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Posts posted by dmorley21

  1. 27 minutes ago, choocheelo said:


    If your general isn't a named character, spectral summons allows you to teleport units not in combat as long as your general isn't either. 

    • Like 1
  2. 19 hours ago, Dredgejosh said:

    For a Emerald Host super battalion, what's the best General to run in it (or nominate a general in it)? 

    I haven't done the super battalion, but have been loving using Olynder as my general with Dolorous Guard, so she gets my vote.  

    I don't get in many games due to where I live, but I'm 3-0 with that list against Stormcast (hybrid melee/shootcast build), Skaven (lots of bodies and shooting build), and Cities of Sigmar (60 Phoenix Guard, 2 Frosthearts build).  She hasn't been killed in a single game, and I have found her command ability to bring back models more useful than Ruler of the Spirit Hosts was for me as my Dreablade Harrow was typically too busy ghosting around the board to be close enough to use it on units that needed it. In addition, she just deals a ton of damage with her Hexwraith guard.

    Now, it is worth noting that his works for me due to the fact that I also bring another major threat to the game with a blob of 30 Reapers supported by a Guardian of Souls (and soon a KoSoES).

    So my recommendation would be if you take Olynder as your general in Emerald Host, make sure you have another threat on the board.

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  3. 11 hours ago, SleeperAgent said:

    This would be fine if Nighthaunt actually got a whole new set of abilities. With the way the narrative is it seems like OBR will get even more goodies and NH will get to ally into OBR.

    I don't think that's completely necessary. Some units need a rewrite (hello Glaives!), but I think taking our allegiance abilities and then stacking that with sub faction abilities could do the trick. Imagine if we could choose from any of the following sub faction abilities:

    3D6 charges where you get choose one die to discard. Still would allow Wave of Terror.

    An additional -2 bravery on the charge.

    Frightful touch army wide, then 5+ for units that already get it.

    +1 to casting rolls, unbinds, dispels, and a 5+ shrug of spell effects.

    A sub faction that had summoning.


    Any of those with our current rules would make for really strong or fun builds.

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  4. On 2/1/2020 at 1:56 PM, EnixLHQ said:

    I just really want to see more Emerald Host being played at tournament level...

    It's probably a decent list, all things considered. I don't have the models for it, so I won't be giving it a try. I also tend to think that being one drop isn't that useful for Nighthaunt. Being one drop allows you to go first against alpha strike lists, but we shouldn't fear alphas with our ability to deploy half our units off the table. It also allows you to go first and alpha armies that need a turn to get powered up - but those armies typically deploy in a castle that we just don't have the tools to break unless you roll 10+ for all of your turn one charges. It does still allow us to seek the double, but it's just not as powerful for our army as it is for others.

    On 2/5/2020 at 1:42 AM, The_Dudemeister said:

    It's very rare not to see Ruler of the Spirit Hosts for the general

    This is true, but I'm beginning to wonder why that is. Obviously, RotSH is powerful, and even more so if used with Spirit Hosts. But if you're general is a teleporting Harrow, chances are you won't be by the unit you need to heal. I always took it on my Harrow general, and hardly ever used the ability because I was putting my Harrow into strategic positions for board control and not in middle of a big unit. So I mean, RotSH is powerful, but I think trying out other traits is a worthwhile endeavor.


    Also, did anyone ever see the Nighthaunt list that did well at Heat 1 at Warhammer World in the UK? I saw someone did pretty well, but haven't seen the list anywhere. Thanks.

  5. 1 hour ago, snipersyn said:

    I'm confused as to why there was a FAQ regarding the Collector command trait for an Aether-Khemist general recently. That trait allows exactly what it says - that 1 extra friendly HERO can have an artefact of power, as long as the Aether-Khemist general is equipped with an artefact of power as well.

    If I am understanding this correctly, the Collector command trait allows more than 1 artefact of power to be equipped - doesn't this up-end the normal restriction?


    It seems to be written to address that the extra artefact cannot go on a named character or an allied hero. Those normal restrictions are still in play. 

  6. 35 minutes ago, Saxon said:

    The problem is that no matter what it shouldn't be doing 50...... 

    There's other spells with similar potential. Purple Sun, Warp Lightning Vortex, Everblaze Comet all come to mind. The difference is those spells rely on luck and stuff the opponent does to do massive amounts of damage, so they can be played against whereas Daemonrift in Tzeentch allows the controlling player to execute the optimal setup. 


