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Posts posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. 2 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    I think part of 3rd Edition’s problems was that, with relative certainty, I don’t think anyone actually cared about Kragnos even a fraction as much as Nagash, who headlined the prior edition. He’s a fairly nothing character with no development, doesn’t offer even fractionally the same raw strength of personality that Nagash has, and his end goals are largely ill-defined and he doesn’t have any real plans on how to achieve them, something that Gordrakk, Skagrott, and Brodd had far fewer issues with. 

    Basically, Kragnos shouldn’t have headlined- One of the others should have. 

    Did Kragnos even headline the 3e? What did he even do?

  2. 21 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    The best thing that could happen. Allies doesn't make any sense and make books more hard to balance.

    Allies is always one of those interesting concepts that doesn't really work that well in practice.

    One one hand, you have a nice way to integrate a cool unit/model into your army if you like the look.

    On the other hand, allies usually don't matter rules wise unless they generate a broken combination. 

    • Like 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Pretty sure in this scenario they discontinued the vanguard boxes for spearhead boxes when battletomes come out, I doubt they bother keeping both in stock judging but what happens in 40K

    GW also seem to prefer Army boxset for new releases these days where they can release a new codex/ battletome with new minis.

    GW could do FOMO spearhead boxes with book releases, but I wouldn't expect more than 1 evergreen spearhead box per faction. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Ejecutor said:

    Don't you feel like Spearhead is starting to steep in Warcry's toes? Maybe the rumour about a Mordheim like game is true in the end.

    Not really. Squad based games (like aos) and skirmish games (like warcry) have a vastly different feel when you actually play them.

  5. 6 minutes ago, NotBeastmanBob said:

    Do we think we will get all new updated Spearhead boxes upon launch/into the 4th? Or just a simple reboxing of the current Vanguards?

    In 40k there were rules for the original combat patrols at first, then with the new codexes the factions got new combat patrols. 

    I would expect a reboxing, and new ones when the releases roll out.

    • Like 6
  6. 2 minutes ago, Ookami said:

    Well, a gap between core rules and indices is too huge. Like what are people supposed to do throught a month with just core rules released but without warscrolls? 

    Weird indeed.

    For Leviathan, the index release schedule was first the rulebook, followed by leviathan datasheets, then tyranids/marines, then a rollout of the other factions, and closing with the points and combat patrol.



    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Lucentia said:

    I think, and I could be way off, the last time they had substantial scenery included in a starter box was for 40k 4th or 5th, which had big terrain splats of a crashed spaceship thing to fight over, which was pretty neat.  Something unique and eye-catching along those lines would be more appealing than a sprue or two of the typical wall segments, I'd say.

    You are way off, because the last interations of the 40k and AOS largest tier of starter sets did include scenery. For example, the AOS Extremis edition starter, which is currently still for sale.


    Now, the Launch boxes did not include scenery. I doubt that would change. A miscommunication and people mistaking the launch set and the starter for each other is more likely.


    • Like 4
  8. 22 minutes ago, Ferban said:

    Today's preview is Spearhead. 

    High level: it's combat patrol for AoS.  However, a couple of good points. The units all have re-balanced warscrolls and armies even have different abilities.  They note that something with a lot of small units might have the ability to revive.  And armies with power hitters (like the Annihilators) have restrictions on when they can come into the battle.  That's a touch heavier than in combat patrol and probably for the better. 

    Also, they show off spellcasting.  Since the Magic Module won't be used, spells are basically just warscroll spells.  Roll 2d6 and get an effect if you pass the target number.  There doesn't appear to be any unbinding.  That seems fine for the condensed Spearhead game. 

    More interesting, they say that the launch box will include Spearhead cards (not explained in the article, sadly) and terrain.  As well as the Core Rulebook.  We already know that the launch box will also include the first season GHB.  And with the number of models anticipated, that's a beefy box.  Of course, I'm sure it will come with an even beefier price, but getting so much of the game in one place is really enticing.  

    One thing to note is that the leviathan launch box did also contain combat patrols, but not all units could go in those patrols

    I would expect the same for the aos launch box.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Would be an interesting replacement for that one rampage. A lot of terrain pieces already have warscrolls from Dawnbringers... 5?

    Even though endless spells are now free, I wonder if they will be worth it for the average army. I previously never took them because I always thought that spending points on a spell I might not even cast was worse than going for a triumph or upgrading a unit. That part is no longer an issue, but if I look at what we know of the game so far, I am not sure I would want to cast endless spells, anyway.

    Every army already gets a spell lore that all wizards know, so that's some competition for endless spells. If you only bring one small wizard, it probably has a warscroll spell you want. Even armies with multiple small wizards probably don't have a lot of free casts. My most recent list had 4 One-Cast Andys, and between warscroll spells and Mystic Shield, I basically never had a cast to waste on a 7 CV endless spell. I think only lists that effortlessly get more casts than they can use will really want an endless spell package. So Lumineth, Tzeentch, Seraphon, maybe Soulblight if Lore of Vampires is still bad.

    But even then, endless spells now seem very easy to deal with, give you can unbind, dispell and fight them. Seems hard to keep them on the field.

    According to the articles, Manifestation Lores are in addition to your spell lore. So there is no competition on listbuilding with other non-manifestation spells. You pick the ones you might potentially benefit from. 

    Will you cast them in many games? Maybe, maybe not. There might be a point where casting them is beneficial instead of other spells, and you can do so at no points or listbuilding costs.

    Another point is that the Weirdnob does not have a warscroll spell. There is also the question if spells like Mystic Shield are going to be a CORE spell for everyone, or if those are going to be in a generic lore. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    NO! It’s me really, really wanting a Shyish themed Incarnate and it could be any number of things, including a new Endless Spell, a Lightning Gheist, a new Ossiarch thing, or like, 500 other things that I simply haven’t considered yet. 

    Its secretly the Gnabzabbler, an overcharged with azyr magic goblin who has stolen some lightning from Sigmar. (or so the story goes)

    3 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    I would expect them to be somewhat toned down, seeing how we don't spend points on them any more.

    Not like points have ever been that indicative of the power of Endless Spells. ;) 

    I hope for some more variety than "moves and deals mortal wounds" though.


  11. 2 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

    GW already mentioned in the articles so far that the existing ES from the Soul Wars and Malign Sorcery are in the game, devided into thematic spell lores.

    Ah fair. I forgot about that.

    I wonder what the endless spells scrolls are this time.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I think Whitefang Jr said something about new generic Endless Spells.

    It is possible all current existing endless spells get scrapped for a new set of generics that play better with logistics. 

  13. 1 hour ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    ? Re-read your quote, I mention "Catacombs" by name.  It is a discontinued Warcry 1st ed. set, and I'm calling for a reintroduction of the concept in Warcry 2n edition (for example in the form of a Seraphon Space Ship Board). 

    I clearly misread it. I thought you were referring to a similar concept in other games for warcry. My bad.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Oh! I had no clue. Something like that for the Gitmobs was my idea.

    IIRC there were also some other worms, including one taken over by Khorne and one with a bunch of orcs. It shouldn't stop goblins from having som worms. 

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