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Posts posted by Aloth_Corfiser

  1. I was bored and made a small chart to compare the Runes on the Vanari Auralan Warden Shields with the old High Elven Runes out of the "Uniforms and Heraldy of the High Elves" Book. I hope it works for you - I could not find a reasonable way to display the chart directly in the forums.
    Edit: Yeah I didnt think of a PDF - good point. :)
    Fun Fact: If you Switch the Rune "Yngra - Rescue, Inprisonment" upside down it becomes "Denla - Freedom, fulfilment, epmtiness". 😁

    Yeah I also was amazed at the "Twins" Rune - it is sooo lovely! 🥰
    Sad that two of the Runes mean "War without end" ... ;(



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  2. Do we know if the Realmgate between the Allpoints and the Realm of Hysh is sealed or held by Chaos? Or if only the part in the Allpoints is held by the Slaves to Darkness and the part in Hysh is occupied by a Lumineth-Garrison? :D You know, I always liked Garrison-Forces: In Ulthuan you had the "Unicorn Gate", "Dragon Gate", etc. and they offered creative Space for unique Armies.
    Of course the prospect of an active and expanding Lumineth Faction is very nice. For now we can only guess what their motives are.
    On another note: What do you all recon the realtionship between Tyrion and Alarielle will be? Will they have a short Paragraph in our BT about it? My guess is that GW will ignore it entirely.^^

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  3. Regarding the Troops - I really hope that the Lumineth do not have a caste System :D
    What I kind of missed in the Article about the Wardens was some sort of explanation of who they really are: Full Time Soldiers? Organised in military Orders? Militia?
    What I always liked about good old Ulthuan was that the Spearmen and Archers were the Militia (just so unique for Elves!) - I doubt that the Lumineth will be having a Militia of some sort and that the Vanari / Auralan Units are professionals. Just my personal opinion - but the "lowest" Troops are always the best, the Bread and Butter, the foremost Defence, the Ones who suffer the most, but victory would be impossible without them.
    Recently I downloaded a mod for Medieval 2 - "Call of Warhammer Beginning of the End Times" and the High Elven Voicelines struck me as being surprisingly good and flavourful.
    For ex:    "The Horror of War is the burden of all."    "The Citizen Levy of Ulthuan stands united!"   "Watch your comrades!"  
    I  hope that the Lumineth consider every life of their kin  worth saving - perhaps the younger ones watch out for each other, because they are still more emotional.  Now the Auralan Sentinels are my most anticipated release ever! give us the Modellsssss!   😄

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  4. There is also the tendency that the writing in the respective Battletomes tends to favor the Army which is it about, - of course the Slaves to Darkness are all powerful and amazing in their own Book, even if it is a Campaign Book. Also I would agree with @Tiger here - conflicts seem always so quickly decided when you read the Battletome lore.
    It's interesting that this snippet is mentioning "aetherquartz spires" 😁

  5. Since the Mononoke Quote I assumed either some sort of "Light Spirits" as a Unit (because of the God in Spiritform in the Movie) or some sort of Deer-Riding Aelves with "exotic/asian aesthetic". 
    The quote out of the Slaanesh Battletome referring to Teclis creating/renewing Pacts with the Spirits of Hysh is clerly aimed at Celennar now, however I thought about some sort of Unit akin Spirit Hosts but for Order. :D

  6. The more I look at the Models the more I like them 😁
    I think it is telling that when the Deepkin came out, I almost gave in. However I didn't like the Namarti Thralls and Reavers but the Akhelian Eel Cavalry, the Allopex, the Tidecaster, Lotann and the generic King were really beautiful models.  Now it is almost the opposite: I really like the Vanari  Wardens and Dawnriders and not the rest.
    Does anybody else feel like this? That you are conflicted about the aesthetics of a single Model range?

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  7. I just had a thought - maybe the Lumineth are called the "Realm-Lords" because they came forth from this obscure New Realm which Lileath created for Araloth and his kin? (I have no concrete knowledge of the Lore whatsoever and only saw this bit referenced across the Internet here and there.) ^^

  8. I am overall very happy that there seems to be something for everyone :)
    The Auralan Wardens are especially beautiful - I'll be needing so many of them ^^ The Leader of the Unit seems to carry a lantern/lamp of some sorts thats really cool.
    Sadly I am not that into Teclis or Eltharion though. Really hope for some nameless "standard" Heroes to flesh put the range.

  9. Also a Tolkien Fan here :D
    I always liked the different cultures of Elves in the Silmarillion - the difference between the Noldor and the Sindar for example. In the Noldor you have groups with more advanced armour and smithing compared to the
    other Elven People like the Elves of Middle Earth or even the Teleri. The whole story of the migrating Noldor and Feanors rise and fall are probably my favourite part of it all.
    In my mind many archetypes of "your typical High Elves" were created here. Passionate and driven the Noldor saw themselves as protectors of the People of Middle-Earth in the fight against Morgoth - as hopeless as it was, their military prowess and stubborness kept them afloat for awhile. Their Pride and the Oath led to infighting amongst the Elves themselves - the whole tragic Dimension is interwoven in this set of tropes that make "High Elves" unique, atleast for me: 
    -sort of militaristic - but off putting to others
    -loyal - but with fatal consequences for that loyalty
    -pride and prowess - that lead to their downfall

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  10. I will try to only buy the Battletome first hehe
    Is anyone else especially excited about the Subfactions within the Pointy Aelves? I always was very fond of this design descision since it was implemented into AoS. You get inspiration for different colour shemes with them - different origin stories, fighting styles, etc.
    Sadly I never got into Warhammer Fantasy Battles - but reading about Ellyrion, Yvresse, Avelorn, etc. was always so much fun. Every Realm had an appeal and something special. 

