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Evil Bob

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Everything posted by Evil Bob

  1. That’s a pretty casual list so a good match for a casual to rumens. Looks cool. Please share the results.
  2. “If it’s broke don’t fix it.” - Games Workshop That’s how Matt Ward got me feeling about the Guard for years. I think GW is more likely to take action based on sales or tournament feedback. There are plenty of people happy to see it gone from the tournament scene after all the “pain” it inflicted.
  3. Derp... good point. I actually forgot about an old metal varhgulf from the Vapire Counts days. It might be the best summoning option with high mobility & force multiplication. 20x ghouls is nothing to sneeze at dice wise, so any choice would depend on the conditions. So last game I played with Deathwatch (in the current nerfed form) it triggered once and the bonus command point was well spent. Fun but real “swingy” depending on mortal wound generation. For their points Flayers don’t hit hard and bringing Deathwatch means investing heavily into them against the core force. If you are a tactically minded general and enjoy a challenge then Deathwatch is great. Attendants is for an relic and a command point grab. If you like Horrors consider the Abattor warscroll batallion. Extra mortal wounds? Yes! I try to keep my hero count low since they draw away from our expensive troops. Each hero is carefully selected so sometimes a warscroll batallion gives just the right relic boost. The only thing that gets me down on batallions is the lost models. Like most death armies (not counting direwolf town) we pay serious points for everything. As for information 4chan wiki has the basics, just take everything they say with a grain of salt. This forum is exceptional with all the free flowing ideas. Digging things out might be tricky. Local wargamming stores/clubs can be a great source, I hang out with a bunch of old-hammer and new-hammer types on Wens. Just be aware that there are a bunch of directions FEC can be taken (its deceptively like Battletomb:LoN) so generalized statements without context should be condsidered carefully.
  4. Most of my Nighthaunt are in Plaino tackle trays (2x deep, 1x large but shallow). Big and breakables in a “pelican case” rip off from Harbor Freight.
  5. Preach it Brother. PRAISE THE SUN! Even if there is strong merit to the Crypt Horrors.
  6. Note: My apologies, I thought this was posted days ago. Just now found it saved in the editor. The Carrrion Empire boxsets sold out in preorder and there has been no indications the GW will be producing any more of them. This has happened before on the AOS side of things. Box price on the Flayers/Horrors is not kind. So currently the only cheap GW option is the Start Collecting FEC, thankfully it has solid value. Anyone newly stepping into FEC should just get four of these, build all the muscle as only Flayers or Horrors, eBay the single missing Crypt model, buy ghoul unit boxes as desired. My muscle totals are: 1x Crypt Haunter Coutier, 2x Cruypt Infernal Courtiers, 12x Crypt Horrors, 18x Crypt Flayers. If I ever need to run the warscroll battalions the units have the option for six models, In the upcoming AOS League I’ll be running either Generic FEC with Feast Day or Blisterskin at various battles. When playing Blisterskin there will always be a unit of Flayers, the repositioning command ability is so tactically flexible (combine it with Cogs and they have a decent chance of getting the charge). The trick will be buying just enough for their job (3 or 6) while minimizing the points drawn away from the ghoul masses. At lower 1k battles my Generic FEC list wouldn’t have any muscle units. Ghouls, Arcregent, Crypt Ghast Courtier, and GKoTG will be the options.
  7. That depends pretty heavily on your strategy and tactics. If your overal goal is to attack and roll dice then neither since you want more ghouls. If you like to a unit that can tag at mid ranges or pull off Knight-chess moves on complex battlefields go Crypt Flayers. If the need is a tight/limited area bruisers definitely the Crypt Horrors. In FEC (and in general) whenever purchasing unit’s outside generic battleline they need clear goals with whatever synergies available. Our muscle is particularly expensive and should never be treated as auto-includes. Whatever you build keep a few things in mind. When assembling a Courier you get two spare miniatures, that means you need three sets and build three Courtiers to avoid extras. It takes units of six for good odds of survival against moderate enemy retaliation. Units of nine will bump into each other and cause contact problems, only go for it if unit survival is that important. For the record I picked up three of the carrion empire box sets, already had two but purchased four more Start Collecting FEC. With all of that I have just enough models for proper muscle warscroll batallions. Whatever route you go be aware of your army’s needs and how much it is going to costs.
  8. Legit move for ultra-competitive play. Ranged-Alpha-Strike won LVO even before the new Battletomb came out. With your book options his mounted guys are soft to two things. Massed dice against his 4+ save and GHoN Morghasts putting their spirit halberds where-the-sun-don’t-shine. Horde armies are a strong counter, putting monster lists in a quagmire where the compared cost to attacks and wounds becomes painfully apparent. You might need to cut back on heroes to fit more bodies. It’s a delicate balance for sure.
