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Tropical Ghost General

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Everything posted by Tropical Ghost General

  1. Maybe. I think they might do a combined dwarfs, like BoC. Yes to this. Not to 3d6, that's too OP.
  2. @MrRoff what we currently have is what we always have. It's a lot more than the last edition (6 models including Forge World and malign portents). Unless FW does bring out another model I doubt we'll see any new Death releases at all for this edition of AoS 2.0, as Destruction is in need of some attention and the bulk of the 1st edition armies that have out dated books as well.
  3. Wowzer, a fair bit of hate for our lord and saviour going on (praise be Nagash 👻💀🎉). It's worth remembering that Death were in a terrible spot before LoN. Their new book is really strong, but so are all the new battletomes (except ours imo 😢). Gravesites is the LoN unique perk. To nerf how they work is the same as asking to nerf the 10+ charge thing we have because it's too strong (and it is gross and impossible to defend as being a well balanced army mechanic). Gravesites are needed because the base stats of 90% of summonable Death units are not that good, they need the extra healing to compensate for the weaker warscrolls. Look at skelebobs, hit them with any rend and the unit melts, take out 26 of 40 (which is easily doable for us) and the unit autoruns from battleshock if the big man isn't on the table. Also the summoning from gravesites is far from broken. It is so easy to counter if they are running an aggro general or they will have to run a super passive general just so that they can guarantee summoning back, which is wasting a general imo. Of all the summoning armies, LoN has one of the easiest summoning mechanics to counter, how do you counter Khorne summons or Lizards when their Slann can be super bubble wrapped and teleport? Personally I think summoning in general is a bit broken but some factions without it are just garbage (sorry lizards). Imo if a points cap was put on summoning based on army size, maybe 25%-40%, so in a standard 2k game you can only summon 500pts-800pts. You can't summon half units etc... So a 2k LoN has 800pts for summoning, 2 x 30 grims is 720pts. Leaving only 80pts for summoning, so 30 grims couldn't come back a 3rd time (which has happened to me 😩). With regards to point changes most of our units are over priced (such as hexwraiths) and some are underpriced (such as torments). Grims will 100% lose their horde bonus, which will hurt us more than LoN. I'm going to give GW my thoughts for sure but the way GW address point changes to fix the problems with the game is the issue unfortunately. The main issue with bedsheets vs. LoN is that all of our units work better in LoN due to fact that the LoN book actually has buffs/debuffs/good magic/synergies that benefit units that aren't very good, making them pretty decent. So when a unit is already pretty decent, all the synergies make that unit even better, taking them to a really gross level of decent. Grims in LoN fill a role that was missing from the army, a fast flying unit that hits hard with long range melee, so it's no surprise that they are currently being used by everyone. Any points increase won't change them being used imo either. It's a real shame that GW released a sub faction for Death, that works better in the main grand alliance book (which is basically LoN) than it does on it's own. It's just further proof that the bedsheet battletome is not particularly strong. As the inevitable power creep happens from the rest of the factions getting new battletomes, by ghosts not having a slightly OP book straight out of the gate (like most battletomes are), it means that over time we'll see less and less attendance at tournaments and less and less players using them in general play as well, really similar to how the overall meta attendance of Khorne players dropped off the longer that AoS 1.0 went on, even though they were in the core set. I'd love to believe that I'm just being super pessimistic but it's not exactly difficult to see the general direction that we are heading as a faction, especially when you look at how GW generally respond to imbalance in their games. I will keep playing ghosts until the bitter end, when 2nd edition first started I went back to playing pure ghosts without allies, but as I've played more and more games I've had to concede my purest beliefs and am now running allies in my own lists. About 80%+ of current bedsheet generals run allies, which is another sign that the battletome has some real issues if the only way to way to run the army is by taking units outside of the main faction that in turn