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Posts posted by Backbreaker

  1. 2 hours ago, wolyhammer said:

    That sounds like good fun! Also an excuse to get a Dankhold Troggoth!

    What would your thoughts be for the rest of the army? Boltboyz and hobgrot screens?

    A snatchaboss with 3*3 boltboyz. I don't know if there is something else to complete our battleline requirements. But it gives a good backline for the troll circus!

  2. Waaagh lad'z!

    I continue to have really good results with my all-rounder list. A bit of everything with a bit more gruntas. I just stopped to use a weirdnob and am putting an arcane tome on a warchanter.

    I faced a lot of stormcats recently, with paladins and dragons, we really have the perf (-2 or -3) needed to bash them.

    Only time I was just blocked was against Belakor and the infamous khorne daemon prince, this command ability is just stupid, the perfect example of non interactivity an with no counter play.


    With enough Ironjawz games, I started to play with Big Waaagh... it's crazy powerful, much more than before imo.


    Now, the plan is to have fun with our swamp cousins, currently building the doominion box set...

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  3. 22 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    So to remedy this situation, the designers would have to craft a core game that actually rewards bringing varied lists in some way.

    I love that idea soooo much. Rewarding variety. Not being mandatory. Nor penalizing the said broken warscrolls. 

    I don't think we would loose so much of the freedom of list building. On the contrary, having to think about your list and making choice about variety (adaptability) /spamming (raw strength) is all you want from a wargame that focus on list building.

    It's really a great idea of game design!

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  4. 39 minutes ago, Kasper said:

    So your point being that Brutes are only good in Choppas then? I feel like this discussion is dishonest and pointless tbh.

    Absolutely not, both are good. But when played in Choppas, I think Brutes are better. Even if you consider the Gruntas played in Bloodtooth.

    They are not the same unit and they both have their uses.

    Another point is that when Brutes are played with their 2" weapon, they loose an attack and gain 1 rend. But the Gruntas in your example are using their 1" weapon, which can be an issue with their base.

    Overall, to each their own, I think both work and both will see the tabletop often :) 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Kasper said:

    The spears lost the +1/+1 on the charge, but the pigs are now baseline 3/3 instead of 4/4. So spears do less damage with melee attacks but the impact hits were improved from a 4+ to a 2+ with spears.

    Oh... well then, they lost A LOT. And they are definitely not a shock cavalry anymore for me.

  6. 15 hours ago, broche said:

    Not sure why you consider Gruntas


    15 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Goregruntas weren't touched at all offence wise

    Wait, you still get +1 to hit and to wound on the charge? I really must be blind haha!


    I told you, I'm lost with this new battletome ^^

    • Haha 1
  7. I am completely lost! List building is really different and I don't know what direction to take. Gore Gruntas took a massive hit and I'm not sure they are the shock cavalry I used to like. Between Choppa and Ironsunz, I don't what to pick. I will have to buy new models, my 2000 points list is 1775 points now and it was an MSU to get +2 attacks with the waaagh.

    Overall, it seems that playing two Krushas is the way to go. I need to proxy some way another Krusha.

  8. 46 minutes ago, AaronWilson said:

    I mean yes I understand that but I'm not sure if it's the most viable tactic to retreat your melee unit out of combat to do nothing and get half your losses back, just feels situational 

    In Ironsunz you could get them back into combat at the end of your opponent charge phase, I guess ?

  9. I'm not a huge fan of this stacking. Mostly because there is one counter measure, mortal wounds, which is already the counter measure of most things in the game. It just makes MW even better.

    And another issue might be that the stacking is not the issue but the lack of rend is... and we saw that a battleline unit like Ironjawz brutes are getting access to rend -2. I think we should wait the two first battletomes :) 

    • Thanks 2
  10. Hi guys,


    My question concern spells that have an area of effect measured from the base of the caster. For example, the signature spell of the Warsong Revenant or Teclis. 

    These spells can be cast on a spellportal and then the area of effect will be measured from the second spellportal?


    I'm adding a bonus question: the bonus to casting of a warsong revenant or from a throne of vines can be added to the roll result of the signature spell of this model? (you roll dices equal to the casting roll)


    Thanks :) 

  11. @Malakree @Tezia99 I agree with both of you, in theory, but facing a lot of shooting armies, I know my key characters (WC, MK) won't be staying on the tabletop for long.