  9. So last Wednesday a group of us ran a 3 verses 3 random draw big-battle. There were just enough points to bring a Deathwatch list with the Fest Day delusion. While doing my one drop force friendly greetings to my “fair elves” ally (she was playing Slanaesh) and declared my nobel intentions for the battle. When declaring an attack I always referred to my unit as Pegasus Knights and every spell was spoken in garbled gibberish. The insane number of out-of-sequence attacks might have draw a harder reaction if not for the all Eel Elf force that got +1 attack on every melee weapon profile or the Bravery 10 goblins that always attack first. Honorable meantion to Iron Jaws, they still fight hard with an AoS 1.0 book, when they get an update we are all screwed. ;D
  10. Sequencing spells can be an important part of the game. So throwing just one more can be an advantage. With Nighthaunt being able to re-roll an invulnerable save is pretty sweet. To be perfectly honest I probably will not use Cogs unless I pull out the centerpiece character for the army. With Battletome:LoN castling in a spot is often thing. That book already places a sever importance on magic so any edge is a big deal. Aside just having the option for switching on fast undead is a nice in an objectives game.
  11. Kudos to you TheBluMnM for treating the game as a hobby instead of a WAC game. One rule GW has constantly listed in the books is, “have fun,” and work out issues or roll a die. The problem might be your opponents are playing very casually. GKoTG are extremely vulnerable to horde attacks, the VLoZD is as well and his save is better. Warmchines are particularly dangerous. Alternatively if your big guys are too good then throw your opponent a bone with ten man Ghoul Squads or three man Knights without synergies.
  12. The Devs and Sales are mostly separate departments. Whenever a suspicious “******-you” comes out it was the Sales Department changing things.
  13. How well did these perform at blocks of twenty in a 2,000 point list?
  14. In your example there’s nothing wrong with having a preference of one over the other. Morghast Harbongers with spirit halberds have a much larger threat range (assault flexablitly) and hard alpha option. Grimghast Reapers hold way more tank, sustained combat, and volume of dice. This is a splended example where the option falls on the player preference rather than absolutes like Grims over Grave Guard. I feel the sorrow when looking at other Legions or Undead lists where Morghasts are junk. Leagion of Night being a possible exception. I only own four Morghasts so testing them with ambush hasn’t happened yet.
  15. Then many of us are going to live like forever!
  16. They left out loads of information in the Rules Book from Soul Wars. Opting to just slosh it into the FAQ and Designers Commentary close to release. While GW may make allot of money as a publisher they have rarely hired people to edit the publications or even provide basic technical writing. At least that has been my impression since the 90s.
  17. On small sized units people should use swords. Especially on unsupported spreed-bumps. Spears are for dice synergies.
  18. The old metal one from the old Vampire Counts looks cool. Wishing I had more than one. That and a spare 60mm base, time to go rummaging through the bitz boxes.
  19. I only bought the Soul Wars box because GW decided to add its contents to the LON book. It is too late to backtrack. Other armies are getting solid battle-line options and the LON book doesn’t have a single one from the first printing. Throwing them Chainrasps was a very kind gesture from the Devs. Assuming Grimghast Reapers are breaking Battletomb:LoN then I would suggest a full pass/check done on the “elite” options of the book. Grave Guard and Black Knights aren’t functioning properly. Any efforts to make them work personally feels excessive. I always end up dropping them for more reliable and functional options. Fix them first and I wouldn’t mind GRs being dropped. Aside Morghasts are pretty expensive for their data sheet. Other armies get their comparable big-muscle with better pricing for the relative features. Morghasts also require list building and tactical finesse to function against decent opponents. I’m very interested to hear about Vargiests. They do not seem popular and not something winning tournaments. Six are in my collection but they do not see game play because my forces are either GHoN with Morghasts/Halberds or LoS that uses neither. The Douchebags’ Battalion option has no bacon. Any experiences or insights would greatly be appreciated.
  20. It’s a detail in the fine print. On top of the endless FAQs of the main rules we have to be rules-experts to deal with potential rules-lawyers. I’ll give GeeDub credit for having the correct rule inside the book at an appropriate place. Death LON players have to be ubber hard-core.
  21. It’s all about the bacon. The shooting mechanics really discourage foot sloggers and the ghouls already had a serious auto-include. I’m a little surprised the Devs didn’t ******-the-pooch and make the Archregent a never-include.
  22. Still kit-bashing mine with some Hirst Arts molds. That aside... No Joke on being aggressive with the throne. Close to the action as inhumanly possible. Really want to see the reaction when someone strays too close and gets hit by the bravery debuff.
  23. A Guardian of Souls getting his Specteral Lure spell off on Grimghast Reapers with a 5 is still pretty stylish. Results of the d6 roll not withstanding.
  24. I heard the LVO winning list was min/maxed with ghouls/GK-Terrorgheists. Must have been doing some serious dancing all day. Gotta admit the notion of a dedicated ranged-mortal-alpha-strike FEC list is intriguing.
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