gain no allegiance abilities, can take no spells or artefacts. How many of the other top tier armies run allies as heavily as bedsheets do? It's also a shame that there is no Death battleforce boxset this year either, but with all the new core set stuff I can see why. With Moonclan release happening really soon and Darkoath not far behind, there will be some really interesting changes to the meta, but with more amazing choices for new (and older) players when picking factions, the need to buy the core set doesn't exist. When I started AoS last year I started with Death, because I played them in WHFB back in 4th and 5th edition and still loved the army. I had taken a very long break from the hobby in general and when getting back into it the factions on offer in the core set just didn't appeal to me at all, so I brought everything I needed separately, why spend £95 on a core set when all you need is the £35 book? And currently more and more bedsheet generals are turning to playing a bedsheet heavy LoN army or are selling their armies on eBay (or other similar sites), it's really sad to see. My local meta it turns out is rather competitive (with most getting 4-1 at Blood and Glory) and when asking advice it's usually just run them in LoN 😂. When asking advice from the staff at my local GW store I'm given the advice of just run them in LoN 😂. When I ask my other gaming friends I'm also given the advice tp run them in LoN 😂. I'm not taking any of their advice but it is saddening to see such a new faction (us bedsheets) be viewed in this manor by so many aspects of the community, from shop staff, to casual gamers to more competitive gamers. As well as the point changes I'm also sending a list of other changes that ghosts need in order to stay afloat in the current game. I'll post it on here when it's done. Apologies for the morbid nature of the post, but I really do love the spooks and while we don't have the best book we do have the best looking models.
  4. For this reason alone ghosts are not the army for you. I regularly bring 100+ models to a 2k game. I once brought 150+ for a giggle. Also the mortis engine is not Nighthaunt and neither are the 3 standard mortarchs. Another reason why you might prefer LoN over Nighthaunt, as you can run 19 models in a 2k list if you want.
  5. Just the resurrecting dead units is strong but being able to heal with deathly invocation, being able to pass off wounds to any summonable unit are all great benefits, but Vanhel's allows the unit to attack twice, in a pure spook list if a unit got a 10+ charge and had Vanhel's on them, then they'd get to pile in and attack 3 times in a turn, which is a bit broken imo. It can help to overcome behemoths with doppelganger, as you can charge, not attack, they attack, and then you actually get a chance to hit back, whereas normally you wouldn't. Ain't that the truth ?. Just wanted to re-confirm what I've already said and what @knightish said that the GoS +1 to wound stacks. You'll be fine to do it but also as I've already mentioned it's also a waste of a buff aura for nearly all of our units. One thing that strikes me as odd with the list is the amount of relics. The KoSos has 2 relics which he can't do as no hero can ever have more than one. Also the GoS has a relic with the beacon of nagashazzir artefact, which gives you 3 relics in total. If you keep the midnight tome on the KoSos, what spell are you thinking of using? You are also semi-correct to go with 300pts for allies, as it's 20% of your army that can be allies. Now I've mentioned this to you before in another thread, but it states in either the BRB or the GHB18 about game sizes, it has 3 types, 1k, 2k and 2.5k, with a 250pt tolerance either way. 1.5k generally falls into the 2k category for determining battleline limits and stuff at nearly all comps. So amongst friends you can choose what you want but be prepared with your future list building that you follow the correct limits if you are looking at doing any comp play, because at 1.5k you can actually get 6 heroes and 400pts of allies, which is a coven throne and a vamp lord for allies. My general thoughts on the list is the lack of punch. You have 10 grims and 10 hexs. The 10 hexs are OK but it's a lot of points for not many attacks in a unit that won't be able to all get in range on most taegets, as they are only 1", they really need to be changed to 2". The 10 grims might evaporate quite quickly. You are also taking all battleline, no special units at all. For me personally I would swap the hexs for 10 more grims to make the unit 20 strong and 10 blades/harridans. You will want to use the spare points to bring along our only (and unofficial) buffing support endless spell, Cogs.
