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Everything posted by Lavieth

  1. I thought that was the base profile. I wonder if he may have changed the value?
  2. I had my next game of Path to Glory at 750 points against the second Skaven player. We played the mission where the table is split into quarters and you gain VP's for each quarter of the board you collect. Here are the armies SKAVEN - Clan Verminous Clawlord with rustcursed armour Grey Seer with skitterleap and a -1 to be hit + D3 mortal wounds spell 20 Clanrats 10 stormvervin Hellpit SYLVANETH - Gnarlroot 6+ward season Branchwych - spellsinger, acorn of ages Arch-revenant 10 Dryads 5 Tree-revenants 3 Kurnoth Hunters with swords My 3 overgrown features were placed in thr other 3 quarters opposite my deployment one. He was the invader and set up most of his force on the right side of the board. I used the acorn to place a 2 tree forest within 9 of 3 units to cast her warscroll spell. When I told him what it did he asked if he could redeploy because of he knew that he would have done it differently. I said sure and he moved everyone just outside the range so I placed my forest closer the center of the right table quarters. I teleported the dryads though on my turn and moved them to th4 new forest and waypiped the tree revs to the same quarter to ensure 2 quarters. On his turn he debuffed the dryads and moved clanrats into position to charge the dryads and moved the HPA, Stormvermin and Clawlord towards the left quarter. The -1/-1 from the dryads was amazing and I only lost 3 plus I passed the battleshock. Turn 2 I win priority and teleport the Kurnoths to within 9 of both the HPA and the Stormvermin. The Arch-rev moved up to stay within 12 to buff the hunters. I failed the charge with the hunters twice and killed 4 clanrats and no casualties in return. In the battleshock phase 3 clanrats came back from their rule. This would prove to be a massive frustration. D3 returning each turn, plus a rally just means they never go away! Om his turn he charged the stormvermin into my kurnoth hunters and rolled stupidly hot on the HPA (11 move 12 charge) to get into the Arch-rev. Now this where I learned that I don't need to declare intention in AoS like in 40K. I put AOA on the Hunters and not AoD because I assumed he was going to attack with the HPA first. He used the stormverin who were buffed by the clawlord for +1a and also AoA for +1 to hit. After the dust settled I failed 9 wounds and at 2D each that was the Kurnoths wiped out. Apparently stormvermin are no joke. My Arch-Rev whiffed on her attacks, but held off until the very last wound. Dryads held firm again. The debuff really kept them alive. He had 3 quarters to my 1. Turn 3 he won priority defuffed my dryads again and cast skitterleap on the greyseer. To get behind the dryads. Stormvervin charged my tree-revs and did the same thing to them. Greyseer charged the dryads to help the clanrats and once again they held! Tgdy even managed to wound the Greyseer twice! On my turn I finally the opportunity to cast my spell and manged to roll it on an 11. The greyseer found himself just in the bubble and was destroyed as were 5 more clanrats. However it didn't matter because 3 would eventually come back. These bloody clanrats would not break! The remainder of the game was me teleporting my branchwych to keep her alive. Once again I lost, but I. Starting to feel a bit better about how to use the army. I wish I could have changed my artifact to the arcane tome, but I was only allowed to change the trait. Things I learned (4th game of AoS3) is that I need to be more patient and reactionary with the CP's. It can be th4 difference between life or death of a unit. When I come across skaven again I know now the power of both skyre and verminous. Stormvervin will need to be a priority target because 3 attacks on 2'3/3's -1 2d is rough. Especially since they are on the smaller base size. I feel like is the hunt master could have lived I may have been able to kill 5 or 6 of them. Next game is going to be against my spouse also using a sylvaneth army because I need an extra game in and won't get to play anyone in the campaign. But we are now at the 1000 point level and I have added in a unit of 3 hunters with bows. Until the next game. Edit: I also learned I was doing the ward saves wrong? I was playing them as I can either use the armour save or ward save and not one then the other. It would seem I have some old rules stuck on my brain from a dozen years of 40K. I'll be going back to read over the rule book again. That could have kept my jurnoth alive!
  3. Wow. With how nice this Amazon team and star player look I would be first in line to give GW my money if they released an army of them. Either Aos or TOW.
