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Everything posted by Zlatan

  1. I’ve done my best. For some reason I the camera makes it look slightly darker than it is in real life no matter what I try.
  2. Here’s the test model for the daemonettes. ‘Scuse the dirty fingernails...
  3. Sure. I’m a bit worried about that myself. I’ll be working on that later today so hopefully I’ll have a pic soon.
  4. Thanks Kaaras. I’ve just checked out your plogs. I love your Slaaneshi scheme - it’s similar to the darker look I’m trying to achieve here, and the purple on the daemonettes is really striking. Your Orcs are pretty cool too!
  5. Absolutely f******* gorgeous! I love the conversions and the colour scheme is really cool too. The white, gold and purples is a classic combo and the ratios you’ve used make them look classy and noble. Love it! The base is toooo good (dribble dribble dribble...)
  6. Thanks Elfhead! I’ve just looked at your plog - Absolutely f******* gorgeous! I love the conversions and the colour scheme is really cool too. The white, gold and purples is a classic combo and the ratios you’ve used make them look classy and noble. Love it! Thanks for the feedback about the claws - I totally agree. I’ll go back and blend them up a bit more.
  7. Thanks EvilMonkee! Here’s the recipe: - Chaos Black spray primer. - Skin: Dryad Bark, Druchii Violet, highlighted up with Dryad Bark and progressively more Gorthor Brown. Final spot highlights with Cadian Fleshtone. - Pink: Screamer Pink, Pink Horror Highlights, Carroburg Crimson Wash, Pink Horror Highlights again. Final spot highlight with Fulgrim Pink. - Purple: Naggaroth Nightshade, Xereus Purple on raised areas, Genestealer Purple highlights, Druchii Violet wash, Lucius Lilac spot highlights. - Gold: Retributor Armour, Druchii Violet wash, Retributor Armour on raised areas, Liberator Gold highlight. - Blue gems and eyes: Kantor Blue, Ahriman Blue, Baharroth Blue, Blue Horror, Guilliman Blue glaze, Ardcoat varnish. Tongue: Kantor Blue, wet blended towards the tip into Baharroth Blue. Loincloth: Rakarth Flesh, Flayed One Flesh, Reikland Fleshshade, Flayed One Flesh highlights.
  8. Hello everyone! As I’m sure many of you have, I’ve fallen to the temptations of the Dark Prince after having seen the gorgeous new Keeper which is coming soon. I’m looking to put together a small Slaaneshi army for tournament play. Although I’m a massive fan of the typical pale purples and greys of the studio army, I’d like to do something a bit different so that they stand out from the crowd (I’m sure there’s going to be a bunch of Slaanesh armies when the new book comes out). I’ve put together a scheme using dark brown skin tones with contrasting pinks, purples, gold and blues, and I’d really appreciate some feedback before I commit to it for the rest of my force. Do you think it’s too dark? I’d like them to pop and look good from a distance. Do you think any of the colours could be changed to make them more eye-catching? If anyone else has come up with any interesting schemes, I’d be really interested in you sharing them here too.
  9. @someone2040Can’t wait to see ‘em! @KillaxThat orc scheme is awesome! I may do something similar myself but perhaps a little more of an orange tone...
  10. I thought it would be nice to have a thread so people could post their painting progress and share ideas for colour schemes/conversions etc. For me, I’m 2 warbands down and 2 (so far) to go. Stormcast: Sepulchral Guard: Gonna do Orcs (Orruks?) next. Any recommendations for colour schemes would be very much appreciated.
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