  6. I feel the same about the standard zombie dragon. But you are correct, taking both ghosts and terrorgheist is either done in LoN (if the ghost units are from the chosen list) or from the DEATH Grand Alliance, which is not a good choice if it can be avoided. Our elites are squishy but if they can't do anything (with the extra attacks and better hit/wound roll requirements) then grims and rasps will be just an ineffective. Against enlightened, having a small unit if harridans would work as they only have 6 bravery, and anything 7 or less bravery with the harridans ability and AoD is at -1 to hit. They are re-rolling all failed hit and wound, but only if the harridans had attacked first. And the WoT 10+ doesn't trigger the enlightened re-roll ability either, as WoT is the charge phase and the enlightened ability is onlu trigger in the combat phase. I've found recently that we need to be super selective about who our units attacks, we don't have the luxury if having units that can take on any target, we have to really pick our targets carefully.
  7. No, was always a command ability, just they used to be limited to one per turn and only from your general. Sorry to hear that the game didn't go well. When the dice gids aren't in your favour there isn't much that you can do. While I agree with you that without getting any 10+ charges in a game makes us hit like a wet squib, I don't think it should be lowered or made modifiable, as it's already a pretty broken army mechanic. So how did you feel that the chainghasts performed as a unit @Espy85?
  8. @Binkbinkplx is right with regards to the GoS @MrRoff and @Kurrilino. The GoS gives +1 to wound for models within 12" of itself, not 12" of the lantern. But as lots of our units already wound on 3s and 1s always fail, having a +2 (or more) to wound is a waste. He's also correct that in matched play you can only cast spells once per turn, regardless of how msny wizards you have with the same spells.
  9. Yes to hero in shroudguard getting 5+. Yes to Black Coach getting the hero keyword. No to deathmages. Necromancers and grims are too strong, as shown via LoN grim spam recently. As much as I'd love it to happen but I don't think changing/adding allies will help to address our issues. Yes to named characters, especially Lady O having a 3+ ethereal save. Yes to changing Terrifying Entity command trait to use 2d6 rather than 1d6. Yes to changing our endless spell, mortalis terminexus being able to revive as well as heal d3. Yes to hexwraiths getting a 20pt decrease. Yes to having some form of bravery debuff, maybe from one of our endless spells. Yes to battalions having 2-3 with unit choices. Do I honestly believe we'll see any changes in the next AoS FAQ to bedsheets other than grims getting a points increase and losing their horde bonus, no I do not. As the models are part of the new core set, there will always be players of spooks, so a low player count will never happen enough to cause need for any changes to our book. The only way will see any changes is when all the other 'out of date' factions have their new battletomes and spooks get less and less representation at major tournaments. Only when GW see the low meta attendance at tournaments from one of their 2 core armies will we (maybe) see GW rules team take any steps to patch the holes in the book. To summarise, to get more attention from GW you need a community wide protest of refusing to use the army, but the book isn't in that bad a state to warrant such extreme action and also it would be impossible to make such a well orchestrated action take place ?.
  10. Fully agree that she is big presence, but she can dish out 2x3d6 mortal wounds in a turn, with 1d6 once per game.. Most armies don't have mortal wound saves as well. None of those mortal wound attacks are susceptible to look out sir either. Now I am not a massive fan of Lady O, she's way too expensive in points and way too squishy, but she really is an assassin character more than anyone else in our army, as she needs no hero support, can be deployed within range for her shooting and has a small enough base size (compared to a small unit) that she can worm her way into range for small character sniping. If you want a 7 wound or less hero dead, and s guaranteed dead, she's the lady to do it.
  11. The only reason for this is how drastically different units perform when supported compared with unsupported. It's frustrating that the buffing units are so squishy, which is why the coven throne is so good. Glaivewraiths suffer from 2 key issues (considering their points cost), speed and rend, which they lack either of. Taken in death stalkers, they are unit tax for the battalion, so they become the key choice for deploying to babysit on objectives for board control in your own deployment zone and for allowing the grims to underworlds. As a stand alone unit 0 rend can in some cases actually improve the saving throws of units, look at skelebobs with shields, they go from 5+ to 4+ when hit with 0 rend attacks. If a unit gets sn average of 4 attacks through, it's not enough to kill smaller heroes, especially if they are LoN heroes, as they'll have death saves as well. In my opinion they work similar to chainghasts, as cheap(ish) objective holders and late game guerilla ambush objective takers if the objective is held by a cheap chaff unit, such as skinks. I had a unit of 8 miraculously kill 5 black knights in a single round of combat, but it was such lucky dice rolls on my part and horrendous saving throws on my opponent's part. I honestly believe that small heroes assassins for us is either Lady O, or 5 blades or 5 harridans.
