in an army they die too easily and have poor bravery so the 30 man units are a liability but without big units your reanimating won’t work.
  15. Thinking of getting into BCR has anyone gone pure cold? think it’s a nice theme and potentially strong. Was thinking something like. FLoTT, everwinters master, lens of refraction (saw the discussion on this earlier in the thread but I put in nearly all AoS2 armies now) HoTT HoTT HoTT 3 Yheetes 3 Yhetees 6 Yhetees weakness would seem to be vs shooting armies as low saves on Yhetees. Would have to hope to grind them with the thundertusks, also opponent can most often pick who goes first as 7 drops.
  16. To be fair purple sun isn’t really for killing hordes it’s for killing heroes and monsters (at which it’s amazing).
  17. Or the other thing you could do is drop the spells, split the eels into two units of 3 and then take one unit of 30 Thralls with the regiment size discount with the extra 80 points If not Heartrenders are always a useful objective grabber / screen unit.
  18. Yeah the stacking seems to be that way for his ability. Certain commanders are limited so a unit can only benefit once but Deepkin don’t have that limit. I think you could do with some more support heroes (soulscryer). Also I’m not a fan of endless spells from lists that only have one caster. I would probably drop a shark and the spells to add a hero or two.
  19. Okay interesting several votes for normal king. It seems from the responses that normal king means you use him aggressively and play a “normal” game. Vulturnous is more a combo piece as I was thinking and you play keep away first couple of turns to try to win turn 3. Saying that hat having played quite a bit of sigmar I find often games are decided turn 2. That’s why I like the look of the tidecaster as he gets you to high tide earlier.
  20. Nice on the normal king yeah I guess you can ramp them up. Im not sure on the stacking attacks as I play ironjawz as well. I thought waagh from same model shouldn’t stack. Someone asked GW sigmar FB and showed the reply saying they played it stacking. So it seems like they all stack apart from those were the errata said they don’t (a lot of maggotkin don’t stack). Maybe FAQ will change them all (personally I think they shouldn’t stack)
  21. As someone looking at Deepkin still as possibly my next army I am toying with a few lists. I wanted to see what people thought of generals though. From what I can see there only seem to be two worth while options. 1) Volturnos, he essentially says to your opponent beat me before turn 3 otherwise I pump 3 to 4 CP multiple times into 3 units and stack crazy attacks all striking first and win. 2) Tidecaster for reversing tides dream scenario you get bottom of turn 1 then top of 2 high tide and win due to mass early pressure. Particularly with Fuethan for Flood tide into High tide into Flood tide. Normal king just seems to be outclassed by Volturnos by many degrees that the 40 point saving just doesn't seem worth it. Then other heroes have zero command abilities where as the two listed above both completely change the way you play and how your opponent has to tackle you. I had thought of maybe an Eidolon with the +2 wounds trait plus 6+ shrug item to make them super tanky but I don't perceive the same value. Still be good to hear from people who do use other generals before I lock into a list to buy as want to consider all options.
  22. Yeah when I was running my royal family list I had the blob of 9 horrors and in one turn my opponent killed 6 and with double Varghulf plus family bonus I was back up to full strength. Running minimum sized 3 man units of horrors or flayers the units will get wiped too often before healing can kick in.
  23. Hello, I am thinking of getting into deepkin and I have a huge love affair with horde armies (fyreslayers, FEC, Mortal Khorne) so I am really drawn to an Namarti based army. I am interested to see if anyone has played a list similar to the below (theory hammer I can do in my own mind ). Mor'Phann Tidecaster General Lord of storm and Sea 2* Soulscryer 3* Soulrender Last Lament & Lens of Refraction 30 Thrall 30 Thrall 10 Thrall 10 Thrall 10 Reaver 10 Reaver Namarti Corps I think Deepkin has some advantages over other horde armies. The soulscryer and flood tide give a lot more maneuver to the army. Then the support heroes between forgotten nightmares and the lens should be a lot harder to snipe. Also with 6 Isharaan heroes the ritual is more likely to go off and being able to remove flying from an opposing army is a huge threat along with reversed tides for a deadly second turn. Again would love to hear if someone has actually played this sort of list as kinda annoying when you buy, build and paint large model count armies to find they suck. Also please note I am not anti the other units I think a lot of them are very good and may well make for a better army I just love horde and regenerating horde at that.
  24. Royal family is what I played and it worked well first game. Throwing the 4 heroes on the table turn 1 then summoning ghouls across the game worked well. Also summonable GK works really well with endless spells like pendulum as you can setup really good hits. I do want to try a GK monster list once I get the models as well. I really feel FEC needs the summoning as without it their units are over pointed. I found even with the extra models from royal family the army damage output still was a bit low it’s a grind objectives win list.
  25. Thanks was being blind, so we played it nearly correctly apart from the large units rule doesn’t apply in this edition.
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