    On another note, I'm late to the party, but I've been able to use a list with Dolorous Guard and Lady Olynder general a few times now. I have to say I love it.

    I never got good use out of RotSH before as my Harrow was always teleporting away from battle, so her command ability is an upgrade for me. I miss the Spectral Summons trick, but not nearly as much as I thought I would. With Underworlds deployment, Pendant of the Fell Wind, and Cogs; I always have plenty of movement. 

    Meanwhile, Lady O and her Guard make for a block that can dominate the board control game. Especially when I run a unit of chaff with them. They can also fight just about anything with all the mortal wound potential. Finally, it makes Nighthaunt really competitive in hero missions now that we have a tanky and killy hero. I played Relocation Orb and Olynder and her Guard were able to dominate the objective. 

    I'm hoping to take the list to a one day tournament in March. 

    • Like 2
  7. 50 minutes ago, CDM said:

    Had anybody had much thought on how GW could expand on the overlords in a future model expansion?

    What sort of additions could they make? I've watched a couple of battle reports on YouTube and they still seem quite geared up to having everything in the boats. I would like to see them have more ground presence . I was thinking maybe some  drop pod  style mini fortresses would be good.  Where you could garrison your foot troops and balloon guys hopefully giving you more board control. Also I see alot of suggestions regarding automata which could be really cool. 

    I really hope they expand them in the next couple of years as well as some of the smaller factions like IJ DoK and IDK.

    Well the more in the new book talks about a special unit of thunderers to deal with the repercussions of the Necroquake. So that could be a unit. I could also see a Skywarden hero. Otherwise, it's hard to say.  

  8. 42 minutes ago, madmac said:

    I don't know if "avoiding literal extinction" counts as a selfish reason, TBH. The Deepkin were deliberately cast as tragic figures for a reason. They aren't noble heroes, nor are they depraved villains.

    I wish this was what united "Destruction" factions. Tragic factions that don't want evil things, but whose culture, society, and existence just don't allow them to co-exist with any of Order, Death, or Destruction.  It would allow for a much more diverse group of forces with some fantastic lore. It really wouldn't be difficult put Orruks, Gitz, or Mawtribes into this type of lore either.


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  9. As someone new to the KO forums here, I have to say I'm pretty disappointed that there is so much bickering back-and-forth. I've got my own thoughts about the anti-synergies and problems that the book has (it does have problems, and that's fine to admit... and, golly gee,  wouldn't just allowing units to disembark after ships move/fly high fix just about everything?), but I think we need to have more constructive conversation about the KO book that we do have. I'm someone who really loves to list build, it's just a part of the game that I really enjoy. So let's talk about lists.

    First off, I still think a lot of the list building is going to boil down to how many drops you think KO needs to be to compete. Despite high movement, low model count armies simply don't have a lot of room for error. There's plenty of armies that can turn 1 alpha strike us that screens won't do too much good at blocking (Cities, Tzeentch, Nighthaunt, Stormcast, Deepkin off the top of my head). So I'm not sure what the answer is here but let's look at lists based on drops:

    1 Drop

    Well, you're taking the Iron Sky Command battalion with a Dirigible Suit general. It's the obvious, and seemingly great, list. It also works for any Skyport.

    2 Drops

    Iron Sky Command battalion w/ Dirigible Suit general again. This time you get to add your own flavor of spice (Gunhauler/Thunderers/Knight Incantor+Comet).

    Escort Wing battalion in Barak-Zon with a Dirigible Suit general. This is pushing it, as you only get one hero, but Zon Skywardens actually are a strong melee unit and the forced Command Trait/Artefact loadout make the Dirigible Suit general strong in melee too.

    3-5 Drops

    You're still primarily looking at the two lists above with more side spice. I think the Zon Escort Wing battalion really starts to shine at this amount of drops. You can add a couple of heroes along with a unit of Riggers.

    You can also try Escort Wing in any of Urbaz, Zilfin, or Nar, as they open up Gunhaulers/Frigates/Thunderers as battleline. Urbaz will be the lowest drops, and is the first list where you don't need a Dirigible Suit general anymore.

    You can also do a Zilfin Iron Sky Attack Squadron and get into this amount of drops easily without a Dirigible Suit general. I'm waiting on to see if this battalion gets Designer Commentary to specify whether it works after the Frigates "Fly High."