  12. Yeah jeweller's chain for the win, I'm using it to fix my broken chainghasts. Using superglue to solidify the chains.
  13. I love it when a lot of work goes into a conversion. I think chains would look awesome.
  14. @Espy85 what were the pieces used? Also, do you plan to put anything in the middle of the base to fill the space up or are you planning on leaving it as is?
  15. It's a shame to say, but @adreal is right, SHs mske great scenery and basing materials ?. The only thing about the start collecting malignants, is that it's not start collecting Nighthaunt. I could always use more black Knights for my LoN army, but that whole army is sat gathering dust at the moment due to my love of spooks. I really don't like the sculpt of the mortis engine/coven throne/bloodseeker palanquin, it looks like a nightmare to transport. Anyone have any ideas for conversions?
  16. I think I've realised a really good ally unit for us spooks is actually a coven throne. It has the deathly invocations for 3 x d3 heals. It's fast. It has 12 wounds but isn't a monster so gets 'look out sir'. It's spell Begile makes it basically untouchable. And it's command ability gives any DEATH unit within 12" (not wholly within either) re-roll 1s to hit, to wound and to save, and it lasts until your next hero phase. The command ability basically makes blades, grims, myrmourns and harridans completely self sufficient buffed killy bombs. It also has 12 SHs attacks as well as it's other weapon profiles.
  17. Yes they are. So it seems that it was a bit of deployment issue and also target priority. I've had so many issues with grims attacking unbuffed that I don't even bother to target single models with them. So something that I've found useful, but super risky, is giving my opponent 1st turn, and aiming for the double turn. I find us to be a massive gamble army (amongst other things ?), so playing for the risky strategies can create an interesting synergy of brutality. By initially deploying far enough away ti be out of threat range and dropping in most of your killy units, with a hero for re-rolling that charge, going for the double turn can really help to neuter your opponent's big threats. So the charging witches, did the special GoS not help to only give them 1d6 on the charge or was he not in range?
  18. Praise be our Lord and Saviour. I started reading your post with such optimisium and hope ?. DoK are a tough match up for us. If tye basic troops don't do extra mortal wounds when they attack, they do extra mortal wounds when they die. My friend was telling me about how he has figured out a combo that allow morathi to instantly kill a unit and while in her full form and the only way to counter it is to pick which of your more valuable units that you want to die ?. How come the double GoS failed? Was it 2 x vanilla or 1 of each type? Also hiw did the grims and blades fail? Finally, apart from bad dice rolls, what do you think would have helped to turn the tides of battle in your favour? Extra CP? Lady O? etc...
  19. Just doing my part as a mortarch of grief ?. I haven't heard any news on another FAQ. We've had the general one 2 weeks after the book being released. I know that nightvault, the new underworlds season, got an FAQ recently. Might it be that that you've heard of?
  20. I'm currently thinking that 1 extra CP isn't enough to be honest. And the points tax and unit tax in taking multiple battalions isn't worth it. As our whole army goes from OK to gross on a 10+ charge, it effectively becomes a free unit. So last night 10 blades got a 10+ charge and killed 3 dracolines. So for 1CP (50pts) a 180pt unit took out a 300pt unit. I'm thinking of changing my mind on battalions a bit and running shroudguard and then going under on points by 100pts 150pts. Having 4-5 CP and taking two relics (gildanbane and pendant of the fell wind). It means having 200pts-250pts less models but it would give a guaranteed triumph roll. Being able to re-roll all failed hits or wounds or saves once in the game for a chosen unit is huge. These are the 3 lists that I'm toying with. All slightly different but all working on the premises of re-rolling a lot of charges. One of the GoS's is the special anniversary one. I'll probably test out the last one as it's the most vanilla out of them all and see where it has holes/flaws.
