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Everything posted by sorokyl

  1. Let's review the facts: 1. Kill team was super successful. e.g. it made them a lot of money. They are a public company that must focus on making money. 2. People have been asking for AoS kill team for a year 3. The box set, which I think is what the leaked picture from the 'eavy metal seminar was, contains a cardboard mat the same size as kill team, about as much terrain as kill team, and a couple of warbands. Even if the picture does not represent the exact contents of the starter set, I suspect it is close. 4. The adepticon preview, available on the community site, states: And even shows the symbols for the factions. 9 non-chaos factions at launch covers a lot, but the wording suggests it will expand. So, based on all that it seems, to me, that Warcry is in fact "AoS Kill Team".
  2. Sorry, Darkoath is not new if half of their range is Slaves to Darkness / Everchosen. I am also in the boat of "Darkoath is not happening" , in the sense that I think that Warcry/Underworlds warband makes up the bulk of any new miniatures to the Slaves to Darkness, and we know from Underworlds that these little warbands do not translate well to AoS (though I'm sure they'll have warscrolls, you won't want an army of them). Maybe there will be a battletome+spells+terrain release that includes STD + everchosen + warcry. Maybe they will call it Darkoath ( I suspect not) but it's not a new army.
  3. These predictions of which armies per grand alliance are forgetting this tidbit from the Las Vegas Open studio preview: At least 1 brand new army, It could be interpreted as multiple, but let's say it's just 1. I would call deathrattle or soulblight a "classic army updated for the new edition", as even though they don't currently have a battletome, they have a keyword, and in 1 case, a start collecting box. Certainly not "New" So I expect at least a new Teclis faction or a brand new Death faction by the end of the year.
  4. They worded this article very poorly. From the WHF liveblog: New mercenary companies allow you to add a selection of narrative-led, thematic units to your army. Perhaps you’ll employ the Maneaters of the Gutstuffers, or a Gargant from the notorious Grugg Brothers. Also worth nothing they say "Mercenary Companies" is from the Generals Handbook 2019, not Forbidden power. So either they got one of the articles wrong (I suspect Forbidden Power is wrong) or Forbidden power somehow expands upon "Mercenary Companies" as found in GHB19. Also I doubt FEC is selling poorly now that it's one of the strongest armies.
  5. They already said that it would be (in the warhammer community article), but it's not going to be competitive (same reason GA armies aren't usually that competitive, lack of synergy) There are two kinds of GW box sets: One kind is the the starter box variety (Soul Wars, Shadowspear, Dark Imperium) that is all brand new, easy to build, monopose stuff The other is the "we need to clear out our warehouse so we throw a bunch of old kits in this box and added 2 new models" kind. (Blightwar, Carrion Empire, Looncurse). I don't think there is really a fixed frequency for either, I think GW is just really working with a super tight production schedule and trying to fit things in where they can. With warcry coming out I don't expect a new "starter box" though
  6. I feel bad for people that still think STD is coming. I gave up on that after warcry.
  7. Meh beyond my wildest expectations. I expected at least 1 new battletome revealed. Instead not even 1 new AoS model revealed. Pretty much it was "Hey guys a new GHB is coming, can you believe it?!" Why yes, yes we can...
  8. Kind of derailing and clogging up the thread, but Summer starts on the solstice, which is in 42 days. The more you know...
  9. Have you ever tried to move a 40 block through wildwoods, or worse, pile in with a 40 block on something in wildwoods, with the trees in place? It is infuriating and makes no sense. and probably a large part of the redesign. We play "respect the circles", you can not move across the circles where the trees go. so the difference is when you're moving a very tall model, but it's likely that it wouldn't fit through the circles anyway.
  10. They can't produce an infinitely large range of products. It doesn't make sense to keep 2 different sets of woods in production when you're struggling to keep so many things in stock already. Even if you prefer the old woods, they are painful to play with, most people just removed the trees and played with the bases. The foliage was always falling off, etc. They needed to replace it if it since it was such an important part of the army. Similar to how the old mangler squig wasn't that old, but had a lot of problems (melting over, breaking, etc)
  11. He means base as in a flat round or oval uniform base that all endless spells have. Scenery, on the other hand, including citadel woods and all of the new faction specific pieces, does not have such a base. Which makes it unlikely but not impossible that the tree in the photo is a piece of scenery I do not think they will isolate Sylvaneth players who have bought and painted citadel woods. They may come up with a new model that's less annoying to play with but you can probably still use the ones you have.
  12. You are not getting it... Sure the digital sculptors can make more models. Can always hire more sculptors too. Sure can write rules too. But playable unit models, ALL playable unit models, are produced by GW directly. They will not sacrifice the quality by outsourcing it. That is a line they have drawn. And each one of those takes some production capacity. And they simply do not have the capacity, and can not instantly create more capacity. It's entirely possible the Molten Infernoth was designed to be a unit, but GW decided to make it an endless spell because they do not have bandwidth for it as a new unit, but can outsource all the endless spells they need to. This is why most armies are only getting endless spells and terrain this year, even if the designers could have made new models for these factions(maybe they already have!) The ops team can not produce them.
  13. The "skin" that goes around the tip of the mushroom looks very unnatural, and if the squig is jumping up, why is it's foot impaled on a mushroom? It would have looked more natural if it was simply brushing against the side of a mushroom without going into the skin. Looking at all of the recent "in the air" models, this is one of the worst in terms of implementation. That said, The angle from the ground is not the angle most people will see when this thing is on the table top, and most likely the other leg will obstruct this view when you look at it from any higher angle. If you don't like it, it should be easy to chop off and reattach as you see fit
  14. Yes that's too nurgly. Instead of green puddles you could do blue puddles and then maybe add some rocks for a wet cave look. I went for a rocky look, dry cave or coming out of the cave into some barren rocky mountains, with just some mushrooms spontanously popping up in the wake of the gloomspite. I used shale, busted up into tiny bits for most bit the larger models have bigger pieces.