    6+ Drops

    Go crazy! At this point, you aren't likely to have less drops than competitive armies that want to go first/second, so you can really build any list your heart desires and even leave the battalions at home.


    Overall, I think we need to figure out how many lists we'd face where we would need to control whether we go first or not and to figure out how many drops those armies are. Once we do, I think we can look past the drops and start asking interesting questions such as:

    2 Frigates vs. 1 Frigate w/ 10 Thunderers vs. Ironclad?

    Enough drops so you can run a different general than the Dirigible Suit guy? The Admiral and Khemist both have game changing command ability options IMO (Cunning Fleetmaster/Collector respectively).

    Spell in a Bottle or no Spell? People seem to have strong opinions about both sides, but I see both sides having strong arguments, especially because not only does the spell cost you points in an already low wound army, but also because KO have the best artefact options I have ever seen in a book.

    Which spells for Spell in a Bottle are worth it? Obviously, Warp Lightning Vortex. The Comet I would save and only take if I ally in a Stormcast wizard, because Warp Lightning Vortex is the same points, but better IMO. I'd argue that there's merit to take Geminids in an alpha strike list. I'd also argue that Darkfire Daemonrift could probably do the most damage of any spell we could take. Purple Sun if you just want to have fun, but it's too swingy to count on since you only get to use it once.

    What's our best unit for holding objectives? Arkanaut Company for point efficiency, or Thunderers for their -1 to hit and more firepower? Honestly, neither will stand up to a true melee force, but what about for holding it against the type of speed chaff that is usually running/flying around and grabbing objectives?


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  10. 4 hours ago, Qaz said:

    What I've learned so far:


    • Go second, and stay going second (for the second battleround). Having a double turn against you (in battleround 3) is more devastating than a getting double turn (in the battleround 2). If you take a double turn, you'll have to confident that you can take 2 turns of punishment without contributing much in the combat phases. You have >30% less army durability than most armies and many armies can chew thru your 80-100 wounds in 2 combat phases. 

    Thanks for sharing your experience and lots of lessons learned. I think sharing experiences is going to be important for learning to play KO well, they're just such a different army. 

    I'm curious how important you found your drops to be. In the point above you mention that the double turn is more crippling if it's rounds 2/3 instead of 1/2. Does that mean drops don't matter as much?

  11. @wanderingrogue

    First off, thanks for the insight on WW. I had never watched the show before... as video shows just don't work for me. Podcasts work better for me. But as a player coming to KO, it was all great to hear.

    I would disagree that it's a bad book. I play Nighthaunt, and that's a bad book because it features redundant warscrolls, overcosted and underpowered units, and a lot of useless warscrolls. 

    I do think the anti synergies in KO is a little ridiculous, but I see what they were trying to do: give a reason for units to leave boats. I also agree that it's unfortunate that the new hero is such an automatic character to I ckude as your general. 

    As for competitive lists, I think a lot will depend on how important drops end up being. If low drops are essential, armies are going to be pretty mono build with the Iron Sky Battalion.

    If not, I see a much wider range of builds as there's a lot of interesting choices you can make. So I think that will be important to test out and see. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Eevika said:

    People saying "We dont need magic we have shooting" Have you seen Cities of Sigmar. Some of the best magic and shooting the game has to offer in the same list. 

    I haven't played KO yet, but have played several games against Cities quite a bit. It's a great army with a ton of builds. But apart from Irondrakes, their shooting dies from a stiff brief in my experience (I play Nighthaunt). And most magic heavy lists will feature handgunners and/or crossbowmen, not Irondrakes. Most of their magic casters are pretty easy to take out as well if you can get within range.

    It would have been nice to see KO have a lore where they can manipulate weather for magic or just to have more anti-magic tools. However, I feel as if in a match up with a Hallowheart list, KO definitely has a good chance to come out ahead thanks to their maneuverability, firepower, and decent saves.

  13. Thanks @Neck-Romantic. I've actually never played against Slaves to Darkness ever, so I have nothing to base anything off of for this game. It's good to know about their long charge ranges and ability to dish out impact hits.

    21 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Oh, it is. Expensive, but really worth it. I honestly believe it's one of our best battalions and that, even though it's tough to fit it in under 2K, it should be most of our lists in some way. I'm really, really hoping it sees a lot of tournament play and we see it do extremely well.