  21. Not really. Against SCE everything is on super big bases and has multiple wounds, so the few times the chainghasts were in combat it was against single models doing a single attack for a single damage, hitting on 4 with no re-rolls ?. They should work well against single wound hordes, but I have a feeling that in order to keep coherency going against units larger than 15-20 models will result in a few rounds of combat, especially if the target unit has fnp saves, healing or summoning abilities. The more I'm looking at chainghasts it's not as an aggressive attacking force but much more as a light skirmish unit for taking objectives late game. If an opponent has stuck a minimum small chaff unit to hold an objective, having the chainghasts come in from underworlds, shoot and charge at a 10 man skink unit or something similar to claim the objective, I think would work really well and where they would shine. The only thing I will say, is it was the first time of taking them out last night and 2 dudes had chains snap off. I packed them well but the chains snapped. Am now having to look at ways to fix them ?. With regards to battalions and CP, it's not often that I play SCE, usually it's other DEATH, lizards or daemons, who all have bravery 10, so most of the bravery based attacks and buffs don't work, but they were great against the majority of SCE units. Having so much CP spare to use against them made it a re-roll marathon. It has got me thinking on whether the battalions are worth it but I still feel that the unit tax or cost for all of them is too high. The shrieker host is designed for low bravery hordes, against anything else and it's not nearly as effective, it definitely can be useful but in order to get the artefact and CP your having to take units that you wouldn't normally want to take. For me personally I wouldn't run myrmourns is less than 8, ideally 1 unit if 12, they are way to squishy. Tomb Banshees are so bad it's both funny and sad at the same time and harridans, would only be 1 unit of 15-20. With the shrieker host, you spend 140pts for the battalion and then (in my opinion) you spend 80pts for the tomb banshee, another 160pts for the extra unit of myrmourns and to make the harridans effective you take 2 x 15, so another 10-15 more than normal, which is another 180pts. For me this is the unit tax your paying, 420pts of models that you don't really need as they are already in the army list and are duplicating or are not very good. Now not everyone will view 2 units of myrmourns as duplicates so the unit tax will differ, but the way I play I don't need to run 2 myrmourns and 2 harridans and certainly not a tomb banshee. For me I'd end up spending 560pts on battalion cost and unit tax for the extra relic, the extra CP and the battalion benefits. When I'm looking at whether battalions are worth it, this is the sort of thinking that I'm assessing. Looking at death stalkers, which I was running for a while, the unit tax was 240pts in glaivewraiths. They allowed me to deploy the big units of grims off the board and could sit on backfield objectives, denying deepstriking. The cairn wraith was also part of the tax, but I was running the CP farm with the Hysh brooch and Kurdoss, so sticking him on a back field objective and regening CP sort of made him worth it, but in order to get the battalion bonuses, I was paying 420pts in battalion costs and unit tax. It's a lot of points to pay. I'm still currently of the thinking that I'd rather spend 420pts on extra models and extra CP than the battalions. If they all had the option to take 2-3 units rather than 2, it would make getting your compulsory battleline units in 1 drop, which would change things massively, whereas at the moment, the only battalion that let's you do that is the Lord Ex battalion and SHs are too high a unit tax to bother with. It's worth really looking at how much you are having to spend to get those bonuses and whether