  4. I need some help on rules clarification. I'll be having my next set of PtG games tomorrow and I want to make sure aim not cheating my opponents. Does the envoys of the ever queen ability allow the kurnoths to also gain the places of power benefits or just other units? If I have a unit of 3 swords contesting an objective, will they benefit from the 1 wound healing mechanic? Thanks for the help TGA. I'm still learning this book and AoS3 for the most part. Lots of moving parts in this battletome.
  5. And the treelord has been built! What a productive last 2 days. I'm hoping to get some paint on the last bow hunter this weekend. I may add a set of awakened wyldwoods to my pledge if the weather cooperates and I can prime them. While building this guy I was looking at the Durthu bits and started to get an idea on how to use them to convert another treelord for my outcast group. The plan is to have 3 treelords. 1 for each bark colour and 1 for the Outcasts.
  6. Warsong revent built. I need to start his base this evening. Without a doubt, this was the best and most enjoyable miniature to build from the Sylvaneth range so far. Only bit of criticism is that it's very difficult to keep it as a sub-assemby because of how tight the pieces fit. I've kept the body separate, but I suspect I will have a bit of touch-ups to do when assembling it at the end. I'm going to start building the treelord this weekend. I know this one isn't going to be quite as enjoyable.
  7. 5/6 Kurnoths done. Minus 1 bow arm. I built the wrong one. When the weather is less wet and windy I'll prime that up and finish that when I start thr final one.
  8. Absolutely! I'm eyeing up Nurglitch, Queek, Thanqol and the Vermin Lord. When I got into WFB it came down to Skaven and High Elves. If Eltharion wasn't mounted on a sweet griffin I'd be a devote to the Great Horned Rat.
  9. Im getting a little burnt out on painting units. This month I am going to dial it back a little. Paint 3 more kurnoth hunters with bows, build a warsong revenant and treelord
  10. I'll need to find that video/commentary to see how he fixed it. The gloss version does not tint as well as the regular one. Thanks for passing that along. I am looking forward to a few of these brighter contrast paints though. Especially the red and yellows.
  11. I've bought 3 pots of the current repackage for agrax and nuln and they both had a gloss finish when they were not labeled as gloss. So I'm a bit hesitant.
  12. I think I can change it once and that is now before the next set of games. I'm going to look over the warscrolls again and decide between more Hunters with swords or add in a unit with bows. Thanks for the input! You are right though, I was noting how much ai was struggling because there was little synergy to be had with 750 points.
  13. I think I am about to be on a steep learning curve and will need some help. I started a Path to Glory campaign yesterday and my first 3 games did not go so well. I am not sure how much of it was attributed to my lack of experience with this army or AoS 3.0. If these first 3 games are an indicator I am expecting another another 0-3 day. I cannot recall the name of the mission, but it had to do with a ritual and there were 3 objectives on the board, with the defender getting D6 for the middle and D3 for the two on the flanks and -D"X" if the attacker controlled those objectives. Here is my list: Glade: Gnarlroot Season: The Dwindling General: Branchwych (nurtured by magic, acorn of ages*, dwellers below, verduous harmony is an extra spell I am not able to choose as well) Arch-Revenant 10 Dryads 5 Tree-Revenants 3 Kurnoth Hunters with Swords * I should have chosen Luneth's lamp in hindsight or a different general. However I converted her and wanted to use my conversion. Game 1 I was the defender playing against DoK they had 1 Bloodwrack Medusa (general), High Gladiatrix, Hag, 10 Sisters of Slaughter, 5 Doomfires, 5 Heartrenders. This was a strange game because dice rolling played more of a factor than my skills. The Hag managed to survive 3 rounds of combat being attacked by both revenant units. Then heartrenders came down and killed both units. My kurnoth hunters killed the high gladiatrix, sisters of slaughter and the doomfires, but somehow failed miserably and were cleaned by the medusa. Poor D6 and D3 results left me with a major loss. Now I did forget that I had the ability to heal units that were within range of the AWW and when I successfully cast a spell. That might have helped the Kurnoth, but when you roll a 1 three turns in a row on a D6, not much you can do about it. Game 2 I was the attacker this time and played a mostly mortals DoT. He had Fatemaster, Ogroid Thamaturge, Tzaangor Shaman, 10 Karic Acolytes, and 10 Tzaangors. I set up an AWW with the acorn next to the objective on the right side and teleported my dryads there to claim it and give them the -1 bonuses. On the left I sent the Kurnoths and arch revenant up to take on the Tzaangors and Ogoroid. Started