    That's good to hear. I've enjoyed reading your posts.

    • Thanks 1
  14. Hi everyone.

    With the new book, I'm thinking about selling some of my Nighthaunt to play KO. I just started playing AoS with the Soul Wars release but used to play Dwarfs back in the days of WHFB, so I have a bit of an affinity for Duardin though I always hated playing gunlines as I like movement shenanigans.

    Anyway, I've always loved the look of KO and now after getting their new book on the app, am really interested in playing them. However, they seem to have a really unique play style and it would help me to read and watch some battle reports to get a feel for the army. Outside of reading posts here - which have been great... please keep the battle reports with the new book coming! - are there any other good resources for learning about playing KO?


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  15. On 1/11/2020 at 5:57 AM, SleeperAgent said:

    If you aren't gonna go for max discount I would just do 3 min sized units of BR. Less likely to all get one shotted considering they can spread out. Considering RotSH is a d3, I run a lot more min sized units. Getting 1 back hurts.


    17 hours ago, EnixLHQ said:

    Nighthaunt likes a lot of smaller units so a player can get a lot of charge rolls each turn on the hopes that at least one will trigger Wave of Terror. That unanswered attack in the charge phase is just that powerful.

    These are both true. I've honestly never attempted to utilize RotSH because it's just lackluster unless you're running Spirit Hosts and/or Hexwraiths, which I have have. The more small units you can have, the more likely you can get off WoT's... even if they aren't going to wipe out a unit, they'll help. I just don't really think our army has any game with focusing on healing. This is a movement focused, counter punch army. Being able to deepstirke half of your forces and not being limited to only appearing at the board's edge is really our power. Like @EnixLHQ mentioned, I like to have one big block and then small units to increase my threats and give my opponent more to think about.

    On that note, I'll be playing a Dolorous Guard list for the first time (and using Olynder in an actual game for the first time) this Tuesday against Slaves to Darkness. I haven't played that army before, so anyone have any tips? Here's my list:

    Lady O - general, Reaping Scythe

    Reikenor - Soul Cage

    Guardian of Souls - Shademist, Aetherquartz Brooch

    Dreadblade Harrow - Pendant of the Fell Wind (I don't have a KoSoES or else I'd have that here instead. But teleporting to use PotFW is always useful.)

    10 Chainrasp Horde

    5 Hexwraiths / 5 Hexwriaths

    30 Grimghast Reapers

    5 Bladegheist Revenants / 5 Bladegheist Revenants

    10 Dreadscythe Harridans

    Chronomantic Cogs / Purple Sun

    Dolorous Guard


    My general idea with this list is threats. Olynder will deploy on the board with the Hexwraiths to be one threat. Reikenor will deploy on the board and try to get the Cogs up near an objective so that he can camp on it with re-rolling saves and two casts. I'll speed up Cogs the turn I decide to deepstrike most of my other units. I've been running the Death Stalkers battalion before this and have a 50% win rate but am hoping Olynder with Dolorous Guard can be a legitimate threat.

  16. 6 hours ago, Thamalys said:

    Yes, absolutely. The problem with Skaven is that they usually have a massive footprint on the table (40 Monks? Sure, I'll throw in some 80 Clan Rats as well...) - if your opponent is good they'll easily manage to zone you out, preventing you from taking advantage of the Underworld. 

    Never thought about this one... can they really dish out 40 damage, though? Say, 60 attacks if buffed (hard to pile in more than 20 I guess) 4/3/-/1, no rerolling (perhaps a Spirit Torment?), no rend (the rats get a 6+ save)... statistically we are looking at 16.67 damage, spiking at 25?

    I've never really had a problem with taking advantage of deploying in the Underworld. We're actually blessed because we don't have to deploy near a table edge or a terrain feature. So worst case scenario, I can always just pop up with even a unit of 30 Reapers 9" in front of my opponent.

    I probably had a Wave of Terror go off with my Chainrasps versus the Plague Monks. It's amazing how big of a difference that can make.

    48 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Hey guys, gals and enby pals! Being of the indecisive sort I let the great god Nuffle decide my first AOS army from a pool of 'Wow, these guys look like great fun" - and Nighthaunt won by a great margin! Despite loud protests about using bone dice near a necromancer of Shyish I want to get into painting ASAP so I can start to ruffle the feathers (pun intended) of my buddy the Tzeentch-player. But Nighthaunts are a quite large army in terms of models (and just by hero choices alone!) - what would you suggest for a friendly/casual 1000p levels? I don't have to win, but I rather have some great ghastly fun instead of realising there's zero synergy and half the points being named heroes is a waste.