    Overall, I don't think that there is a strengh gap betwen IJ and BW. Both allegiance are different and I just feel like have more tools when playing IJ (even if I have a really cool list with Rogue Idol and a MK in my head). I cannot wait to see the new book, with so many new entries, we're going to have so much to try :) 

  12. 26 minutes ago, AaronWilson said:

    Certainly not round 3 at least, I've been running MBoMK, 2 Chanters, 1 Shaman, 2 x 10 Ardboyz, 1 x 6 pigs, 2 x 5 brutes, 1 x 5 boyz and you get 5 + d6 on turn one, so average, pop CA for 2-3 more, realistically 12-13 turn one and if you teleport a boyz unit and charge it's gautanteed for turn 2 to be on 20, with CA + 5 + d6 you're prettty much guaranteed for it turn 2 anywya. 

    You can prepare a list to get this bonus round 2 of course. But it is only if none of your characters are shoot off the board, it costs you CP, you need to cast a spell successfully, ...

    Whereas in IJ, you get your rules round 1 and that's all. But it's litterally the game mechanic of BW, when you are full buff, you are stronger than in IJ. But the road to get there can be a bumpy ride :) 

    • Like 2
  13. 18 hours ago, Malakree said:

    I found that I was only fighting with 2 units a turn and most (due to WC buffs). Compared to Smashing and Bashing the 6+ ward was basically mandatory while the +1/+1 makes your units so much more effective and reliable. 

    But you don't have all these buffs immediately. Round 3 at least. And for me it's often too late.

    I play a lot of gore gruntas, and when I charge, I tend to end up with 2+/2+ anyway. And Ardboyz have some sort of 6+ against non MW.

    Finally, I play a lot of units and the Ironjawz Waaagh is often a +2 attacks, much more effective than the BW's Waaagh.

    But it's just the way I play :) 

    • Like 1
  14. 11 hours ago, NinthMusketeer said:

    I would be super excited to see additional options for the cultists, but I'm hesitant to hope because it would be a lot of miniature design for relatively small appeal. Failing that I'd settle for conversion kits to 'adopt' certain units in.

    Forge World could take that project, like they are doing for Necromunda I guess! :)

    I would love new non chaotic warbands ...

  15. On 1/28/2017 at 3:04 AM, thediceabide said:

    Here is my paint scheme for my red Orruks of Aqshy.

    I love everything about your color scheme, the bone colour around the neck, the yellow eyes... you nailed it!


    My guys, ready to rock n' roll the Mortal Realms:



  16. We recently decided to house rule a few things in our group.

    No more double turn, the second player only get an additional CP for the first round. Since then, our games finally reach turn 5 and are not decided at the end of the second round. Last night, we played a Daughter of Khaine versus Ironjawz, it was soooo tense!!! Ending with a score of 24-23 😀


    Changing costs and rules for armies like Gloomspite Gitz. It's depressing to see such a cool army almost unplayable. Gitz player are struggling so much. We didn't try it yet but I think we will give a 20% discount for the whole army and allow buff interaction between the Gitz sub factions (spider, squigg, troll). For example, being able to boost a troll unit with a sneaky snuffler, etc ...

    • Like 2
  17. 3 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    Nor that it's a problem of "high powered" battletomes over a prolbem "low powered" ones. Why make a problem out of the battletomes which have fun rules and good internal balance? The problem are the battletomes which aren't doing that. They should have less battletomes with boring rules, bad internal balance and funky stuff that doesn't work well. 

    We have a Lumineth player in our group. He decided to stop playing the army because a lot of us were complaining about it. Mostly because we really didn't have fun when playing against him. The guy has 9 armies in total so he just switched but he really love his LRL. And honestly, he painted everythinghimself, convert his Teclis, it's just amazing to see the spears line up in front of you.

    But it is a fun killer. I honestly think that the LRL battletome is more a curse for Lumineth player than for their opponents.

    Look, there is light! Yes because we all agreed that it was a shame to stop playing an army beause of something like that. First he started playing new units instead of Teclis, Cathalar, Sentinels and Warden. We saw Avalenor hit the tabletop for the first time last night :) And we decided to house rule. No more double turn, we hoped that this edition will fix that but it's still a balance breaker. We might change point costs for some armies (Gloomspite Gitz, dear god, Gitz players are either masochists or martyrs).

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