off fairly well. I kept the tree-revs back waiting to take the back objective to stop the D6 roll, the Kurnoth killed 6 Tzzangors taking that objective and the dryads took the other one. I rolled 2 more 1's on the D3. So go me! On his turn I learned the power of fate dice. He cast a few spells and all of a sudden I had 1 hunter left on 3 wounds. He moved the acolytes up to take the right objective. Shot at my dryads and with the re-roll on everything managed to score 8 hits on the dryads and then caused 6 wounds, I failed all my saves. he then charged in and killed the rest in combat. The Ogoroid thankfully whiffed on his attacks and my last Kurnoth manged to get him down to 3 wounds remaining, but was then taken down by the last of the Tzaangors. Now, I did forget to do the mortal wounds at the end of the previous combat phase so I may have taken another 1 or 2 down, but oh well. I whiffed all of the Arch-Revenats attacks trying to take down the Ogoroid. I lost priority and he then went on to table me. Game 3 This was a mismatch and a disaster from the get go. I placed my AWW in a bad spot and left myself vulnerable. I played a Skyre list with a Arch-Warlock, 3 Stormfiends, 3 jezzails and a warp lightning cannon. 25 minutes later and I was tabled. in two turns the WLC manaed to cause 11 mortal wounds on my Kurnoth hunters and the jezzails finished the rest. My tree-revs missed every single attack on the Arch-Warlock and the stormfiends obliterated the dryads. I had no hope against that list. At the end of the first day of the campaign I had to spend most of my glory points bringing my units back up to full health because, again, I rolled a ton of 1's (those yellow Lumineth dice from the boxset have got to be cursed). We have it set up where we will earn enough glory points to add 250 points to the next game. I am really torn on how I should utilize my points. After the way my units performed on the table I am thinking of a few options. 1 Save them for the Warsong to be my 3rd hero; get a TLA as my 3rd hero, add a unit of Kurnoth with bows for some ranged support, or reinforce the dryads to 20 and add a second unit of tree-revs. I am curious what more experienced players think the more tactical play would be. I really think I need ranged support via shooting or more magic. We have to use painted minis so I do not have gossomids ready to go yet. We are allowed to change our subfaction and I can change the season on war. Part of my feels in these smaller games I should have went with the 6+ ward season. It would have provided some protection from all those mortal wounds being tossed out by the DoT and Skaven players. I have my next two games against my friend who is another skaven player (Greyseer, Clawlord, 20 clan rats, 10 storm vermin, HPA). I do not think I have anything that can take that out. Next 1 month we have the next game day at 1000 points and I get to play, Ironjawz, Dragon stormcast, and Maggotkin flies. Clearly it is an uphill battle.
  14. Solid start on the first 3 Bow Hunters. Still have a bit of work to do.
  15. The sword arms have been attached, but the blades still need to be painted. I'm going to hold off on those until I get the 6 Bow Hunters at the same stage. Mostly because I want the colour to be consistent. So I'm going to add an additional 3 bow Hunters to my pledge for the month.
  16. That's very striking. Excellent work.
  17. Only need to paint the sword blades. Here are the bodies. I also built 6 trees minus branches.
  18. It was probably from the most recent episode of Party at the all Points. They speculated about the movement being 16 inches. No news on their profile outside of what GW revealed.
  19. Good looking Slaanesh armies like this do the dark Lord's bidding. They tempt me to build one every single time! Excellent work.
  20. I'm late to the pledge party. Goal is to finish those 2 units of 6 Kurnoth Hunters with swords
  21. Is it safe to say that 2 boxes of woods should be plenty now?
  22. Sometimes it is just easier to accept you acted in poor taste, offer an apology and not repeat those actions in the future. Alternatively, you could delete the content to show humility. Finding a bizarre way to justify provoking or insulting another member of the forum makes the situation even worse. Just do the right thing, apologize and remove the comments. I am sorry to derail the rumor thread with this post.
  23. Yes, but those are both new AoS armies. I feel like GW would know it's a massive missed opportunity to not update the globaliers and night/gutter runners. Not giving fairly new armies new units isn't as big of a missed opportunity in my opinion. Its unfortunate for those armies, but at least those rantes all have a unified look. The skaven are currently have multiple units that don't even blend in with the existing faction. Unless I missed it, has this whitefang fellow even suggested there won't be anything beyond a new plastic character?
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