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Posts posted by PraetorDragoon

  1. Just now, Ejecutor said:
    4 hours ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    Of course not. There six warscrolls (but only 2 models) so they can get off easy by just showing only King Brodd and the small gargants for spearhead.

    I was mistaken. They did show off almost the whole index. Only points and 2 warscrolls are missing.

    And we get a full comparision warscroll between the regular and sprearhead. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Sarouan said:

    Summoning B gone makes sense for balance. It was always a pain on that matter (and very easy to abuse in all previous editions).

    Not in 2e, where it did cost points. (and thus saw very little summoning if any)


    I just realised I can use my nurglings I put on separate bases as disease tokens. Score!

    • Like 2
  3. 1 minute ago, woolf said:

    So Nurgle has been corrupted by Zenestra it seems so no more wheel indeed...

    Disease a bit different but kinda the same I guess? and the wards sitting on the scrolls themselves not really surprising

    Did they mention summoning at all?

    As mentioned in the Tzeentch article, summoning is deader than the dodos. 

  4. Don't forget that charges are also easier (with counter charge and more mobility in general). 

    Lower rend in combination with lower saves is going to be interesting, as in that case going from 0 to 1 or 1 to 2 is more important than reaching rend 3 or better.

    I think 4e will be at least as lethal as 3e.

  5. Ah, Tides of Death. How unchanged you are. Not a bad thing, as its a good rule. The spearhead rules lack the "no damage on retreat" in the Ebb Tide, which is interesting. I guess you can retreat without mortals in spearhead.

    Namarti Thralls having a full rule instead of just having Anti-Monster(+1 damage) is a bit annoying imo. That could have been cleaned up. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, woolf said:

    Yeah was thinking about that as a fall back, just not very interested in Warcry overall and would prefer to get the actual cards for Spearhead (battle tactics/cmds) rather than having to print them out myself

    Oh, I agree. 

    Luckily for us I think more people want just the skaven/sce without the spearhead stuff, so it might be available on the cheap on ebay.

  7. 15 minutes ago, woolf said:

    Guys have they given any clear information that Spearhead can be bought as a separate box without starting armies or will it be needed to buy the full launch box ?

    I have already 4 spearheads more or less rdy to go and not super keen to invest in Skaven or the new Stormcast either... but really want to get hold of the board + cards etc..

    IIrc the rules will be online, so you only need to get a playing field. 

    Selling the spearhead stuff separately afterwards does seem like a smart business move to me, but I am no GW.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:


    Even though it fits their look, an army that is both slow-moving and frail will have a tough time. It does not really make sense in terms of game play. It remains to be seen to what degree Fyreslayers have the ability to compensate for this with movement abilities and save/ward bonuses.

    In a vacuum it looks like using the run and charge rune early, in conjunction with whatever deep strike abilities they have, in order to engage enemy ranged units will probably have to be the default game plan. They certainly don't look like they can afford to slowly shuffle across the board for 2 turns.

    Oh I agree. My friend who plays fyreslayers mainly likes them for their durability and plays more defensive. I can already hear his rants. 

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