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Posts posted by Warfiend

  1. Against Ironjawz there are a few things that are VERY important....

    1 > Forget objectives, lets be real here, objectives are overrated and any Ironjawz player worth his salt will understand this. By not doing what he thinks you're going to do you will throw him off balance increasing your odds.

    2 > Leave enough space between your units, You know that big burly dragon-thing most Ironjawz players field; it's big, and thus Ironjawz players believe having a lot of space to move this beast around is a good thing, but they're wrong, it gets tired easily. If you leave enough space between your units it'll be asleep by the end of turn 3. PS protip: If you have a lot of low wound count heroes line them all in a straight line, 2-4 inches between each of them depending on their base size; this will confuse the Mawkrusha.

    3 > Don't bother with mortal wounds, or magic... Ironjawz are the strongest and toughest of orruks, they shrug of mortal wounds like they're nothing. When this happens any victory that can be achieved no matter how great will feel very minor. Same goes for magic, take it but don't use it, all in order to confuse your opponent.

    4 > Gitz are irrelevant, sometimes Ironjawz players like to bring some mushroom hatted Gitz with them, but their only purpose is to generate Command Points and cast weak magic. Orruks are stupid and loud; most often their commands are not heard, other times they are simply ignored. In short, just ignore the Gitz.

    Anyways with these four simple tips anyone should be able to reliably beat Ironjawz...

    • Thanks 5
    • Haha 7
  2. 57 minutes ago, Grotslappa said:

    Hey Everyone:

    Long time lurker with my first post here. First off, thanks for all the great discussion! I really enjoy the sharing of ideas, builds, and experiences. I’m about to start a Firestorm campaign with a group of friends and I’m considering builds for the Ironjawz army I want to field. I’ve posted a 2000-point list below and I would really appreciate feedback and suggestions. It’s a CP farm build based on a few of the great builds that the community has shared here.  Tell me what you think and where you think I need to make changes...


    Allegiance: Ironjawz
    Mortal Realm: Hysh

    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
    - General
    - Choppa and Rip-tooth fist
    - Trait: Prophet of the Waaagh!  
    - Artefact: Mirrored Cuirass 
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch 
    Orruk Warchanter (80)
    Orruk Warboss (140)
    - Great Waaagh Banner
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
    Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)

    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    - 9x Pair of Choppas or Smashas
    - 1x Big Choppas
    10 x Orruk Ardboys (160)
    - 9x Pair of Choppas or Smashas
    - 1x Big Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    - 1x Gore Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - Pair of Brute Choppas
    - 1x Gore Choppas
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    - Jagged Gore-hackas
    - 1x Gore Choppas

    Ironfist (180)

    Endless Spells
    Balewind Vortex (40)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 125

    I like your list It's near identical to a list I was thinking about just today, However what is your opinion on Gore Gruntas? I personally always like one of them to accompany a mawkrusha because he can feel kind of squishy on it's own and they are the only unit with the movement to reliably keep up with the big guy in case you need to extend him a bit.

    I'm also wondering what you're planning with the Balewind Vortex, it's relatively cheap but it locks your wizard in place, I've used it a few times in my lists and while it can be pretty good on occasions I think it's somewhat lackluster if used by a fungoid ally, because of the lack of gloomspite spells.

    In my own list I would replace one unit of brutes for a unit of goregruntas and instead of using the Balewind Vortex I want to try the Mork's Mighty Mushroom.

    • Thanks 1
  3. I wanted my big brute boss for the Ironfist battalion to stand out. I'm happy with the mawkrusha's circlethingy on his armor but I'm wondering if the mace is to much, what do you guys think? Should I keep it or halve the top spikes?

    To the right is my favorite brute, painted him a while ago, he was my second painted guy,  got to rebase it soon.


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  4. I played two small games agaist my friends fyreslayers using the new rules, and hearthguard berserkers are scary! And the army as a whole has become a lot better. His list wasn't at all optimal but neither where mind.

    he had

    10 vulkite berserkers

    5 hearthguard with the axe

    5 auric shootydudes

    And a whole assortement of heroes including a magmadroth with a keyguy on it. 