  15. I don't think the current Everchosen battletome has any bearing on anything. It's just 3 warscrolls. It is more fluff than anything. It's like saying "Well, Battletome: Chaos Dreadhold was put out a long time ago so we should see an update soon!". I don't think GW sees any obligation to update it. Maybe Archaon and the Varanguard get put into a future Chaos battletome. we'll see.
  16. They also sold Greenskinz, Gitmob, etc during the AoS timeframe. So what? There is no rule that "Anything sold under the AoS shall forever be supported". We will lose many more models / warscrolls over time. Are you suggesting that GW just keep updating the miniatures for every unit currently in the GHB? That's really boring. I'd rather see new armies, new models, and understand that unfortunately, we will lose some over time. From a competitive players perspective, it's the cost of playing a game. the rules change. From a casual players perspective, I think it's great that they continue to offer free rules via warhammer legends, etc.
  17. First. GW is a public company. Their first obligation is to the shareholders that own the company. Not you as a player. Second. GW is a miniatures company that writes rules for the miniatures. Not the other way around. Third, you are contradicting yourself about Poisoned Wind Mortar. The plastic model was on a shared sprue, That's how they get the cost for starter sets down, cram it onto as few sprues as possible. So the miniature can't be made anymore. So it's UNHEALTHY for the game itself to allow people to play with miniatures that aren't readily available by everyone. If you care about the health of the gaming aspect of it, then you can surely appreciate this new and recent push for "only stuff we currently sell goes in the battletome, and the warscroll matches what comes in the box(stormfiends)". It's not a greedy evil scheme, it is literally for the best.
  18. There was a teaser video for it already at adepticon. Looncurse, you can search for it
  19. oh i see. Yeah i was asking about before the first round but i guess it is worded to not have any ambiguity. you only do it before you would roll
  20. hey guys quick question. Can Skragrott use his command ability on turn 1, even though the moon doesn't usually move that round?
  21. >>It has already happened with other armies in both AoS and 40k, getting a stand alone game with new minis from one faction and a little while after getting a full fledged book for said faction. Speed Freaks? I'd say that's a bit different, and i'd also argue the models aren't good in 40k. Same as warhammer underworlds. The problem here is the models. So far you've got 6 Warcry warbands, and the Shadespire warband. That is a lot of focus from the design studio, and it doesn't really translate at all into AoS. Yes they will have warscrolls, but as we can see from literally every underworlds warband, it doesn't really work to take a small warband of a few unique models and shove it into AoS. For Darkoath to get a proper release, you'd need several new kits beyond all the work that was done for underworlds and warcry. It is possible that the design studio started working on what would potentially be an AoS release, but for some reason got turned into warcry. At this point a Slaves to Darkness book more likely to be a BoC/Skaventide treatment, than it is to get several more new kits on top of the considerable design attention they got for the other games.
  22. Since they just got so much new stuff, and have so many warscrolls, if anything i would expect an old hero to get a new plastic sculpt. Candidates (imo) include: Madcap shaman Scuttleboss Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig or maybe an alternate sculpt for normal Loonboss... I feel somewhat confident that they will not release a new unit immediately after releasing a new battletome + warscroll cards... that would be very poor planning.
  23. Can you feel it? Something has changed...The dark prince's bonds are slipping. When the blood good bellowed his wrath across the realms Slaneesh heard only love. When Sigmar's chosen spilled the blood of innocents, the God of Excess drank deep. And when Nagash's schemes nearly shattered the realm, so too did he sunder the chains of my Lord. All love Slaneesh, all worship Saneesh, all serve Slaneesh
  24. @Overread I just get the impression that there aren't that many of the "normal Aelves" otherwise why are the leaders trying to create armies out of Slaneesh Souls?? In the lore it seems like early on they even had a hard time finding other aelves in the realms
  25. Couple of points I think are important. 1. GW has already shown us how they envision Aleves in AoS. Twisted by the corruption of Slanesh. DoK, Iodoneth, and whatever Malerion has been cooking. I think obviously Tyrion and Teclis will have found a way to "fix" their aelves, but they probably had to do SOMETHING to them to purify them... it's very possible they won't look like WFB aelves. Even if they do, the old minis likely won't fit. They are too stiff, too rank and file. With the gloomspite release, the aesthetic was changed VERY little. and the grots are so short that it was fine to just leave the existing plastic kit. With DoK, witch aleves were not basic infantry in WFB. Their poses are fantastic, very dynamic. They work great in AoS. Besides, a lot of the modern high Aelf models people have are from Island of Blood, which are no longer (and never will be) in production. I suspect all new models, all new units. It would be cool if they recommend counts as from old > new aelves, but you'll probably be on your own there. Really think Seraphon is much closer to Skaven than Gloomspite: 1. Moonclan - Very few models to start with, needed a lot of new kits to be a main faction. The only "big" model (old mangler) had a lot of problems 2. Skaven - HUGE range, though much of it metal, plenty of plastic kits. Some "big" plastic kits (thanquol, bell, WLC, verminlord, HPA, etc) 3. Seraphon - HUGE range, though much of it resin (GW likes resin more than metal even). Some "big" plastic kits (carnosaur, bastiladon, stegadon) If they are willing to punt on Skaven model refresh, they are willing to punt on Seraphon model refresh. Just battletome + spells +terrain. no new models for a few years. In the next few years they are still trying to get their planned new factions out, and are saving their existing faction model refreshes for factions that really need it (example, Moonclan, Slaneesh, STD, Gutbusters)
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