    Really depends on how you want to play. I would discourage the named heroes at 1000 pts... I try to run Reikenor at that level but it's typically a waste of points. You'll probably want a Guardian of Souls just to have a caster and Dreadblade Harrows  are fantastic generals. After that, figure out which battleline troops you like the best. Hexwraiths are only useful in battalions, but the other three all have their place. The rest of your troops will then be selected to balance your battleline's weaknesses.

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  17. 5 hours ago, Thamalys said:

    It'll have to be Skaven. I hate all their competitive builds, especially:

    • The double 40 Plague Monks unit list. If you are horribly crafty/lucky you manage to throw a massive unit of overly-buffed Reapers at them and clean them off your table. A brief moment of utter joy follows, only to be shattered when said Reapers (probably the only unit we have that can deal with 40 Plague Monks) are decisively wiped out in return thanks to the filthiest of the filth (i.e. Death Frenzy). You don't have two massive units of Reapers - but they have another unit of 40 Plague Monks, which will be wiping off many ghosts indeed.
    • The shooting variants, which special emphasis on the flippin' Stormfiends. Do I need to elaborate on why? 6 wounds each, outrageous MW output, they come out of bloody nowhere in massive units we have no way to get rid of, and by the time we are close enough to try we are wiped out already. Acolytes bother me as well...


    I haven't played a Verminlord list, but have had success against the other two. Plague Monks do an insane amount of damage, but they also die relatively easily. Throwing blobs of Chainrasps at them (with +1 attack from a Vamp or KoS) can usually get the job done... just plan on losing your unit in return. Reapers can also do the job, but even though I have often run two blobs of Reapers it hurts to lose them.

    Meanwhile, Reapers are great against Stormfiends that are units of 6 (or 9 previously), especially in the Death Stalkerss battalion. Hiding a unit of Reapers in the underworld as long as you have Cogs is the way to go here.

    Really, that's the way I deal with all shooting. I hide a few units and heroes in the underworld, then drop them when Cogs is turned up so I can re-roll charges if need be. It hurts when you don't make the charge, but you're making it more often than not (two shots at rolling a 7). I like to do this with Reapers as shooting units are typically 5+.

  18. 45 minutes ago, Greasygeek said:

    So just to stop the wishlisting for a bit, though I find this very interessting we (including myself) do tend to whine so much that even Lady Olynder would find us to depressing to hang with🤪

    Anyway what single faction do you fellow ghostmasters dislike the most? And how so you deal with them?

    At the moment I really find it hard to stop Fyreslayers and beside all of their super powers I find them totally boring to look at. So hard is it to tell them apart that very often their heroes manage to sneak up on me before I realize they are hidding in plain sight. Very subjective opinion here I know and sorry in advance to any firemidget lovers out there😉

    Good change of discussion.

    I don't have a lot of experience playing different factions, but for me my toughest opponent  has been a Daughters of Khaine player. It didn't help that he was the best player that I've played against, but I came away from that game not having the slightest clue as to how I could have won.

    I enjoy playing against Cities of Sigmar quite a bit, but multiple units of Phoenix Guard are another tough nut for me to crack. I haven't played Fyreslayers since the FAQ and fear they will now be more difficult to play against as I won't be able to focus on just one death star anymore (I've been running Death Stalkers which was a great battalion when facing one super unit of troops).

  19. 1 hour ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    Its just so frustrating that it wouldnt take that much to give us a shot in the arm.

    Chapter bonuses! Thats all!

    Choose 1; army-wide frightful touch on 5's, or army-wide 6" pile in, or army-wide always strikes first on an 8" charge plus WoT on a 10", or entirely slain friendly units redploy from the underworld (lol)

    Something like that would help, and could be done in White Dwarf. I like the idea I saw somewhere about tying the abilities to the realms as spirits from different realms may have different abilities.

    But, it really wouldn't be enough. Nighthaunt are not only a bad army, but they're an army with an identity crisis.

    Are they supposed to be a mobile glass cannon of an army with magic support? Welp, then why do they need to castle up with weak heroes in order to get their buffs? And why do they have trouble casting their spells? And why are their endless spells useless?