    My first list was throggoths and I won on objectives because my friend wanted to just test the damage his guys could deal and had we not played knife to the hearth that ended by turn 3 he would've tabled me hard.

    my second list was a shooty/magicy stormcast list that really highlighted the weaknesses of the fyreslayers, yes the hearthguards could easily dispatch two groups of 5 sequitors worth double their points, but every turn he lost more heroes to my magic, longbow guys  and ballista and by the time he was close enough to engage his heroes where dead.


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  5. On 4/15/2019 at 10:50 AM, Malakree said:

    There is definitely an Ironjawz tome coming we just don't know when. Honestly I'm hoping that we get a bunch new units to go with it rather than just the hero, spells and warscroll updates.

    I'm with you. Yet the community survey has me scared a little because instead of Ironjawz, bonesplitters and greenskins being seperate choices they were all listed under Orruks.

    I'd prefer to keep the ironjawz a seperate low model count faction like they are now instead of them becoming like most other factions where you rely on large blobs and some heroes to buff them. 

    Ironjawz could have a rule where instead of counting the models in range of an objective you count the total amount of wounds of all non-hero models. 

    Also recently re-based by Mawkrusha, time to get another one.


    • Like 4
  6. If you have the Tyrants of Blood  battalion and use the Reapers of vengeance  slaughterhost and have three command points it would be possible to charge and attack twice with three bloodthirsters before the enemy can do anything.  Take one Bloodthirster of insensate rage and give it Ar’gath, the King of Blades to give it 2+ 2+ versus heroes, this to greatly increase the chance of exploding nearby units 

    What I did notice though is that the battalion uses the BLOODTHIRSTERS keyword while the bloodthirsters and skarrband themselves have BLOODTHIRSTER in their warscroll missing the S, technically RAW there are no units in the game that can go in that battalion. 

    • Like 1
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  7. 12 minutes ago, Killax said:

    I think the Blood Throne should have had it from the getgo.

    Having said that, the grand battalion that is Bloodletter focused could do wonderful things for Bloodletters if those effects arn't tied to 3+ Battalions being required ;) 

    Very true, and if pure demons can't have a priest I'll have to convert a few.

    • Like 1
  8. I just had the greatest idea, what we need is a unit of baby mawkrushas led by a Ironjawz boss type guy, small compared to the grown guy but still large enough to gobble up a handful of humanoid sized meals. They should be bulky yet somewhat cute while being absolutely terrifying at the same time as well.

    • Thanks 3
    • LOVE IT! 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Kramer said:

    It’s the second scenario. For the spawn it mostly does not matter,  you can speed things up by rolling together. 

    But you decide the order like @amysrevenge stated. And that can be important with, for example,  the doomwheel. Deciding to re-roll is depended on your distance and deciding to run influences the option of charging. So besides keeping the run dice separate because you can’t re-roll that one as a doomwheel it also has a very big tactical impact. 

    But like shown in the faq Amysrevenge quoted it’s you call as they both happen the moment you decide to move that model. 

    As for calling that random characteristic an ability or not, it’s a fair point by @Isotop and there you get into a bit of Rai vs Raw. Although raw also doesn’t disqualify the random characteristic as an ability as far as I can tell. 

    So according to this you're saying it's alright to first roll for your move distance and depending on the result decide if you're going to run or not.


  10. On 2/17/2019 at 9:10 AM, basement dweller said:

    I was originally going to run the mighty blow command trait and Ghyrstrike on the boss to make him as killy as possible.   As lossing models will be more killer for this list as i only have 8 models, i was wondering if i should go for a more defensive artefact.  Just wondering what people think and how worried should I be about people killing my Hag too soon...

    I guess that depends what kind of oppositions you're expecting.  I've been using the dankhold troggboss with ghyrstrike a few times now and the friend I played against doesn't like it very much after a few games. played against fyreslayers, beasts of chaos and sylvaneth/wanderers. 

    The fyreslayers was a ~850 pt battle and it ended with me losing 3 fellwater troggoths and him losing his entire army by the end of turn 3.  I used a defensive artifact on the throggboss but in the end he didn't need it.

    Against the wanderers/sylvaneth I used the same list you have except I switched one group of rockguts for fellwaters. My friend was set on killing the hag asap and he succeeded in doing so yet this time I had given ghyrstrike to the boss and as the hag fell he reached the main meat of my foes army and absolutely laid waste to it. As his main killing power had gone down killing my hag he didn't have enough guys left to destroy the dankhold. (also used the loonskin trait which worked wonders). 