    In Hysh there are "Ten Paradises"  - we probably will not get 10 Subfactions, however If you were to design them: What Core-Themes would you like to have in a Battletome. For example in the Ossiarch Battletome we have: 
    -Poster Boys (Mortis Praetorians who are an example to everyone else)
    -Guys that explode
    -super dureable Guys
    -the Immune to Magic Guys
    -Horses and speed faction
    -look fabulous and go berserk faction

    Obviously we dont know anything but let your imagination go wild! :)

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  11. @adrealSame.
    I tend to roll amazing "to hit" rolls every so often but most of the time it is followed by an atrocious "to wound" roll .... ^^

    Sometimes it has worked for me to split my Army into many units of 10 and hold back a few reserves in the Shadows to strike at an opportune moment later in the game,

    Usually my List is Something like this - meandering between 1970-1990 Points: 
    I tend to swap out one of the support Heroes and often choose between aunit of 10 Crossbows or the Assassin / Battlemage .

    Nomad Prince (Druid with Lifesurge) (Spear of the Hunt)   
    Battlemage (Azyr) Adjutant  Lore-Spell Ironoak Skin (Deepmire Cloak)
    Assassin (Optional Adjutant - because he can teleport into Melee near the Prince and support)

    10 Wildwood Rangers (Retinue)
    10 Wildwood Rangers
    10 Wildwood Rangers
    Viridian Pathfinders Battalion

    10 SotW (Sisters / and Brothers :P ) of the Watch
    10 SotW
    10 SotW
    10 SotW

    (Usually one squad has Cage of Thorns and the other Ironoak Skin to support) I almost never use the Armor of Thorns Spell.... because my opponents have so much rend anymay lol
    5 SotT (Sisters of the Thorn)  (it is great when they can get Cage of Thorns off on some nasty thing and you can shoot it with deepstriking SotW)
    5 SotT

    10 "Glade Guard" (Freeguild Crossbowmen)
    10 Freeguild Corssbows
    10 Freeguild Crossbows 

    Soulsnare Shackles

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  12. 1 hour ago, Acid_Nine said:

    Oh man the hype is real for me. I cannot wait to see what comes out of this. I hope there is some awesome calvary units to add to my growing collection of mounted units.

    I also am finally excited to learn more about what the hell Tyrion and Teclis have been doing since the idoneth book. I want to measure my expectations but I am so excited to see what happens.

    Somewhere in an Age of Sigmar Wiki / or the AoS Lexicanum I found an interesting bit of info: It was quoted out of the new "Hedonites of Slaanesh" Battletome - sadly I can't find it anymore. It was referencing to some sort of Slaanesh Cult and how Tyrion sent forces to deal with them. Then a LOT of Daemonettes showed up and it was a hard won victory for the *drumrolls* "aelvish Cavalry".
    If anyone came across it or has the tome, I would appreciate it 😁

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  13. I could see a connection between the Phoenix Temple and and Asuryan - hopefully the Ur Phoenix will be further explained down the Line. GW has been pretty inconsistent with Keywords in my Opninon. To me it came as a surprise to see Shadow-Warriors in the Shadowblades faction.

    Considering the Interplay mechanics in recent Battletomes: (Sylvaneth and Idoneth Battalion, or Dispossessed and Fyreslayers' Integration in the New Kharadron Tome, I would expect rather similar or refined mechanics of synergy.

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  14. Definitely :D

    I hope it works out for you Thiagoma :) and that you like them. I was also pretty distressed by the Culling in August and CoS never quite satisfied my need for Pointy (A)elves.

    Now I have to keep the Hype to a realistic level - however the Trailer was cute.

    Conerning the Rumour engines I agree - the spiky Boot was always in the Daughters of Khaine-Niche for me.  I cant wrap my head around the "Bonsai" Tree or the 3 Strings attached to something ... hmmm.

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  15. 44 minutes ago, Myrdin said:

    Whats the point of going "Mixed Order" when this book by its very nature integrates mixed order and has rules and allegiances built in to support it in better way than the GBA Order book ever had ?

    Considering you can encompass SCE, S, and KO into your army and ally with everybody else, NOT playing COS but still wanting to play Mixed Order makes no sense to me.

    I meant it in a way that reflects the units I really want to play:
    For example: In a Cities of Sigmar Army I am unable to use the Heroes I like and the Proxies just destroy some immersion for me. (Playing Elves as Humans and vice versa)
    When I want to use Wayfinders, Archmages, Waywatchers, Glade Lords, Spellweavers, Dragon-Nobles, Glade Guard, Reavers,  etc. etc. - then it is in my humble view, necessary to go with mixed Order. 
    Maybe I also want to kitbash Models in way that they seem to use a certain artefact - a department the Cities book is clearly lacking in. Same when I want to have an Army from a different realm than Aqshy or Ghyran.... .
    Granted I tend to imagine completely "unplayable" Lists  from a competitive point of view, - so in the end the Question if something "makes no sense" is a Question of Playstyle preference.

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