    Are they supposed to be a typical death army that regenerates? Welp, as we all know, they're not too great at that.

    Are they supposed to an endless horde of spirits that overwhelms the opponent? I hope not, but the models are too expensive points wise and an army like that really ought to have summoning.

    Are they supposed to be just another Legion of Nagash? If so, the next battletome will probably be more Legion of Grief than Nighthaunt.

    On top of that, there's obvious issues with some warscroll design. The warscrolls for our endless spells and Glaivewrath Stalkers just don't work. Reapers, Harridans, Bladegheists, Myrmourns, and Stalkers are far too redundant. Dreadblade Harrows come in boxes of 2... why?


    So, all in all, the army really just needs a new battletome IMO that has a clear vision for the army.

    Also, I hope Nighthaunt don't ever get a terrain piece - we're not an army that should have a terrain piece IMO. But being able to choose one terrain piece on the board before deployment to "haunt" would be cool.

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  20. 4 minutes ago, Mordread said:


    Thank you for your Help. I understand your Problems with my lists. I am Not playing in a super competative Group. 

    I have no Grmghast Reapers because I like the other models more. I will then take the Banshees and use Lady O Not from the underworld and put her so in the Table. Thank you.

    The arteefacts I use are good?

    Pendant of the Fell Wind a must IMO.

    The Beacon is powerful when you actually get the spell off, but in my experience that happens once or twice a game. Give it a try, but I'd recommend Aetherquartz Brooch or Wychlight Lantern over it.

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  21. 16 minutes ago, Aaranis said:

    I don't understand the strategy I've read a few times here already, consisting in deep-striking Olynder and her bodyguards. The mortal wounds are dealt mainly in the Hero phase so you'll only have the Banshee screams, which are hardly terrifying as everyone and their dog have Bravery 10 nowadays. You also lose one turn of casting/dispelling 2 spells because she's not on the board yet, so I hardly see the point.


    25 minutes ago, Thamalys said:

    If you're opponent is a decent player and/or he has played Nighthaunt before, he'll make sure you won't be able to drop Lady Olynder and the Hexwraiths (or indeed, anything else) anywhere on the board where you can do stuff (i.e. kill things or get objectives). Playing Nighthaunt as a turn 1 alpha strike army never worked for me, because:

    • Experience players would pepper the board with screens, so that your  alpha strike becomes basically useless even if everything goes just as planned.
    • You still need the charges to go off. I see you have included the Cogs in your lists, wich helps with that (although rolling a 7+ is very much your average, which is not very reliable a statistics to build an alhpa strike upon), but I see no Reikenor: the Cogs cast on a 7+, which again is right your average roll - not great.
    • Let's assume your opponent deploys in a rather silly manner, leaving many important units exposed. Let's assume you cast the Cogs on a 7+, and let's also assume you made your 7+ charges with both Olynder and the Hexwraiths. What would typically happen is that you'd fail to inflict sufficient damage, even with a double turn, to justify the alpha strike. You'll risk your precious Dolorous Guard to be wiped out real soon, and Olynder with it.

    From the Underworld they Come (as well as Spectral Summons) is not especially great a strategy to wipe your opponent's units out: it allows you to control the board, that's the real strength. Even with the cogs, very rarely you'll manage to do enough damage to displace even remotely tanky units. Ten Bladegheists, buffed, upon a 10+ charge can do work, but you have to consider that as a bonus - not something to build your list around.

    I personally think that the Dolorous Guard is great to grant e.g. Olynder a phenomenal staying power as an objective holder. Let them come to you and welcome them with some mortal wounds. This "OlynderBomb" that people have been talking about might very well work in an offensive fashion, but you'll need to commit way more than just the two units of Hexwraiths to it to make it worth your points!

    Having said that, your lists are both viable in my opinion. My preference would be List 1, as I'm not a big fan of the Black Coach: one model, not a hero, some synergies but really shining in the fourth/fifth battleround only (by then, it's usually too late for our flimsy ghosts...), very little damage output... it's true that it came down in points, but more bodies are still better in my opinion.

    Lastly: I'd consider swapping the Banshees and the Harridans with Grimghast Reapers - easily the best anti-horde unit in the game. If you drop Banshees, Harridans and Cogs you can get yourself 30 Reapers - a mightily scary Anvil. Pair it up with a ~27-wound Olynder and watch your opponent wasting in vain all their good units on that wall of ghastly scythes.