    Against the BoC I used him as an ally in a 2000pt Ironjawz list and yet again gave him the Ghyrstrike, we played The Better Part of Valor mission and I got first turn, using my mawkrusha and goregruntas I flanked his right objective and managed to take it and  ended burning down all four I controlled for four points to force him into a defensive position. The Troggboss walked up the middle of the field  surrounded by some ardboyz for the look out sir. 
    My opponent decided to charge the boss with a group of dragon ogres, they managed to put three wounds on the guy,  yet his squigly beast follower managed to already put a mortal wound on them and using ghyrstrike he managed to inflict 9 more wounds, enough to kill two out of three guys. After this I rolled a 6 on crushing grip and we laughed about how awesome it would be to see a troggboss grab the head of a perfectly healthy dragon ogre and reduce it to naught but a fine mash of blood, brains and small pieces of cracked skull in a single squeeze. He won the double turn and ended up charging his cygor into my troggboss hoping to hold it down and to prevent it from reaching his chaf holding one of the last two objectives.  The cygor is pretty weak and only managed to put two more wounds on the boss, and one of the strongest parts of the throggboss is that he doesn't weaken from losing wounds. In retaliation the cygor got dealt 7 wounds that turn weakening it.  In the next turn the cygor dealt another two wounds against the boss yet when it was time to strike back the boss managed to deal a whooping 12 wounds after saves slaming the cygor into the dust.  In my turn 3 a group of ardboys and the warchanter managed to kill most of the chaf guarding his objective and burned it down for 5 points. This forced my opponent to hold on to his last objective until turn 5 (in which he could burn it for 8 points) to win. In the end the boss also ended up killing a lonely bray shaman as he was to far away and to slow to reach my friend's last stand in the left corner. In the end I took the last objective before the end of turn 5 and burned it for a major victory. 

    Lumbering Dagr:

    dPGsGV2.jpgmollog but he isn't finished yet:

    • Like 5
  11. Some units instead of having a set movement distance can instead move an amount decided by a dice roll every turn. For example Chaos Spawn and Boingrot Bounderz each have a 2D6 movement profile.

    When you choose a unit to make a move you can at that time declare it will also run in addition to it's normal move.

    This creates two possible scenarios for units with variable movement profiles:

    1: Choose a unit of Chaos Spawn.
    2: Declare it will run
    3: Roll 3D6 to determine it's maximum movement distance.
    4: Move the unit


    1: Roll 2D6 to see the movement characteristic of each Chaos Spawn unit
    2: Choose a unit of Chaos Spawn
    3: Declare it will run
    4: Roll 1D6 and add it to the predetermined movement value
    5: Move the unit

    So far we've been playing it as described in the first scenario however we're wondering if we've been doing it wrong?

  12. 22 hours ago, Malakithe said:

    The idea is for the Sham to cast Hand on the Hag to fling her giant ass to wherever you want to be a massive pain. Then she, hopefully, casts the cauldron, then casts her own spell against whoever you want to crush then spit on them. With -2 then the spells -1 it should melt pretty much anything. Then you can attempt to charge into your intended target. At a minimum the unit you cast Curse on has -1 to hit on all weapons. Now if you get the charge they will have -1 to hit for melee plus the -1 to hit for all....bringing her to -2 to hit in melee, 4+ unrendable, and can heal D6. 

    Thats before you factor in Skragrott controlling the Moon on her. She can also kinda snipe wizards as well with her ability plus the debuffs to casting.

    The rest of the list is just there to do stuff lol Rockguts to crack armor, Herds to sit on objectives. The Stabbas for sheer bodies with the surprise Fanatics. The Bounderz will melt whatever they charge into as well.

    But she can only cast one spell and the cauldron doesn’t give her an extra one even when cast successfully unlike the balewind vortex.

  13. Hello guys, I'm new to the disciples of Tzeentch, but I'm going to make a list because Tzeentch is my favorite chaos god, and I love the scheming and magicey aspect of it all. The thing is I recently got Archaon, because when I started playing warhammer fantasy over15 years ago I played chaos and archaon was my main man back then. So I want him to be part of my army.