those bonuses are worth it. Again for me personally, I wouldn't run myrmourns in less than 12 and not without using a torment with midnight tome as my general, casting shackles endless spell for them to eat, then healing them afterwards, it makes them so much more effective and re-rolling 1s means they are a mini 210pt, 12 wound, hammer of a fake-behemoth (24 attacks, hits on 4s re-roll 1s, wound on 3s, -2 rend, D3 damage is gross). Your looking at roughly 8-9 attacks getting through at -2 rend, so most things won't get saves on will be rolling 5s or 6s, so on average doing 6-7 x D3 damage (or 12-14) with the unit. Then getting healed with the torment's ability and ruler of the spirit hosts, which gives them the longevity. So with the shrieker host, running them vanilla without support, it's a very different unit, using 8 in a unit (because you need to fill 2 units), it's 8 attacks, 4s, 3s, -2, D3. On average getting just 2-3 attacks through to be saved, causing just 1-2 D3 damage (or 2-4). The consistency of how they perform needs to be evaluated when making the choices with battalions and unit tax. Knowing on average that 8 unsupported myrmourns will do 4 damage compared to 12 supported myrmourns doing 14 damage makes the difference between having 2 units that can almost kill a minor hero to killing a big monster and for not many more points (12 myrmourn, torment & shackles is 350pts, or 2 x 8 myrmourns is 320pts). Now the myrmourns can attack stuff that doesn't get a save against -2 rend as well but they are very squishy as a unit choice for the cost and damage output. Even if you run 12 vanilla in your battalion, it's an average of 4-6 damage, which for 210pts isn't great. You get a slightly better damage average with harridans and even better damage average with blades for the same points cost when running them as vanilla units compared to the myrmourns. Now the myrmourns can eat spells which is great, but you need 8+ in the unit to make it worth while. I used some in my game against Tzeentch, a unit of 12, and even with 3+ unbind, Tzeentch have destiny dice and horrible spells. The myrmourn unbind is 18", which puts you in range for all of their spells and they have a lot ?. So you might be luckily and roll a 9+ to unbind, but a single roll of six from Tzeentch can become a 13 with destiny dice (even worse if mystical terrain is used and there is an arcane terrain ?). So if you unbind the spell, you then have a 12 wound unit, potentially without hero support for mortal wound saves, in range of the rest of the Tzeentch casting. It's such a risk and a points heavy risk as well. The other school of thought with myrmourns is in minimum units of 4 and deepstriking in to maybe unbind a spell. It's basically an 80pts gamble to get a +1 to an unbind for a unit that will 100% then die that turn. The average damage from attacks in an unbuffed unit of 4 being 0-2 if you are lucky. I think they excel against other mediocre magic armies, like SCE, but against super magic armies like Tzeentch and LoN, they become so neutered against the greater magic shenanigans. @Espy85 I think if you want to take a battalion for the extra relic and CP, then going for the cheaper shroudguard, which doesn't really have a unit tax if you are taking 2 units of blades anyway, gives you the extra bonuses of relic and CP for 110pts + unit tax of the hero of choice. You can still take myrmourns and harridans if you want, but against bravery 10 Tzeentch, who also aren't really a horde army, you won't really get units larger than 10-20, the perks of the shrieker host will unfortunately get wasted on them. And after last night's game I had with the blades, the thought of taking a KoSos and giving the blades the extra attack when in your opponent's combat phase suddenly becomes really useful, as they maintain 3 attacks constantly, though I think for CP efficiency, although using a VL's extra attack would be better option overall.