    Okay, a few things here.

    First off, both of these comments are largely correct. From the Undeworlds They Come does not work often as a turn one alpha strike for a host of reasons. It can, but it's not a viable strategy to plan around. It should simply be an option for you as a general.

    Secondly, a lot of people only choose to deep strike a couple choice units. IMO, this is not a good use of the trait. You should always deep strike half of your army. It gives your opponent a ton to think about, and lets you play the game as it develops. If your opponent knows half of your army is waiting to come on the board, they're going to change up how they're playing. They're going to really think about it, and have a lot more decisions to make and things to consider. This is so important, because the more decisions you can make your opponent make, the more likely they are to make bad decisions.

    Third, you should only deep strike stuff on your first turn if it really makes sense. I have found it's typically far more effective to drop units on turn 2 or turn 3. This allows you to deploy based on how the game is unfolding.

    Fourth, our deep strike is so powerful compared to other armies because we aren't limited to board edges. I know I can safely place a unit of 30 Reapers in the Underworld because I can always deep strike them just by placing them 9" in front of my opponent's forces. And if I wait until turn 2 or 3, I've probably dealt with some of the chaff that would be used to screen.

    Finally, I don't think Dolorous Guard should be deep struck. The battalion turns the general into an anvil, which is the type of unit you don't want off the table. You want that unit on the table so that your opponent has to deal with it while also keeping in mind that you have some dangerous units waiting to come on the board.

    Apologize about the spewing of my thoughts. Sometimes it helps me just to write stuff out like that.

    As for the lists @Mordread, they're both pretty good. I always like to think about how many threats I'm putting on the board in my opponent's eyes. Lady O with Dolorous Guard is a threat your opponent must deal with, so are 20 Bladegheists, so are 12 Myrmourns or a Black Coach. It's hard to target three different threats though so you're making your opponent make choices. And that's a good thing, because like I said earlier, the more choices your opponent makes the more likely they'll make one that you can take advantage of later in the game.

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  22. 15 hours ago, Thamalys said:

    Last thought: no Spirit Torment?! This Bladegheists need one.

    I'd second this. I only play NH, not LoG, so the extra mobility of the Bladegheists might be nice, but without a ST they're outshined by Harridans, Myrmourns, and Reapers.

    5 hours ago, XReN said:

    And I suggest that you drop Myr Banshees for another 10 Grimghasts and upgrade Coach to Mourngul.

    I'd disagree with dropping the Myrmourn Banshees. I'd say they're the best unit in LoG easily, and especially if you're playing OBR as their -2 rend will come in handy.

    I haven't played OBR yet, but against a high armor army like that you want high rend and mortal wounds. Myrmourns are the only high rend/damage unit that we have. Spirit Hosts and Hexwraiths don't hit hard, but can cause mortal wounds. In LoG I'd lean towards Spirit Hosts.

    If there is a spell you have access to that lowers rend, I would definitely recommend Reikenor. He also might be good to cast some endless spells that can pump out mortals. Aethervoid Pendulum, Purple Sun of Shyish, and Geminids are some of my favorites there.

  23. I know we typically talk lists and tactics on here, which is great as I struggle with the hobby aspect myself. But I have a hobby question. 

    Has anyone tried using "flying stems" with their Nighthaunt? I saw someone do this with Hexwraiths and thought it looked cool and wonder how it would look for other units/models. 

  24. Yeah... I wish DG was 2-4 Hexwraiths and one of ant hero and they guarded that hero. Would be so much more worth it. 

    As is, I used that Mathhammer tool that got posted and even with the additional attack from the battalion the output of Hexwraiths is so bad. DG is definitely far from an auto include. 

  25. 1 minute ago, elescapo said:

    From the relatively light touch they have taken with both of this year's rounds of changes, these seem like a phase 2 of GHB 2019, rather than a fresh attempt to address the balance of factions as a whole.  I would guess that they identified Kurdoss, Olynder, and the Coach as warscrolls that needed more radical drops, but they were uncomfortable with making those changes all at once.

    Notice that most of the changes across the board are not to key battleline units.

    That's a good point.

    I am surprised they didn't course correct Reapers, and put them at 150 since they jumped them from 140 to 160 in GHB 19. I also thought a 10 point drop for Stalkers would have made sense (though they really need a 20 pt drop to be serviceable IMO).

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