    I usually play with some of my friends and we don't play the most competitive of lists most of the time but they're not bad either. So I was wondering if it's possible to have Archaon in a Tzeentch list that features around casting a lot of spells without the list being bad. But preferably without horrors as I prefer tzaangor or even the acolytes for battleline units 

    Currently I got:
    Gaunt Summoner with familiars or a disk (got one from Ahriman)
    Tzaangor Shaman
    3x Tzaangor Skyfires
    Demonprince (metal be'lakor)

    I was thinking of making something like this:
    Archaon (660)
    Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch (180)
    The Blue Scribes (140)
    Curseling, Eye of Tzeentch (160)
    Lord of Change (380)
    10 x Tzaangors (180)
    20 x Kairic Acolytes (160)
    10 x Kairic Acolytes (80)
    Umbral Spellportal (60)

    Anyways would love some insight in this as the armies I currently play aren't as hero/magic focused.

  14. I've thought of something ridiculous, yet there are no rules I know off that say it's not allowed to do this;

    A wizard on a Dais Arcanum on a Balewind Vortex (accompanied by cogs because why not right). Now my Knight-Incantor can cast three spells and unbind two, it gets +2 to save resulting in a 1+ save and she can reroll failed saves. But wait, it could get even better (I'm somewhat confused here), what if instead of putting a wizard on a Dias Arcanum on a Balewind Vortex, you put a wizard on a Balewind Vortex on a Dais Arcanum.

    It reads "A wizard on a Balewind Vortex can not move" but it also reads "...the caster and the Balewind Vortex are treated as a single model" and the Dais Arcanum reads "A model on a Dais Arcanum has a Move characteristic of 12" and can fly".  One could argue that "can not move" negates any move characteristic, but then again a "wizard on a Balewind Vortex" isn't a "wizard on a Balewind Vortex on a Dais Arcanum".

    • Like 1
    • Haha 6
    • Confused 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Lord_Cabbage said:

    Hi fellow mega bosses,

    I have my first real AoS 2 battle planed for this weekend, heres the list I am planning on taking  


    Mortal Realm: Ghur


    MBMK (440) Ironclad + Gryph-feather charm

    Footboss (140) Metalrippers claw

    Warchanter (80) Boss skewer 

    Moonclan grot shammy (not fungoid, so I get 1/6 chance of +2 to cast) (80)


    3x Gore-gruntas (140) Pig iron choppas 

    3x Gore-gruntas (140) Pig iron choppas 

    5x Brutes (180)

    5x Brutes (180)

    10x Ardboyz (160) (all big choppas)


    Ironfist (180)

    Bloodtoofs (120)

    Endless spells

    Chronomantic cogs (60)


    Total 1900 points

    Command points =4

    My thoughts here are that pre-turn I will be on 4 command points, then turn 1 (I will 2  drop and hope to go 2nd for double turn) will be positioning and using the speedy pigs to block any annoying charges or movement shenanigans. Then turn 2 = six command points to melt face (these could if needed due to enemy shielding be split over two turns). This list is obviously not going to hold objectives, I am going for all out destruction, shame I couldn't fit the 3rd unit of brutes in and come under 1900. What are your thoughts, 100 points down, am I weak?

    You could add ironskulls boys for  80 points and maybe another endless spell worth 20.

    I was wondering if the endless spells and battalions count as units, since the rules states you get an extra command point for every 50 points not spend on units. In your case that yould mean you'd get 7 extra command points since you spend 300 on battalions and 60(or 80) on endless spells

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  16. Just played a game with the new starter set which me and a friend bought, I got the Stormcast part. There is something I'm unsure about; the evocator's Celestial Lightning Arc reads "...after resolving this unit’s attacks in the combat phase, pick one enemy unit within 3" of this unit and roll 2 dice for each model in this unit. For each roll of 4+, the enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound." It seems somewhat overpowered against single wound units.

    We might be reading this wrong but the way we understood it says that if I for example charge a group of 20 chainrasps and attack them I get to use CLA right after and before he gets a chance to fight back. If i'd for example manage to kill 3 on the charge and pick said unit for the ability I get to roll 34 dices with a 50% chance per dice of dropping a mortal wound on said unit.

    That's how we played our first match and although everything seemed somewhat balanced the evocators evaporated any unit it came into contact with.

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