  22. I had a 2k game today at my local GW store against the manager, hopefully my musings will provide some tips. I only had 1540pts of models on me today as I was planning on playing 2 x 1k games. So being so under on points I took 9 extra CP. My opponent ran SCE and we played an open war mission, on a 4x4 board. The mission was where an objective randomly appears on the board in turn 3. I managed to get a draw and my last surviving models, 2 chainrasps were 1" away from claiming the objective and winning the game. It was lots of fun, with crazy dice rolls happening on both sides. The reason I took the 2 x 1k lists was solely to test out bladegheists and harridans. I didn't have cogs or the healing GoS either. I was running the army and units as vanilla as possible to really test out how the units performed under minimum buff conditions. I was running them in units of 10 and had one unit of 10 blades with 2x2 chainghasts for support and one unit of 10 blades with a torment for support. My conclusion, the torment supported blades were so much more effective than the chainghasts supported blades and by a long distance, this is for a few key reasons. The chainghasts don't get re-rolls themselves, so the shooting is hitting on 4s and it's D3 shots. In the 3 rounds of shooting, both units did around 3 unsaved damage. The -2 rend is great but the 1 damage is not. So I was hoping to soften up my targets prior ro to the blades going in and doing their murdering, yet the chainghasts didn't do enough work prior to the blades engaging. The other issue was while the chainghasts did provide the re-rolls to the blades (which is so gross, charging blades with re-rolls are gross), chainghasts don't have the hero keyword, so don't provide the death save to the unit. The torment supporting the other unit was also healing back lost blades due to the amount that the blades killed in combat. Having run the 2 x 10 blades with both options of support for re-rolls I'll be using torments every time without question. If the chainghasts shooting was D3 damage or they got to re-roll their own failed hits then maybe I'd consider them as an option, but they just didn't do enough for the points. Having 2x2 did help to increase the re-roll aura area and it did help to split focus with attacks, but the torment giving death saves and healing twice a battle round proved to be so much more effective. In terms of unit size, 10 worked better than I expected and also better than I had experienced in previous tests, but they were so susceptible to mortal wounds, one unit took 9 mortals from 3 spirit flasks being used and having no death save, it basically killed the unit. I also struggled to get all 10 into combat most of the time. It's so tempting to max out the unit and get the horde bonus on points, but the 1" range creates a lot of redundancy and increases the difficulty in staying wholly within 12" for re-rolls and death saves. I am still on the fence whether 15 or 20 is the way to go to be honest, as the points saving on 20 makes them such a good unit choice, but 10 was not enough to account for our mediocre healing abilities, although it did make keeping in range of buffs and auras incredibly easy and it became something that almost happened naturally without having to think about it. The harridans also really pulled their weight, a lot more so than I was expecting. I ran them in a unit of 10 as well. Again if they had the support of a torment and were in 15+, they could be a really horrible unit. Having the guaranteed 3 attacks and not needing to have charged to get that bonus attack meant when the unit was still engaged in combat during the opponents turn, they still put out a lot of damage, especially when rolling 6s on the wound rolls. I'm definitely going to invest in some more for future games. They work a lot differently from the blades but can be just as effective, if not more so at times. In my game tonight, they outlasted the 2 units of blades by 2 turns, which is a lot. So in summary: The best support unit option for blades and harridans is the torment, the difference in how those units perform with and without that torment support is like day and night. Chainghasts may work as a separate unit but they just don't do enough damage with their shooting to soften up units as much as you need them to. Another unexpected positive that came from today's game was having 10+ CP to use. Being able to re-roll all the charges, even ones where I'm 3" away, to get wave of terror, was ridiculous. Although I'd never go 500pts under in future games, I am seriously toying with going 100pts-200pts under for future games. Doing that to get the extra CP and guarantee getting a triumph roll is certainly getting the brain thinking a lot. It's not great that we can't go under in points and just summon in the missing points, but having so much flexibility early in the game was a massive reason why I was able to eek out a draw against an army with 500pts more of models. Considering that our 10+ charge is what wins most of the games we all play, having 3 or 4 big, horrible units drop 9" away and being able to re-roll the charge on all of those units is such a massive thing. If you make your opponent take 1st turn or you go 2nd anyway, underworlding the big units and gambling for the double turn, with 10+ charges and re-rolls for days can literally wipe an army off the board in a turn or two.
  23. Yeah, the flowers in the hair is what was putting me off tbh with the original sculpts. Now they're blind, they're like something out of silent hill or some tacky, yet scary J-horror.
  24. So while bored at work the other day I calculated that I have over 6k of ghosts ?. I said to myself that I wouldn't get any more. I have everything except the harridans and didn't like how they looked. Then I had an idea for a kitbash and brought some harridans ?. The kitbash was done using the standard heads from grimghasts, as I've left mine faceless to be more spooky. I cut off the hair and face from the harridans and stuck on the grim heads. I need to do a fair bit of green stuff work to them still, but thought that I'd share the initial workings.
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